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ObamaCare Will Save US Tax Payers $2.6 Billion
Posted by: Real Americans Rejoicing ()
Date: April 10, 2015 05:18PM

America’s health care bill is turning out to be a lot smaller than economists and Republican naysayers thought it would be by this point.

That’s the conclusion of a new paper by John Holahan and Stacey McMorrow, researchers at the non-partisan Urban Institute. The aim of the paper is to tally up all the expenditures the country will make on health care between 2014 and 2019, whether it’s through private insurance, government programs like Medicare and Medicaid or direct out-of-pocket payments from patients to doctors.

In 2010, just after the Obamacare was passed, the government’s official actuaries at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services predicted that total national health spending for the five-year period starting in 2014 would be $23.6 trillion.

Using the latest data, Holahan and McMorrow have calculated that spending over that interval will probably be $21 trillion -- in other words, the total will be $2.6 trillion less than the government's number crunchers thought it would be.

That’s a pretty big windfall. You can think of it as $2.6 trillion that the country had expected to spend on health care but will likely have available for other purposes.

The finding is consistent with other recent data, like the Kaiser Family Foundation/HRET annual survey of employer-sponsored premiums (which have been rising at very slow rates) and the government’s official data on overall health care spending from 2010 through 2012.

Thank you President Obama. Republicans were completely wrong and you handed them their ass - AGAIN!

Watch all the Republican butthurt to follow. It will be fun to watch.
National HealthCare Expenditure Forecast.jpg

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Re: ObamaCare Will Save US Tax Payers $2.6 Billion
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: April 10, 2015 05:34PM

Go ahead, try and repeal that bitches. Thamks for naming it Obama Care.

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Re: ObamaCare Will Save US Tax Payers $2.6 Billion
Date: April 10, 2015 06:53PM

Real Americans Rejoicing Wrote:
> America’s health care bill is turning out to be
> a lot smaller than economists and Republican
> naysayers thought it would be by this point.
> That’s the conclusion of a new paper by John
> Holahan and Stacey McMorrow, researchers at the
> non-partisan Urban Institute. The aim of the paper
> is to tally up all the expenditures the country
> will make on health care between 2014 and 2019,
> whether it’s through private insurance,
> government programs like Medicare and Medicaid or
> direct out-of-pocket payments from patients to
> doctors.
> In 2010, just after the Obamacare was passed, the
> government’s official actuaries at the Centers
> for Medicare and Medicaid Services predicted that
> total national health spending for the five-year
> period starting in 2014 would be $23.6 trillion.
> Using the latest data, Holahan and McMorrow have
> calculated that spending over that interval will
> probably be $21 trillion -- in other words, the
> total will be $2.6 trillion less than the
> government's number crunchers thought it would
> be.
> That’s a pretty big windfall. You can think of
> it as $2.6 trillion that the country had expected
> to spend on health care but will likely have
> available for other purposes.
> The finding is consistent with other recent data,
> like the Kaiser Family Foundation/HRET annual
> survey of employer-sponsored premiums (which have
> been rising at very slow rates) and the
> government’s official data on overall health
> care spending from 2010 through 2012.
> Thank you President Obama. Republicans were
> completely wrong and you handed them their ass -
> Watch all the Republican butthurt to follow. It
> will be fun to watch.

I seriously agree! Obama has truly progressed our country out of Bush's mess. As always...


- Savage Vro Fartian was here -

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Re: ObamaCare Will Save US Tax Payers $2.6 Billion
Posted by: notforme ()
Date: April 10, 2015 07:33PM

My rates have doubled. Obamcare anin't saving me shit.

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Re: ObamaCare Will Save US Tax Payers $2.6 Billion
Posted by: twHuF ()
Date: April 10, 2015 07:37PM


I CAN SAY THE POST OFFICE SAVED AMERICANS $5 BILLION LAST YEAR - and democrats probably said that too

fact is the post office hired illegals, raised pay for political insiders, and went way bankrupt - and the law clearly states anything over budget is theft: the postal service is supposed to run an even keel till democrats fucked it over*

i can say SOCIAL SECURITY is not bankrupt, doesn't have books which can readily arrest the CEOs there at the HQ in MD (the books have hundreds of millions unexplained and obama.gov signed off on it!!! extremely fucking corrupt.)

fact is: only people getting soc. sec. are people obama.gov are somehow afraid of. the rest of it goes to MD and casinos and to CHINA to overthrow any american owned factories there (they all of the sudden become china owned and built - what a surprise).

(NOTE: reaganomics - Ronald Reagan was pissed as all hell. Democrats followed an opposite policy than he requested and showed a USA Postal debt during his presidency - the fucking assholes - that while reagan was threatening air traffic controllers who really were not making more than construction workers at the time)

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Re: ObamaCare Will Save US Tax Payers $2.6 Billion
Posted by: 3p7Yc ()
Date: April 10, 2015 07:38PM


all you are is a liar and a threat to the public - which some love because they are on the lucky stealing half - and the other half would like to see overthrown as a dictator

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Re: ObamaCare Will Save US Tax Payers $2.6 Billion
Posted by: really? ()
Date: April 10, 2015 08:00PM

Posted in Jan:

Before the law was passed, President Obama assured us:

If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. (Tens of thousands — chiefly seniors enrolled in Medicare Advantage — have learned they can’t. Only 32 percent of 3,072 physicians surveyed by medical HR firm Jackson Coker say they’ll join the Obamacare network.)

If you like your health insurance plan, you can keep your plan. (Hundreds of thousands — most recently in Colorado — have had their plans canceled. Up to 20 million eventually might, the Congressional Budget Office once estimated.)

Premiums for the average family will be cut by up to $2,500. (Premiums in the non-group marketplace were 24.4 percent higher last year than they would have been absent Obamacare, said the National Bureau of Economic Research.)

“I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits,” the president said. (Obamacare will raise net federal costs by $1.35 trillion over the next decade, CBO estimated in January.)

“This law means more choice, more competition,” he said. (The year before Obamacare went into effect, 1,232 carriers offered insurance coverage in the individual market, said the Government Accountability Office. This year, owing in part to market concentration, only 310 do.)

No wonder the law’s defenders strive frantically to move the goalposts. Obamacare is a success because more people have health insurance, they say. You have to pay a fine if you don’t have insurance, so this “accomplishment” is pretty lame — especially since so many uninsured pay the fine rather than buy overpriced insurance.

Many of the 11.4 million Obamacare “signups” of which the administration boasts previously had health insurance. Only 6.7 million of the 8 million “signups” claimed for last year actually enrolled.

CBO predicted when Obamacare was passed that this year 26 million more Americans would have health insurance. This month, CBO scaled that estimate back by more than 10 million, though one reason is that 23 states chose not to expand Medicaid.

Premiums will rise about 8.5 percent this year and next, CBO estimates. In the two years before Obamacare was enacted, premiums rose just 0.6 percent and 1.3 percent.

Obamacare’s true cost is disguised by subsidies for insurance companies due to expire in 2017, writes Stephen Parente, professor of health finance at the University of Minnesota. When they do, premiums for “Bronze” plans will soar as much as 45 percent.

Obamacare clobbers employment, say businesses surveyed by Federal Reserve banks in New York and Philadelphia. When the oft-delayed employer mandate finally kicks in, thousands more will lose their jobs.

Obamacare has been underwater in 200 consecutive polls, by larger margins since implementation began. As more Americans discover their “inexpensive” policy has an enormous deductible or get a nasty surprise from the IRS, I wouldn’t bet on it becoming more popular.

Obamacare will cost some $50,000 for each additional person insured, according to some calculations. “There’s no way we can afford it,” said author Stephen Brill.

In a year or two, when premiums and fines soar, Obamacare will be in a “death spiral,” if it isn’t already in one.

It’s understandable why President Obama clings to his “signature achievement.” But why do nearly all other Democrats? Some who voted for Obamacare must have thought it would help their constituents. Now that it’s clear it hurts them and that many of them hate it, why won’t they fix their mistake?

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Re: ObamaCare Will Save US Tax Payers $2.6 Billion
Posted by: Mmmm Uuhhh ()
Date: April 10, 2015 08:46PM

Republicans said Obamacare would ruin the economy, kill job growth, drive up health care costs, ruin the economy they destroyed, and the sky would fall down.

None of that happened. Actually, the opposite happened.

Republicans said the God would doom the economic prospects for America forever if Obama ended the decade of Bush temporary tax cuts that never trickled down after the Great Republican Recession.

Didn't happen.

Republicans said America would fall apart morally and ethically if LGBT's got married.

Didn't happen.

Republicans said shutting down the US Government would fix America.

Cost us $24 Billion and broke everything. Had to walk back that shit and eat humble pie.

Obamacare saved Americans $2.6 Billion in health care costs. I don't know about you but I am donating my money to make sure Republicans are unemployed in the next election.

Fucking things up royally like Republicans do repeatedly means you're fired.

But they can suck my dick any time.

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Re: ObamaCare Will Save US Tax Payers $2.6 Billion
Posted by: I talk to myself about conservat ()
Date: April 11, 2015 12:48AM

Now that Richmond papers blacklisted me

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Re: ObamaCare Will Save US Tax Payers $2.6 Billion
Posted by: 69hE6 ()
Date: April 11, 2015 01:02AM

Single payer. DO IT.

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Re: ObamaCare Will Save US Tax Payers $2.6 Billion
Posted by: the UI describes itself as liber ()
Date: April 11, 2015 01:05AM

So yeah,op still butthurt.

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Re: ObamaCare Will Save US Tax Payers $2.6 Billion
Posted by: the UI describes itself as liber ()
Date: April 11, 2015 01:05AM

So yeah,op still butthurt.

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Re: ObamaCare Will Save US Tax Payers $2.6 Billion
Posted by: the UI describes itself as liber ()
Date: April 11, 2015 01:05AM

So yeah,op still butthurt.

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Re: ObamaCare Will Save US Tax Payers $2.6 Billion
Posted by: the UI describes itself as liber ()
Date: April 11, 2015 01:05AM

So yeah,op still butthurt.

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Re: ObamaCare Will Save US Tax Payers $2.6 Billion
Posted by: tCLju ()
Date: April 11, 2015 01:06AM

I want more free shit.

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Re: ObamaCare Will Save US Tax Payers $2.6 Billion
Posted by: USA world police ()
Date: April 11, 2015 01:10AM

$2.6 Billion, thats 1/8th of an aircraft carrier in savings! Yey!

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Re: ObamaCare Will Save US Tax Payers $2.6 Billion
Posted by: VyTCM ()
Date: April 11, 2015 01:18AM

USA world police Wrote:
> $2.6 Billion, thats 1/8th of an aircraft carrier
> in savings! Yey!

Speaking of savings, why are we still defending Japan and S.Korea? Fuck them. Let them pick up their own defense tab. USA could use the cash.

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Re: ObamaCare Will Save US Tax Payers $2.6 Billion
Posted by: tuPjU ()
Date: April 11, 2015 01:20AM

notforme Wrote:
> My rates have doubled. Obamcare anin't saving me
> shit.

How much have public schools saved you?

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Re: ObamaCare Will Save US Tax Payers $2.6 Billion
Posted by: 1910_1945 ()
Date: April 11, 2015 01:37AM

VyTCM Wrote:
> USA world police Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > $2.6 Billion, thats 1/8th of an aircraft
> carrier
> > in savings! Yey!
> Speaking of savings, why are we still defending
> Japan and S.Korea? Fuck them. Let them pick up
> their own defense tab. USA could use the cash.

we should pullo out of a lot of countries and try cutting way back on entitlements to paid down US debt but the crooks in DC won't agree to this Wait til the dollar is dumped Then the shit
hits the fan

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Re: ObamaCare Will Save US Tax Payers $2.6 Billion
Posted by: sorry123 ()
Date: April 11, 2015 01:40AM

Sorry about typos and punctuation crappy tablet

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Re: ObamaCare Will Save US Tax Payers $2.6 Billion
Posted by: John Gruber Right Again ()
Date: April 11, 2015 10:35AM

"Non-partisan Urban Institute"

LOL, what a crock of shit. The Urban Institute is a social justice propaganda arm of the liberal wing of the DNC and niggers. It is funded in part by Soros, which tells anyone to ignore it.

And the source of this study? It's the government agency responsible for carrying out Obamacare.

Just another lie from an administration headed by Liar of the Year (according to the liberal Politi-Facts).

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Re: ObamaCare Will Save US Tax Payers $2.6 Billion
Posted by: wrongg ()
Date: April 11, 2015 11:22AM

Mmmm Uuhhh Wrote:
> Republicans said Obamacare would ruin the economy,
> kill job growth, drive up health care costs, ruin
> the economy they destroyed, and the sky would fall
> down.
> None of that happened. Actually, the opposite
> happened.
> Republicans said the God would doom the economic
> prospects for America forever if Obama ended the
> decade of Bush temporary tax cuts that never
> trickled down after the Great Republican
> Recession.
> Didn't happen.
> Republicans said America would fall apart morally
> and ethically if LGBT's got married.
> Didn't happen.
> Republicans said shutting down the US Government
> would fix America.
> Cost us $24 Billion and broke everything. Had to
> walk back that shit and eat humble pie.
> Obamacare saved Americans $2.6 Billion in health
> care costs. I don't know about you but I am
> donating my money to make sure Republicans are
> unemployed in the next election.
> Fucking things up royally like Republicans do
> repeatedly means you're fired.
> But they can suck my dick any time.

You do know there are more people out of work than at anytime in Us history right?

You do know that following the latest jobs "adjustment" the fed is forecasting near zero growth right?

You do know that job prospects for women and blacks is at the lowest point ever right?
You do realize that health care costs have gone up in real time since Obamacare right?
You realize you are clinging to a projected savings that hasn't happened yet right?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/11/2015 11:23AM by wrongg.

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Re: ObamaCare Will Save US Tax Payers $2.6 Billion
Posted by: Leftier ()
Date: April 12, 2015 09:58PM

It's going to take a while to full outcome of Obamacare.

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