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What's the funniest thing you put on the train tracks or did to a train?
Posted by: WSH LAX scholar ()
Date: November 30, 2015 02:03PM

Some of you remember my legal issues when I put the shopping cart and the kid's bike on the tracks. It was so worth it though, it went *WHOOOOMP* The kid's bike was sparking under the train wheels.

We used to have a hooch we built near the train tracks and when commuter trains came by we would egg the shit out of it

There was this guy rail fanning next to the train tracks we hung out on and asked us if we would be "kind enough," to watch his camera equipment. We jetted out with his equipment. I wonder what the expression on his face was like. Hahahaha

This went a little too far. We were 11 or 12 and one summer. Ok you know those white trucks that drive on the railroad tracks with like train wheels? Well our friend Jonathan pick up a huge rock, waited for it to drive by, and hurled it at the windshield shattering it. They were wearing goggles and a hard hat so it was ok.

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Re: What's the funniest thing you put on the train tracks or did to a train?
Posted by: WSH LAX scholar ()
Date: November 30, 2015 05:07PM

Really? None of you have funny stories about the railroad tracks? Damn! Y'all are a bunch of lame losers.

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Re: What's the funniest thing you put on the train tracks or did to a train?
Posted by: Ralph Pootawn ()
Date: November 30, 2015 05:11PM

All I ever did was put coins on the tracks...and have SEX next to them.

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Re: What's the funniest thing you put on the train tracks or did to a train?
Posted by: Tase her ()
Date: November 30, 2015 05:18PM

Your sister.

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Re: What's the funniest thing you put on the train tracks or did to a train?
Posted by: nGTNp ()
Date: November 30, 2015 05:20PM

if you take a big stinky shit right on the track and wait for a train to come, cool stuff happens. make sure to stay nice and close when the train comes.

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Re: What's the funniest thing you put on the train tracks or did to a train?
Posted by: , ()
Date: November 30, 2015 05:42PM

One time I emptied a big bag of M&M's onto passing cars on an overpass. Stupid thing I did when I was maybe 15-16.

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Re: What's the funniest thing you put on the train tracks or did to a train?
Posted by: Knxkm ()
Date: November 30, 2015 07:41PM

> Stupid thing I did when I was maybe 15-16

if you werent young you'd be in jail 15-16 years if you did it, that's for sure

and i'd help them do it

i thought it was hallarious when i was at the tracks sometimes and pushed down loose rail ties or kicked rocks off the rail, just halarious

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Re: What's the funniest thing you put on the train tracks or did to a train?
Posted by: lel ()
Date: December 01, 2015 10:58AM

Knxkm Wrote:
> if you werent young you'd be in jail 15-16 years
> if you did it, that's for sure
> and i'd help them do it

u mad

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Re: What's the funniest thing you put on the train tracks or did to a train?
Posted by: Rockstar ()
Date: December 01, 2015 11:05AM

It's fun to stroke out a load as the train is going by.

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Re: What's the funniest thing you put on the train tracks or did to a train?
Posted by: WSH LAX scholar ()
Date: December 01, 2015 11:05AM

Nice we're getting some funny stories but I want more. Another I did was put my little sisters toys on the tracks. I was maybe 12 or 13 and I took one of those playschool kitchen sets and waited for the train to come and el smacko! Sure parents were pissed, little sis was crying her ass off, but damn if it was fun. My parents are rich so they bought her a new one.

As for the car stories, that's too bush league. I used to lick gummy bears and throw them onto passing cars in the summer. In the summer when I'm chewing gum I'll spit it out onto the hood of a parked car. If it's black it melts instantly. Then there's always the putting shit underneath car door handles. Oh and let's not forget the walk by keyings of cars. Best to do in mall parking lots.

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Re: What's the funniest thing you put on the train tracks or did to a train?
Posted by: Fox News ()
Date: December 01, 2015 11:15AM


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Re: What's the funniest thing you put on the train tracks or did to a train?
Posted by: Donkey Dong ()
Date: December 01, 2015 01:10PM

I used to throw rocks at the trains as they went by.

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Re: What's the funniest thing you put on the train tracks or did to a train?
Posted by: mjs ()
Date: December 01, 2015 01:19PM

those are some good GIFS.....especialy the two guys that got stuck between the tran and platform and get spun around like a top...

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Re: What's the funniest thing you put on the train tracks or did to a train?
Posted by: WSH LAX scholar ()
Date: December 01, 2015 01:22PM

Hahaha throwing rocks at trains can be fun. Fucking railroad police are assholes. We're just trying to have harmless fun. My boys and I used to beat up people video taping trains. What kind of loser video tapes trains? Rail fans

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Re: What's the funniest thing you put on the train tracks or did to a train?
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: December 01, 2015 01:26PM

WSH LAX scholar Wrote:
> Hahaha throwing rocks at trains can be fun.
> Fucking railroad police are assholes. We're just
> trying to have harmless fun. My boys and I used
> to beat up people video taping trains. What kind
> of loser video tapes trains? Rail fans

Railroad police keep those degenerate train hoppers from migrating during the summer.

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Re: What's the funniest thing you put on the train tracks or did to a train?
Posted by: ht4Pn ()
Date: December 01, 2015 01:32PM

Speaking of trains, I could hear the train rolling through Clifton today all the way from Costco Plaza area.

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Re: What's the funniest thing you put on the train tracks or did to a train?
Posted by: WSH LAX scholar ()
Date: December 01, 2015 01:52PM

We used to also take kids we didn't like down to the railroad tracks to beat em up. We did a lot of ass kicking in our day. The railroad police are a bunch chicken shits. They're gay too. One threatened to pull my pants down and spank me one time. I told him to go fuck himself. We also used to steal shit from other kids we pretended to be friends with and stash it next to the train tracks. Sometimes we stole from their parents. I stole this kid's dad's wrist watch and wallet. He thought the kid took it. We also stole this kid's mom's grandmother's wedding ring or some shit. But we had a treasure chest of shit.

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Re: What's the funniest thing you put on the train tracks or did to a train?
Posted by: ht4Pn ()
Date: December 01, 2015 03:08PM

Did you ever steal from the train cars?

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Re: What's the funniest thing you put on the train tracks or did to a train?
Posted by: WSH LAX scholar ()
Date: December 01, 2015 03:54PM

ht4Pn Wrote:
> Did you ever steal from the train cars?

Nah we didn't want to do anything illegal. Plus there wasn't a train yard near us where we could do it. We just wanted to have harmless fun.

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Re: What's the funniest thing you put on the train tracks or did to a train?
Posted by: It would suck to be you ()
Date: December 01, 2015 11:13PM

WSH LAX scholar Wrote:
> Some of you remember my legal issues when I put
> the shopping cart and the kid's bike on the
> tracks. It was so worth it though, it went
> *WHOOOOMP* The kid's bike was sparking under the
> train wheels.
> We used to have a hooch we built near the train
> tracks and when commuter trains came by we would
> egg the shit out of it
> There was this guy rail fanning next to the train
> tracks we hung out on and asked us if we would be
> "kind enough," to watch his camera equipment. We
> jetted out with his equipment. I wonder what the
> expression on his face was like. Hahahaha
> This went a little too far. We were 11 or 12 and
> one summer. Ok you know those white trucks that
> drive on the railroad tracks with like train
> wheels? Well our friend Jonathan pick up a huge
> rock, waited for it to drive by, and hurled it at
> the windshield shattering it. They were wearing
> goggles and a hard hat so it was ok.

What a complete asshole you are

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Re: What's the funniest thing you put on the train tracks or did to a train?
Posted by: WSH LAX scholar ()
Date: December 02, 2015 07:14AM

Shove it up your ass you fucking loser! Put your bike on the railroad tracks next time. I'm on a full ride to UVA on a LAX scholarship, rich parents, dating the hottest girl in school, and I just found out I'm going on a cruise for Soring Break. You are a fag hat. Now if you excuse me I gotta go back to ruling the school.

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Re: What's the funniest thing you put on the train tracks or did to a train?
Posted by: Mike Jones69 ()
Date: December 02, 2015 07:18AM

One time I ran a train on a retarded girl, it smelled funny.

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Re: What's the funniest thing you put on the train tracks or did to a train?
Posted by: Ageinghumor ()
Date: December 02, 2015 07:54AM

WSH LAX scholar Wrote:
> Shove it up your ass you fucking loser! Put your
> bike on the railroad tracks next time. I'm on a
> full ride to UVA on a LAX scholarship, rich
> parents, dating the hottest girl in school, and I
> just found out I'm going on a cruise for Soring
> Break. You are a fag hat. Now if you excuse me I
> gotta go back to ruling the school.
Not even that original...very mid aughts humour.

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Re: What's the funniest thing you put on the train tracks or did to a train?
Posted by: WSH LAX scholar ()
Date: December 02, 2015 10:11AM

Bring it bro! My boys and I will be waiting for you.

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Re: What's the funniest thing you put on the train tracks or did to a train?
Posted by: Brixton ()
Date: December 02, 2015 11:05AM

Very funny Kyle getting me arrested and kicked out of school. Not only will I NOT graduate with the rest of the class but I'll have to go to NOVA now. Plus now my parents are threatening to send me back to England. All for telling the people here about your stupid behavior.

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Re: What's the funniest thing you put on the train tracks or did to a train?
Posted by: Therock ()
Date: December 02, 2015 11:12AM

WSH LAX scholar Wrote:
> Bring it bro! My boys and I will be waiting for
> you.

I can take you all with 1 hand tied behind my back.

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Re: What's the funniest thing you put on the train tracks or did to a train?
Posted by: WSH LAX scholar ()
Date: December 02, 2015 04:24PM

WSH LAX scholar Wrote:
> Shove it up your ass you fucking loser! Put your
> bike on the railroad tracks next time. I'm on a
> full ride to UVA on a LAX scholarship, rich
> parents, dating the hottest girl in school, and I
> just found out I'm going on a cruise for Soring
> Break. You are a fag hat. Now if you excuse me I
> gotta go back to ruling the school.

That's interesting. Because UVa doesn't give "full ride" lacrosse scholarships. So since that's a lie, we'll just assume everything else is a lie.

By the way, a cruise for Spring Break? That's pretty gay. The real ballers will be in Cancun, Hilton Head, Daytona or for black cock afficionados like you, Virginia Beach. You need to work harder on your story.

You've never been in a fight, you're scared of black people, and you don't rule anything.

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Re: What's the funniest thing you put on the train tracks or did to a train?
Posted by: WSH LAX scholar ()
Date: December 02, 2015 06:23PM

WSH LAX scholar Wrote:
> WSH LAX scholar Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Shove it up your ass you fucking loser! Put
> your
> > bike on the railroad tracks next time. I'm on a
> > full ride to UVA on a LAX scholarship, rich
> > parents, dating the hottest girl in school, and
> I
> > just found out I'm going on a cruise for Soring
> > Break. You are a fag hat. Now if you excuse me
> I
> > gotta go back to ruling the school.
> That's interesting. Because UVa doesn't give
> "full ride" lacrosse scholarships. So since
> that's a lie, we'll just assume everything else is
> a lie.
> By the way, a cruise for Spring Break? That's
> pretty gay. The real ballers will be in Cancun,
> Hilton Head, Daytona or for black cock
> afficionados like you, Virginia Beach. You need
> to work harder on your story.
> You've never been in a fight, you're scared of
> black people, and you don't rule anything.

Nah think again bro. What my LAX scholarship doesn't cover my prepaid instate college tuition will.

As for Spring Break. Cruise is gay? Hmmm I depart from Miami where clubs are 18+, then going to Cozumel, and Cancun. Yeah, real gay.

Scared of black people? Nah, pretty chill with them actually. It's 2015 man damn. Get your head outta yo ass

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Re: What's the funniest thing you put on the train tracks or did to a train?
Posted by: WSH LAX scholar ()
Date: December 03, 2015 12:05AM

Nah, I've done my research, BRO, You're still lying because you don't have, and will never see, a signed National Letter of Intent. Prepaid tuition? The scholarship is usually beneficial because it covers tuition. But since UVa scholarships are on a year to year basis you're still lying.

I'm sure you'll be a big hit in the 18 and up men's rooms of the Miami club scene. Yeah the cruise still sounds gay but maybe this is your dad's way of breaking the news. And yes you're scared of black people because you're scared of Brixton. Dude, everyone knows about your little thing, you know what I'm talking about.

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Re: What's the funniest thing you put on the train tracks or did to a train?
Posted by: WSH LAX scholar ()
Date: December 03, 2015 12:23PM

WSH LAX scholar Wrote:
> Nah, I've done my research, BRO, You're still
> lying because you don't have, and will never see,
> a signed National Letter of Intent. Prepaid
> tuition? The scholarship is usually beneficial
> because it covers tuition. But since UVa
> scholarships are on a year to year basis you're
> still lying.
> I'm sure you'll be a big hit in the 18 and up
> men's rooms of the Miami club scene. Yeah the
> cruise still sounds gay but maybe this is your
> dad's way of breaking the news. And yes you're
> scared of black people because you're scared of
> Brixton. Dude, everyone knows about your little
> thing, you know what I'm talking about.

Bro you're so fucking retarded. What my scholarship doesn't cover, VA prepaid college tuition will. Check it out if you don't believe me. Of course you're probably too poor to afford college.

How is the cruise gay? You just said all your "big time ballers," go there. Maybe it's gay because you can't afford to go on one. HAHA!

And as for being scared of Brixton? Me scared of Brixton? AHAHAHAHAHA!!! Remember who got that bitch kicked out of school. You sound like a jealous little crybaby bitch with no money. It's so nice to have rich parents. You should try it sometime, oh wait you can't!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHA

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Re: What's the funniest thing you put on the train tracks or did to a train?
Posted by: idiot ()
Date: December 03, 2015 07:22PM

This guy doesn't realize that the train could have something dangling down that could hit him, or a rock could be kicked up and nail him.

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Re: What's the funniest thing you put on the train tracks or did to a train?
Posted by: WSH LAX scholar ()
Date: December 04, 2015 09:06AM

Hahaha seems that I chased away the troll. Just like I chased off Mike O'Meara Show Fan who got fired from cleaning gas station toilets or some shit. Let this be a lesson to all of you. Money buys confidence and having rich parents is the greatest gift to be born into. Poor people smell bad lol

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Re: What's the funniest thing you put on the train tracks or did to a train?
Posted by: The Ghost of Jack Chen ()
Date: December 04, 2015 09:53AM

WSH LAX scholar Wrote:
> What's the funniest thing you put
> on the train tracks or did to a train?

It took a train to end my pain.

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Re: What's the funniest thing you put on the train tracks or did to a train?
Posted by: flying toilet ()
Date: December 04, 2015 10:10AM

We used to have fun near the railroad tracks. We used to stash our porn mags there and hold out the centerfolds for the train engineers to see. We used to jam up the switches and throw rocks at Amtrak trains. I eventually ended up getting arrested after I smashed a window and blinded a lady and cutting up her boyfriend's face pretty badly. Pulled 3 years in prison for that shit but I don't regret anything I did. Part of my sentence was to meet the couple face to face but I never apologized which was the reason I fucked up my first chance at parole.

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Re: What's the funniest thing you put on the train tracks or did to a train?
Posted by: WSH LAX scholar ()
Date: December 04, 2015 04:15PM

WSH LAX scholar Wrote:
> Hahaha seems that I chased away the troll. Just
> like I chased off Mike O'Meara Show Fan who got
> fired from cleaning gas station toilets or some
> shit. Let this be a lesson to all of you. Money
> buys confidence and having rich parents is the
> greatest gift to be born into. Poor people smell
> bad lol

Keep believing, young faggot.

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Re: What's the funniest thing you put on the train tracks or did to a train?
Posted by: Woopsie Cushion ()
Date: December 04, 2015 04:17PM

funniest thing I can thing of but I never did it on a train.

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Re: What's the funniest thing you put on the train tracks or did to a train?
Posted by: proud of you bro ()
Date: December 04, 2015 04:22PM

flying toilet Wrote:
> We used to have fun near the railroad tracks. We
> used to stash our porn mags there and hold out the
> centerfolds for the train engineers to see. We
> used to jam up the switches and throw rocks at
> Amtrak trains. I eventually ended up getting
> arrested after I smashed a window and blinded a
> lady and cutting up her boyfriend's face pretty
> badly. Pulled 3 years in prison for that shit but
> I don't regret anything I did. Part of my
> sentence was to meet the couple face to face but I
> never apologized which was the reason I fucked up
> my first chance at parole.

way to stand your ground. the sound like ass holes.

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Re: What's the funniest thing you put on the train tracks or did to a train?
Posted by: Izakk ()
Date: June 13, 2017 01:00PM


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Re: What's the funniest thing you put on the train tracks or did to a train?
Posted by: jimmylegs. ()
Date: June 13, 2017 01:02PM

I put a PYBR.....

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Re: What's the funniest thing you put on the train tracks or did to a train?
Posted by: DCXKV ()
Date: June 13, 2017 02:45PM

Mike Jones69 Wrote:
> One time I ran a train on a retarded girl, it
> smelled funny.

Funny how? Like a clown?

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I don’t smoke weed :(
Posted by: Not telling you ()
Date: February 19, 2019 08:42AM

We put bricks on the train tracks whenever we go down to the station.

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Don’t do drugs!
Posted by: Not telling you ()
Date: February 19, 2019 08:51AM

Donkey Dong Wrote:
> I used to throw rocks at the trains as they went
> by.

Did you break the train windows?

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Re: What's the funniest thing you put on the train tracks or did to a train?
Posted by: WSH LAX Balloon Knot ()
Date: February 19, 2019 10:15AM

How many trains did that Sterling woman pull?

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Re: What's the funniest thing you put on the train tracks or did to a train?
Posted by: ew3ht ()
Date: February 19, 2019 11:48AM

gerrymanderer2 (OP) posts several lies on ffu daily - many\.10think he's a fx co gov worker who is getting paid to do it for false DNC democrat "advertising". he floods ffu with useless posts to bump down major news, posts fecal matter, mutilated bodies, child porn, foreign drug ads and sneaker ads, tells people to kill themselves and government should seize them and put them on psych pills in prison - decided by democrat gov of course, promotes kangaroo courthouse trials, gives anti-religious rants, gives satanic ritual rants, posts black males with large dicks on white young females, portends white low birth rate and fall of USA, and anything possible to DEMORALIZE white people on ffu. (perhaps a chinese prisoner or isis member - but definitely knowledgeable of fx co gov from the inside at times). the website operator has told him "not to post or return" which are still posted - not removed, by the sysop: not because of a political leaning but for continual illegal and gross spam along with messages that are only to demoralize if not kill others.


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: What's the funniest thing you put on the train tracks or did to a train?
Posted by: I am british not american ()
Date: February 19, 2019 02:47PM

ew3ht Wrote:

> gerrymanderer2 (OP) posts several lies on ffu
> daily - many\.10think he's a fx co gov worker who
> is getting paid to do it for false DNC democrat
> "advertising". he floods ffu with useless posts
> to bump down major news, posts fecal matter,
> mutilated bodies, child porn, foreign drug ads and
> sneaker ads, tells people to kill themselves and
> government should seize them and put them on psych
> pills in prison - decided by democrat gov of
> course, promotes kangaroo courthouse trials, gives
> anti-religious rants, gives satanic ritual rants,
> posts black males with large dicks on white young
> females, portends white low birth rate and fall of
> USA, and anything possible to DEMORALIZE white
> people on ffu. (perhaps a chinese prisoner or
> isis member - but definitely knowledgeable of fx
> co gov from the inside at times). the website
> operator has told him "not to post or return"
> which are still posted - not removed, by the
> sysop: not because of a political leaning but for
> continual illegal and gross spam along with
> messages that are only to demoralize if not kill
> others.


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: What's the funniest thing you put on the train tracks or did to a train?
Posted by: WSHS (JV) Baseball ()
Date: February 19, 2019 03:23PM

BOLD FONT GUY is mental.

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Re: What's the funniest thing you put on the train tracks or did to a train?
Posted by: AARPer ()
Date: February 19, 2019 03:29PM

Hey buddy eat a dick.

ew3ht Wrote:

> gerrymanderer2 (OP) posts several lies on ffu
> daily - many\.10think he's a fx co gov worker who
> is getting paid to do it for false DNC democrat
> "advertising". he floods ffu with useless posts
> to bump down major news, posts fecal matter,
> mutilated bodies, child porn, foreign drug ads and
> sneaker ads, tells people to kill themselves and
> government should seize them and put them on psych
> pills in prison - decided by democrat gov of
> course, promotes kangaroo courthouse trials, gives
> anti-religious rants, gives satanic ritual rants,
> posts black males with large dicks on white young
> females, portends white low birth rate and fall of
> USA, and anything possible to DEMORALIZE white
> people on ffu. (perhaps a chinese prisoner or
> isis member - but definitely knowledgeable of fx
> co gov from the inside at times). the website
> operator has told him "not to post or return"
> which are still posted - not removed, by the
> sysop: not because of a political leaning but for
> continual illegal and gross spam along with
> messages that are only to demoralize if not kill
> others.


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Re: What's the funniest thing you put on the train tracks or did to a train?
Posted by: KVXN6 ()
Date: February 19, 2019 03:31PM

Locker room orgey4.jpg

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Re: What's the funniest thing you put on the train tracks or did to a train?
Posted by: New Idea ()
Date: February 19, 2019 04:17PM

Hey, try this it will be so funny. Have a friend video it for youtube. Put your dick on the tracks.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: What's the funniest thing you put on the train tracks or did to a train?
Posted by: Estonian fuck ()
Date: February 20, 2019 04:07PM

I don’t want to see anything on FFU about dicks anymore!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: What's the funniest thing you put on the train tracks or did to a train?
Posted by: Put me on psych pills! ()
Date: February 20, 2019 04:09PM

Estonian fuck Wrote:
> I don’t want to see anything on FFU about dicks
> anymore!

Hey dude it’s none of your business mothafaker

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: What's the funniest thing you put on the train tracks or did to a train?
Posted by: fish food ()
Date: February 20, 2019 04:13PM

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Re: What's the funniest thing you put on the train tracks or did to a train?
Posted by: Estonian fuck ()
Date: June 29, 2019 03:26AM


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Re: What's the funniest thing you put on the train tracks or did to a train?
Posted by: Not telling you ()
Date: June 29, 2019 03:28AM

Ta pani rattale rattad.

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Re: What's the funniest thing you put on the train tracks or did to a train?
Posted by: Estonian fuck ()
Date: June 29, 2019 03:30AM

See oli foto, mida ta internetist võttis.

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Re: What's the funniest thing you put on the train tracks or did to a train?
Posted by: A PYBR! ()
Date: June 29, 2019 03:48AM

WSH LAX scholar Wrote:
> Some of you resPYBR my legal issues when I PYBRD
> the shopping PYBRart and the kid's bike on the
> PYBRracks. It was so worth it though, it went
> *PYBR* The kid's bike was sPYBRing under the
> train wheels.
> We used to have a PYBR PYBR when PYBR trains came by we would
> PYBR the shit out of it
> There was this guy PYBRail fanning next to the train
> tracks we hung out on and asked us if we would be
> PYBR," to watch his PYBR. We
> jetted out with his equipment. I PYBR what the
> PYBR on his face was like. PYBR
> PYBR. We were 11 or 12 and
> one summer. Ok you know those white trucks that
>PYBRrive on the PYBRailroad tracks with like train
> wheels? Well PYBR pick up a huge
> PYBRock, PYBRing it. They were PYBRring
> PYBRs and a PYBR.

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