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What Will A Democratic President Accomplish if Elected
Posted by: How Do You Like Those Apples ()
Date: April 14, 2015 08:13PM

American Economic recovery.
More than double the stock market.
Save the banking, finance, and automobile industries.
Produce Five Unprecedented Years of continuous job growth.
Bring Comprehensive Health Care coverage to millions of Americans.
End American torture, extraordinary renditions, secret prisons, the suspension of habeas corpus.
Immigration Reform.
Meaningful policies to help thwart global climate change.
Raise the minimum wage to a living wage.
Reduce the deficit to 2.9% of GDP.
Enhance Civil Rights and Anti-Discrimnation.

Oh, my bad, the current Democratic President already did that.

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Re: What Will A Democratic President Accomplish if Elected
Posted by: gitmo says "hi" ()
Date: April 14, 2015 08:15PM

But Booosh!

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Re: What Will A Democratic President Accomplish if Elected
Posted by: Continue the Same ()
Date: April 14, 2015 08:22PM

Just continue the same policies that have:

1) Created jobs.
2) Killed Bin Laden and other major terrorists.
3) Stabilized the banking industry.
4) Save the US auto industry.
5) $2.50 gasoline
6) Stabilized the housing industry.

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Re: What Will A Democratic President Accomplish if Elected
Posted by: Pontiac dealers say "hi" ()
Date: April 14, 2015 08:29PM


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Re: What Will A Democratic President Accomplish if Elected
Posted by: Dissolution ()
Date: April 14, 2015 08:57PM

Continue the Same Wrote:
> Just continue the same policies that have:
> 1) Created jobs. = People forced to work two part-time jobs because of obamacare.

> 2) Killed Bin Laden and other major terrorists. = No proof and American citizens.
> 3) Stabilized the banking industry. = Nope.
> 4) Save the US auto industry. = Nope.
> 5) $2.50 gasoline = Nope.
> 6) Stabilized the housing industry. = Haha, idiot, NOPE!

Obama did kill a US ambassador, destroy America's credit rating, added tens of trillions to the debt, committed treason, abdicated his constitutional responsibility, and fucked a man in the ass.

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Re: What Will A Democratic President Accomplish if Elected
Posted by: Fairfax Conservative ()
Date: April 14, 2015 09:02PM

Here's what we have:

America is weak in the world.

President Obama curtsies to dress-wearing fat leaders of Saudi Arabia.

Disaster in Syria.

Disaster in Egypt.

Disaster in Libya.

Disaster in Iran

Kerry giving a reach-around on Obama on Iran getting to have nuclear weapons, "but remain one year away."

Low prices of gas are because of fracking in the USA, not because of any of Obama's policies.

A lot of banks did get to receive hundreds (I said hundreds) of billions of dollars to line their pockets, because of Obama dand the democrats.

The housing industry was wrecked by the Democrats with their threats on "red-lining". Maxine Waters and Barnie Frank are both on record protecing the fraudster Freddie-Mac and Fannie-Mae, both Democrat inventions.

The Democrats have been deceiving you all too long.

Vote Conservative. Probably in 2015 and 2016, this means Republican.

Don't be fooled by the Fools.

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Re: What Will A Democratic President Accomplish if Elected
Posted by: Republican Gov Shutdown ()
Date: April 14, 2015 09:03PM

Dissolution Wrote:
> Continue the Same Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Just continue the same policies that have:
> >
> > 1) Created jobs. = People forced to work two
> part-time jobs because of obamacare.
> > 2) Killed Bin Laden and other major terrorists.
> = No proof and American citizens.
> > 3) Stabilized the banking industry. = Nope.
> > 4) Save the US auto industry. = Nope.
> > 5) $2.50 gasoline = Nope.
> > 6) Stabilized the housing industry. = Haha,
> idiot, NOPE!
> Obama did kill a US ambassador, destroy America's
> credit rating, added tens of trillions to the
> debt, committed treason, abdicated his
> constitutional responsibility, and fucked a man in
> the ass.

You are a so disillusioned from reality it's not even funny.

Obama even warned republicans "This could seriously hurt Americas credit rating." Boehner and other republicans ignore that and shutdown the government.

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Re: What Will A Democratic President Accomplish if Elected
Posted by: Ralph Pootawn ()
Date: April 14, 2015 09:07PM

Fairfax Conservative Wrote:
> Here's what we have:
> America is weak in the world.
> President Obama curtsies to dress-wearing fat
> leaders of Saudi Arabia.
> Disaster in Syria.
> Disaster in Egypt.
> Disaster in Libya.
> Disaster in Iran
> Kerry giving a reach-around on Obama on Iran
> getting to have nuclear weapons, "but remain one
> year away."
> Low prices of gas are because of fracking in the
> USA, not because of any of Obama's policies.
> A lot of banks did get to receive hundreds (I said
> hundreds) of billions of dollars to line their
> pockets, because of Obama dand the democrats.
> The housing industry was wrecked by the Democrats
> with their threats on "red-lining". Maxine Waters
> and Barnie Frank are both on record protecing the
> fraudster Freddie-Mac and Fannie-Mae, both
> Democrat inventions.
> The Democrats have been deceiving you all too
> long.
> Vote Conservative. Probably in 2015 and 2016, this
> means Republican.
> Don't be fooled by the Fools.

You forgot that the President of Yemen escaped the country in a boat.

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Re: What Will A Democratic President Accomplish if Elected
Posted by: Obama shut it down ()
Date: April 14, 2015 09:08PM

Or are you saying he couldn't do anything?

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Re: What Will A Democratic President Accomplish if Elected
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: April 14, 2015 09:12PM

> Obama did kill a US ambassador,

No, terrorists in Libya did.

>destroy America's credit rating

No Republicans did when they threatened the debt ceiling, Obama warned them that it would occur and they proceeded anyway.

>added tens of trillions to the debt

Republicans continued to defend the Bush tax cuts throughout the recession and obstructed any attempts to balance the budget with tax reform included.

>committed treason, abdicated his
> constitutional responsibility

Republicans piss on the Constitution like its a joke. Bush obliterated the entire Bill of Rights. 47 Republicans also violated the Logan Act.

>and fucked a man in the ass.

We all know it's Republican senators that get caught tapping their toes in airport bathroom stalls on the hunt for random gay sex.

Is that all you retardlicans got? If that's it then irrespective of your daily dose of idiocy, Obama has been a saint.

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Re: What Will A Democratic President Accomplish if Elected
Posted by: Republican Gov Shutdown ()
Date: April 14, 2015 09:13PM

Remember when republican would let the house vote on the budget? Great stuff from republicans that cost the gov over $200 million with there shit!

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Re: What Will A Democratic President Accomplish if Elected
Posted by: Hillary will fuck Obama's peons ()
Date: April 14, 2015 09:15PM

Up. Wait for it.

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Re: What Will A Democratic President Accomplish if Elected
Posted by: Gonna kill some libz ()
Date: April 14, 2015 09:17PM

Republican Gov Shutdown Wrote:
> Remember when republican would let the house vote
> on the budget? Great stuff from republicans that
> cost the gov over $200 million with there shit!

And so continuing to pile on debt is a good thing? You're a fucking moron.

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Re: What Will A Democratic President Accomplish if Elected
Posted by: Ralph Pootawn ()
Date: April 14, 2015 09:17PM

Republican Gov Shutdown Wrote:
> Remember when republican would let the house vote
> on the budget? Great stuff from republicans that
> cost the gov over $200 million with there shit!

Hairy Reid is the one who shutdown the Gov't. get your facts straight.

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Re: What Will A Democratic President Accomplish if Elected
Posted by: Currymanderer2 loves goat fuckin ()
Date: April 14, 2015 09:28PM

Like usual, G2 is wrong about everything.

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Re: What Will A Democratic President Accomplish if Elected
Posted by: Dr. Suess ()
Date: April 14, 2015 09:33PM

Ralph Pootawn Wrote:
> Republican Gov Shutdown Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Remember when republican would let the house
> vote
> > on the budget? Great stuff from republicans
> that
> > cost the gov over $200 million with there shit!
> Hairy Reid is the one who shutdown the Gov't. get
> your facts straight.

Good one!

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Re: What Will A Democratic President Accomplish if Elected
Posted by: True The Vote ! ()
Date: April 14, 2015 09:35PM

Destroy what is left of the real America.

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Re: What Will A Democratic President Accomplish if Elected
Posted by: Repub Shutdown ()
Date: April 14, 2015 09:36PM


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Re: What Will A Democratic President Accomplish if Elected
Posted by: Ralph Pootawn ()
Date: April 14, 2015 09:42PM

Dr. Suess Wrote:
> Ralph Pootawn Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Republican Gov Shutdown Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Remember when republican would let the house
> > vote
> > > on the budget? Great stuff from republicans
> > that
> > > cost the gov over $200 million with there
> shit!
> >
> >
> > Hairy Reid is the one who shutdown the Gov't.
> get
> > your facts straight.
> Good one!

Gets his news from a comedian.

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Re: What Will A Democratic President Accomplish if Elected
Date: April 14, 2015 09:43PM

How Do You Like Those Apples Wrote:
> American Economic recovery.
> More than double the stock market.
> Save the banking, finance, and automobile
> industries.
> Produce Five Unprecedented Years of continuous job
> growth.
> Bring Comprehensive Health Care coverage to
> millions of Americans.
> End American torture, extraordinary renditions,
> secret prisons, the suspension of habeas corpus.
> Immigration Reform.
> Meaningful policies to help thwart global climate
> change.
> Raise the minimum wage to a living wage.
> Reduce the deficit to 2.9% of GDP.
> Enhance Civil Rights and Anti-Discrimnation.
> Oh, my bad, the current Democratic President
> already did that.

This is all true. Democrats are the REAL MVP!

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Re: What Will A Democratic President Accomplish if Elected
Posted by: Obama can't stop Hillary! ()
Date: April 14, 2015 09:56PM

You'll see.

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Re: What Will A Democratic President Accomplish if Elected
Posted by: Libtards are mentally ill ()
Date: April 14, 2015 10:38PM

How Do You Like Those Apples Wrote:
> American Economic recovery.
> More than double the stock market.
> Save the banking, finance, and automobile
> industries.
> Produce Five Unprecedented Years of continuous job
> growth.
> Bring Comprehensive Health Care coverage to
> millions of Americans.
> End American torture, extraordinary renditions,
> secret prisons, the suspension of habeas corpus.
> Immigration Reform.
> Meaningful policies to help thwart global climate
> change.
> Raise the minimum wage to a living wage.
> Reduce the deficit to 2.9% of GDP.
> Enhance Civil Rights and Anti-Discrimnation.
> Oh, my bad, the current Democratic President
> already did that.

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Re: What Will A Democratic President Accomplish if Elected
Date: April 14, 2015 10:49PM

Libtards are mentally ill Wrote:
> How Do You Like Those Apples Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > American Economic recovery.
> > More than double the stock market.
> > Save the banking, finance, and automobile
> > industries.
> > Produce Five Unprecedented Years of continuous
> job
> > growth.
> > Bring Comprehensive Health Care coverage to
> > millions of Americans.
> > End American torture, extraordinary renditions,
> > secret prisons, the suspension of habeas
> corpus.
> > Immigration Reform.
> > Meaningful policies to help thwart global
> climate
> > change.
> > Raise the minimum wage to a living wage.
> > Reduce the deficit to 2.9% of GDP.
> > Enhance Civil Rights and Anti-Discrimnation.
> >
> > Oh, my bad, the current Democratic President
> > already did that.

Obama is a better president than if you were.

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