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Obama Adds Another 250,000 Jobs Jobs Jobs
Posted by: Damn Obama! ()
Date: April 01, 2016 07:18PM

I am pissed at Obama. What's that like 4,000,000 jobs Obama has added total?

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Re: Obama Adds Another 250,000 Jobs Jobs Jobs
Posted by: Utter B.S. ()
Date: April 01, 2016 07:32PM

Most of those "jobs" were created by GOP politicians for staffers working on the 60 attempts to overturn ObamaCare, the 9 Benghazi investigations, the Hillary email scandal, the IRS scandal, Fast-n-Furious, and the push to deny equal rights to the LGBT community.

Republicans created those jobs. How dare you try to give Obama credit.

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Re: Obama Adds Another 250,000 Jobs Jobs Jobs
Posted by: Vexxxed ()
Date: April 01, 2016 07:40PM

The number of Americans not participating in the workforce in March dipped again compared to the previous month but was still higher than it was a year ago, according to Labor Department data released Friday.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that 93,482,000 Americans were neither employed nor had made an effort to find employment in March.

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Re: Obama Adds Another 250,000 Jobs Jobs Jobs
Posted by: native 1966 ()
Date: April 01, 2016 07:42PM

Damn Obama! Wrote:
> I am pissed at Obama. What's that like 4,000,000
> jobs Obama has added total?

You took it hook line and sinker. U.S.employment has never been in worse shape.

So sad your head is in the sand, one day soon you will feel like a fool for supporting such a liar.

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Re: Obama Adds Another 250,000 Jobs Jobs Jobs
Posted by: Three Coil Steamer ()
Date: April 01, 2016 08:15PM

Vexxxed Wrote:
> The number of Americans not participating in the
> workforce in March dipped again compared to the
> previous month but was still higher than it was a
> year ago, according to Labor Department data
> released Friday.
> The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that
> 93,482,000 Americans were neither employed nor had
> made an effort to find employment in March.

215,000 jobs this month alone! At this rate it will only take....

93,482,000 / 215,000 = 435

435 / 12 = 36

36 years to get to full employment assuming no one else loses their job in the next 36 years and the population doesn't expand or shrink!

Wooooohooooo, Obama is going full tilt at this speed. 215,000 new jobs a month is awesome in a country of 320,000,000 people! Why that's 1 new job for every 1488 people each and every month!

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Re: Obama Adds Another 250,000 Jobs Jobs Jobs
Posted by: Libtardz!!! LoLz!! ()
Date: April 01, 2016 08:17PM

Damn Obama! Wrote:
> I am pissed at Obama. What's that like 4,000,000
> jobs Obama has added total?

Fast food is a rapidly growing industry.



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Re: Obama Adds Another 250,000 Jobs Jobs Jobs
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: April 01, 2016 09:30PM

You filthy rightarda dont deserve shit. Not a job or even shit. Hes not your president hes our president. Now shut the fuck up and deal with it and then eventually die.

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Re: Obama Adds Another 250,000 Jobs Jobs Jobs
Posted by: Mike O'Meara Show Fan ()
Date: April 01, 2016 09:44PM

How many of those jobs were temp jobs as Trump protesters?

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Re: Obama Adds Another 250,000 Jobs Jobs Jobs
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: April 01, 2016 09:50PM

Mike O'Meara Show Fan Wrote:
> How many of those jobs were temp jobs as Trump
> protesters?

You'll see a bunch of those temp jobs come November fag face. When we wipe the floor with you idiots and watch you further destroy each other.

You filthy Trumptards have been quiet lately. Fuckin losers.

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Re: Obama Adds Another 250,000 Jobs Jobs Jobs
Posted by: Scott Arney ()
Date: April 01, 2016 10:04PM

Hopefully Eesh can get a job when he gets out. Gerry must be elated about the great B.H.O. news.

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Re: Obama Adds Another 250,000 Jobs Jobs Jobs
Posted by: vexxxed straight up lies ()
Date: April 02, 2016 11:22AM

Vexxxed Wrote:
> The number of Americans not participating in the
> workforce in March dipped again compared to the
> previous month but was still higher than it was a
> year ago, according to Labor Department data
> released Friday.
> The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that
> 93,482,000 Americans were neither employed nor had
> made an effort to find employment in March.

Actually you lying piece of shit, labor rate participation was noted by every media source as going up, more people joined the workforce faggot.

"Until recently, the proportion of Americans either employed or actively looking for a job was falling. But it appears to have bottomed out at 62.4 percent in September 2015. The 63 percent participation rate is now back to where it was in February 2014." - NYT

"U.S. adds 215,000 new jobs in March as more workers enter labor force" - Marketwatch

"The labor force participation rate, or the portion of the working-age who have a job or are looking for one, climbed a tenth of a percentage point to 63 percent last month, the highest level in two years. It has increased 0.6 percentage point since declining to 62.4 percent in September."-CBS news

"In March, labor force participation inched up to 63%, up 0.6% since September of last year. According to Gould, that slight increase is “an indication that workers are feeling optimistic and are beginning to come off the bench and take some practice swings”-Guardian

What a faggot you are to just lie to people, that make you feel like a learned person? To blindly support your team over fact and reality? Faggot.

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Re: Obama Adds Another 250,000 Jobs Jobs Jobs
Posted by: republicans win ()
Date: April 02, 2016 11:25AM

Conservi-tardz would have invested all their money into drilling baby drilling, the U.S economy would be looking like Russias

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Re: Obama Adds Another 250,000 Jobs Jobs Jobs
Posted by: Fast food jobs lies ()
Date: April 02, 2016 11:26AM

Once again the GOP trolls on this website feel comfortable lying to people to support their failing policies.

"The construction and health care industries also supported March's big gains, each adding about 37,000 new jobs on the month. Specialty trade contractors led construction with 12,000 new jobs, followed by 11,000 in new civil engineering positions. And 27,000 new jobs in ambulatory services helped lead health care, followed by gains of 10,000 hospital positions."-TheStreet

"Average hourly wages rose 7 cents to $25.43 and are up 2.3% the past year, more than reversing an unexpected dip in February and possibly indicating that lackluster earnings gains of slightly more than 2% throughout the recovery are picking up. If the trend continues, it could signal that inflation will accelerate and help prod the Federal Reserve to raise its benchmark interest rate again after lifting it in December for the first time in nine years."-USAToday... if these were burger flipping jobs we would be seeing a drop in the wages for the country dumb shit

"Last month, retailers added 48,000 jobs while health care added 44,000; leisure and hospitality, 40,000; construction, 37,000; and professional and business services, 33,000."-USA Today

One thing is clear though, those Texas and North Dakota oil faggots are losing their asses. Would love to see the growth rate of Texas versus California with all you shit for brain diggers losing your jobs left and right. Fuck texas, fuck north dakota, they can return to the shitholes they were before 4 dollar gas arbitrarily made them seem important.

As always, I hope you assholes suffer for the lies you spread.

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Re: Obama Adds Another 250,000 Jobs Jobs Jobs
Posted by: Craven Moorehead ()
Date: April 02, 2016 11:28AM

The official unemployment rate is 5.0%. However, if you start counting all the people who want a job but gave up, all the people with part-time jobs that want a full-time job, all the people who dropped off the unemployment rolls because their unemployment benefits ran out, etc., you get a closer picture of what the unemployment rate is. That number is in the last row labeled U-6.

U-6 is much higher at 9.8%. Both numbers would be way higher still, were it not for millions dropping out of the labor force over the past few years.

Some of those dropping out of the labor force retired because they wanted to retire. The rest is disability fraud, forced retirement, discouraged workers, and kids moving back home because they cannot find a job.

Strength is Relative

It’s important to put the strength of some of the jobs numbers into proper perspective.

In the household survey, if you work as little as 1 hour a week, even selling trinkets on EBay, you are considered employed.
In the household survey, if you work three part-time jobs, 12 hours each, the BLS considers you a full-time employee.
In the payroll survey, three part-time jobs count as three jobs. The BLS attempts to factor this in, but they do not weed out duplicate Social Security numbers. The potential for double-counting jobs in the payroll survey is large.

Household Survey vs. Payroll Survey

The payroll survey (sometimes called the establishment survey) is the headline jobs number, generally released the first Friday of every month. It is based on employer reporting.

The household survey is a phone survey conducted by the BLS. It measures unemployment and many other factors.

If you work one hour, you are employed. If you don’t have a job and fail to look for one, you are not considered unemployed, rather, you drop out of the labor force.

Looking for jobs on Monster does not count as “looking for a job”. You need an actual interview or send out a resume.

These distortions artificially lower the unemployment rate, artificially boost full-time employment, and artificially increase the payroll jobs report every month.

Mike “Mish” Shedlock

FROM: http://mishtalk.com/2016/04/01/payroll-jobs-215000-unemployment-rate-rises-to-5-0-as-more-people-enter-labor-force/

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Re: Obama Adds Another 250,000 Jobs Jobs Jobs
Posted by: What was U6 during Bush or Reaga ()
Date: April 02, 2016 11:41AM

U6 is also back to historic averages actually, so even this GOP lie is outdated. Would have dropped faster if you fuckers weren't laying off public sector employees like it was your job, or if Texas wasn't losing jobs like the redneck haven it is


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Re: Obama Adds Another 250,000 Jobs Jobs Jobs
Posted by: Three Coil Steamer ()
Date: April 02, 2016 08:57PM

Yea, one hour a week of work = employment and the whole country is employed.

Try again, asshat.

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Re: Obama Adds Another 250,000 Jobs Jobs Jobs
Posted by: dum fuq republitards lie ()
Date: April 02, 2016 10:02PM

Three Coil Steamer Wrote:
> Yea, one hour a week of work = employment and the
> whole country is employed.
> Try again, asshat.

Hey dumblefuck, I know lying is your career as a republitard operative, but the facts continue to disagree with you

U-6 Total unemployed, plus all persons marginally attached to the labor force, plus total employed part time for economic reasons, as a percent of the civilian labor force plus all persons marginally attached to the labor force

Why are you such a lying piece of shit? Why don't you compare U6 employment to that during Bush 1, Bush 2, even reagan faggot. There are estimates during the Reagan administration that U6 averaged over 10%. 10% u6 is what economists call the healthy average rate in the US just like 5% normal unemployment.

So shut the fuck up, and for once admit the god damn sky isn't fucking falling. And if you think it is, it is likely because you are unskilled piece of shit who never graduated highschool. If you are, then fucking learn something, it's not the governments job to save you fucking asshole republican lazy ditch diggers.

College graduates have an unemployment rate less than 3%.

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Re: Obama Adds Another 250,000 Jobs Jobs Jobs
Posted by: XWCb6 ()
Date: April 02, 2016 10:12PM

Why don't
> you compare U6 employment to that during Bush 1,
> Bush 2, even reagan faggot. There are estimates
> during the Reagan administration that U6 averaged
> over 10%. 10% u6 is what economists call the
> healthy average rate in the US just like 5% normal
> unemployment.

It's very simple. Because republicans hate math and economics. Now that everyone can use the internet to see the real number the republican party is in shambles and divided.

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Re: Obama Adds Another 250,000 Jobs Jobs Jobs
Posted by: Hmm ()
Date: April 03, 2016 07:42AM

These jobs are min wage jobs!

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Re: Obama Adds Another 250,000 Jobs Jobs Jobs
Posted by: still lying same shit ()
Date: April 03, 2016 07:51AM

Hmm Wrote:
> These jobs are min wage jobs!

If all these jobs were min wage ass hole, the wage average would be plummeting. Does it make you feel good to flat out lie about shit so that your side looks better?

Fucking learn how to god damn read moron

"The construction and health care industries also supported March's big gains, each adding about 37,000 new jobs on the month. Specialty trade contractors led construction with 12,000 new jobs, followed by 11,000 in new civil engineering positions. And 27,000 new jobs in ambulatory services helped lead health care, followed by gains of 10,000 hospital positions."-TheStreet

"Average hourly wages rose 7 cents to $25.43 and are up 2.3% the past year, more than reversing an unexpected dip in February and possibly indicating that lackluster earnings gains of slightly more than 2% throughout the recovery are picking up. If the trend continues, it could signal that inflation will accelerate and help prod the Federal Reserve to raise its benchmark interest rate again after lifting it in December for the first time in nine years."-USAToday... if these were burger flipping jobs we would be seeing a drop in the wages for the country dumb shit

"Last month, retailers added 48,000 jobs while health care added 44,000; leisure and hospitality, 40,000; construction, 37,000; and professional and business services, 33,000."-USA Today

The above industries are most certainly not min wage. I'm sure the only job you can get is a burger flipper though, you come from the Michael Basl school of government parasites who are hypocritical about government policy.

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Re: Obama Adds Another 250,000 Jobs Jobs Jobs
Posted by: Obama voter 2 X ()
Date: April 03, 2016 08:01AM

economically speaking Obama is the greatest president in American history and he made me sooo much money in the stock market!

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Re: Obama Adds Another 250,000 Jobs Jobs Jobs
Posted by: WhutEver ()
Date: April 03, 2016 08:12AM

Obama did not cause the Great Republican Recession of 2008.

Obama had nothing to do with creating the formulas that the US Government uses to calculate job growth numbers or unemployment percentages. He didn't change those formulas while in office to make his administration look good. They are the same.

Obama did help improve the economy by ushering in 73 continuous months of job growth (so far), did bring the official unemployment rate down from 10% to 5% (using the same formulas used by Republicans), and the DOW has more than doubled, and the price of gas has been cut by more than 50%.

Republicans fought against Obama for 7 years to prevent the US Economy from recovering. Republicans failed.

Obama fixed the US economy for the most part - despite Republican efforts to prevent a US economic recovery. Heavy emphasis on Republicans fighting tooth and nail to PREVENT American job growth and economic recovery.

Republicans now say the formulas for calculating job growth and unemployment are flawed; and, that the types of jobs being created are not good enough.

They will also point to their 4 times bankrupt nazi Presidential candidate Donald Trump and say "Make America Great Again."

Obama already did that! And the only reason he needed to do it was because the Great Republican Recession fucked things up so bad.

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Re: Obama Adds Another 250,000 Jobs Jobs Jobs
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: April 03, 2016 12:11PM

Republicans are gonna make America great again just as Democrats have rebounded the country from the horrible Great Republican Recession of 2008.

What a bunch of complete idiots.

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Re: Obama Adds Another 250,000 Jobs Jobs Jobs
Posted by: flump the plump trump ()
Date: April 11, 2016 08:59PM

vexxxed are you out there? SETI calling

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