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So, who'll get the blame if 7.5 million low- and moderate-income Americans in 34 states lose their Obamacare subsidies?
Posted by: Conserva-tards! ()
Date: May 28, 2015 08:07AM

If the Supreme Court rules Obamacare subsidies are not available to people who did not enroll through a state-run exchange, it would eliminate health insurance subsidies for 7.5 million low- and moderate-income people in 34 states, causing most of them to become uninsured when their premiums become unaffordable without financial assistance.

So, who'll get the blame if that happens?

Let's see...

Which party has voted in the House to repeal/refund Obamacare nearly 60 times?

Which party runs the majority of states that refused to establish Obamacare exchanges?

Which party stands frozen, like deer in the headlights, while face with this potential armaggedon?

Can you guess?



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Re: So, who'll get the blame if 7.5 million low- and moderate-income Americans in 34 states lose their Obamacare subsidies?
Posted by: Nancy'sAchesAndPains ()
Date: May 28, 2015 08:50AM

Conserva-tards! Wrote:
> If the Supreme Court rules Obamacare subsidies are
> not available to people who did not enroll through
> a state-run exchange, it would eliminate health
> insurance subsidies for 7.5 million low- and
> moderate-income people in 34 states, causing most
> of them to become uninsured when their premiums
> become unaffordable without financial assistance.
> So, who'll get the blame if that happens?
> Let's see...
> Which party has voted in the House to
> repeal/refund Obamacare nearly 60 times?
> Which party runs the majority of states that
> refused to establish Obamacare exchanges?
> Which party stands frozen, like deer in the
> headlights, while face with this potential
> armaggedon?
> Can you guess?
> Conserva-tards!
> Lolz!

The party that was stupid enough to come up with Obamacare in the first place.
Maybe Nancy Pelosi can read the bill to us so we'll know what's in it.

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Re: So, who'll get the blame if 7.5 million low- and moderate-income Americans in 34 states lose their Obamacare subsidies?
Posted by: like your plan keep your plan ()
Date: May 28, 2015 09:01AM

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Re: So, who'll get the blame if 7.5 million low- and moderate-income Americans in 34 states lose their Obamacare subsidies?
Posted by: Chuckling Hard ()
Date: May 28, 2015 09:20AM

Nancy'sAchesAndPains Wrote:
> The party that was stupid enough to come up with
> Obamacare in the first place.
> Maybe Nancy Pelosi can read the bill to us so
> we'll know what's in it.

ObamaCare was actually modeled on a Republican plan that Mitt Romney, a Republican, came up with in the first place.

When Romney was Governor, he got it passed into law in Massachusetts in the first place.

It worked and is still working. Massachusetts is doing just fine.

Massachusetts is one of those cash positive Blue states that subsidizes all those cash negative Red Republican Welfare states that refused to set up their own health care exchanges.

Scary - out of millions of sperm, you and Trig Palin were the fastest.

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Re: So, who'll get the blame if 7.5 million low- and moderate-income Americans in 34 states lose their Obamacare subsidies?
Posted by: like your plan keep your plan ()
Date: May 28, 2015 09:26AM

Chuckling Hard Wrote:
> Nancy'sAchesAndPains Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > The party that was stupid enough to come up
> with
> > Obamacare in the first place.
> > Maybe Nancy Pelosi can read the bill to us so
> > we'll know what's in it.
> ObamaCare was actually modeled on a Republican
> plan that Mitt Romney, a Republican, came up with
> in the first place.
> When Romney was Governor, he got it passed into
> law in Massachusetts in the first place.
> It worked and is still working. Massachusetts is
> doing just fine.
> Massachusetts is one of those cash positive Blue
> states that subsidizes all those cash negative Red
> Republican Welfare states that refused to set up
> their own health care exchanges.
> Scary - out of millions of sperm, you and Trig
> Palin were the fastest.

Did RomneyCare include lying to voters?

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Re: So, who'll get the blame if 7.5 million low- and moderate-income Americans in 34 states lose their Obamacare subsidies?
Posted by: wrongg ()
Date: May 28, 2015 12:31PM

I blame the bumbling idiots that thought it was a good idea to only pay subsidies through state exchanges.

How could you blame anyone else but those that MADE THAT THE LAW?

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Re: So, who'll get the blame if 7.5 million low- and moderate-income Americans in 34 states lose their Obamacare subsidies?
Posted by: momoney ()
Date: May 28, 2015 12:37PM

You know it would have just been cheaper to end this whole welfare state and give $1,000,000 to every man, woman, and child with a 3-year average income of less than $250,000.

Give them the money and say your life is now your own. If you waste the money, don't look for handouts.

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Re: So, who'll get the blame if 7.5 million low- and moderate-income Americans in 34 states lose their Obamacare subsidies?
Posted by: RepubsandDemsareDumbasses ()
Date: May 28, 2015 01:16PM

Socialize health care and make it a civil right like europe does and be done with this debate.
Fucking dumb asses.

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Re: So, who'll get the blame if 7.5 million low- and moderate-income Americans in 34 states lose their Obamacare subsidies?
Posted by: no other people's $??? ()
Date: May 28, 2015 01:22PM

Oh noes!

(Dims = fucking stupid again)

So butthurt

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Re: So, who'll get the blame if 7.5 million low- and moderate-income Americans in 34 states lose their Obamacare subsidies?
Date: May 28, 2015 01:42PM

wrongg Wrote:
> I blame the bumbling idiots that thought it was a
> good idea to only pay subsidies through state
> exchanges.
> How could you blame anyone else but those that

The makers of the law could not have anticipated that GOP-tard controlled states would choose to harm their own citizens by refusing to set up exchanges.

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Re: So, who'll get the blame if 7.5 million low- and moderate-income Americans in 34 states lose their Obamacare subsidies?
Posted by: Conserva-tards! ()
Date: May 28, 2015 01:55PM



op is gay.png

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Re: So, who'll get the blame if 7.5 million low- and moderate-income Americans in 34 states lose their Obamacare subsidies?
Posted by: The United States called... ()
Date: May 28, 2015 02:07PM

Chuckling Hard Wrote:
> Nancy'sAchesAndPains Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > The party that was stupid enough to come up
> with
> > Obamacare in the first place.
> > Maybe Nancy Pelosi can read the bill to us so
> > we'll know what's in it.
> ObamaCare was actually modeled on a Republican
> plan that Mitt Romney, a Republican, came up with
> in the first place.
> When Romney was Governor, he got it passed into
> law in Massachusetts in the first place.
> It worked and is still working. Massachusetts is
> doing just fine.
> Massachusetts is one of those cash positive Blue
> states that subsidizes all those cash negative Red
> Republican Welfare states that refused to set up
> their own health care exchanges.
> Scary - out of millions of sperm, you and Trig
> Palin were the fastest.

Massachusetts is a state! You are a fucking idiot!

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Re: So, who'll get the blame if 7.5 million low- and moderate-income Americans in 34 states lose their Obamacare subsidies?
Posted by: Gaffawing Madly ()
Date: May 28, 2015 02:19PM

The United States called... Wrote:
> Massachusetts is a state! You are a fucking idiot!

Wherre did Chuckling Hard say that Massachusetts is not a state?

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Re: So, who'll get the blame if 7.5 million low- and moderate-income Americans in 34 states lose their Obamacare subsidies?
Posted by: Conserva-tards! ()
Date: May 28, 2015 02:23PM

Chuckling Hard Wrote:
> Massachusetts is one of those cash positive Blue
> states that subsidizes all those cash negative Red
> Republican Welfare states that refused to set up
> their own health care exchanges.

MA has minimal military installations and, like most of the NE, no niggers outside of their one or two major cities. Those two factors are the major contributors to the whole "subsidized, welfare" state bullshit. You are, per usual, full of shit.



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Re: So, who'll get the blame if 7.5 million low- and moderate-income Americans in 34 states lose their Obamacare subsidies?
Posted by: I Luv Bacon ()
Date: May 28, 2015 02:30PM


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Re: So, who'll get the blame if 7.5 million low- and moderate-income Americans in 34 states lose their Obamacare subsidies?
Posted by: wrongg ()
Date: May 28, 2015 03:55PM

More Right Than wrongg Wrote:
> wrongg Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I blame the bumbling idiots that thought it was
> a
> > good idea to only pay subsidies through state
> > exchanges.
> >
> > How could you blame anyone else but those that
> The makers of the law could not have anticipated
> that GOP-tard controlled states would choose to
> harm their own citizens by refusing to set up
> exchanges.

Well of course they could have. They worded the bill the way they did to "trick" the states into establishing 50 seperate exchanges.
This is the end result when you mistakenly think you are the smartest person in the room all the time.

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Re: So, who'll get the blame if 7.5 million low- and moderate-income Americans in 34 states lose their Obamacare subsidies?
Date: May 28, 2015 04:15PM

wrongg Wrote:
> They worded the bill the way they did to
> "trick" the states into establishing 50
> seperate exchanges.

No, not really. Come on back when you've discovered the real reason.

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Re: So, who'll get the blame if 7.5 million low- and moderate-income Americans in 34 states lose their Obamacare subsidies?
Posted by: The United States called... ()
Date: May 28, 2015 04:30PM

Gaffawing Madly Wrote:
> The United States called... Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Massachusetts is a state! You are a fucking
> idiot!
> Wherre did Chuckling Hard say that Massachusetts
> is not a state?

Damn, you libturdz really are stoopid. What state is Romneycare for? What state is Obamacare for. What country do we live in? Here's a hint...as much as you libs can't stand it, this isn't the Soviet Union.

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Re: So, who'll get the blame if 7.5 million low- and moderate-income Americans in 34 states lose their Obamacare subsidies?
Posted by: Beanie ()
Date: May 28, 2015 04:37PM

Chuckling Hard Wrote:
> Nancy'sAchesAndPains Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > The party that was stupid enough to come up
> with
> > Obamacare in the first place.
> > Maybe Nancy Pelosi can read the bill to us so
> > we'll know what's in it.
> ObamaCare was actually modeled on a Republican
> plan that Mitt Romney, a Republican, came up with
> in the first place.
> When Romney was Governor, he got it passed into
> law in Massachusetts in the first place.
> It worked and is still working. Massachusetts is
> doing just fine.
> Massachusetts is one of those cash positive Blue
> states that subsidizes all those cash negative Red
> Republican Welfare states that refused to set up
> their own health care exchanges.
> Scary - out of millions of sperm, you and Trig
> Palin were the fastest.

No, it wasn't actually.

And the only reason that it 'worked' in MA was because the Federal government subsidized the program heavily. Without that the state could not have afforded to do it and rates would be double or more.

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Re: So, who'll get the blame if 7.5 million low- and moderate-income Americans in 34 states lose their Obamacare subsidies?
Date: May 28, 2015 05:15PM

Beanie Wrote:
> No, it wasn't actually.
> And the only reason that it 'worked' in MA was
> because the Federal government subsidized the
> program heavily. Without that the state could not
> have afforded to do it and rates would be double
> or more.

Please provide evidence to support your cliam that "the Federal government subsidized [the Romneycare] program heavily". That is, proof that the federal government provided greater subsidies to Massachusetts in support of Romneycare than it the healthcare subsidies it provided to other states over the same time period(s).

I dont believe you.jpg

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Re: So, who'll get the blame if 7.5 million low- and moderate-income Americans in 34 states lose their Obamacare subsidies?
Posted by: Beanie ()
Date: May 28, 2015 06:30PM

More Right Than wrongg Wrote:
> Beanie Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > No, it wasn't actually.
> >
> > And the only reason that it 'worked' in MA was
> > because the Federal government subsidized the
> > program heavily. Without that the state could
> not
> > have afforded to do it and rates would be
> double
> > or more.
> Please provide evidence to support your cliam that
> "the Federal government subsidized [the
> Romneycare] program heavily". That is, proof that
> the federal government provided greater subsidies
> to Massachusetts in support of Romneycare than it
> the healthcare subsidies it provided to other
> states over the same time period(s).

How Romney paid for Romneycare, with federal help

By Sarah Kliff September 21, 2012

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney told Univison in an interview Wednesday that he did not mind when President Obama called him the "grandfather" of Obamacare when referring to the program Romney instituted when he was governor of Massachusetts. Quite the opposite. Romney thought other states might take a page from the Massachusetts playbook.

We didn't have to cut Medicare by $716 billion. We didn't raise taxes on health companies by $500 billion, as the president did. We crafted a program that worked for our state. I believe the right course for health care reform is to say for each state we're going to give you the Medicaid dollars you've had in the past, plus grow them by 1 percent. And you, as the states, are now going to be given targets to move people to insurance, and you craft programs that are right for your state. Some will copy what we did; others will find better ideas.

Romney is right: The state of Massachusetts did not cut Medicare to finance health care (nor could it have, as states don't have a say in the federally financed entitlement budget). Whereas the Affordable Care Act levies a tax on insurance companies and makers of medical devices, the Massachusetts law has no similar provision.

But could a state with a capped Medicaid budget, as Romney has proposed, copy what Romney did in Massachusetts and end up with universal coverage? Romney's own experience suggests probably not: His state a special pot of federal money, alongside a preexisting assessment on hospitals and insurers, to expand insurance coverage to 98 percent of its population.

Way back in 1985, under then-Gov. Michael Dukakis, Massachusetts set up a program called the Uncompensated Care Pool. Much like the name suggests, the pool is used to finance health care for those without insurance. Massachusetts financed the plan largely through assessments on hospitals and insurers. Under Romney's administration In 2004, each industry paid in about $157 million to keep the pool running. That plan still operates today -- under the name Health Safety Net - and covers health care needs that Massachusetts residents cannot afford.

Since the late 1990s, Massachusetts has also received additional Medicaid funds to enroll populations that other states traditionally do not cover. In 2005, when Romney was governor, the federal aid amounted to $550 million. As former Romney adviser John McDonough explains in his book "Inside Health Policy," the funds were crucial to laying the foundation for universal health coverage. He takes us back to 2005, when the George W. Bush administration was getting ready to end that special funding arrangement:

"In Masachusetts, $350 million is a lot of money, and the news set off alarm bells. Governor Romney reached out and formed a partnership with Senator Kennedy to scheme how to keep the extra federal dollars coming. At that moment, the state's mundane desire to retain federal dollars merged with the policy goal of universal coverage to create a new policy imperative. Romney and Kennedy proposed that Massachusetts keep receiving the extra payments and in return the state would shift the use of those dollars [to] subsidies to help lower-income individuals purchase health insurance coverage."

Ryan Lizza recounts a similar version of events in his New Yorker article on Romneycare. That state ultimately secured three years of additional Medicaid funding, $1.05 billion, which largely financed the Massachusetts expansion. Both accounts suggest that it was a special commitment from the federal government, rather than a capped budget, that spurred Massachusetts' success.

Since then, employers and individuals have chipped in to keep the universal coverage program afloat. The Blue Cross Blue Shield Foundation of Massachusetts saw spending by both of those groups increase in the year after Romneycare became law, which they attribute to rising medical costs and the insurance expansion.

Five years later, it's largely federal funding that keeps Massachusetts' universal coverage afloat. Since 2005, the state has twice renewed that federal waiver -- the one Lizza and McDonough wrote about -- to provide additional Medicaid dollars to the state.

The most recent renewal was last December 2011, when the state secured $26.75 billion in federal funds over the course of three years. It will, among other programs, continue to finance the universal coverage program.

"The milestone agreement also ensures the ongoing success of Massachusetts’ historic health care reform initiative, through which more than 98 percent of the Commonwealth’s residents, and 99.8 percent of children, have health insurance," Massachusetts Health and Human Services Secretary JudyAnn Bixby wrote at the time. "The waiver fully funds our ongoing health care reform implementation."

So Massachusetts used not just federal Medicaid money but federal dollars above and beyond that Medicaid money to finance their health reforms. It is difficult to see how Romney's proposal to cut Medicaid spending and hand that reduced share over to the states would allow other states to follow Massachusetts' example. It might not even permit Massachusetts to continue following Massachusetts' example.


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Re: So, who'll get the blame if 7.5 million low- and moderate-income Americans in 34 states lose their Obamacare subsidies?
Posted by: Conserva-tards! ()
Date: May 28, 2015 07:33PM

More Right Than wrongg Wrote:
> Please provide evidence to support your cliam that
> "the Federal government subsidized [the
> Romneycare] program heavily". That is, proof that
> the federal government provided greater subsidies
> to Massachusetts in support of Romneycare than it
> the healthcare subsidies it provided to other
> states over the same time period(s).

Wow, you got p'wnd there champ.

PS, your spelling is bad.




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