Re: Should Anyone Morally Opposed to Gay Marriage
Posted by:
Slurpee Machine Repairman
Date: June 27, 2015 08:00AM
troltrolltrolltrolltroll Wrote:
> Yes. In Washington state, for a heterosexual to
> even get a drivers's license, you have to have
> signatures of three friends who are certified as
> gay, attesting that you do indeed have gay
> friends. Ohterwise, you are a homophobe, and not
> entitled to drive, vote, work for the government,
> or own a firearm.
I read in the Washington Post that starting next year in Maryland, in order to get a business license, you have to let a nigger fuck you in the ass while reciting the Communist Manifesto in front of the entire office staff. Gerry is already lining up.