derpers gonna derp Wrote:
> edgar rentera Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > How is it unconstitutional to ban non citizens
> > from entering the country for security reasons?
> > The Constitution says nothing about that. And
> > Jimmy Carter did the same thing to Iranians in
> > 1979. All Iranian students in the country had
> to
> > register and some were deported. Perfectly
> legal.
> > If the media is going ballistic over Trump, he
> > must be doing something right.
> It isn't for
specific citizens of countries
> and groups. Muslims are 22% of the world
> population at roughly 1.6 billion people it's
> plain ridiculous to say they are ALL a threat.
> It does violate freedoms protected by the
> Constitution. (First Amendment-Freedom of
> Religion) Not to mention exceptionally difficult
> to implement and enforce. It also is exactly what
> ISIS wants! It gives the radicals more reason to
> attack and increase their numbers and add
> resentment to the US.
> What Carter did
is not like what Trump
> proposes.
> immigrants/
If we don't allow them to move here they'll kill us all. Deerp indeed. The Constitution does not apply to foreign nationals dumb fuck.