Re: I don't get it...
Posted by:
Date: July 06, 2016 07:23PM
- dA rEaL fArTiAn - Wrote:
> The Democratic leader and nominee, Hillary Clinton
> has been reported to have said so many things that
> the consensus of Fairfax Underground agree with,
> yet they bring their usual "libtard" and "crooked"
> arguments and side with The Donald. They then
> apply him and other major conservatives as a way
> to cut off so many people who aren't them. How can
> this be? Are they somehow the Democrats from the
> past (60+ years ago)? I'm just asking this general
> question for you all.
The acid you took 15 yet as who was bad. You haven't realized yet, but you have severe brain damage. Now, please go smoke another bowl and refrain from trying to think.