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SC Shooting: Let's Not Rush To Judgement
Posted by: Cool, Calm, and Collected ()
Date: June 18, 2015 08:43PM

Let's all take the time to remember that when Major Nidal Hasan, a muslim, opened fire and murdered 13 Americans at Ft. Hood, obama demanded that everyone remain calm and wait until all the facts were in. Let's follow that advice here, just like obama insisted in the case of the Ft. Hood muslim mass-murderer.

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Re: SC Shooting: Let's Not Rush To Judgement
Posted by: jefuhgy ()
Date: June 18, 2015 09:14PM

Cool, Calm, and Collected Wrote:
> Let's all take the time to remember that when
> Major Nidal Hasan, a muslim, opened fire and
> murdered 13 Americans at Ft. Hood, obama demanded
> that everyone remain calm and wait until all the
> facts were in. Let's follow that advice here, just
> like obama insisted in the case of the Ft. Hood
> muslim mass-murderer.

Actually, this is good advice.

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Re: SC Shooting: Let's Not Rush To Judgement
Posted by: 97X ()
Date: June 18, 2015 10:25PM

I just saw a video of the shooter in police custody. I would think he would stick out like a sore thumb in a black church?

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Re: SC Shooting: Let's Not Rush To Judgement
Posted by: gods house ()
Date: June 18, 2015 10:34PM

97X Wrote:
> I just saw a video of the shooter in police
> custody. I would think he would stick out like a
> sore thumb in a black church?

they invited him in to the church to pray

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Re: SC Shooting: Let's Not Rush To Judgement
Date: June 18, 2015 11:03PM

Obama today saying "nothing like this happens elsewhere in the world". Did he just get back from the left coast? Maybe had too much to smoke? With his Hollywood friends who stoke the minds of these criminals with violent movies, video games, rap songs and disrespect is "Cool".

Last couple of months huge attacks occurred. In Paris France, In The French Alps, the German plane with the maniac co-pilot, That one was one of the largest homicides in the history of man.

Mr. President get sobered up , put the pipe down, before you start taking about crime and the USA vs the world. And leave the 100 million USA gun owners alone, the same way you leave the Muslims alone after terror attacks. Its an act of a single or a few maniac's. Not The NRA . Not law abiding gun owners. Not the fault of Muslim people of faith or the writings of the Prophet Muhammad.

Peace be with the family's and friends of those killed. Innocent people many older , completely defenseless, only wanting to be at worship in their church. A crime against man and god by another maniac. And that's what Obama's message should have been instead of his gun grabbing rhetoric blaming law abiding citizens.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/18/2015 11:12PM by Double Action Jackson.

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Re: SC Shooting: Let's Not Rush To Judgement
Posted by: dHbMt ()
Date: June 19, 2015 03:33PM

Obama is an opportunist .. he couldn't stay off the politics with this incident ... just an opp. for him to push he "no gun" policy and to remind the country of the race wars, and church bombings of the sixties ...

He's not a good leader .. He is devisive. A leader with character would have expressed condolences to the families, call our nation to pray, and stayed out of special political agendas, when addressing the nation about this.

Obama's behavior disgusts me.

I guess I need to pray more for him.

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