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Fairfax Underground
Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
The letters "GOP" are an acronym for Grand Old Party. I'm not certain that this is entirely accurate given the state of things on the right.
Grand? No.
Old? Yes.
Party? Only if they're in bed by 8pm.
So, I challenge each of you to engage in a creative contest to help re-brand the Republican party by posting what you think the letters "GOP" stands for.
The top three entries will be selected at the end of next week where I will ask each of you to vote on the most clever overall. The winner will have their use of the re-branded "GOP" moniker inserted into a speech at the local VA political level, and given the media coverage, could quite possibly catch on nationally. Good luck!
They arent goofy...gropers...greedy..grumpy..they are dangerous. Just look at the near riots they are creating at town hall meetings to discuss healthcare. They have attached healthcare with their pro-life stand. This in effect makes anyone supporting healthcare reform a possible assasination/murder victim. And at the heart of this moveement is a GOP gone beserk.
Registered Voter...a Big talking coward..big man on FFXU...little man in life.
I'll take my limo and 1996 vintage vueve over your horse and homemade beer anyday. Rednecks are like cowboys and when people think of cowboys, they can't help but think of brokeback mountain.
Vince(1) Wrote:
> They arent goofy...gropers...greedy..grumpy..they
> are dangerous. Just look at the near riots they
> are creating at town hall meetings to discuss
> healthcare. They have attached healthcare with
> their pro-life stand. This in effect makes anyone
> supporting healthcare reform a possible
> assasination/murder victim. And at the heart of
> this moveement is a GOP gone beserk.
Ladies and Gentlemen. Sunday will be the final day of submissions for the re-branding of the GOP contest. We've got some pretty good entries so far. Some of which were submitted here last week and verbally during a recent happy hour.
On Monday, I'll ask each of you to put it to vote as to which of the top-3 selected should go on to be used during a local Democratic campaign speech. Hopefully this will catch on at the national level. Thanks again for your cleverness.
So far, pending additional entries, the top-3 are:
(1) Get Out and Push
(2) Grumpy Obstructionist Party
(3) Good-for-Nothing Obsolete Party
Ladies and Gentlemen. Sunday will be the final day of submissions for the re-branding of the Demokkkrat contest. We've got some pretty good entries so far. Some of which were submitted here last week and verbally during a recent happy hour.
On Monday, I'll ask each of you to put it to vote as to which of the top-3 selected should go on to be used during a local Democratic campaign speech. Hopefully this will catch on at the national level. Thanks again for your cleverness.
So far, pending additional entries, the top-3 are:
(1) Enviromental Terrorists
(2) Party of the Drunk Driving misstress drowning Senator from Chappaquiddick
(3) Party of the Lip-biting rapist President