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Worst Threads on FFXU
Date: June 28, 2015 08:51PM

Here is my great list of worst FFXU posts in categories.

-"Nog" threads (criminal stuff, life, music)
-Anti-Liberal threads
-Eesh/Misery/whatever threads
-Anti-new movies and movie theater threads (why is there a host of threads like these?)

And the worst one...

-This: http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/read/40/1747444.html

I don't know why people are being so rude to actually-alright things and people here. If you want better threads, dig through the general section (which is more than half Off-Topic's annex nowadays anyway).


- Savage Vro Fartian was here -

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Re: Worst Threads on FFXU
Posted by: 6508 ()
Date: June 28, 2015 09:19PM

This one and the one with shit problems.

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Re: Worst Threads on FFXU
Date: June 28, 2015 09:33PM

6508 Wrote:
> This one and the one with shit problems.

This one, as in the threads listed, right?

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Re: Worst Threads on FFXU
Posted by: college girl is clueless ()
Date: June 28, 2015 09:34PM

Liberals, mainstream music, obozo, modern society, spoiled brats like Justin bieber, the far right are all going to be the downfall of our country. Give them all Rambo knives and drop them in the middle of Syria. Whoever returns after beating Isis will earn my respect

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Re: Worst Threads on FFXU
Posted by: da real fartian ()
Date: June 28, 2015 09:45PM

da real fartian might be the worst troll attempt I have every seen. You've been doing it for 2 months now, and it's fuckin pathetic Wingnut. Hint one, responses to a post not about tits within the hour on a Sunday night. Hint two, only a retarded old person like yourself would think liberals like Justin Bieber. No one does.

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Re: Worst Threads on FFXU
Date: June 28, 2015 09:49PM

college girl is clueless Wrote:
> Liberals, mainstream music, the awesome Obama, modern society,
> spoiled brats like Justin bieber, the far right
> are all going to be the downfall of our country.
> Give them all Rambo knives and drop them in the
> middle of Syria. Whoever returns after beating
> Isis will earn my respect

Liberals and Obama are making modern society better (look what happened this week!), and mainstream music/JB are great diversions to society. No idea why people are so hypocritical over them for no reason.

Your name is you.

da real fartian Wrote:
> da real fartian might be the worst troll attempt I
> have every seen. You've been doing it for 2 months
> now, and it's fuckin pathetic Wingnut. Hint one,
> responses to a post not about tits within the hour
> on a Sunday night. Hint two, only a retarded old
> person like yourself would think liberals like
> Justin Bieber. No one does.

EDIT: I do this because I want to explore the unexplored, and solve all those brainless haters of everything that this forum is. I am not WingNut as he is GOP. And why do you think no one likes JB? He is one of the best artists I've ever seen. I've seen all the universally-accepted artists, and JB is way better. Period.


- Savage Vro Fartian was here -

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/28/2015 09:52PM by - dA rEaL fArTiAn -.

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Re: Worst Threads on FFXU
Posted by: Ralph Pootawn ()
Date: June 28, 2015 10:30PM

Any lizzie/miz thread, any Gerrymandererwhateverincoherant thread, anyone praising Obamba/fags thread, any Megan Phooey thread.

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Re: Worst Threads on FFXU
Date: June 28, 2015 10:40PM

Ralph Pootawn Wrote:
> Any lizzie/miz thread, any
> Gerrymandererwhateverincoherant thread, anyone
> praising Obamba/fags thread, any Megan Phooey
> thread.

I agree with all of the above, except for Obama/same-sex couples and Gerry. All 3 things are awesome.

Also, why do all you sick FFXU users have to start such an uproar over that? Weird.


- Savage Vro Fartian was here -

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Re: Worst Threads on FFXU
Posted by: prison bitch beiber ()
Date: June 28, 2015 10:44PM

JB is better when on his period? You gotta be kidding. He has two styles. Gay and prison bitch gay.

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Re: Worst Threads on FFXU
Posted by: Nokesville ()
Date: June 28, 2015 10:50PM

The Lizzy/Miz/Megan/Eesh/Katie threads should also include the Caan/Hickersons/Donahlue subgroup of threads, the worst of which may be this train wreck, although it is nice to see Megan getting shut down at the end:


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Re: Worst Threads on FFXU
Posted by: False police report ()
Date: June 28, 2015 10:55PM

Nokesville Wrote:
> The Lizzy/Miz/Megan/Eesh/Katie threads should also
> include the Caan/Hickersons/Donahlue subgroup of
> threads, the worst of which may be this train
> wreck, although it is nice to see Megan getting
> shut down at the end:
> http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/read/38/45
> 7983.html

TJ's mom and Prince William police were pissed at Megan. She kept reporting that eesh was responsible for Caan's disappearance, she made false statements that created false leads. In the end, Caan stole a truck the day he was to report to juvenile hall.

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Re: Worst Threads on FFXU
Posted by: Da real fartface ()
Date: June 28, 2015 10:57PM

Every thread the OP posts in.

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Re: Worst Threads on FFXU
Posted by: you follow the crowd ()
Date: June 28, 2015 10:59PM

- dA rEaL fArTiAn - Wrote:
> college girl is clueless Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Liberals, mainstream music, the awesome
> Obama
, modern society,
> > spoiled brats like Justin bieber, the far right
> > are all going to be the downfall of our
> country.
> > Give them all Rambo knives and drop them in the
> > middle of Syria. Whoever returns after beating
> > Isis will earn my respect
> Liberals and Obama are making modern society
> better (look what happened this week!), and
> mainstream music/JB are great diversions to
> society. No idea why people are so hypocritical
> over them for no reason.
> Your name is you.
> da real fartian Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > da real fartian might be the worst troll attempt
> I
> > have every seen. You've been doing it for 2
> months
> > now, and it's fuckin pathetic Wingnut. Hint
> one,
> > responses to a post not about tits within the
> hour
> > on a Sunday night. Hint two, only a retarded
> old
> > person like yourself would think liberals like
> > Justin Bieber. No one does.
> EDIT: I do this because I want to explore the
> unexplored, and solve all those brainless haters
> of everything that this forum is. I am not WingNut
> as he is GOP. And why do you think no one likes
> JB? He is one of the best artists I've ever seen.
> I've seen all the universally-accepted artists,
> and JB is way better. Period.

Did your head hitting the headboard give you brain damage? Or did someone bust a nut in your mouth and it bounced off your brain?

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Re: Worst Threads on FFXU
Posted by: ...... ()
Date: June 29, 2015 04:31AM

Nokesville Wrote:
---------------------------------------------although it is nice to see Megan getting
> shut down at the end:
> http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/read/38/45
> 7983.html

Its like a warm cup of coffee during a blozzard is what it is.

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Re: Worst Threads on FFXU
Posted by: da real retartian ()
Date: June 29, 2015 05:19AM

Every thread that da real fartian has started qualifies for worst thread ever. So if he/she/it has started 10 threads, then they are the top ten worst threads ever.

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Re: Worst Threads on FFXU
Posted by: TtpvX ()
Date: June 29, 2015 05:32AM

Does the set of all sets contain itself?

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Re: Worst Threads on FFXU
Posted by: the worst ()
Date: June 29, 2015 07:10AM

I think you might honestly be the least amusing poster here, and that's saying a lot. I've never even smiled at anything you've written here, and in all actuality I think it's given me depression several times.

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Re: Worst Threads on FFXU
Date: July 01, 2015 10:06AM

Wow. All these posts are weird and unamusing here. Moving on...

http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/read/40/1192338.html - Another bad thread adding on here.


- Savage Vro Fartian was here -

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Re: Worst Threads on FFXU
Posted by: NATTITODE ()
Date: July 01, 2015 11:22AM

The bowels thread has jumped the shark.

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Re: Worst Threads on FFXU
Posted by: WkEec ()
Date: July 01, 2015 11:28AM

"Worst Threads on FFXU" thread

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Re: Worst Threads on FFXU
Posted by: frank the tank ()
Date: July 01, 2015 11:35AM

The rudest thread though not entirely innacurate

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Re: Worst Threads on FFXU
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: July 01, 2015 11:38AM

worst threads are 90 percent of the threads. Just dumb rightard shit because they are fat and lazy and angry and think they're doing something by making a retarded thread on FFXU.

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Re: Worst Threads on FFXU
Posted by: jkgfgt ()
Date: July 01, 2015 11:45AM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> worst threads are 90 percent of the threads. Just
> dumb rightard shit because they are fat and lazy
> and angry and think they're doing something by
> making a retarded thread on FFXU.

This coming from a dumbass fat camel jockey libtard

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Re: Worst Threads on FFXU
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: July 01, 2015 11:53AM

Look at the fucking thread count. its 90 percent fucking right tard junk. The facts speak themselves.

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Re: Worst Threads on FFXU
Date: July 01, 2015 12:45PM

>Justin Bieber

He's nothing but a common criminal, just convicted of assault plus DUI others.

Typical Liberals "hero"

Just like "Fido" is Obamas "Buddy" now that he's greeting the Cuban Commie Government with open arms, A country with horrid recent human rights issues slavery, mass murder, war crimes. And harbors a US cop killer. And she's staying right there smirking.

Yet Liberals denounce a flag that flew in battle here 150 years ago. And is nothing but a memorial flag to the men in Gray in Southern States.

HYPOCRITES! And That's Not Right Tard junk as "The Facts Do Speak For Themselves".

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Re: Worst Threads on FFXU
Date: August 16, 2015 03:30PM

Double Action Jackson Wrote:
> >Justin Bieber
> He's nothing but a common criminal, just convicted
> of assault plus DUI others.
> Typical Liberals "hero"
> Just like "Fido" is Obamas "Buddy" now that he's
> greeting the Cuban Commie Government with open
> arms, A country with horrid recent human rights
> issues slavery, mass murder, war crimes. And
> harbors a US cop killer. And she's staying right
> there smirking.
> Yet Liberals denounce a flag that flew in battle
> here 150 years ago. And is nothing but a memorial
> flag to the men in Gray in Southern States.
> HYPOCRITES! And That's Not Right Tard junk as "The
> Facts Do Speak For Themselves".

JB is behind all of that, and he is still awesome! You don't know about all his other awesomeness.

Obama is a great president, and Cuba is becoming better! You don't know nothing about us.

Boy, it sure is right tard junk up there.


- Savage Vro Fartian was here -

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