No GOP Transparency Wrote:
> Periscope: House Democrats Break Floor Rules With
> Live Video Broadcasts
> riscope-house-democrats-break-floor-rules-live-vid
> eo-2385528
This is like the Golden State Warriors refusing to stop playing after they lost game 7 of NBA finals. Cleveland Cavs leave the field house in victory and the Warriors stay and purport to keep on playing, or at least occupying the basketball court until the Cavs agree to play best out of 9 games.
Network pulls plug from the telecast and Warriors use their cell phones to stream their ridiculous court occupation. Warriors demand that the Cavs play on.
"No Warriors, you lost! We don't have to play more," say the Cavs.
If politics were sane, people would notice that the GOP greatly outnumber Dems in the House. Dems would invariably lose any vote, which would be doubly futile and a total waste of time because the Dems already lost the corresponding votes in the Senate.
The Dems are pulling a stunt every bit as absurd as the imagined Warriors' occupation of the basketball court to force Cavs to fight on.
The Dem point is to deflect from the fact that the ISIS terrorists abroad have gained street cred with radical Islamist immigrants and their offspring in this country due to Obama's failed foreign policies, leading the Islamists in this country to take terrorist actions.
Obama famously mocked ISIS as the JV team and later admitted to not having a strategy to defeat them. If they are JV, what is he and his team?
A Hillary-supporting registered Democrat Islamist (meaning adheres to political philosophy of Islamic Supremacy) named Omar Mateen commits yet another terrorist attack in the US on Obama's watch (following Boston Marathon bombing, Ft. Hood massacre, attacks on military recruiters, etc.).
Dems say NRA and GOP are to blame because they won't allow law-abiding Americans to be forceably disarmed by adopting French-like, or at least French-light, gun control laws.
Newsflash: the gun control laws in France and Belgium (some of the perps and weapons were transported via Belgium) are even stronger than the gun control laws that Dems will currently propose for the US. Yet, the terrorists in Paris had no problem getting guns for their murderous rampages last year.
Is there a French 2nd Amendment and is there a French NRA that we should blame for that?
Will the liberals allow us to blame the Paris attacks on Islamists or is GOP/NRA somehow to blame there?
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice. - John Cassis on manners
Ignoring juvenile attacks and remarks on the internet for over two decades.
Arguing by deflection or name-calling is an admission that you don't have a rational argument.