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Democrats can't come up with a better logo for Hillary? Sheesh
Posted by: Democrat Circle Jerk ()
Date: April 13, 2015 10:07AM

This has to be the worst fucking logo of all time? It looks like directions to the nearest hospital.

Don't design types usually lean lefty? What happened? Guess they're still upset that Native American Lizzie Warren won't run so they're taking it out on Madam Hillary.


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Re: Democrats can't come up with a better logo for Hillary? Sheesh
Posted by: Conserva-tards! ()
Date: April 13, 2015 10:11AM

Democrat Circle Jerk Wrote:
> This has to be the worst fucking logo of all time?
> It looks like directions to the nearest hospital.
> Don't design types usually lean lefty? What
> happened? Guess they're still upset that Native
> American Lizzie Warren won't run so they're taking
> it out on Madam Hillary.

Translation: This logo is fucking BRILLIANT! The GOP and its clown-car primary sideshow is doomed!



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Re: Democrats can't come up with a better logo for Hillary? Sheesh
Posted by: if i was her campaign manager ()
Date: April 13, 2015 10:22AM


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Re: Democrats can't come up with a better logo for Hillary? Sheesh
Posted by: Ralph Pootawn ()
Date: April 13, 2015 10:23AM

Conserva-tards! Wrote:
> Democrat Circle Jerk Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > This has to be the worst fucking logo of all
> time?
> > It looks like directions to the nearest
> hospital.
> >
> > Don't design types usually lean lefty? What
> > happened? Guess they're still upset that Native
> > American Lizzie Warren won't run so they're
> taking
> > it out on Madam Hillary.
> Translation: This logo is fucking BRILLIANT! The
> GOP and its clown-car primary sideshow is doomed!
> Conserva-tards!
> LoLz!

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Re: Democrats can't come up with a better logo for Hillary? Sheesh
Posted by: fskd ()
Date: April 13, 2015 10:48AM


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Re: Democrats can't come up with a better logo for Hillary? Sheesh
Posted by: Biden/Obama ()
Date: April 13, 2015 11:38AM

Wait until the Biden/Obama ticket drops.

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Re: Democrats can't come up with a better logo for Hillary? Sheesh
Posted by: michelle obama 4 prez ()
Date: April 13, 2015 11:47AM

Hillary, Warren, Biden my ass.
Caucasians had over 200 years ruling minorities. We have the power now, we have the demographics. Its time to get even.
Michelle Obama for president.

At least she never worked for Republicans.

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Re: Democrats can't come up with a better logo for Hillary? Sheesh
Posted by: ijbpl ()
Date: April 13, 2015 12:13PM

Fuck the Obama's. Anyone that is gonna have Al Sharpton or his self serving type over to the White House every few weeks and does not have the intelligence to see through his charade does not have the required perception to be President. That, or they're racists like Sharpton too. I really hope its the former

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Re: Democrats can't come up with a better logo for Hillary? Sheesh
Posted by: JkY3M ()
Date: April 13, 2015 01:20PM

How about:

"Hillary for Change" -- "Yes We Can"

Oh, wait, that would be too obvious.

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Re: Democrats can't come up with a better logo for Hillary? Sheesh
Posted by: Monica L. ()
Date: April 13, 2015 04:19PM


A classic.

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Re: Democrats can't come up with a better logo for Hillary? Sheesh
Posted by: Gunlover ()
Date: April 13, 2015 05:40PM

This is good

Never Run Out of Ammo

Guns Don't Kill People. People Kill People

Them or You

The two most important days in your life are the day your were born and and the day you find out why

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Re: Democrats can't come up with a better logo for Hillary? Sheesh
Posted by: Libtards must die ()
Date: April 13, 2015 06:43PM

Conserva-tards! Wrote:
> Democrat Circle Jerk Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > This has to be the worst fucking logo of all
> time?
> > It looks like directions to the nearest
> hospital.
> >
> > Don't design types usually lean lefty? What
> > happened? Guess they're still upset that Native
> > American Lizzie Warren won't run so they're
> taking
> > it out on Madam Hillary.
> Translation: This logo is fucking BRILLIANT! The
> GOP and its clown-car primary sideshow is doomed!
> Conserva-tards!
> LoLz!

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Re: Democrats can't come up with a better logo for Hillary? Sheesh
Posted by: Libby Libtardo ()
Date: April 13, 2015 07:04PM


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Re: Democrats can't come up with a better logo for Hillary? Sheesh
Posted by: Design Shop ()
Date: April 13, 2015 08:12PM


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Re: Democrats can't come up with a better logo for Hillary? Sheesh
Posted by: Roger Mudd ()
Date: April 13, 2015 08:13PM


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Re: Democrats can't come up with a better logo for Hillary? Sheesh
Posted by: 1992? ()
Date: April 13, 2015 08:35PM


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Re: Democrats can't come up with a better logo for Hillary? Sheesh
Posted by: INGSOC ()
Date: April 13, 2015 08:51PM


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Re: Democrats can't come up with a better logo for Hillary? Sheesh
Posted by: Ready For Hillary? ()
Date: April 13, 2015 09:05PM


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Re: Democrats can't come up with a better logo for Hillary? Sheesh
Posted by: tbJMh ()
Date: April 13, 2015 09:08PM

McCain Palin Logo

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Re: Democrats can't come up with a better logo for Hillary? Sheesh
Posted by: Hilldog's dried up cunt ()
Date: April 14, 2015 10:56PM


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Re: Democrats can't come up with a better logo for Hillary? Sheesh
Posted by: Lynda.com ()
Date: April 14, 2015 11:04PM

tbJMh Wrote:
> McCain Palin Logo


Vastly superior than the POS logo Hillary's now stuck with.

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Re: Democrats can't come up with a better logo for Hillary? Sheesh
Posted by: Calcium loss ()
Date: April 14, 2015 11:10PM

It points the way to the hospital for when the decrepit old bitch breaks her hip.

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Re: Democrats can't come up with a better logo for Hillary? Sheesh
Posted by: Hilldog's dried up cunt ()
Date: April 14, 2015 11:37PM


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Re: Democrats can't come up with a better logo for Hillary? Sheesh
Posted by: imbiker ()
Date: April 14, 2015 11:53PM

if i was her campaign manager Wrote:


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Re: Democrats can't come up with a better logo for Hillary? Sheesh
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: April 14, 2015 11:58PM

Wait til Obamas people team up. They're gonna show you what a logo looks like.

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Re: Democrats can't come up with a better logo for Hillary? Sheesh
Posted by: Libtardz!!! LoLz!! ()
Date: April 15, 2015 01:59AM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> Wait til Obamas people team up. They're gonna show
> you what a logo looks like.

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