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Worst sunburn stories
Posted by: Red Boobs ()
Date: July 01, 2015 08:36AM

Summer is here. Share your worst sunburn stories. I'll start. I was
12 and went to a pool. No sunscreen. I swear I was only in the pool for 30 minutes. Later that night my arms were purple. Intense pain! They blistered a couple days later.

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Re: Worst sunburn stories
Posted by: Iizzie ()
Date: July 01, 2015 09:10AM

That sucks!

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Re: Worst sunburn stories
Posted by: Mw4mx ()
Date: July 01, 2015 09:16AM

i always peeled my skin off an ate it. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

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Re: Worst sunburn stories
Posted by: ueh9w ()
Date: July 01, 2015 03:59PM

I went camping years ago and we waterskied and swam for three days. Got burnt so bad that I couldn't go to school for a week. Blistered, sunburn spray was unbearably painful. But I got laid for the first time that weekend. Definitely worth it

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Re: Worst sunburn stories
Posted by: P90X Story ()
Date: July 01, 2015 04:05PM

I worked out for about 6 months doing P90X and eating right to prepare for the beach. I couldn't of been more pleased. Ribbed abs and looked forward to relaxing and showing off at the beach every day.

First day on the beach it was overcast so I didn't put any sunblock on. Got burned so bad I had to wear a sweat pants and long sleeve shirts the rest of the week. ^ months of training shot to hell.

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Re: Worst sunburn stories
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: July 01, 2015 04:06PM

I'll take the painful agony phase over the intense, uncontrollable itching phase any day.

13 4826 0948 82695 25847. Yes.

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Re: Worst sunburn stories
Posted by: Que? ()
Date: July 01, 2015 10:47PM

When I was a teenager I shaved my head with a bic razor as some sort of punk rock, "I hate Mexicans", bullshit rebellion statement. Little did I realize in my teenage angst that vacation was a week away.

Don't know how much sunscreen I was using, but I burnt my head so fucking bad it blistered. My rebellious ass was in bed trying to sleep of heat exhaustion and fend off melanoma by 730 every night.

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Re: Worst sunburn stories
Posted by: some more info ()
Date: July 02, 2015 12:44AM

Stage 3 cancer. Im not even thirty yet.

Use sunscreen!

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Re: Worst sunburn stories
Posted by: GI Woe ()
Date: July 02, 2015 05:28AM

I was in Germany when I was a grunt in the Army. Got a three day pass and spent most of my time at a lake with a local girl I hooked up with. We fell asleep in the sun after screwing and I was burned to a crisp. When I got back to camp I went straight to the clinic, they treated me and called my CO. Next thing I know the MP's come and arrest me. I was charged with "damaging government property". They locked me up for two weeks and made me clean all the floors and shitters in the jail before they dropped the charges.

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Re: Worst sunburn stories
Posted by: Worst story ()
Date: July 03, 2015 08:24PM

I have all of you beat. Back in 2005 when the pool just opened in Centreville I swam in my then girlfriends pool in her complex. She got fried. Like sprinkle old bay on her cooked fried. We were both 22. So she was in too much pain for sex but I rolled over and started playing with her anyways. She got turned on, said don't stop, I didn't, and 9 months later I was a father. The son is some mentally retarded doofus I nicknamed Bort, short for abortion. She left me with this little shit after she found out he was a mutant. She left me for her college professor. Now I'm stick with the little specimen who looks like Sloth from the Goonies and shits more on the rug than a cocker spaniel. He'll be 10 next year. At least I taught him how to play fetch which entertains my boys and I when they're over. Also when he shits his pants in a restaurant our food is free. Too bad the circus or science won't take Bort.

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Re: Worst sunburn stories
Posted by: fuct ()
Date: July 04, 2015 08:59AM

Worst story Wrote:
> I have all of you beat. Back in 2005 when the pool
> just opened in Centreville I swam in my then
> girlfriends pool in her complex. She got fried.
> Like sprinkle old bay on her cooked fried. We were
> both 22. So she was in too much pain for sex but I
> rolled over and started playing with her anyways.
> She got turned on, said don't stop, I didn't, and
> 9 months later I was a father. The son is some
> mentally retarded doofus I nicknamed Bort, short
> for abortion. She left me with this little shit
> after she found out he was a mutant. She left me
> for her college professor. Now I'm stick with the
> little specimen who looks like Sloth from the
> Goonies and shits more on the rug than a cocker
> spaniel. He'll be 10 next year. At least I taught
> him how to play fetch which entertains my boys and
> I when they're over. Also when he shits his pants
> in a restaurant our food is free. Too bad the
> circus or science won't take Bort.

That's fucked! You know they're adoption services and homes you can put your little boy in if you're a pussy and can't take care of him. That's pretty messed up how you treat your son because of his mental retardation. He's not a circus freak or an object he's a human being. You are disgusting

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