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Fairfax Underground
Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
spunky Wrote:
> Just heard that some Asian lab just cloned some
> dogs that light-up in the dark. They intend to do
> this to humans, they say for health reasons?
Most of us WOULD be benefited by the ability to see you coming, Spunk-ster.
Now carry on.
I have had to change the addresses to my retaliatory blogs over half a dozen times.
spunky Wrote:
> Just heard that some Asian lab just cloned some
> dogs that light-up in the dark. They intend to do
> this to humans, they say for health reasons?
THEY say it is for health reasons. The real reason is that humans will no longer be able to sneak around in the dark. THEY will be able to track and use advanced surveillance tools to track your every move.
Get this!
Think how awesome it would be to clone spunky and then have them debate one another to the point a murder/suicide is the only recourse. Oh to dream...
angelus42774 Wrote:
> Get this!
> Think how awesome it would be to clone spunky and
> then have them debate one another to the point a
> murder/suicide is the only recourse. Oh to
> dream...
I don't think the world can handle two retards. There combined paranoia would offset the orbit of earth, plunging us on a direct collision with the sun.
Spunky's a dumbass Wrote:
> angelus42774 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Get this!
> > Think how awesome it would be to clone spunky
> and
> > then have them debate one another to the point
> a
> > murder/suicide is the only recourse. Oh to
> > dream...
> I don't think the world can handle two retards.
I am a dumbass? Please...this is a real story plus
you can't even spell. It's not "There", it's "their".
Just because I refuse to meet you Furfur is no reason
to be ugly, even if you can't help yourself.
Ignorance is a desease, you can cure, get busy!
There combined paranoia would offset the orbit of
> earth, plunging us on a direct collision with the
> sun.
This isn't even funny. Angle you are Furfur, you both
can't spell and have no sense of humor.
Shadow Wrote:
> You mean like they already can with infrared
> technology?
You miss the point... THEY want to be able to detect you even if THEY are sitting out on a restaurant patio some evening and have no equipment with them.
how would you sleep at night if you were glow in the dark? i think this is just yet another sign of the impending apocalypse that will/needs to happen.