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Trump Fooled Again on Video of Cash Exchange
Posted by: Funny Shit ()
Date: August 06, 2016 11:22AM

Donald Trump backed off a false claim Friday morning, admitting he had not seen a video of a $400 million payment being unloaded from a US plane in Iran.

The Republican nominee had claimed at rallies twice this week that such a video existed, saying in Maine on Thursday that it was provided by Iranians "to embarrass our president because we have a president who's incompetent."
What Trump had actually seen in news reports was video of three American prisoners who Iran had released arriving in Geneva, Switzerland.

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Re: Trump Fooled Again on Video of Cash Exchange
Posted by: Sure You Did... ()
Date: August 06, 2016 11:24AM

. Poor Trump believes anything he sees on TV.

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Re: Trump Fooled Again on Video of Cash Exchange
Posted by: FormulaFido ()
Date: August 06, 2016 11:47AM

You could tell him you saw a dog driving a formula one race car and he would believe it if it suited his purposes. 'People say the dog could win Les Grands Prés à Mons - thats what Im hearing.'

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Re: Trump Fooled Again on Video of Cash Exchange
Posted by: Hillary the LIAR ()
Date: August 06, 2016 11:55AM

At least he admits when he's wrong. Something that old witch from the DEMs would never do. Probably because she'd need to block off too much time.

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Re: Trump Fooled Again on Video of Cash Exchange
Posted by: Ft Pro ()
Date: August 06, 2016 12:43PM

Hillary the LIAR Wrote:
> At least he admits when he's wrong. Something that
> old witch from the DEMs would never do. Probably
> because she'd need to block off too much time.

He had no choice this time.

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Re: Trump Fooled Again on Video of Cash Exchange
Posted by: Don't forget about HUMA! ()
Date: August 06, 2016 12:51PM

Hillary the LIAR Wrote:
> At least he admits when he's wrong. Something that
> old witch from the DEMs would never do. Probably
> because she'd need to block off too much time.

She'd also have to kick Huma out of bed. Don't forget, if you call Hillary's house at any hour of the day or night, Huma will answer, as she's tired of Weiner's wiener.

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Re: Trump Fooled Again on Video of Cash Exchange
Posted by: K9kW9 ()
Date: August 06, 2016 12:55PM

An honest mistake, to which Trump quickly said "my mistake". Unlike Hillary, who piles lies on top of lies. And her craven followers drink it down like koolaid. Still looking for that "Russian hacker", guys? Whatever distracts away from the total corruption of the DNC who cheated Bernie out of any chance to win. The DNC who committed fraud on every Bernie supported who donated to his farce of a campaign. The FBI director confirmed before congress that she lied on several counts about her illegal server. Oh and nevermind the Obama lie, that this was not a ransom payment. Pallets of unmarked Swiss francs delivered under cover of night in an unmarked cargo plane. One of the hostages has said that they told him he would not be let go until the ransom plane arrived. Surely that money will be used to kill more Americans, good job assholes!

But yeah, Trump mistook the ransom plane for the hostage plane. That's a way bigger deal! Pathetic, brainwashed sheep...

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Re: Trump Fooled Again on Video of Cash Exchange
Posted by: ILoveTrump ()
Date: August 06, 2016 01:20PM

This issue is the fault of the dishonest media. I saw the story play over and over of the 400 million dollar ransom paid by Obama. As the media said $400 million was delivered to Iran in an unmarked plane, they ran video of an unmarked plane sitting on the tarmac. Never did the anchors, commentators or captions say the plane was the one carrying the kidnapped Americans. Logical people would believe the plane being shown was delivering cash. Guaranteed that 99.9% of people seeing the plane thought the same thing as Donald Trump.

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Re: Trump Fooled Again on Video of Cash Exchange
Posted by: FrankR. ()
Date: August 06, 2016 01:42PM

Trump needs a muzzle. Just put your policies out there and shut up. I personally can't wait until this election over. So much hot air from both sides.

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Re: Trump Fooled Again on Video of Cash Exchange
Posted by: DvwbX ()
Date: August 06, 2016 02:20PM

this is exactly the kind of stuff trump should be talking about. the corruption and lies of the political ruling elite. of which hillary is already a ranking member without being elected to anything in the last decade. the system IS totally rigged, by people like hillary clinton, barak obama, dirty debby wasserman etc, etc. its shit like this is why we need to get rid of these people.

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Re: Trump Fooled Again on Video of Cash Exchange
Posted by: Just sayn ()
Date: August 06, 2016 04:08PM

ILoveTrump Wrote:
> This issue is the fault of the dishonest media. I
> saw the story play over and over of the 400
> million dollar ransom paid by Obama. As the media
> said $400 million was delivered to Iran in an
> unmarked plane, they ran video of an unmarked
> plane sitting on the tarmac. Never did the
> anchors, commentators or captions say the plane
> was the one carrying the kidnapped Americans.
> Logical people would believe the plane being shown
> was delivering cash. Guaranteed that 99.9% of
> people seeing the plane thought the same thing as

You also missed the part that it wasn't ransome.

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Re: Trump Fooled Again on Video of Cash Exchange
Posted by: trumptardz! LOLZ! ()
Date: August 06, 2016 04:10PM

They so DESPERATELY wanted this to be a scandal!

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Re: Trump Fooled Again on Video of Cash Exchange
Posted by: The FFXU Gambler ()
Date: August 06, 2016 04:16PM

Would love to play poker or negotiate a huge business deal with Trump.

Every time Trump fucks up big time - he immediately doubles down.

I could clean that fucker out of his net worth in a couple hours at the poker or negotiating table with a tell like that.

Good thing he won't ever be President or the Russian flag would be flying over every military base and state capital in the US.

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Re: Trump Fooled Again on Video of Cash Exchange
Posted by: when trump loses ()
Date: August 06, 2016 04:30PM

The Trumptardx on tis forum are going to shit! gerry will torment them endlessly - probably run them off the board.

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Re: Trump Fooled Again on Video of Cash Exchange
Posted by: Dog Walker1 ()
Date: August 08, 2016 11:45PM

ILoveTrump Wrote:
> This issue is the fault of the dishonest media. I
> saw the story play over and over of the 400
> million dollar ransom paid by Obama. As the media
> said $400 million was delivered to Iran in an
> unmarked plane, they ran video of an unmarked
> plane sitting on the tarmac. Never did the
> anchors, commentators or captions say the plane
> was the one carrying the kidnapped Americans.
> Logical people would believe the plane being shown
> was delivering cash. Guaranteed that 99.9% of
> people seeing the plane thought the same thing as
> Donald Trump.

You described the situation very well. Exactly what happened. Trump confused one plane for a related plane.

Then, it turned out that Trump might be right about a video of the cash plane existing, even though Trump made the trivial mistake of confusing the hostage plane with the cash plane. (See http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3725770/Could-Trump-right-Propaganda-film-suggests-Iran-DID-videotape-cash-drop-plane-photograph-shipment-cash-January-prisoner-swap.html Could Trump have been right? Propaganda film suggests Iran DID videotape cash-drop plane and photograph shipment of cash during January prisoner swap)

Meanwhile, Hillary claims that she is going to follow in Obama's footsteps. At her convention, Hillary took a victory lap based on her actions in early negotiations for the Iran deal.

Obama has now admitted to paying $400 million in cash to Iran as a down payment toward a $1 and 7/10 billion settlement of a highly dubious claim of the Iranian govt against the US govt.

The key here is that Obama paid the world's leading sponsor of state terrorism with untraceable cash. If he had paid them with a wire transfer, through a middle man, our spies and financial people would have had a much better chance to follow the flow of the money.

The $400 million was converted into unmarked European currency, then loaded onto an unmarked plane and flown to Iran. Upon receiving the money, the Iranians then released 4 American hostages who they were holding.

Obama denies that the payment was ransom, but one of the hostages was on TV saying the opposite. He said that the Iranians were holding him and the other hostages in a plane at the airport.

Hostage asked why the plane wasn't taking off. The Iranian guard told him that they had to wait for another plane to land, and, if that plane didn't land, then the hostage plane would not be allowed to take off. So when the plane (apparently with the money) landed, the hostage plane was allowed to take off.

Yet, Obama claims that it was only coincidental that the money was sent on the same day that Iran released the hostages.

That untraceable money will be used for terrorism. Obama was asked if he could assure that Iran would not use the money for terrorism, Obama gave a 7 plus minute answer not addressing the concern that Obama had given Iran more money that will be used to murder Americans and American allies.

The untraceable money will go to Iranian subsidiaries Hezbollah and Hamas and to fund more covert terrorist operations. More Americans, Israelis, Europeans, and others will die when Iran uses the money supplied by Obama.

Iran has seized 2 more Americans since they got paid for those last ones.

So which is more important,

the Obama-Clinton foreign policy disasters such as cash payment to Iran and related paving the Iranian path to nukes, the failed Russian reset, the crazy invasion of Libya (without Congressional approval and without UN approval, where are the liberals complaining about no Cong or UN approval?), the premature withdrawal from Iraq leading to Isis and a new war there,


Trump saying he saw video of the cash plane when he really saw video of the hostage plane?


It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice. - John Cassis on manners

Ignoring juvenile attacks and remarks on the internet for over two decades.

Arguing by deflection or name-calling is an admission that you don't have a rational argument.

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