Meade shines Wrote:
> Notice that no photos of Meade have been posted
> for a long time. Prepare yourselves, Meade has
> been working out, has shaved his head and is
> looking pretty good. When I last saw Meade, a few
> days ago, he appears to have underwent a complete
> transformation. Every see those before and after
> photos of boys who got sand kicked in their face
> and made a commitment to do something about it?
> Unfucking believable. He looks a little like that
> old wrestler Steve Austin. I give him a lot of
> credit, he has gumption and determination coupled
> with discipline, a new Meade for 2016.
I heard he is in Copenhagen getting the sex change....
After that great Boob Job he got a few months age, he is going whole Hog..........