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Obama bans Confederate Memorbilia? Is the Government going to
Posted by: Col.Mosby ()
Date: June 24, 2015 04:42PM

come to my house and take all of my history books and charge me with a hate crime?

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Re: Obama bans Confederate Memorbilia? Is the Government going to
Posted by: Is it painful, being so stupid? ()
Date: June 24, 2015 04:44PM

Col.Mosby Wrote:
> Obama bans Confederate Memorbilia?


Is it painful, being so stupid?

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Re: Obama bans Confederate Memorbilia? Is the Government going to
Posted by: newsflash ()
Date: June 24, 2015 05:07PM

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Re: Obama bans Confederate Memorbilia? Is the Government going to
Posted by: I Luv Bacon ()
Date: June 24, 2015 07:21PM


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Re: Obama bans Confederate Memorbilia? Is the Government going to
Posted by: 97X ()
Date: June 24, 2015 07:22PM

Is it painful, being so stupid? Wrote:
> Col.Mosby Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Obama bans Confederate Memorbilia?
> No.
> Is it painful, being so stupid?

Why don't you tell us?

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Re: Obama bans Confederate Memorbilia? Is the Government going to
Date: June 24, 2015 07:40PM

Too Bad the asshole coward Roof did not display a GAY Flag, Or A Democrat Party or Obama Sticker. Did he ever fuck up.

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Re: Obama bans Confederate Memorbilia? Is the Government going to
Posted by: Lib-Tardz LOLz! ()
Date: June 24, 2015 07:41PM

That would have been hilarious.

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Re: Obama bans Confederate Memorbilia? Is the Government going to
Posted by: Red Neck Nation ()
Date: June 24, 2015 08:15PM

What kind of car does Roof drive and why hasn't it been banned yet?

It did carry him to the church were he murdered those people, right?

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Re: Obama bans Confederate Memorbilia? Is the Government going to
Posted by: I Luv Bacon ()
Date: June 24, 2015 09:41PM

progressive marxist taliban are aiming for this next
death to america

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/24/2015 09:43PM by I Luv Bacon.

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Re: Obama bans Confederate Memorbilia? Is the Government going to
Posted by: very disrespectful ()
Date: June 24, 2015 10:04PM

Double Action Jackson Wrote:
> Too Bad the asshole coward Roof did not display a
> GAY Flag, Or A Democrat Party or Obama Sticker.
> Did he ever fuck up.

That's like saying "too bad he didn't carry an anti-Sasquatch" flag because now we'd understand his hatred of Bigfoot,

It's a stupid proposition.

He was a white-supremacist. He murdered alot of people for the cause of white-supremacism. That battle flag was adopted during the 50s as a symbol rebelling against civil rights, and is widely embraced by racist/segregationalist groups.

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Re: Obama bans Confederate Memorbilia? Is the Government going to
Posted by: k7juy ()
Date: June 24, 2015 10:15PM


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Re: Obama bans Confederate Memorbilia? Is the Government going to
Posted by: I Luv Bacon ()
Date: June 24, 2015 11:17PM


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Re: Obama bans Confederate Memorbilia? Is the Government going to
Date: June 24, 2015 11:51PM

That battle flag was adopted during the 50s as a symbol rebelling against civil rights, and is widely embraced by racist/segregationalist groups.

Now that's REALLY got me doing some Soul Searching! Does It mean that if
George Lincoln Rockwell drove a Oscar Myer Wiener Mobile, that it would be called by you a "Hate Mobile" ??

Kilton Would love to own such a ride! With all the hot dogs included of course!

The Confederate Battle Flag is a Memorial Flag of those that fought 150 years ago. That's all.

And yes it has been misused by racist groups. Understand
completely the term "Misused" as you misuse respect of brave men with P.C bullshit . Men who fought 150 years ago and can not defend themselves here today.

Can I help it if James Dean was a "Rebel" ?? Are you going to ban his films also?

I do agree Roof is a Turd , a Killer and a Coward, and the men in Gray 150 years ago would have had no part of him today or then. A rope around his neck and a quick drop thru a trap would do them just fine after his trial and conviction. Now go light candles to save him as you will when his time comes. Uphold his endless appeals.

Good night to all 6-24-15

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