Wife thinks she might be gay, in love with another woman.
Posted by:
Mr. Man
Date: December 14, 2015 02:28PM
My wife is in a 90 day drug treatment center. On the first visit she told me she met a butch lesbian and that she is in love with her. She said they just kissed. That was on Halloween. Turns out this butch dyke is ugly as sin and dresses and acts like a whigger for lack of a better term. She has the dyke visit every weekend instead of me and her son. She said she might be gay. We are married 12 years and she is a beautiful blonde haired, green eyed, classy dressed white woman. We were together the day I dropped her at detox in September. She told me she doesn't know if she wants a divorce. At one point she said she wanted one when she gets out at the end of January. Only because I asked. The dyke is two weeks clean from heroin and always using. I have been clean 3.5 years and have a great job, great house, great finances, am a good looking guy. My wife is gorgeous and smart, and sexy. I don't want to leave her. I don't know what to do. She won't talk nicely to me even thought things were great leading up to her admission to detox and treatment center. She is legitimately bisexual, but now thinks she's a lesbian. I doubt it. I am losing weight and sad because I miss her. What do I do?