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Should Anyone Morally Opposed to Gay Marriage
Posted by: State Deputy Attorney General ()
Date: June 26, 2015 11:02PM

be allowed to be employed by any local, state or federal agency? I know an individual in a more liberal state than VA that tells me the lefties are planning a new push to make it a condition to receive any tax-payer money to sign a personal waiver that they have no moral objection to gay marriage. Further ideas that have been presented in strategy sessions is to also require same waiver to receive any government services (.e.g. welfare benefits, driver's licenses, etc.). Could this happen in Virginia?

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Re: Should Anyone Morally Opposed to Gay Marriage
Posted by: troltrolltrolltrolltroll ()
Date: June 26, 2015 11:16PM

Yes. In Washington state, for a heterosexual to even get a drivers's license, you have to have signatures of three friends who are certified as gay, attesting that you do indeed have gay friends. Ohterwise, you are a homophobe, and not entitled to drive, vote, work for the government, or own a firearm.

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Re: Should Anyone Morally Opposed to Gay Marriage
Date: June 26, 2015 11:50PM

I can only imagine what ISIS will do if Gay Marriage is imposed on the Churches here by some Obama Exec. Order or SCOTUS decision.

Gay Marriage required by US "law" in a Mosque , in the religion of Islam ??


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Re: Should Anyone Morally Opposed to Gay Marriage
Posted by: jLVFD ()
Date: June 27, 2015 07:45AM

Double Action Jackson Wrote:
> I can only imagine what ISIS will do if Gay
> Marriage is imposed on the Churches here by some
> Obama Exec. Order or SCOTUS decision.
> Gay Marriage required by US "law" in a Mosque , in
> the religion of Islam ??

I'm sure Islam would get an exemption. Other religions will have to comply.

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Re: Should Anyone Morally Opposed to Gay Marriage
Posted by: "Living in America" ()
Date: June 27, 2015 07:51AM

jLVFD Wrote:
> Double Action Jackson Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I can only imagine what ISIS will do if Gay
> > Marriage is imposed on the Churches here by
> some
> > Obama Exec. Order or SCOTUS decision.
> >
> > Gay Marriage required by US "law" in a Mosque ,
> in
> > the religion of Islam ??
> >
> I'm sure Islam would get an exemption. Other
> religions will have to comply.

You boys worry to much. You might be overdue to grow a set.

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Re: Should Anyone Morally Opposed to Gay Marriage
Posted by: Slurpee Machine Repairman ()
Date: June 27, 2015 08:00AM

troltrolltrolltrolltroll Wrote:
> Yes. In Washington state, for a heterosexual to
> even get a drivers's license, you have to have
> signatures of three friends who are certified as
> gay, attesting that you do indeed have gay
> friends. Ohterwise, you are a homophobe, and not
> entitled to drive, vote, work for the government,
> or own a firearm.

I read in the Washington Post that starting next year in Maryland, in order to get a business license, you have to let a nigger fuck you in the ass while reciting the Communist Manifesto in front of the entire office staff. Gerry is already lining up.

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Re: Should Anyone Morally Opposed to Gay Marriage
Posted by: establishedlaw ()
Date: June 27, 2015 08:48AM

This is not farfetched. If the left-wing media have now decided that opposition to gay marriage is the equivalent of racism and sexism - well, what's the next logical step? Stamp out any opposition. Opposed to gay marriage - get out - you just lost your job. And I am sure the list of ideas that need to be banned will be expanded. That's how lefties think.

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Re: Should Anyone Morally Opposed to Gay Marriage
Posted by: Taxdeduct ()
Date: June 27, 2015 10:05AM

H.R. 345 is a tax exemption provision what will give gay couples $15,000 yearly tax deduction for repatriations for years of discrimination.

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Re: Should Anyone Morally Opposed to Gay Marriage
Posted by: Amendment I ()
Date: June 27, 2015 12:08PM

Double Action Jackson Wrote:
> I can only imagine what ISIS will do if Gay
> Marriage is imposed on the Churches here by some
> Obama Exec. Order or SCOTUS decision.
> Gay Marriage required by US "law" in a Mosque , in
> the religion of Islam ??

The very first line of the Bill of Rights: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"

Yesterday righted a wrong that was influenced by religion.

Marriage is simply a legal state-endorsed contract. Whatever happens in a church is just for show.

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