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Where is the press statement from the NRA on the Charleston shooting last night?
Posted by: still looking..... ()
Date: June 18, 2015 01:35PM

Can't find it anywhere....

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Re: Where is the press statement from the NRA on the Charleston shooting last night?
Posted by: MjhKj ()
Date: June 18, 2015 02:31PM

Right, b/c the gun has yet to achieve "Robot Mode".

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Re: Where is the press statement from the NRA on the Charleston shooting last night?
Posted by: vdkt4 ()
Date: June 18, 2015 02:35PM

I'm still waiting for that apology from Rival for that pressure cooker bomb.

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Re: Where is the press statement from the NRA on the Charleston shooting last night?
Posted by: yaai ()
Date: June 18, 2015 02:35PM

still looking..... Wrote:
> Can't find it anywhere....

Why should they?

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Re: Where is the press statement from the NRA on the Charleston shooting last night?
Posted by: TheGunPeedonMyHandWetDiaper ()
Date: June 18, 2015 02:56PM

To the OP:

I think the gun should apologize for its' willingness to go along with Dylann Roof.
I'm sure that would clear things up for you.

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Re: Where is the press statement from the NRA on the Charleston shooting last night?
Posted by: logic 101 ()
Date: June 18, 2015 03:15PM

vdkt4 Wrote:
> I'm still waiting for that apology from Rival for
> that pressure cooker bomb.

Not a legitimate comparison, so let me help you here. The pressure cooker was designed to cook food under pressure. For this process to work safely, they designed the pressure cooker, with locks, traps, and written instructions, to be safe for normal cooking environments. When used as it was designed for, as the designers worked to ensure the pressure cookers were safe, and when used correctly would not cause bodily damages.

The culprits did not use the pressure cooker for its intended use by design. They altered the product to the point where the original design and fail-safes were rendered useless. How can the manufacturer be scrutinized when their product was altered, and the original safety design was rendered inoperable?

Now, the boy wanted to kill Black people for his family's and friends protection. His comments about rape and crime clearly showed he was trying to protect himself and others against Black people. The NRA claims guns are needed for protection, and, in this case, there was no altering of the design and\or purpose of this gun. The gun did exactly what it was designed to do, in the thought process of this boy and the NRA.

Got it?

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Re: Where is the press statement from the NRA on the Charleston shooting last night?
Posted by: etYxD ()
Date: June 18, 2015 03:24PM

logic 101 Wrote:
> vdkt4 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I'm still waiting for that apology from Rival
> for
> > that pressure cooker bomb.
> Not a legitimate comparison, so let me help you
> here. The pressure cooker was designed to cook
> food under pressure. For this process to work
> safely, they designed the pressure cooker, with
> locks, traps, and written instructions, to be
> safe for normal cooking environments. When used
> as it was designed for, as the designers worked to
> ensure the pressure cookers were safe, and when
> used correctly would not cause bodily damages.
> The culprits did not use the pressure cooker for
> its intended use by design. They altered the
> product to the point where the original design and
> fail-safes were rendered useless. How can the
> manufacturer be scrutinized when their product was
> altered, and the original safety design was
> rendered inoperable?
> Now, the boy wanted to kill Black people for his
> family's and friends protection. His comments
> about rape and crime clearly showed he was trying
> to protect himself and others against Black
> people. The NRA claims guns are needed for
> protection, and, in this case, there was no
> altering of the design and\or purpose of this gun.
> The gun did exactly what it was designed to do,
> in the thought process of this boy and the NRA.
> Got it?

Guns aren't made for nor does the "NRA" or anyone else associated with gun rights support a deranged kid shooting a bunch of innocent black folks either.

Got it?

Would you feel better if he set off a pressure cooker bomb instead?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Where is the press statement from the NRA on the Charleston shooting last night?
Posted by: logic 101 ()
Date: June 18, 2015 03:56PM

etYxD Wrote:
> logic 101 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > vdkt4 Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------

> Guns aren't made for nor does the "NRA" or anyone
> else associated with gun rights support a deranged
> kid shooting a bunch of innocent black folks
> either.
> Got it?
> Would you feel better if he set off a pressure
> cooker bomb instead?

No, the kid was protecting himself and others from Black people like George Zimmerman was protecting himself and his neighborhood from a black teenager.

The NRA has done everything in their power to try and allow nutcases to have access to guns.

were you aware that the NRA supported a bill offered by Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Ted Cruz (R-TX) that would have let people who have been involuntarily committed to psychiatric hospitals buy guns immediately after their commitment order expired.

For over a decade, in state legislatures across the country, the N.R.A. and other gun-rights groups have beaten back legislation mandating the surrender of firearms in domestic violence situations (what could possibly go wrong?). The NRA argued that gun ownership, as a fundamental constitutional right, should not be stripped away for anything less serious than a felony conviction — and certainly not for the “mere issuance of court orders."

In 2014, the NRA filed formal comments in opposition to a plan by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) to expand the categories of persons prohibited under federal law from acquiring or possessing firearms because of having been "adjudicated as a mental defective" or "committed to a mental institution." The proposal is commonly referred to by its BATFE docket number, 51P.

The NRA has also steadfastly rejected any expansion of background checks for gun transfers because, they claim, it targets law-abiding citizens while doing nothing to prevent crime. This evil individual got the gun from his father, and went through no background check, as far a I can tell.

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Re: Where is the press statement from the NRA on the Charleston shooting last night?
Posted by: shine some light ()
Date: June 18, 2015 04:04PM

logic 101 Wrote:
> were you aware that the NRA supported a bill
> offered by Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Ted
> Cruz (R-TX) that would have let people who have
> been involuntarily committed to psychiatric
> hospitals buy guns immediately after their
> commitment order expired.

In your scenario, who issued the commitment order?

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Re: Where is the press statement from the NRA on the Charleston shooting last night?
Posted by: Gun control fails again ()
Date: June 18, 2015 04:11PM


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Re: Where is the press statement from the NRA on the Charleston shooting last night?
Posted by: 3HxbT ()
Date: June 18, 2015 04:18PM

How much culpability would you say lies with the shooter and how much with the NRA?

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Re: Where is the press statement from the NRA on the Charleston shooting last night?
Posted by: @logic 101 ()
Date: June 18, 2015 04:24PM

So should it be illegal for my cousin to inherit an airloom antique pistol from my grandfather?

Should we dis-invent the gun?
How about the US pull all our nuclear warheads and ship them into outter space?
Would you feel safer then?

Maybe all cars should be manditorily retrofitted to have radar technology to detect if we are about to hit something?
How about at owner's expense, or the owner is disallowed to drive their own car?

Should we ban swimming pools at private residences?

How about we ban glue?

I believe you would fail any class called logic 101.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Where is the press statement from the NRA on the Charleston shooting last night?
Posted by: logic 101 ()
Date: June 18, 2015 04:33PM

shine some light Wrote:
> logic 101 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > were you aware that the NRA supported a bill
> > offered by Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Ted
> > Cruz (R-TX) that would have let people who have
> > been involuntarily committed to psychiatric
> > hospitals buy guns immediately after their
> > commitment order expired.
> In your scenario, who issued the commitment order?

A psychiatrist working with law enforcement or families. They are medical doctors. They have real understanding of brain function and personality, and they are experts on drugs and medication for the brain.

Do you agree?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Where is the press statement from the NRA on the Charleston shooting last night?
Posted by: TXnGb ()
Date: June 18, 2015 04:36PM

logic 101 Wrote:
> etYxD Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > logic 101 Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > vdkt4 Wrote:
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > Guns aren't made for nor does the "NRA" or
> anyone
> > else associated with gun rights support a
> deranged
> > kid shooting a bunch of innocent black folks
> > either.
> >
> > Got it?
> >
> > Would you feel better if he set off a pressure
> > cooker bomb instead?
> No, the kid was protecting himself and others from
> Black people like George Zimmerman was protecting
> himself and his neighborhood from a black
> teenager.
> The NRA has done everything in their power to try
> and allow nutcases to have access to guns.
> were you aware that the NRA supported a bill
> offered by Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Ted
> Cruz (R-TX) that would have let people who have
> been involuntarily committed to psychiatric
> hospitals buy guns immediately after their
> commitment order expired.
> For over a decade, in state legislatures across
> the country, the N.R.A. and other gun-rights
> groups have beaten back legislation mandating the
> surrender of firearms in domestic violence
> situations (what could possibly go wrong?). The
> NRA argued that gun ownership, as a fundamental
> constitutional right, should not be stripped away
> for anything less serious than a felony conviction
> — and certainly not for the “mere issuance of
> court orders."

No, they've resisted specifically targeting on a legal basis the loss of second amendment rights in the case of misdemeanor offences for anything that might be considered domestic violence no matter how minor. In the same way that one doesn't lose their voting rights for similar offenses. In fact, there already are restrictions on possession of weapons for legally recognized cases of domestic abuse (as well as a variety of other reasons).

> In 2014, the NRA filed formal comments in
> opposition to a plan by the Bureau of Alcohol,
> Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) to expand
> the categories of persons prohibited under federal
> law from acquiring or possessing firearms because
> of having been "adjudicated as a mental defective"
> or "committed to a mental institution." The
> proposal is commonly referred to by its BATFE
> docket number, 51P.

Intentionally misleading. The NRA does not oppose restricting possession of firearms by the mentally ill. What they opposed in that case was a lifetime ban with very loose definitions for what constitutes adjudication which may, for example, affect a veteran who has been diagnosed as having some minor PTSD at some point being stripped of their rights forever. And they questioned the legal ability of BATF implementing this as an administrative rule versus as law.

> The NRA has also steadfastly rejected any
> expansion of background checks for gun transfers
> because, they claim, it targets law-abiding
> citizens while doing nothing to prevent crime.
> This evil individual got the gun from his father,
> and went through no background check, as far a I
> can tell.

BS. The NRA supports incorporating mental heath records in background checks. Most of the opposition for that has come from the ACLU and similar groups on the basis of patient privacy.

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Re: Where is the press statement from the NRA on the Charleston shooting last night?
Posted by: shine some light ()
Date: June 18, 2015 04:43PM

logic 101 Wrote:
> shine some light Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > logic 101 Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > were you aware that the NRA supported a bill
> > > offered by Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and
> Ted
> > > Cruz (R-TX) that would have let people who
> have
> > > been involuntarily committed to psychiatric
> > > hospitals buy guns immediately after their
> > > commitment order expired.
> >
> > In your scenario, who issued the commitment
> order?
> A psychiatrist working with law enforcement or
> families. They are medical doctors. They have
> real understanding of brain function and
> personality, and they are experts on drugs and
> medication for the brain.
> Do you agree?

No. No rights should be denied until a court of competent jurisdiction has had an opportunity to hear and decide the manner with the committee allowed to state his case. That goes for second amendment rights as well as all the others.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Where is the press statement from the NRA on the Charleston shooting last night?
Posted by: logic 101 ()
Date: June 18, 2015 05:02PM

@logic 101 Wrote:
> So should it be illegal for my cousin to inherit
> an airloom [sic] antique pistol from my grandfather?

Logical fallacies, the Appeal to extremes.

> Should we dis-invent the gun?

REDUCTIO AD ABSURDUM (fallacy of the absurd).

> How about the US pull all our nuclear warheads and
> ship them into outter [sic] space?
> Would you feel safer then?

Logical fallacies of red herrings and false equivalencies. I can even throw in the appeal extreme measures and feel comfortable defending that decision.
> Maybe all cars should be manditorily {sic] retrofitted
> to have radar technology to detect if we are about
> to hit something?
> How about at owner's expense, or the owner is
> disallowed to drive their own car?

We are getting there and the mission is for safety. We also don't have groups fighting this natural evolution every step of the way, as the NRA fights.
> Should we ban swimming pools at private
> residences?
No, why? (are you comparing swimming pool deaths to gun deaths? You know those numbers were cooked, right?). The industry that represents pool manufacturers has done a lot for pool safety. The NRA, who represents gun manufacturers, has done little for gun safety, and actively tries to hamper research into gun safety.

> How about we ban glue?
fallacy of false equivalence.

No glue has a real needed purpose.
> I believe you would fail any class called logic
> 101.

Actually I aced the logic class in college. Can't you tell? Did you take a Logic class in college? It would have been under the philosophy department.

Which text did you use in your logic class?

We used one like this,

but it was an earlier edition, not the 11th edition.

Memorizing the fallacies with their Latin title was a pain, but the rest of the curriculum was very valuable.


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Where is the press statement from the NRA on the Charleston shooting last night?
Posted by: logic 101 ()
Date: June 18, 2015 05:11PM

shine some light Wrote:
> logic 101 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > shine some light Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > logic 101 Wrote:
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > > -----
> > > > were you aware that the NRA supported a
> bill
> > > > offered by Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and
> > Ted
> > > > Cruz (R-TX) that would have let people who
> > have
> > > > been involuntarily committed to psychiatric
> > > > hospitals buy guns immediately after their
> > > > commitment order expired.
> > >
> > > In your scenario, who issued the commitment
> > order?
> >
> > A psychiatrist working with law enforcement or
> > families. They are medical doctors. They have
> > real understanding of brain function and
> > personality, and they are experts on drugs and
> > medication for the brain.
> >
> > Do you agree?
> No. No rights should be denied until a court of
> competent jurisdiction has had an opportunity to
> hear and decide the manner with the committee
> allowed to state his case. That goes for second
> amendment rights as well as all the others.

I don't see where you are going here, and I think your interpretation is a little too broad, my friend. Judges take away rights of individual citizens every minute of every working day in courthouses throughout this country before the cases of that accused citizen are fully presented.

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Re: Where is the press statement from the NRA on the Charleston shooting last night?
Posted by: J44Km ()
Date: June 18, 2015 05:19PM

logic 101 Wrote:

> We are getting there and the mission is for
> safety. We also don't have groups fighting this
> natural evolution every step of the way, as the
> NRA fights.

You're not getting anywhere. Gun rights are supported by more people than they ever have been. Record numbers of people, particularly new buyers with large numbers of women and minorities, are buying weapons for personal protection. Mostly because people understand the realities of ineffective gun laws and the need to rely on themselves that you attempt to ignore in favor of some unrealistic ideal lollipop world where there are no guns in the hands of people who ignore gun laws.

> >
> > Should we ban swimming pools at private
> > residences?
> >
> No, why? (are you comparing swimming pool deaths
> to gun deaths? You know those numbers were cooked,
> right?). The industry that represents pool
> manufacturers has done a lot for pool safety. The
> NRA, who represents gun manufacturers, has done
> little for gun safety, and actively tries to
> hamper research into gun safety.

What numbers where "cooked?" Pools and many other common sources kill far more kids every year than do guns. It's not even close. Most of the "cooking" comes from the anti-gun side trying to mislead by omitting important distinctions in gun death stats like not mentioning that the vast majority are suicides, including "children" up to age 19 in order to pick up your urban black males 19-24 (the highest numbers) shooting each other, and other such tricks which again are easily refuted by reality and the data.

Apparently you're unaware that the NRA has a whole other side devoted to gun safety and its various programs have been cited as a primary source for gun safety education which has done more to reduce accidental shootings over the years than any gun laws ever have.

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Re: Where is the press statement from the NRA on the Charleston shooting last night?
Posted by: LUpew ()
Date: June 18, 2015 05:21PM

logic 101 Wrote:
> I don't see where you are going here, and I think
> your interpretation is a little too broad, my
> friend. Judges take away rights of individual
> citizens every minute of every working day in
> courthouses throughout this country before the
> cases of that accused citizen are fully presented.

Judges may. A judge is the representative of the court.

A department of the government may not by independently changing a rule administratively.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Where is the press statement from the NRA on the Charleston shooting last night?
Posted by: Logic101 ()
Date: June 18, 2015 08:00PM

J44Km Wrote:
> logic 101 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > We are getting there and the mission is for
> > safety. We also don't have groups fighting
> this
> > natural evolution every step of the way, as the
> > NRA fights.
> You're not getting anywhere. Gun rights are
> supported by more people than they ever have been.
> Record numbers of people, particularly new buyers
> with large numbers of women and minorities, are
> buying weapons for personal protection. Mostly
> because people understand the realities of
> ineffective gun laws and the need to rely on
> themselves that you attempt to ignore in favor of
> some unrealistic ideal lollipop world where there
> are no guns in the hands of people who ignore gun
> laws.
> > >
> > > Should we ban swimming pools at private
> > > residences?
> > >
> > No, why? (are you comparing swimming pool
> deaths
> > to gun deaths? You know those numbers were
> cooked,
> > right?). The industry that represents pool
> > manufacturers has done a lot for pool safety.
> The
> > NRA, who represents gun manufacturers, has done
> > little for gun safety, and actively tries to
> > hamper research into gun safety.
> What numbers where "cooked?" Pools and many other
> common sources kill far more kids every year than
> do guns. It's not even close. Most of the
> "cooking" comes from the anti-gun side trying to
> mislead by omitting important distinctions in gun
> death stats like not mentioning that the vast
> majority are suicides, including "children" up to
> age 19 in order to pick up your urban black males
> 19-24 (the highest numbers) shooting each other,
> and other such tricks which again are easily
> refuted by reality and the data.
Look, son, you don't know what you are talking about. Take a course in logic, and then we can talk. All studies show there is little net gain, and greater net loss, in homes that have guns in the house, juxtaposed with the same criteria from the previous year (current available data). The surge in gun sales is people buying additional weaponry.

I used to work for the NRA. I know how they equivocate, distort, and set up straw men to muck up the argument. I left when my area was mandated a D.O.

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Re: Where is the press statement from the NRA on the Charleston shooting last night?
Date: June 18, 2015 09:19PM

The kids father gave him the .45 for a birthday present last April, after the kid had been in trouble. No gun laws would stop that and it has nothing to do with the NRA which is a group of Law Abiding people.

Where's your outrage with the 15 yr old and his 17 yr old brother egging him on to pick a fight last Sunday early am at the new Cookout in Fredericksburg on Rt 3 East. The kid stabbed 3 men 28-30 years old, two died, one survived with multiple knife stabs in his back. The one who died had been stabbed only once.


A knife is as deadly as a gun, the difference is a gun stops people, a knife cuts and victims may feel alright till they bleed to death.

Reading about this type of crime is why gun controls going nowhere as there are way too many vicious criminals in this country. look up stabbings , robberies their rampant.

As Martin Luther King III tonight said on Fox its a entire culture with video kill games and movies and they say the kid was deeply into that crap. Bring your children up right and chances are smaller they will turn out to be a maniac.

Then Obama has to get his gun control statements in today with out even knowing where the kid got the gun.

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Re: Where is the press statement from the NRA on the Charleston shooting last night?
Posted by: 34F7w ()
Date: June 18, 2015 10:02PM

Logic101 Wrote:
> >
> Look, son, you don't know what you are talking
> about. Take a course in logic, and then we can
> talk. All studies show there is little net gain,
> and greater net loss, in homes that have guns in
> the house, juxtaposed with the same criteria from
> the previous year (current available data). The
> surge in gun sales is people buying additional
> weaponry.

I know exactly what I'm talking about and can produce the numbers from CDC and other objective, independent sources to support my arguments.

No, it is not just the same people buying additional guns. New concealed carry permit and other data show that very clearly. You mistakenly try to use a very slightly lower number of the percentage of homes who say that they have a gun in the home, which is sketchy data to begin with, failing to understand that it primarily reflects an increase in the relative numbers of households/person overall (e.g., more single individual and single-parent households) not a decrease in guns in the home. Even in that case and accepting the limitations, it's still only true on a *percentage* basis. In actual terms it translates into millions of MORE households with guns.

> I used to work for the NRA. I know how they
> equivocate, distort, and set up straw men to muck
> up the argument. I left when my area was
> mandated a D.O.

You're also completely full of shit. But we knew that. lmao

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Re: Where is the press statement from the NRA on the Charleston shooting last night?
Posted by: what are you talking about ()
Date: June 19, 2015 09:38AM

Double Action Jackson Wrote:
-- No gun laws would stop that and it has
> nothing to do with the NRA which is a group of Law
> Abiding people.
> Ever heard of Bob Dowlut, David Keane Sr, David Keane Jr., child molester Ted Nugent, or Robert K Brown? All were high level NRA executives (or the son of one), who have shady criminal histories.

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Re: Where is the press statement from the NRA on the Charleston shooting last night?
Posted by: Fat~Bottom~Girl ()
Date: June 19, 2015 09:46AM

34F7w Wrote:
> Logic101 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------

> > I used to work for the NRA. I know how they
> > equivocate, distort, and set up straw men to
> muck
> > up the argument. I left when my area was
> > mandated a D.O.
> You're also completely full of shit. But we knew
> that. lmao

+1 Once they have to start lying, it's their cowardly way of surrendering.

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Re: Where is the press statement from the NRA on the Charleston shooting last night?
Posted by: logic101 ()
Date: June 19, 2015 10:40AM

Not officially from the NRA, but from NRA board member Charles Cotton


It is the pastor's fault.

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Re: Where is the press statement from the NRA on the Charleston shooting last night?
Posted by: Possible solution ()
Date: June 19, 2015 01:15PM

I don't know is the shooting was the pastor's fault, but certainly, protecting and defending his congregants from attack falls on his shoulders.

And it is quite ironic that he, as a state legislator, voted against the right to protect oneself on at least 2 different bills.
He failed to provide a safe environment for his congregants ... I venture to say that more than 95% of churches operate the same way.

They want the doors open, unlocked ... welcoming to member of the community ..
but many do not have video surveillance cameras, security guards or plans, and or at least someone present who has concealed equalzing force to deal with an armed intruder out to maime and kill.

This is in part due to the local and state laws which do not allow, either guns in churchs, concealed carry or both.

The simple thing to do, is to lock the doors and have 1 person at the main entrance to let people in. In the case where they are no windows to see who's there. That one person, can stand outside and have a key to let visitors in.
Hind sight. Kind of like a bouncer.

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Re: Where is the press statement from the NRA on the Charleston shooting last night?
Posted by: Gunlover ()
Date: June 19, 2015 02:07PM

Just renewed my NRA dues. Get you in free or less to the gun shows, good deal.

Never Run Out of Ammo

Guns Don't Kill People. People Kill People

Them or You

The two most important days in your life are the day your were born and and the day you find out why

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Re: Where is the press statement from the NRA on the Charleston shooting last night?
Posted by: logic 101 ()
Date: June 19, 2015 02:26PM

Gunlover Wrote:
> Just renewed my NRA dues. Get you in free or less
> to the gun shows, good deal.

you idiot. Soon, they are going to be giving things away to new members or re-ups. They always offer premiums for signing up after a gun massacre.

You should have waited so you could have gotten free stuff from them.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Where is the press statement from the NRA on the Charleston shooting last night?
Posted by: Nick ()
Date: June 19, 2015 02:36PM

logic 101 Wrote:
> Gunlover Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Just renewed my NRA dues. Get you in free or
> less
> > to the gun shows, good deal.
> you idiot. Soon, they are going to be giving
> things away to new members or re-ups. They always
> offer premiums for signing up after a gun
> massacre.
> You should have waited so you could have gotten
> free stuff from them.

Yeah, you should listen to this guy.

He used to work there.


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Re: Where is the press statement from the NRA on the Charleston shooting last night?
Posted by: LuKxw ()
Date: June 19, 2015 02:47PM

The NRA, was just shaking their heads because the pastor of that church who happens to be a state senator in SC, voted against the right to protect oneself and others from situations similar to this shooting.

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