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Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: 465346 ()
Date: December 08, 2015 11:34PM

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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: You Ready for Trump! ()
Date: December 08, 2015 11:45PM

I'd say Trump has more qualities of Mussolini than Hilter.

Either way he will be a proud first American dictator.

I'm wondering what the new American flag will look like under Trump. Maybe a gold flag with a T in the middle.

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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: Mark j ()
Date: December 08, 2015 11:56PM

Sounds ok with me!!!
You go don!

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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: Trumpmademealiberal ()
Date: December 09, 2015 01:25PM

Sieg Vile

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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: Hirohito ()
Date: December 09, 2015 01:30PM

Emperor Hirohito was the best Fascist. He kept Japan clean.

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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: SalmanRushdie ()
Date: December 09, 2015 01:33PM

Trump doesn't want to implement what hitler did ... he just wants Americans to be on the safe side of history when it comes to the Satanic Verses of the Qu'ran.

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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: 6kTVj ()
Date: December 09, 2015 01:41PM

SalmanRushdie Wrote:
> Trump doesn't want to implement what hitler did
> ... he just wants Americans to be on the safe side
> of history when it comes to the Satanic Verses of
> the Qu'ran.

Hitler started out doing a little less. Hitler started out by making all Jews in Germany wear stars on their clothing so they could be watched.

Anti-Jews activists then destroyed Jewish businesses and places of worship. Eventually Hilter decided there were too many Jews and came up with the "Final Solution."

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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: Star of David ()
Date: December 09, 2015 01:44PM


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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: wpjpX ()
Date: December 09, 2015 02:21PM

Trump is a man. Hitler also a man. Coincidence? I think not.

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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: h7ndw ()
Date: December 09, 2015 02:28PM

There's a picture of Trump sticking his hand out. There's also a picture of Hitler sticking his hand out. Diabolical? I say "yes".

There were Trumpenbots killing Jews at Safeway this morning. I took a picture.

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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: heymack ()
Date: December 09, 2015 02:34PM


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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: obamamademeaconservative ()
Date: December 09, 2015 02:38PM

Another interesting fact will be the final number of participants in the ACA once Obama is out of office. No effort should be expended killing this in the legislative branch. It will die under its own weight.

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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: Actual Trump supporter ()
Date: December 09, 2015 03:09PM

One must admit the cult of personality and public support does bear a slight resemblance

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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: Those Pesky Facts ()
Date: December 09, 2015 03:22PM

Yes things were going swimmingly in 2008. http://money.cnn.com/2009/01/09/news/economy/jobs_december/

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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: Ying Ko ()
Date: December 09, 2015 03:32PM

I'm surprised Obama has done so well since the Republicans have devoted themselves to destroy whatever he proposed, despite the effect on the country.

" Hours after President Obama pledged Tuesday in Paris that the United States would be in the vanguard of nations seeking a global response to climate change, Congress approved two measures aimed at undercutting him."

"TIME just published “The Party of No,” an article adapted from my new book, The New New Deal: The Hidden Story of Change in the Obama Era. It reveals some of my reporting on the Republican plot to obstruct President Obama before he even took office, including secret meetings led by House GOP whip Eric Cantor (in December 2008) and Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell (in early January 2009) in which they laid out their daring (though cynical and political) no-honeymoon strategy of all-out resistance to a popular President-elect during an economic emergency. “If he was for it,” former Ohio Senator George Voinovich explained, “we had to be against it.” The excerpt includes a special bonus nugget of Mitt Romney dissing the Tea Party."

"WASHINGTON -- As President Barack Obama was celebrating his inauguration at various balls, top Republican lawmakers and strategists were conjuring up ways to submarine his presidency at a private dinner in Washington.

The event -- which provides a telling revelation for how quickly the post-election climate soured -- serves as the prologue of Robert Draper's much-discussed and heavily-reported new book, "Do Not Ask What Good We Do: Inside the U.S. House of Representatives."

According to Draper, the guest list that night (which was just over 15 people in total) included Republican Reps. Eric Cantor (Va.), Kevin McCarthy (Calif.), Paul Ryan (Wis.), Pete Sessions (Texas), Jeb Hensarling (Texas), Pete Hoekstra (Mich.) and Dan Lungren (Calif.), along with Republican Sens. Jim DeMint (S.C.), Jon Kyl (Ariz.), Tom Coburn (Okla.), John Ensign (Nev.) and Bob Corker (Tenn.). The non-lawmakers present included Newt Gingrich, several years removed from his presidential campaign, and Frank Luntz, the long-time Republican wordsmith. Notably absent were Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) -- who, Draper writes, had an acrimonious relationship with Luntz.

For several hours in the Caucus Room (a high-end D.C. establishment), the book says they plotted out ways to not just win back political power, but to also put the brakes on Obama's legislative platform...."

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/09/2015 03:32PM by Ying Ko.

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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: 3rd Generation ()
Date: December 09, 2015 04:05PM

It would be unprecedented for someone with as little job experience as Donald Trump to win the presidency.


In 2008, early front-runner & heavy favorite Rudy Giuliani learned this the hard way. And he was immensely more presidential and experienced than Trump will ever be.

Strategically Donald Trumps purpose is to be a media decoy and take all the media heat away from the other republican candidates (in this respect he is a 10 out of a 10, wouldn't you say?). Secondly he is a foil, to give other republican candidates a chance to look sage-like, even moderate or centrist, in comparison. The Republicans are trying to stretch the center their way. He is not a serious contender (no more than Giuliani).

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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: atwttb ()
Date: December 09, 2015 04:29PM

If Trump scares the living shit out of libs and RINO's, he's got my vote.

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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: 9h9N9 ()
Date: December 09, 2015 04:35PM

I have never voted for a Democrat. I can't vote for Trump. I can't in good conscience vote for Hillary either. But there's no way in hell I'm casting a vote for that demagogic asshole.

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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: 74L94 ()
Date: December 09, 2015 04:45PM

Trump is so on that he makes the Republicans in Congress who complain about him look like idiot pansies --- they do not know who their dealing with -- and I am not referring to Trump -- By "They" I mean Orthodox Muslims ...

The backlash just shows how naive and stupid Paul Ryan, Lynsey Graham and the others are.

They're here -- and they want to kill us and destroy us -- True -- re: Orthodox Muslims.

I predict another shooting attack in the US in the Name of Allah within the next 10 days.

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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: America-HatingResidentsGo2Hell ()
Date: December 09, 2015 04:47PM

atwttb Wrote:
> If Trump scares the living shit out of libs and
> RINO's, he's got my vote.

Amen -- making America great again -- one step at a time!

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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: LetsRock ()
Date: December 09, 2015 04:47PM

9h9N9 Wrote:
> I have never voted for a Democrat. I can't vote
> for Trump. I can't in good conscience vote for
> Hillary either. But there's no way in hell I'm
> casting a vote for that demagogic asshole.

Lighten up Francis. Trump only says outrageous thinks to garner FREE press coverage. He makes the news, so he gets free air time to "explain himself" or clarify his position. The other candidates are spending a fortune to even get noticed by the media. Once he wins the nomination, I expect him to move to the center and lighten up for the general election.

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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: UChcn ()
Date: December 09, 2015 04:48PM

So many seers on this thread.lol
IaILfjj 2.jpg

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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: edgar rentera ()
Date: December 09, 2015 05:10PM

How is it unconstitutional to ban non citizens from entering the country for security reasons?
The Constitution says nothing about that. And Jimmy Carter did the same thing to Iranians in 1979. All Iranian students in the country had to register and some were deported. Perfectly legal.
If the media is going ballistic over Trump, he must be doing something right.

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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: Derpers gonna derp ()
Date: December 09, 2015 05:22PM

heymack Wrote:
> .

Fancy graphics don't make them facts, bro.

Actual statistics on full-time employment from US Dept of Labor is 122 million. That is higher than 2008.


Indeed, those pesky facts!

Keep on derpin' in the free world.

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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: UePwW ()
Date: December 09, 2015 05:35PM

UChcn Wrote:
> So many seers on this thread.lol

LOL!! A poll from the most liberal national media outlet! -- Yep that's the ticket.

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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: NXM6p ()
Date: December 09, 2015 05:36PM

MSNBC -- Most Skewed National Broadcast System -- Skued to the left!

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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: derpers gonna derp ()
Date: December 09, 2015 05:40PM

edgar rentera Wrote:
> How is it unconstitutional to ban non citizens
> from entering the country for security reasons?
> The Constitution says nothing about that. And
> Jimmy Carter did the same thing to Iranians in
> 1979. All Iranian students in the country had to
> register and some were deported. Perfectly legal.
> If the media is going ballistic over Trump, he
> must be doing something right.

It isn't for specific citizens of countries and groups. Muslims are 22% of the world population at roughly 1.6 billion people it's plain ridiculous to say they are ALL a threat.

It does violate freedoms protected by the Constitution. (First Amendment-Freedom of Religion) Not to mention exceptionally difficult to implement and enforce. It also is exactly what ISIS wants! It gives the radicals more reason to attack and increase their numbers and add resentment to the US.

What Carter did is not like what Trump proposes.

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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: cDLbY ()
Date: December 09, 2015 05:42PM

Did the US trust recently migrated Germans in the US during WWII?

Did they have a reason not to trust them?

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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: TNM3C ()
Date: December 09, 2015 06:14PM

Did any of you morons read the poll question? The majority of Americans by a huge margin agree with Trump. Please read before responding.

The question is: Has Trump gone too far with his plan to stop Muslim immigration?

No or Yes

69% of whites, he has not gone too far

87% of Hispanics, he has not gone too far

African Americans, 96% he has not gone too far

Other, 88% he has not gone too far

Fuck sake

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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: dXxPY ()
Date: December 09, 2015 06:17PM

derpers gonna derp Wrote:
> edgar rentera Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > How is it unconstitutional to ban non citizens
> > from entering the country for security reasons?
> > The Constitution says nothing about that. And
> > Jimmy Carter did the same thing to Iranians in
> > 1979. All Iranian students in the country had
> to
> > register and some were deported. Perfectly
> legal.
> > If the media is going ballistic over Trump, he
> > must be doing something right.
> It isn't for specific citizens of countries
> and groups. Muslims are 22% of the world
> population at roughly 1.6 billion people it's
> plain ridiculous to say they are ALL a threat.
> It does violate freedoms protected by the
> Constitution. (First Amendment-Freedom of
> Religion) Not to mention exceptionally difficult
> to implement and enforce. It also is exactly what
> ISIS wants! It gives the radicals more reason to
> attack and increase their numbers and add
> resentment to the US.
> What Carter did is not like what Trump
> proposes.
> http://www.snopes.com/jimmy-carter-banned-iranian-
> immigrants/

If we don't allow them to move here they'll kill us all. Deerp indeed. The Constitution does not apply to foreign nationals dumb fuck.

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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: Derpers gonna Derp ()
Date: December 09, 2015 07:30PM

dXxPY -----------------------
> If we don't allow them to move here they'll kill
> us all. Deerp indeed. The Constitution does not
> apply to foreign nationals dumb fuck.

Dude, 'dumb fuck' is someone that is stupid.
That would be you. "If we don't allow them to move here they'll kill us all."???

Also ALL foreign nationals here, legally and illegally, are protected by the Bill of Rights.

Keep on derpin' dumb fuck!!!

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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: Derpers Say let Um All In ()
Date: December 09, 2015 08:45PM

We Say.. FUCK YOU. .Keep them Out. No One Outside of this country has any constitutional rights.

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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: XXWkM ()
Date: December 09, 2015 09:52PM

Derpers gonna Derp Wrote:
> dXxPY -----------------------
> >
> > If we don't allow them to move here they'll
> kill
> > us all. Deerp indeed. The Constitution does not
> > apply to foreign nationals dumb fuck.
> Dude, 'dumb fuck' is someone that is stupid.
> That would be you. "If we don't allow them
> to move here they'll kill us all."???
> Also ALL foreign nationals here, legally and
> illegally, are protected by the Bill of Rights.
> http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/ex
> plainer/2001/09/do_noncitizens_have_constitutional
> _rights.html
> Keep on derpin' dumb fuck!!!

And foreign nationals not already in the US? Preventing Muslim migration to the US is the whole point, dumb fuck. Your faggot "ISIS wants us to be meanies" argument is pablum but faggots who hate Western Civilization will say anything to continue the stream of human refuse to the US and Europe.

Can't people like you just move to a 3rd world country instead of imposing your suicidal idiocy on all of us?

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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Date: December 09, 2015 10:30PM

If trump wins, the division of America will start which will lead to a Pax Americana

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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: Brighter ()
Date: December 09, 2015 10:33PM

Fuckwithmeyouknowigotit Wrote:
> If trump wins, the division of America will start
> which will lead to a Pax Americana

Do you even know what that term means?

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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: It's True ()
Date: December 10, 2015 01:48AM

heymack Wrote:
> .

This one is a bit more accurate.

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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: Donnie Dump ()
Date: December 10, 2015 01:51AM

If you want to see what our future would look like under President Trump watch the movie Idiocracy.

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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: shhhhh ()
Date: December 10, 2015 08:22AM

You Ready for Trump! Wrote:

> Either way he will be a proud first American
> dictator.

I thought obama was already the first american dictator?

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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: Derpers gonna derp ()
Date: December 10, 2015 09:46AM

XXWkM Wrote:
> And foreign nationals not already in the US?
> Preventing Muslim migration to the US is the whole
> point, dumb fuck. Your faggot "ISIS wants us to be
> meanies" argument is pablum but faggots who hate
> Western Civilization will say anything to continue
> the stream of human refuse to the US and Europe.
> Can't people like you just move to a 3rd world
> country instead of imposing your suicidal idiocy
> on all of us?

Lol! You poor thing. Can't even form an irrational argument without using an elementary school level pejorative? When you can get off the playground, I'd discuss more with you. Clearly you're still working with crayons.

You can hope and beg but I'm not going anywhere, little fella!

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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: nVn66 ()
Date: December 10, 2015 09:50AM

Derpers gonna derp Wrote:
> XXWkM Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > And foreign nationals not already in the US?
> > Preventing Muslim migration to the US is the
> whole
> > point, dumb fuck. Your faggot "ISIS wants us to
> be
> > meanies" argument is pablum but faggots who
> hate
> > Western Civilization will say anything to
> continue
> > the stream of human refuse to the US and
> Europe.
> >
> > Can't people like you just move to a 3rd world
> > country instead of imposing your suicidal
> idiocy
> > on all of us?
> Lol! You poor thing. Can't even form an irrational
> argument without using an elementary school level
> pejorative? When you can get off the playground,
> I'd discuss more with you. Clearly you're still
> working with crayons.
> You can hope and beg but I'm not going anywhere,
> little fella!

I don't see your argument. You did your usual name calling. That's all you do. What are the social and economic benefits of Muslim immigration to the United States for existing US citizens? Go.

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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: Idiot libs BS Exposed ()
Date: December 10, 2015 10:23AM

Screams from the left that Trumps Ban on Muslims is Un Constitutional.. A Load That's what the People in the US think. And now it turns out theres many precedents for what Trump proposes.. Even jimmy Carter sent Iranians home and would not let them in . So what if Trump called them Moslems..

It is what it is..They are what they are..

The only people in this Entire country Who could Really give a shit are a handful of America Hating leftists.

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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: VW6km ()
Date: December 10, 2015 10:26AM

Idiot libs BS Exposed Wrote:
> Screams from the left that Trumps Ban on Muslims
> is Un Constitutional.. A Load That's what the
> People in the US think. And now it turns out
> theres many precedents for what Trump proposes..
> Even jimmy Carter sent Iranians home and would not
> let them in . So what if Trump called them
> Moslems..
> It is what it is..They are what they are..
> The only people in this Entire country Who could
> Really give a shit are a handful of America Hating
> leftists.

The only group who supported large scale "refugee" resettlement in the US were wealthy people who also identified as Democrats. So Champagne Socialists or Limousine Liberals are the only Americans who find the idea of dumping 100,000 un-vetted Muslims in the US appealing.

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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: Derpers gonna derp ()
Date: December 11, 2015 01:01AM

nVn66 Wrote:
> Derpers gonna derp Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > XXWkM Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > And foreign nationals not already in the US?
> > > Preventing Muslim migration to the US is the
> > whole
> > > point, dumb fuck. Your faggot "ISIS wants us
> to
> > be
> > > meanies" argument is pablum but faggots who
> > hate
> > > Western Civilization will say anything to
> > continue
> > > the stream of human refuse to the US and
> > Europe.
> > >
> > > Can't people like you just move to a 3rd
> world
> > > country instead of imposing your suicidal
> > idiocy
> > > on all of us?
> >
> >
> > Lol! You poor thing. Can't even form an
> irrational
> > argument without using an elementary school
> level
> > pejorative? When you can get off the
> playground,
> > I'd discuss more with you. Clearly you're still
> > working with crayons.
> >
> > You can hope and beg but I'm not going
> anywhere,
> > little fella!
> I don't see your argument. You did your usual name
> calling. That's all you do. What are the social
> and economic benefits of Muslim immigration to the
> United States for existing US citizens? Go.

Lol! You called me a 'dumb fuck' and 'faggot' and then complain that all I do is name call. Did I hit too close to home with 'little fella'?
You've got some cognitive dissonance issues going on, little guy.

C'mon, give that brain a workout and think before you type.
Right now, you're way in over your head trying talk politics with the Bill O'Reilly schtick 'go'. Lol!

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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: Derpers gonna derp ()
Date: December 11, 2015 01:17AM

VW6km Wrote:
> The only group who supported large scale "refugee"
> resettlement in the US were wealthy people who
> also identified as Democrats. So Champagne
> Socialists or Limousine Liberals are the only
> Americans who find the idea of dumping 100,000
> un-vetted Muslims in the US appealing.

Mighty bold statement. You wanna give a source on that? Pulled from your ass doesn't count.

What do the middle class people who also identified as Democrats support?

The refugees aren't un-vetted. It's an 18-24 month process with interviews and background checks.

Keep on derpin' in the free world.

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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: Donnie Dump ()
Date: December 11, 2015 05:31AM

465346 Wrote:
> https://youtu.be/EHTH54kfEqs

Is Trump the new Fuhrer?

Only if Americans are stupid enough to elect him. The scary thing is that there are ALMOST enough stupid people to make it happen.

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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: Can'tCompare ()
Date: December 11, 2015 12:48PM

I like historical comparisons people have been making recently when they hardly read or have traveled. Jews weren't blowing people up or proselytizing. In fact,you have to pursue them aggressively to join. It's not paranoia to protect your ideals which are so radically different from another culture. Look at history--nations have to protect their borders. Without firm boundaries there is chaos. Muslims cry victim. They need to stay in their own countries and fix it. Comparing the crusades or the immigration to the USA was a vastly different time. The fact they inslave their women and 50% of their population cannot fully participate make them a hyper masculine society. There is not the other half keeping them in check. Good luck trying to manage a 5th century mentality. It calls for 5th century measures.

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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: hawhaw!!!!!!!!!! ()
Date: December 11, 2015 04:11PM

Another beta-male liberal pussy whining and bitching about people who he disagrees with! The more liberals piss and moan, the more his numbers rise.

Oh ya, fuck tard, look up Reductio ad Hitlerum for craps sake. Fucking amateurs.

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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: No One Gives A Shit ()
Date: December 11, 2015 09:25PM

That's all there is to it except for some libs trying to outdo one another with P.C bullshit. No one wants to mess with law abiding Muslims here. Leave them alone and watch out for any terrorists already here. That's it. The GREAT majority of people are simply OK with not letting any more Muslims in for a while till terrorism sorts itself out and is gone away. And That's all Trump Is saying.

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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: 654745 ()
Date: December 14, 2015 01:42PM

Is Obamao the new Mao?

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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: Impeachment Option x 2 ()
Date: May 04, 2016 08:26PM

Looks like we might find out if Hillary implodes.

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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: LTe3x ()
Date: May 04, 2016 10:01PM

465346 Wrote:
> https://youtu.be/EHTH54kfEqs

That's all you got? Really? Game is over then...

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Dogs are good at judging value of people
Posted by: TrumpDAWG ()
Date: May 04, 2016 10:29PM

Lets see if this dog can judge people better.
Dog Doesn_t Like Black Guy (2).mp4

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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: Koska ()
Date: May 04, 2016 11:38PM

Can't stump the Trump.

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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: Arlington native ()
Date: May 04, 2016 11:40PM

There is a lot of speculation about what will happen if we allow muslims to continue to enter the US as they are doing under the Obama administration. We can get a good idea of what to expect just by observing what has happened in every European country that has allowed this for some time.
Once the Muslim population hits certain percentages, good or bad, their behavior towards the benevolent host country has been very consistent. Death, destruction, demands for unyielding obedience to their chosen twisted view of their faith.
Make a derogatory Cartoon of Mohammad, many shot to death and threatened. Put Jesus in a container of the artist piss, no killings.
If you can't see the difference, then your senses must be overridden by some twisted political ideology. We are effectively sentencing our children and grandchildren to a violent future.
Many bitch about Bush sending our soldiers to the middle east to die defending democracy, or what ever other motives real or imagined. Fine. Obama will save them the plane trip. We'll be able to fight them in our own cities while feeding them and funding them with our own tax money.
I think the left has no sense what so ever for self preservation. The irony of this whole mounting mess is that it will be the liberal area's of this country that will take the brunt of the violence first.
I'm not here trying to state what may happen. These are observations on what has already and what is currently happening. Just look around and pay attention.
It's just a shame my family and others who are against our current path will have to share the same fate.
Us poor Trump supporting, flat earther, tea party, right wing, gun toten church going, hard working,tax paying, patriotic right wing idiots.
Maybe so. But we're not blind, and we're not left wing lemming's being lead to the slaughter, shouting down anyone who disagree's with our views.
What we are is well trained, and legally well armed, so as to defend our loved ones.(That damned pesky right wing 2and amendment)
So who do you think a hate motivated anti American anti Jewish anti Christian anti woman anti budist anti Hindu anti anything not to their liking is going to go after first? (I never singled out a religion, but I bet you filled in the blank)
How convenient that most liberal, crime iinfested area's of our country are basically afraid of anything metal that can fire a bullet,are by choice, unarmed.
I'll close with "good luck". Your going to need it.

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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: Another Arlingtonian ()
Date: May 04, 2016 11:56PM

There's lots of us here, comrade. An armed, but silent group. Arlington will NEVER be a lib crime haven as long as I'm living here. The current wave of crime in Arlington County being committed by DC residents is already pushing my limits.

Trump wins in a landslide.

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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: hindsiteis2020 ()
Date: May 05, 2016 02:55PM

Vetted, just like Tashfeen Malik was vetted? Right. I don't even like Trump, but this comment was bullshit then and is clearly wrong now.

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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: hindsiteis2020 ()
Date: May 05, 2016 02:57PM

Above comment in response to the below statement posted several months ago:

Mighty bold statement. You wanna give a source on that? Pulled from your ass doesn't count.

What do the middle class people who also identified as Democrats support?

The refugees aren't un-vetted. It's an 18-24 month process with interviews and background checks.

Keep on derpin' in the free world.

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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: Arlington native ()
Date: May 10, 2016 02:28PM

So Mr Syrian refugee, are you violent or do yo have any ill will towards the United States? Why no mister immigration man. Well wait for your turn in line and after a year or two you can come on in.
The fact is Syria is a mess. The FBI has stated they they are not able to properly vet these people. They are the government experts at doing this so why listen to them? And the FBI is our first line of defense against internal acts of terror, so by all means, let's tax their resources with this bullshit. Or better yet, let Terry McCulliff do it. He knows how to handle security issues pertaining to protecting us from criminals. Idiots. Too many idiots. Im leaving now to go buy some more ammo. I may need to do some vetting of my own down the road.

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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: Sieg Heil Mein Fuhrer! ()
Date: May 10, 2016 04:18PM


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Re: Is Trump the new Fuhrer?
Posted by: Arlington native ()
Date: May 20, 2016 11:24PM

Adolf Hitler was a failed artist vegetarian who never held a job. He got into power by organizing thugs who used underhanded and violent tactics against any who disagreed with them, shouting down opponents trying to speak publicly about their political position. The jew hating and other crimes against humanity came into the mainstream after he was in power. So ask yourself, who is using Hitler type tactics today? The Muslims have more ties to the Nazi regime if you really look at it. Check out what the head of Pan Jorden was doing in the early 40s. Head of Hitler s effort to wipe out Jews in the middle east. Oh by the way. The Muslims still are trying to finish what Hitler started even today. Don't take my word for it just ask them. For these reasons and many more, I find your comparison of trump to Hitler inaccurate and a diversion of the facts about someone you obviously fear. A political person you disagree with. Too bad you lack the verbiage to articulate a reasonable response based on an intelligent or logical observations. But by all means, shout him down, call him names, organize violent thugs to get your like minded cannadite into to power. It's worked before, it may work again. But then I might have the right to make the same comparison and be more accurate than you. Putz

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