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Lesbo US PLayer Wambach Makes Spectacle After Women's World Cup by Kissing Her "Wife" in the Stands
Posted by: Jwxjw ()
Date: July 06, 2015 02:22PM

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Re: Lesbo US PLayer Wambach Makes Spectacle After Women's World Cup by Kissing Her "Wife" in the Stands
Posted by: kGKVP ()
Date: July 06, 2015 02:28PM

Funny the US flag in that kiss imagine is upside down ... distress signal!

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Re: Lesbo US PLayer Wambach Makes Spectacle After Women's World Cup by Kissing Her "Wife" in the Stands
Posted by: Do Lesbians Make You Shaky? ()
Date: July 06, 2015 02:31PM

Jwxjw Wrote:
> http://www.cnn.com/2015/07/06/football/womens-worl
> d-cup-abby-wambach-wife-kiss/index.html

Yeah,that's her wife. Y'know, married. Someday, you'll see a naked woman who's not on your computer screen.

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Re: Lesbo US PLayer Wambach Makes Spectacle After Women's World Cup by Kissing Her "Wife" in the Stands
Posted by: Rick Will Stop That! ()
Date: July 06, 2015 02:33PM

Santorum is on it!

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Re: Lesbo US PLayer Wambach Makes Spectacle After Women's World Cup by Kissing Her "Wife" in the Stands
Posted by: jksdfghweffg ()
Date: July 06, 2015 02:37PM

I'm probably one of the few Conservatives (though admittedly very moderate) who will say this but I'm ok with them sucking face. I like when women make out with each other. I'm a little disappointed they didn't do a scissor or strap-on in their celebration though.

If it were 2 guys, I'd probably puke. lol

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Re: Lesbo US PLayer Wambach Makes Spectacle After Women's World Cup by Kissing Her "Wife" in the Stands
Posted by: Didikx ()
Date: July 06, 2015 02:38PM



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Re: Lesbo US PLayer Wambach Makes Spectacle After Women's World Cup by Kissing Her "Wife" in the Stands
Posted by: cKEmh ()
Date: July 06, 2015 02:39PM

Sanctioning and promoting the lifestyles of freaks ... NIP

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Re: Lesbo US PLayer Wambach Makes Spectacle After Women's World Cup by Kissing Her "Wife" in the Stands
Posted by: okay ()
Date: July 06, 2015 02:40PM

Jwxjw Wrote:
> http://www.cnn.com/2015/07/06/football/womens-worl
> d-cup-abby-wambach-wife-kiss/index.html

Love is love.

I'm okay with this.png

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Re: Lesbo US PLayer Wambach Makes Spectacle After Women's World Cup by Kissing Her "Wife" in the Stands
Posted by: TMEVc ()
Date: July 06, 2015 02:49PM

Your okay with lawlessness too, I imagine.

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Re: Lesbo US PLayer Wambach Makes Spectacle After Women's World Cup by Kissing Her "Wife" in the Stands
Posted by: dumbass libturdz. ()
Date: July 06, 2015 02:56PM

Plenty of people kissed their spouses after winning this game. Why do libturdz make a big deal of it?

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Re: Lesbo US PLayer Wambach Makes Spectacle After Women's World Cup by Kissing Her "Wife" in the Stands
Posted by: CDMhe ()
Date: July 06, 2015 02:58PM

It's the media covering "history" which makes it a spectacle.

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Re: Lesbo US PLayer Wambach Makes Spectacle After Women's World Cup by Kissing Her "Wife" in the Stands
Posted by: rightard rick ()
Date: July 06, 2015 03:00PM

Millions of rightards upset with Wambach's kiss because she gets more action then they do...

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Re: Lesbo US PLayer Wambach Makes Spectacle After Women's World Cup by Kissing Her "Wife" in the Stands
Posted by: TPybL ()
Date: July 06, 2015 03:05PM

Wambach can ravish her wife every minute of every day for all I care.
It certainly isn't something to be celebrated, especially publically.

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Re: Lesbo US PLayer Wambach Makes Spectacle After Women's World Cup by Kissing Her "Wife" in the Stands
Posted by: Ralph Pootawn ()
Date: July 06, 2015 03:07PM

You saw what happened to Michael (first gay player in the NFL) Sam after he made out with his boyfriend on TV.

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Re: Lesbo US PLayer Wambach Makes Spectacle After Women's World Cup by Kissing Her "Wife" in the Stands
Posted by: eX6cY ()
Date: July 06, 2015 03:32PM

TPybL Wrote:
> Wambach can ravish her wife every minute of every
> day for all I care.
> It certainly isn't something to be celebrated,
> especially publically.

You do care. If she'd kissed a man, you'd think it was fine. Too bad for you, asshole. This toothpaste ain't goin back in the tube. Get used to it. As for the rest of us - yeah!!! Go Abby!!!!!

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Re: Lesbo US PLayer Wambach Makes Spectacle After Women's World Cup by Kissing Her "Wife" in the Stands
Posted by: FFU's Happy Bunny ()
Date: July 06, 2015 03:47PM

eX6cY Wrote:
> TPybL Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Wambach can ravish her wife every minute of
> every
> > day for all I care.
> > It certainly isn't something to be celebrated,
> > especially publically.
> You do care. If she'd kissed a man, you'd think
> it was fine. Too bad for you, asshole. This
> toothpaste ain't goin back in the tube. Get used
> to it. As for the rest of us - yeah!!! Go
> Abby!!!!!

happy bunny crazy ramblings.jpg

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Re: Lesbo US PLayer Wambach Makes Spectacle After Women's World Cup by Kissing Her "Wife" in the Stands
Posted by: XpeEL ()
Date: July 06, 2015 03:50PM

We aren't angry. We understand what a concern that kind of behavior is and how dangerous it is to proliferate it.

I am happy as a lark.
You're entitled to your opinon as well as I am to mine. Thank you very much,

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Re: Lesbo US PLayer Wambach Makes Spectacle After Women's World Cup by Kissing Her "Wife" in the Stands
Posted by: Conserva-tards! ()
Date: July 06, 2015 03:55PM

XpeEL Wrote:
> We understand what a concern
> that kind of behavior is and how dangerous it is
> to proliferate it.

Yes, kissing is SO DANGEROUS!

We wouldn't wnat too much KISSING going on, now would we?



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Re: Lesbo US PLayer Wambach Makes Spectacle After Women's World Cup by Kissing Her "Wife" in the Stands
Posted by: j7TK6 ()
Date: July 06, 2015 03:57PM

Some of us have kids who watch TV events like the world cup.
If you don't care about kids, then what does that make you?

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Re: Lesbo US PLayer Wambach Makes Spectacle After Women's World Cup by Kissing Her "Wife" in the Stands
Posted by: Conserva-tards! ()
Date: July 06, 2015 04:04PM

j7TK6 Wrote:
> Some of us have kids who watch TV events like the
> world cup.

Right, we sure as hell wouldn't want kids to see people KISSING!

How could we look at ourselves IN THE MIRROR if we allowed that?



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Re: Lesbo US PLayer Wambach Makes Spectacle After Women's World Cup by Kissing Her "Wife" in the Stands
Posted by: TakeItUpWithGod ()
Date: July 06, 2015 04:06PM

Whenever you meet your maker, you will know this, hopefully you'll find HIM in this life:

22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles.

24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.

26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. 29 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31 they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. 32 Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.

2 You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things. 2 Now we know that God’s judgment against those who do such things is based on truth. 3 So when you, a mere human being, pass judgment on them and yet do the same things, do you think you will escape God’s judgment? 4 Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, forbearance and patience, not realizing that God’s kindness is intended to lead you to repentance?

5 But because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of God’s wrath, when his righteous judgment will be revealed. 6 God “will repay each person according to what they have done.”[a] 7 To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life. 8 But for those who are self-seeking and who reject the truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger. 9 There will be trouble and distress for every human being who does evil: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile; 10 but glory, honor and peace for everyone who does good: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile. 11 For God does not show favoritism.

Romans 1:22 - 2:11

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Re: Lesbo US PLayer Wambach Makes Spectacle After Women's World Cup by Kissing Her "Wife" in the Stands
Posted by: Conservative Freedoms! ()
Date: July 06, 2015 04:06PM

jksdfghweffg Wrote:
> I'm probably one of the few Conservatives (though
> admittedly very moderate) who will say this but
> I'm ok with them sucking face. I like when women
> make out with each other. I'm a little
> disappointed they didn't do a scissor or strap-on
> in their celebration though.
> If it were 2 guys, I'd probably puke. lol

Turn in your conservative card. Yes, as conservatives we all like it, but we must show hypocrisy and act like we hate it!

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Re: Lesbo US PLayer Wambach Makes Spectacle After Women's World Cup by Kissing Her "Wife" in the Stands
Posted by: Conserva-tards! ()
Date: July 06, 2015 04:09PM

Conservative Freedoms! Wrote:
> Turn in your conservative card. Yes, as
> conservatives we all like it, but we must show
> hypocrisy and act like we hate it!




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Re: Lesbo US PLayer Wambach Makes Spectacle After Women's World Cup by Kissing Her "Wife" in the Stands
Posted by: x7djb ()
Date: July 06, 2015 04:10PM

j7TK6 Wrote:
> Some of us have kids who watch TV events like the
> world cup.
> If you don't care about kids, then what does that
> make you?

"Daddy, why is that woman kissing that other woman?"

"Because they love each other, just like mommy and daddy do."

See, it's not hard. And my guess is, your kids are way more aware of same sex attraction than you think, and they don't think anything at all is weird about it, unless you've already been indoctrinating them.

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Re: Lesbo US PLayer Wambach Makes Spectacle After Women's World Cup by Kissing Her "Wife" in the Stands
Posted by: GdGUe ()
Date: July 06, 2015 04:23PM

^^ Wow, the Devil is speaking .. listen carefully. "indoctrinating them" with what is natural? Just wow.

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Re: Lesbo US PLayer Wambach Makes Spectacle After Women's World Cup by Kissing Her "Wife" in the Stands
Posted by: Conserva-tards! ()
Date: July 06, 2015 04:26PM

GdGUe Wrote:
> ^^ Wow, the Devil is speaking .. listen carefully.
> "indoctrinating them" with what is natural? Just
> wow.

'Tards gonna 'tard!



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Re: Lesbo US PLayer Wambach Makes Spectacle After Women's World Cup by Kissing Her "Wife" in the Stands
Posted by: mNnME ()
Date: July 06, 2015 04:54PM

GdGUe Wrote:
> ^^ Wow, the Devil is speaking .. listen carefully.
> "indoctrinating them" with what is natural? Just
> wow.

The Devil. Wow. I'm always amazed at how many people are still living in the 16th century as far as their thinking is concerned.

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Re: Lesbo US PLayer Wambach Makes Spectacle After Women's World Cup by Kissing Her "Wife" in the Stands
Posted by: 6k9Tk ()
Date: July 06, 2015 04:58PM

GdGUe Wrote:
> ^^ Wow, the Devil is speaking .. listen carefully.
> "indoctrinating them" with what is natural? Just
> wow.

Right, you're indoctrinating them to think that two women or two men kissing is unnatural. Left on their own, kids don't think there's anything strange about that at all.

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Re: Lesbo US PLayer Wambach Makes Spectacle After Women's World Cup by Kissing Her "Wife" in the Stands
Posted by: eYmG9 ()
Date: July 06, 2015 05:15PM

Sarah needs a real man --that's all.

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Re: Lesbo US PLayer Wambach Makes Spectacle After Women's World Cup by Kissing Her "Wife" in the Stands
Posted by: Call the police! ()
Date: July 06, 2015 05:25PM

6k9Tk Wrote:
> GdGUe Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > ^^ Wow, the Devil is speaking .. listen
> carefully.
> > "indoctrinating them" with what is natural?
> Just
> > wow.
> Right, you're indoctrinating them to think that
> two women or two men kissing is unnatural. Left
> on their own, kids don't think there's anything
> strange about that at all.

^^^^This pervert/pedophile has put same sex children in a scenario where they had to kiss each other and made notes about it. Probably raped them as well. I would hope his/her premises is raided immediately. Typical lib.

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Re: Lesbo US PLayer Wambach Makes Spectacle After Women's World Cup by Kissing Her "Wife" in the Stands
Posted by: Why, and do you know any? ()
Date: July 06, 2015 05:27PM

eYmG9 Wrote:
> Sarah needs a real man --that's all.

Why and do you know any?

'A woman needs a man like afish needs a bicycle.'
~ Irina Dunn

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Re: Lesbo US PLayer Wambach Makes Spectacle After Women's World Cup by Kissing Her "Wife" in the Stands
Posted by: Yucky24. ()
Date: July 06, 2015 05:46PM

Yet another reason to not watch female sports. Almost all female athletes are fucking disgusting. Due to the recent trend to feminize men and masculinize women, so many women these days are trying to achieve muscular bodies and it's fucking gross. Most men don't find athletic females attractive. We prefer our women to be soft and curvy, not ripped and bulging. I'm just amazed that the female sports trend hasn't died by now. Who the fuck follows female sports? I bet that even hardcore feminists can't force themselves to watch it for more than 20 minutes. They must be getting government subsidies or some shit.

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Re: Lesbo US PLayer Wambach Makes Spectacle After Women's World Cup by Kissing Her "Wife" in the Stands
Posted by: you'd figure ()
Date: July 06, 2015 05:56PM

Yucky24. Wrote:
> Yet another reason to not watch female sports.
> Almost all female athletes are fucking disgusting.
> Due to the recent trend to feminize men and
> masculinize women, so many women these days are
> trying to achieve muscular bodies and it's fucking
> gross. Most men don't find athletic females
> attractive. We prefer our women to be soft and
> curvy, not ripped and bulging. I'm just amazed
> that the female sports trend hasn't died by now.
> Who the fuck follows female sports? I bet that
> even hardcore feminists can't force themselves to
> watch it for more than 20 minutes. They must be
> getting government subsidies or some shit.

I'd figure you'd want this to happen since it'll make it easier for you and your ilk to score with women (less demand = more supply for you)

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Re: Lesbo US PLayer Wambach Makes Spectacle After Women's World Cup by Kissing Her "Wife" in the Stands
Posted by: ProudToBeOnTheRightSideOfNature ()
Date: July 06, 2015 06:02PM

Today's feminism isn't feminism at all. It's the perversion of the natural order of things. True feminision is what is attractive. A man has a role and a woman has hers -- together they are perfect compliments of one another and as a team, a man and a woman can do incredible things, even procreate.
Procreation is something which can only be achieved with this natural order.
Women lusting after other women and trying to be man-like is an abomination to that natural order -- likewise men try to be lady-like is just the same.
I said it. I'm proud of my point of view and I won't stop telling the story of the natural order in the universe, beause to deny it is completely unnatural and is a detriment to mankind.

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Re: Lesbo US PLayer Wambach Makes Spectacle After Women's World Cup by Kissing Her "Wife" in the Stands
Posted by: Wboro Man ()
Date: July 06, 2015 06:56PM

ProudToBeOnTheRightSideOfNature Wrote:
> Today's feminism isn't feminism at all. It's the
> perversion of the natural order of things. True
> feminision is what is attractive. A man has a
> role and a woman has hers -- together they are
> perfect compliments of one another and as a team,
> a man and a woman can do incredible things, even
> procreate.
> Procreation is something which can only be
> achieved with this natural order.
> Women lusting after other women and trying to be
> man-like is an abomination to that natural order
> -- likewise men try to be lady-like is just the
> same.
> I said it. I'm proud of my point of view and I
> won't stop telling the story of the natural order
> in the universe, beause to deny it is completely
> unnatural and is a detriment to mankind.

Westboro Baptist Church, much?

Seriously, dude. You need to get yourself right.

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Re: Lesbo US PLayer Wambach Makes Spectacle After Women's World Cup by Kissing Her "Wife" in the Stands
Posted by: LPnYH ()
Date: July 06, 2015 07:32PM

It's hard to view anything news or sports anymore without having FAGGOTRY forced upon you.

Why can't these people just practice their deviant sexual activities in the privacy of their own homes? Why do we straight (normal) people have to have their lifestyle shoved down our throats at every opportunity. <-------Not a good choice of words I guess.

If you're a guy and want to fuck a guy, go ahead. Why do I need to know about it?

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Re: Lesbo US PLayer Wambach Makes Spectacle After Women's World Cup by Kissing Her "Wife" in the Stands
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: July 06, 2015 08:28PM

I don't mind seeing this at all but it unfortunately opens the door to fruits like Michael Sam.


Edited 21 time(s). Last edit at 5/31/1967 05:57AM by WingNut.

Last edit at 11/30/2015 01:37PM Last edit at 5/14/2015 03:52PM Last edit at 1/28/2014 05:57AM Last edit at 11/29/2015 01:10PM Last edit at 3/14/2011 11:52PM Last edit at 7/20/2012 04:07AM
Last edit at 6/29/2013 11:18PM Last edit at 3/19/2011 01:02PM Last edit at 3/26/2012 09:07PM

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Re: Lesbo US PLayer Wambach Makes Spectacle After Women's World Cup by Kissing Her "Wife" in the Stands
Posted by: HnwYU ()
Date: July 06, 2015 08:32PM

eYmG9 Wrote:
> Sarah needs a real man --that's all.

Plenty of good men would love to be with a woman that beautiful.
She just needs a good engineer to uncross the wires at the upper levels.

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Re: Lesbo US PLayer Wambach Makes Spectacle After Women's World Cup by Kissing Her "Wife" in the Stands
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: July 07, 2015 12:54AM

Gay marriage was just legalized nationwide, but two women kissing is still a "spectacle" for some people? And this is what CNN considers news now?

Kissing. How scandalous.

13 4826 0948 82695 25847. Yes.

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Re: Lesbo US PLayer Wambach Makes Spectacle After Women's World Cup by Kissing Her "Wife" in the Stands
Posted by: congrats ()
Date: July 07, 2015 01:07AM

MrMephisto Wrote:
> Gay marriage was just legalized nationwide

Now you can get married anywhere you want.

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Re: Lesbo US PLayer Wambach Makes Spectacle After Women's World Cup by Kissing Her "Wife" in the Stands
Posted by: Rainbows ()
Date: July 07, 2015 07:18AM

Haters, please try to keep up. States where gay marriage is legal are in blue:

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Re: Lesbo US PLayer Wambach Makes Spectacle After Women's World Cup by Kissing Her "Wife" in the Stands
Posted by: No shit ()
Date: July 07, 2015 07:57AM

ProudToBeOnTheRightSideOfNature Wrote:
> Today's feminism isn't feminism at all. It's the
> perversion of the natural order of things. True
> feminision is what is attractive. A man has a
> role and a woman has hers -- together they are
> perfect compliments of one another and as a team,
> a man and a woman can do incredible things, even
> procreate.
> Procreation is something which can only be
> achieved with this natural order.
> Women lusting after other women and trying to be
> man-like is an abomination to that natural order
> -- likewise men try to be lady-like is just the
> same.
> I said it. I'm proud of my point of view and I
> won't stop telling the story of the natural order
> in the universe, beause to deny it is completely
> unnatural and is a detriment to mankind.


Only a nazi libtard would deny you your belief.

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Re: Lesbo US PLayer Wambach Makes Spectacle After Women's World Cup by Kissing Her "Wife" in the Stands
Posted by: The Obivious Truth ()
Date: July 07, 2015 08:10AM

If most of you soft white bread losers ever really took a look in a full length mirror you would understand why these well-toned athletic women would rather enjoy each others company.
Besides, basements have high concentrations of mold and spore.

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Re: Lesbo US PLayer Wambach Makes Spectacle After Women's World Cup by Kissing Her "Wife" in the Stands
Posted by: Fat~Bottom~Girl ()
Date: July 07, 2015 08:26AM

ProudToBeOnTheRightSideOfNature Wrote:
> Today's feminism isn't feminism at all.

Of course it is. Feminism = empowering women, including those who chose to live outside patriarchal stereotypes.

> It's the perversion of the natural order of things.
> true feminision is what is attractive. A man has a
> role and a woman has hers -- together they are
> perfect compliments of one another and as a team,
> a man and a woman can do incredible things, even
> procreate. Procreation is something which can only be
> achieved with this natural order.

My sister suffers from infertility, so she and her husband cannot procreate. Is she a "perversion of the natural order of things"?

> Women lusting after other women and trying to be
> man-like is an abomination to that natural order
> -- likewise men try to be lady-like is just the
> same.
> I said it. I'm proud of my point of view and I
> won't stop telling the story of the natural order
> in the universe, beause to deny it is completely
> unnatural and is a detriment to mankind.

Thankfully, your anachronistic worldview is on the wane. Today, people of all races and genders are free to live as their true selves. Human progress cannot be stopped.

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Me Thinks Thou Protesteth too Much.
Posted by: TchyM ()
Date: July 07, 2015 10:25AM

Rainbows Wrote:
> Haters, please try to keep up. States where gay
> marriage is legal are in blue:

We're not haters .. that's an over-used, easy attack word.
Same -sec marriage may has been deemed legal by SCOTUS ... but other unhealthy lifestyles are also LEGAL Promiscuity is unhealthy, but legal. Drinking oneself to death in one's own home, is legal but unhealthy.

The fact that this had to go all the way to SCOTUS for a decision (whose decision is beyond their authority on these kinds of issues, BTW),
says that there is A LOT of reasonable doubt to the benefit of promoting it in our society. How many years did it take to get to this point? You also continue to dare call this a Civil Rights' Issue? Nice try, but most aren't buying your strategy.

The GLBT community has been nothing short of being one disturbing "attention whore" and eye sore everywhere they place their agenda. Most of us would rather, go about our day, as we once did, without having to see your "plugs" in the newpapers, on the news, on sitcom TV, in movies, on ABC "family", etc.

Most of us don't care. Go on with your lives. Most of us, would love it if you would live normal lives and not use your lifestyle as some kind of weapon against others who don't share your values. Furthermore, the over-activism for your cause, is what gets people to eventually think, "Just give them what they want so they will just live normal lives without all the overt whining. But no, you won't stop there .. You won't stop until those of us, who espouse traditional marriage are looked upon as if we are wrong. You will go further and proclaim that traditional marriage is "oudated", "old fashioned", "backwards", "masochistic", and inferior to your brand of marriage.

No we aren't haters. We just speak up with what we disagree with. We aren't violated anyone's rights in speaking up. And because we disagree, does not mean your are not respected as persons, or cared about or loved. Yes, if you look for them, you will find hateful people, but because some of us do not agree with your lifstyle choices or set of values, that does not make us hateful. One can diagree with someone, but yet be loving.
Live and let live.

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Re: Lesbo US PLayer Wambach Makes Spectacle After Women's World Cup by Kissing Her "Wife" in the Stands
Posted by: First Amendment ()
Date: July 07, 2015 10:38AM

The fact that it had to go all the way to the Supreme court means a lot of republicans are still stuck on forcing Christianity on Americans.

I guess many republicans fail to understand the FIRST AMENDMENT:

The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting

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Re: Lesbo US PLayer Wambach Makes Spectacle After Women's World Cup by Kissing Her "Wife" in the Stands
Posted by: J9FNe ()
Date: July 07, 2015 10:45AM

Nobody is forcing Christianity on anyone. The government has not declared a national religion.

The fact that it had to go all the way to SCOTUS is evident of how unsure people are about applying the term "marriage", to something so opposite of what marriage has been since the beginning of recorded history.

Redefining the principle building block of society has nothing to do with freedom of expression or speech. It is now redefined for the majority, by a minority of those who wish to compete with the laws of nature.

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Re: Me Thinks Thou Protesteth too Much.
Posted by: 6eDVD ()
Date: July 07, 2015 10:49AM

TchyM Wrote:
> Rainbows Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Haters, please try to keep up. States where
> gay
> > marriage is legal are in blue:
> We're not haters .. that's an over-used, easy
> attack word.
> Same -sec marriage may has been deemed legal by
> SCOTUS ... but other unhealthy lifestyles are also
> LEGAL Promiscuity is unhealthy, but legal.
> Drinking oneself to death in one's own home, is
> legal but unhealthy.
> The fact that this had to go all the way to SCOTUS
> for a decision (whose decision is beyond their
> authority on these kinds of issues, BTW),
> says that there is A LOT of reasonable doubt to
> the benefit of promoting it in our society. How
> many years did it take to get to this point? You
> also continue to dare call this a Civil Rights'
> Issue? Nice try, but most aren't buying your
> strategy.
> The GLBT community has been nothing short of being
> one disturbing "attention whore" and eye sore
> everywhere they place their agenda. Most of us
> would rather, go about our day, as we once did,
> without having to see your "plugs" in the
> newpapers, on the news, on sitcom TV, in movies,
> on ABC "family", etc.
> Most of us don't care. Go on with your lives.
> Most of us, would love it if you would live normal
> lives and not use your lifestyle as some kind of
> weapon against others who don't share your values.
> Furthermore, the over-activism for your cause, is
> what gets people to eventually think, "Just give
> them what they want so they will just live normal
> lives without all the overt whining. But no, you
> won't stop there .. You won't stop until those of
> us, who espouse traditional marriage are looked
> upon as if we are wrong. You will go further and
> proclaim that traditional marriage is "oudated",
> "old fashioned", "backwards", "masochistic", and
> inferior to your brand of marriage.
> No we aren't haters. We just speak up with what
> we disagree with. We aren't violated anyone's
> rights in speaking up. And because we disagree,
> does not mean your are not respected as persons,
> or cared about or loved. Yes, if you look for
> them, you will find hateful people, but because
> some of us do not agree with your lifstyle choices
> or set of values, that does not make us hateful.
> One can diagree with someone, but yet be loving.
> Live and let live.

Exactly. Thank you poster for spelling it out so well.

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Re: Me Thinks Thou Protesteth too Much.
Posted by: Yeah, you are haters ()
Date: July 07, 2015 11:04AM

TchyM Wrote:
> We're not haters

Well, you sure do sound like haters. Maybe you need to work on your messaging...

> Same -sec marriage may has been deemed legal by
> SCOTUS ... but other unhealthy lifestyles...

Same sex marriage is not unhealthy.

> Drinking oneself to death in one's own home, is
> legal but unhealthy.

No, suicide by any means is illegal in all 50 states.

> The fact that this had to go all the way to SCOTUS
> for a decision (whose decision is beyond their
> authority on these kinds of issues, BTW),
> says that there is A LOT of reasonable doubt to
> the benefit of promoting it in our society. How
> many years did it take to get to this point? You
> also continue to dare call this a Civil Rights'
> Issue? Nice try, but most aren't buying your
> strategy.

The SCOTUS needed to rule on the issue because the legal marriages of same sex couples from certain staes were not being recognized by other states. Whether or not you 'buy it', marriage equality is in fact a civil rights issue.

> Most of us would rather, go about our day, as we
> once did, without having to see your "plugs" in the
> newpapers, on the news, on sitcom TV, in movies,
> on ABC "family", etc.

Kind of like Blacks during segregation, right?

> Most of us don't care. Go on with your lives.
> Most of us, would love it if you would live normal
> lives and not use your lifestyle as some kind of
> weapon against others who don't share your values.

GLBT folks do 'live normal lives'. Give an example of that you mean by using ones "lifestyle as some kind of weapon against others who don't share your values".

> Furthermore, the over-activism for your cause, is
> what gets people to eventually think, "Just give
> them what they want so they will just live normal
> lives without all the overt whining. But no, you
> won't stop there .. You won't stop until those of
> us, who espouse traditional marriage are looked
> upon as if we are wrong.

Don't you get tired sometimes of playing the poor hapless victim?

> You will go further and
> proclaim that traditional marriage is "oudated",
> "old fashioned", "backwards", "masochistic", and
> inferior to your brand of marriage.

That's a lovely strawman you've constructed, but it's a lie.

> No we aren't haters. We just speak up with what
> we disagree with. We aren't violated anyone's
> rights in speaking up. And because we disagree,
> does not mean your are not respected as persons,
> or cared about or loved.

Marriage equality is a civil right. Your position is analogous to disagreeing that Blacks and whites should attend the same schools. Listen to yourself: What you believe is hateful, is harmful, is wrong.

> Yes, if you look for
> them, you will find hateful people, but because
> some of us do not agree with your lifstyle choices
> or set of values, that does not make us hateful.

Yes, it does.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Me Thinks Thou Protesteth too Much.
Posted by: Knowledge Dropped ()
Date: July 07, 2015 02:19PM

Yeah, you are haters Wrote:
> TchyM Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > We're not haters
> Well, you sure do sound like haters.
> Maybe you need to work on your messaging...
> > Same -sec marriage may has been deemed legal by
> > SCOTUS ... but other unhealthy lifestyles...
> Same sex marriage is not unhealthy.
> > Drinking oneself to death in one's own home, is
> > legal but unhealthy.
> No, suicide by any means is illegal in all 50
> states.
> > The fact that this had to go all the way to
> > for a decision (whose decision is beyond their
> > authority on these kinds of issues, BTW),
> > says that there is A LOT of reasonable doubt to
> > the benefit of promoting it in our society. How
> > many years did it take to get to this point?
> You
> > also continue to dare call this a Civil Rights'
> > Issue? Nice try, but most aren't buying your
> > strategy.
> The SCOTUS needed to rule on the issue because the
> legal marriages of same sex couples from certain
> staes were not being recognized by other states.
> Whether or not you 'buy it', marriage equality is
> in fact a civil rights issue.
> > Most of us would rather, go about our day, as
> we
> > once did, without having to see your "plugs" in
> the
> > newpapers, on the news, on sitcom TV, in
> movies,
> > on ABC "family", etc.
> Kind of like Blacks during segregation, right?
> > Most of us don't care. Go on with your lives.
> > Most of us, would love it if you would live
> normal
> > lives and not use your lifestyle as some kind
> of
> > weapon against others who don't share your
> values.
> GLBT folks do 'live normal lives'. Give an example
> of that you mean by using ones "lifestyle as some
> kind of weapon against others who don't share your
> values".
> > Furthermore, the over-activism for your cause,
> is
> > what gets people to eventually think, "Just
> give
> > them what they want so they will just live
> normal
> > lives without all the overt whining. But no,
> you
> > won't stop there .. You won't stop until those
> of
> > us, who espouse traditional marriage are looked
> > upon as if we are wrong.
> Don't you get tired sometimes of playing the poor
> hapless victim?
> > You will go further and
> > proclaim that traditional marriage is
> "oudated",
> > "old fashioned", "backwards", "masochistic",
> and
> > inferior to your brand of marriage.
> That's a lovely strawman you've constructed, but
> it's a lie.
> > No we aren't haters. We just speak up with
> what
> > we disagree with. We aren't violated anyone's
> > rights in speaking up. And because we
> disagree,
> > does not mean your are not respected as
> persons,
> > or cared about or loved.
> Marriage equality is a civil right. Your position
> is analogous to disagreeing that Blacks and whites
> should attend the same schools. Listen to
> yourself: What you believe is hateful, is harmful,
> is wrong.
> > Yes, if you look for
> > them, you will find hateful people, but because
> > some of us do not agree with your lifstyle
> choices
> > or set of values, that does not make us
> hateful.
> Yes, it does.

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Re: Lesbo US PLayer Wambach Makes Spectacle After Women's World Cup by Kissing Her "Wife" in the Stands
Posted by: abelard ()
Date: July 08, 2015 04:46AM

>The fact that it had to go all the way to SCOTUS is evident of how unsure people are about applying the term "marriage", to something so opposite of what marriage has been since the beginning of recorded history.

In truth, defining exactly what 'marriage' means is a tricky business cross-culturally. I will tell you this: this isn't the first time that same-sex marriage has been called 'marriage'.

Always slays me when people think that their own customs are the rules of god.

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Re: Lesbo US PLayer Wambach Makes Spectacle After Women's World Cup by Kissing Her "Wife" in the Stands
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: July 08, 2015 04:56AM

I would like someone other than me to explain the history of marriage. It seems like nobody understands how it started, and I'd hate to spoil it for everyone.

13 4826 0948 82695 25847. Yes.

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Re: Lesbo US PLayer Wambach Makes Spectacle After Women's World Cup by Kissing Her "Wife" in the Stands
Posted by: Vexxxed ()
Date: July 08, 2015 05:46AM

MrMephisto Wrote:
> I would like someone other than me to explain the
> history of marriage. It seems like nobody
> understands how it started, and I'd hate to spoil
> it for everyone.

The first marriage license in the US was issued in Massachusetts in 1639 more than likely for taxing purposes.

Anything pre-governmental interference is none of your concern.

All you need to know about the history of marriage is to follow the money.

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Re: Lesbo US PLayer Wambach Makes Spectacle After Women's World Cup by Kissing Her "Wife" in the Stands
Posted by: Stupid redneck conservative christians ()
Date: July 08, 2015 05:58AM

J9FNe Wrote:
> The government has not declared a national religion.

No but the teabagger republicans sure have.

The rest of your post is retarded foxnews BS. It didn't go to SCOTUS because people were "unsure how to apply it", it went to the courts be aside people are sick and tired of being told what to do by those religious teabagger morons mentioned above.

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Re: Lesbo US PLayer Wambach Makes Spectacle After Women's World Cup by Kissing Her "Wife" in the Stands
Posted by: Vexxxed ()
Date: July 08, 2015 07:05AM

Stupid redneck conservative christians Wrote:
> The rest of your post is retarded foxnews BS. It
> didn't go to SCOTUS because people were "unsure
> how to apply it", it went to the courts be aside
> people are sick and tired of being told what to do
> by those religious teabagger morons mentioned
> above.

I have nothing to add to this post. Just wanted to see if it was still funny as a quote.

"Stupid redneck", "religious teabagger morons" and "it went to the courts be aside people are sick and tired of being told what to do by..." all in one post.

So much hate and no way to express it properly.

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Re: Lesbo US PLayer Wambach Makes Spectacle After Women's World Cup by Kissing Her "Wife" in the Stands
Posted by: disappointed FFU'er ()
Date: July 08, 2015 07:17AM

All these posts and no pics and no hot or not


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Re: Lesbo US PLayer Wambach Makes Spectacle After Women's World Cup by Kissing Her "Wife" in the Stands
Posted by: abelard ()
Date: July 08, 2015 01:28PM

> I would like someone other than me to explain the history of marriage.

What do you want to know? Western history? Pre-western? Evolutionary history? Each of these are books so be specific.

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Re: Lesbo US PLayer Wambach Makes Spectacle After Women's World Cup by Kissing Her "Wife" in the Stands
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: July 08, 2015 02:45PM

abelard Wrote:
> > I would like someone other than me to explain
> the history of marriage.
> What do you want to know? Western history?
> Pre-western? Evolutionary history? Each of these
> are books so be specific.

You clearly know what you're talking about, so let someone else try.

13 4826 0948 82695 25847. Yes.

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