Yeah, you are haters Wrote:
> TchyM Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > We're not haters
> Well, you sure do
sound like haters.
> Maybe you need to work on your messaging...
> > Same -sec marriage may has been deemed legal by
> > SCOTUS ... but other unhealthy lifestyles...
> Same sex marriage is not unhealthy.
> > Drinking oneself to death in one's own home, is
> > legal but unhealthy.
> No, suicide by any means is illegal in all 50
> states.
> > The fact that this had to go all the way to
> > for a decision (whose decision is beyond their
> > authority on these kinds of issues, BTW),
> > says that there is A LOT of reasonable doubt to
> > the benefit of promoting it in our society. How
> > many years did it take to get to this point?
> You
> > also continue to dare call this a Civil Rights'
> > Issue? Nice try, but most aren't buying your
> > strategy.
> The SCOTUS needed to rule on the issue because the
> legal marriages of same sex couples from certain
> staes were not being recognized by other states.
> Whether or not you 'buy it', marriage equality is
> in fact a civil rights issue.
> > Most of us would rather, go about our day, as
> we
> > once did, without having to see your "plugs" in
> the
> > newpapers, on the news, on sitcom TV, in
> movies,
> > on ABC "family", etc.
> Kind of like Blacks during segregation, right?
> > Most of us don't care. Go on with your lives.
> > Most of us, would love it if you would live
> normal
> > lives and not use your lifestyle as some kind
> of
> > weapon against others who don't share your
> values.
> GLBT folks do 'live normal lives'. Give an example
> of that you mean by using ones "lifestyle as some
> kind of weapon against others who don't share your
> values".
> > Furthermore, the over-activism for your cause,
> is
> > what gets people to eventually think, "Just
> give
> > them what they want so they will just live
> normal
> > lives without all the overt whining. But no,
> you
> > won't stop there .. You won't stop until those
> of
> > us, who espouse traditional marriage are looked
> > upon as if we are wrong.
> Don't you get tired sometimes of playing the poor
> hapless victim?
> > You will go further and
> > proclaim that traditional marriage is
> "oudated",
> > "old fashioned", "backwards", "masochistic",
> and
> > inferior to your brand of marriage.
> That's a lovely strawman you've constructed, but
> it's a lie.
> > No we aren't haters. We just speak up with
> what
> > we disagree with. We aren't violated anyone's
> > rights in speaking up. And because we
> disagree,
> > does not mean your are not respected as
> persons,
> > or cared about or loved.
> Marriage equality is a civil right. Your position
> is analogous to disagreeing that Blacks and whites
> should attend the same schools. Listen to
> yourself: What you believe is hateful, is harmful,
> is wrong.
> > Yes, if you look for
> > them, you will find hateful people, but because
> > some of us do not agree with your lifstyle
> choices
> > or set of values, that does not make us
> hateful.
> Yes, it does.