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Arent supposed health conscious millennials contradicting themselves by having their mobile phones attached to their heads for 10-12 hours each day?
Posted by: Stupid fucks ()
Date: June 23, 2015 05:12PM


Their much praised healthy eating habits and heathly exercise habits and environmental concerns will mean jack shit if they keep on having their mobile phones attached to their skulls for over 10 hours each and every single day.

Aren't they contradicting themselves?

Stupid fucks.

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Re: Arent supposed health conscious millennials contradicting themselves by having their mobile phones attached to their heads for 10-12 hours each day?
Posted by: GKjCY ()
Date: June 23, 2015 06:42PM

Maybe we're waiting for some actual science that shows a link between cell phone use and any disease. Not pseudo-science. Actual science.

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Re: Arent supposed health conscious millennials contradicting themselves by having their mobile phones attached to their heads for 10-12 hours each day?
Date: June 23, 2015 07:16PM

Ask Al Gore, He's a "Science Expert"

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Re: Arent supposed health conscious millennials contradicting themselves by having their mobile phones attached to their heads for 10-12 hours each day?
Posted by: Seriously? ()
Date: June 23, 2015 11:45PM

GKjCY Wrote:
> Maybe we're waiting for some actual science that
> shows a link between cell phone use and any
> disease. Not pseudo-science. Actual science.

The picture posted above isn't enough for ya?

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