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Trump in Trouble-Crying Again Trump University Judge
Posted by:
Cry Baby Trump
Date: May 30, 2016 07:16PM
Well this isn't good. Can Trump be president from jail? So sick of Trump always crying and saying people treat him "uunfairly." Typical liberal bullshit.
Everybody is biased against Trump. Trump can do no wrong. He runs a scam of a university and justice comes calling but its all because Trump is a victim of bias.
He sure whines a lot and adopts a lot of victim hood.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/30/2016 08:31PM by Gerrymanderer2.
Re: Trump in Trouble-Crying Again Trump University Judge
Posted by:
Cat Food
Date: May 31, 2016 10:46AM
A cat could be running as a republican candidate and republicans will be saying "I'm voting for the cat because I not voting for Hillary. The cat is really smart."
Trump is a pathological liar. Hes a cheater that constantly attacks the credibility of the referees. Whether it be the press or an American born federal judge in his fake university scam.
Re: Trump in Trouble-Crying Again Trump University Judge
Posted by:
Trump indicted
Date: June 01, 2016 10:15AM
I'm sure Trump will be indicated in at least one of the lawsuits from Trump. But that not worst of Trumps troubles. There are more lawsuit than just Trump U against Trump.