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Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: Furfur ()
Date: April 28, 2009 07:46PM

Anyone heard of "Pastor" Melissa Scott?

She caught my eye one night, not because of her typical TV preacher bullshit, but because she is so fucking hot...

Turns out she married a TV preacher name Gene Scott when he was 70. Her age at the time? 32. When he died, she took over the ministry. Her website says she is a linguist fluent in over 20 languages and is a scholar on ancient Hebrew texts.

So what was her job before she met her husband? Porn star, yes porn star.

Somehow this is lost on the congregation. A porn star turned TV preacher, a hot chick wearing priest clothes...you can't make this stuff up.

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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: Numbers ()
Date: April 28, 2009 07:54PM

She's smart enough to know where the money is. I see no moral difference between porn and preaching, although I think porn may be on slightly higher ground.
I'll bet you a dollar she's banged more than one preacher.

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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: HooFaa ()
Date: April 28, 2009 08:44PM

LOL, I've caught part of her show and always figured she was a little minx.

She never has that Librarian Look though.


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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: April 28, 2009 10:03PM

Numbers Wrote:
> She's smart enough to know where the money is. I
> see no moral difference between porn and
> preaching, although I think porn may be on
> slightly higher ground.
> I'll bet you a dollar she's banged more than one
> preacher.


13 4826 0948 82695 25847. Yes.

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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: Eight Men and a Neckbeard ()
Date: April 28, 2009 11:22PM

I dunno. The evidence seems pretty sketch.

Here's the most thorough discussion I've found: http://www.flyninja.net/entertain/pastor-melissa-scott-porn-star-turned-televangelist-flyninja-investigates


No real actual factual porno can be found that is without a doubt Melissa Scott.

I could not find any records of a Barbie Bridges porn star or movie titled “Picture Perfect Seduction” other than what was mentioned in the threads. I did find a porno movie called “Picture Perfect”, but it’s fairly new and doesn’t star Barbie Bridges.

An obscure porn star with an obscure porn movie from the mid-nineties which has been suppressed by a lawsuit would be damn near impossible to find, but take into consideration that I have searched the web, searched for files with eMule and every Torrent search site out there…it’s no where to be found.

My verdict, either it’s all a complete urban legend that snowballed out of controlled and believed as complete fact, or she spent an unfathomable amount of time and money suppressing every shred of evidence in the digital world.

End of quote.

The above blogger first decides the rumors are "inconclusive," then changes his mind to "plausible."

But the evidence is thin. There are supposedly a number of court documents related to various lawsuits -- a competent journalist or private investigator could track down this information fairly easily and post scans of it à la The Smoking Gun. But to date, it doesn't appear that anyone has done the legwork. I would like to see Snopes or Cecil Adams take a stab at it. Until then, I'm inclined to put the rumor into the Paul is Dead category.

The first 3 images below are from a German site linked to in the above post -- photos of Barbi Bridges credited to Suze Randall. The next 3 are of Pastor Melissa Scott, followed by the late great Gene Scott.

Finally, don't miss http://www.thetruthaboutpastormelissascott.com/

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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: Furfur ()
Date: April 28, 2009 11:37PM

Read that too, and you still have to ask what a 70 year old preacher is doing marrying a 32 year old.

Besides, you watch the show, and its painfully obvious what little she knows about the bible. The whole show is ad lib bullshit.

Here's another picture of a hot chick in religious garb.

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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: Eight Men and a Neckbeard ()
Date: April 29, 2009 12:02AM

>Read that too, and you still have to ask what a 70 year old preacher is doing marrying a 32 year old.<

Well that's a whole separate issue. Gene Scott was a piece of work, and he clearly liked a good piece, too. I watched him from time to time when I lived in Los Angeles in the 80s. They would have segments showing him strutting around his historic Bible display room with 3 babes on his arm. This interspersed with endless shots of the thoroughbred horses at his ranch -- material they would run until people phoned in sufficient money for him to start preaching again.

"God's Angry Man," the Werner Herzog film I linked to a review of, is well-worth checking out if you haven't seen it.

I've never seen nor heard the young Melissa preach, and so cannot comment on her intelligence or lack thereof.

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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: fairfaxdude ()
Date: April 29, 2009 07:21AM

+1 to any post that combines porn stars and preachers, with pics!

I have had to change the addresses to my retaliatory blogs over half a dozen times.

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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: ITRADE ()
Date: April 29, 2009 09:38AM

Eight Men and a Neckbeard Wrote:
> >Read that too, and you still have to ask what a
> 70 year old preacher is doing marrying a 32 year
> old.<
> Well that's a whole separate issue. Gene Scott
> was a piece of work, and he clearly liked a good
> piece, too. I watched him from time to time when
> I lived in Los Angeles in the 80s. They would
> have segments showing him strutting around his
> historic Bible display room with 3 babes on his
> arm. This interspersed with endless shots of the
> thoroughbred horses at his ranch -- material they
> would run until people phoned in sufficient money
> for him to start preaching again.
> "God's Angry Man," the Werner Herzog film I linked
> to a review of, is well-worth checking out if you
> haven't seen it.
> I've never seen nor heard the young Melissa
> preach, and so cannot comment on her intelligence
> or lack thereof.

I LOVED watching Dr. Scott. he was as fucking hoot. I think he was on KDOC (Channel 56) out in Los Angeles. He'd vacillate between being a rather insightful preacher/historian to a raving lunatic. He'd wear a different hat every day of the week, scream about the fact that not enough people had signed up to become "kings houses" or acquired "kings dishes" (satellite dishes), play with his mechanical monkey, and generally act insane, He would torment the viewers by playing the same song "I want to know..." over and over until enough people called in.

Here are some of the vids....they're fucking great:



Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/29/2009 09:41AM by ITRADE.

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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: Numbers ()
Date: April 29, 2009 07:08PM

How can ANYONE be so stupid as to fall for that shit and send him money?
Jesus fucking Christ I'm constantly bewildered about how empty your life must be follow ANY of these scoundrels and give money to them, but especially this guy. His TV show came across like one of those "psychic network" infomercials.

His TV show is right up there with this guys, but not as quite as funny.

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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: Furfur ()
Date: April 29, 2009 07:18PM

TV evangelists aren't much worse than some of these mega-churches in the bible belt states. There are some mega-churches that have ATMS in the front lobby, and one caused controversy when it built a drive-thru Mcdonalds on the side of the sanctuary. No joke.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/29/2009 07:19PM by Furfur.

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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: Lurker. ()
Date: April 29, 2009 08:36PM

I've seen her a couple of times on TV. I love the long flowing curly hair. Sexy. I wouldn't say she has the best body but she does have a passion in the way speaks and moves.

Before I even heard what she was talking about I was thinking "I wonder what's she's like in the sack." She does some nice drawing on the whiteboard. She could be drawing martian symbols on the white board and calling them Hebrew blah blah and nobody would know the difference.

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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: SIO ()
Date: April 29, 2009 08:39PM

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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: Furfur ()
Date: April 29, 2009 11:20PM

Thanks for the link SIO!

fairfaxdude wrote:

"+1 to any post that combines porn stars and preachers, with pics!"

How about hot nuns?

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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: Eight Men and a Neckbeard ()
Date: April 29, 2009 11:38PM

You know, I came across the Marie Claire piece this afternoon, after posting on this thread yesterday.

What exactly is the evidence in that article that goes beyond sketchy?

The author tracked down the alleged ex-husband Pastore, who declined to answer any questions (although his non-answer could be interpreted as confirming the porn rumors); why didn't she track down some of the legal documents that are supposedly floating around out there, including some apparently very juicy ones relating to the divorce from Pastore?

The author posted an image of an Easter card with a Barbi(e) Bridges picture that was anonymously mailed to members of Scott's church. If she was somehow able to get ahold of that obscure artifact - of very dubious evidentiary value - why was she not able to obtain more solid documentary evidence?

She quotes Christian Shaw, son of Christine Shaw, a Playboy bunny who is described as a longtime girlfriend of Gene Scott. "She was absolutely Barbie Bridges," he says. But is there any reason you can think of why this kid might have an ax to grind against the woman who stole Scott's affections, married him, and inherited his vast estate - leaving Christine and Christian with bupkis? The same could be said of the remarks of another ex-galpal of Scott's, former Playboy bunny Elke Jeinsen.

Marie Claire is not exactly known for its investigative journalism. And the article's very snarky tone does not encourage at least this reader's trust.

When I look, in particular, at the second of the three Barbi(e) Bridges pictures I posted above, it really does strike me as looking rather like Melissa Scott -- but it's not her spitting image; I couldn't swear beyond a reasonable doubt that it's the same person.

That said, I wouldn't be at all surprised if the rumors are true. But I think the Marie Claire piece is a long way from sealing the argument. Again, I would be very interested to see a more careful and evenhanded treatment from either Snopes or Cecil Adams.

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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: no doubt ()
Date: May 10, 2009 02:13AM


Hey.. been looking at posts for years following this melissa and gene.
She is 100% previously a porn actress.
I have a video collection looks to span 10 years or so.
Her looks change slightly but.. all including what you see here are her.
Most of the vids links are still live on the net.
The vids are not on the blogs you see lately.

I considered to attempt having the links removed myself.
You cant reach anyone at the ministry.
Maybe i should just post my entire findings here.
Marie Claire or someone else can do a baffle writer update contortion?

This woman melissa,. appeared.. to have turned from her ways.
Then comes this late 08 porn star faggot adulterer affair with this holliday guy?
I mean.. how many males on the planet?
It gets to looking.. worse.
Who set this up lately? Paula White i read.
And..i saw some other stuff she dated crouch? 06?
Someone else mentioned bet she done more than one preacher?

Not a problem when in the biz she was,. but
who would hookup with a porn star/adulterer now and as a pastor?
And.. why?

I began assembling gene scott history and connections some time ago.
I got around to.. TBN.. crouch.. randy white.. paula white.. jim bakker and out of his mouth that he built TBN, and crouch his vice.
ALL are or were interconnected.
ALL.. of these MAJOR ministries ALL have leaders under duress of some behavior revolving around their genatalia/flesh ravagement or peers ravaged.
Aka. Adulterers. Molesters. Porn Star involved.

Sad thing is.. thay ALL parade around claiming God made an imperfect vessel. That,. Jesus died.. shedding his blood for their.. REPEAT.. sex base piss poor example.. funds generally.. unaccoutable, and,. that they are saved.

Saved to preach uprightness?
Saved to preach.. imperfection.. fallen. Pay. ALLOW ALL. WAIT.

By example preaching.. fuc thy in the click preacher adulter porn star?

All the while involving your behavior/guilt trip,. claiming.. imperfection..
in hopes you will join them in the.. WAIT.. paying.

They.. funnel whos money where while they,. cheat,. bang each other.. or,. some porn star " in the click "

My point made?

No wonder the example.. DEFINITION of procreative male female value moral oriented family units has gone to the pervert circus.

I make issue with this because imagine 6 powerful ministries.. or any other major
lost seperated unto religion.. aligned.

Obvious truth,. in their face,. all the while mandating a proclamation to some magic event bringing any human following to this brink of bondage under principalities rampant.
Command to BE.. on Less than OBVIOUS TRUTH.
A 100% ill teaching.. contortion. THE REASON.. no RELIGION can stand as definer.

Melissa seemed to be.. standing on her past behavior.. and barely.. almost renoucing it.
Lost in the 3:16 crowd,. involved in sex base.. seems she like they.. like the MASS at large,. just takes advancing.. FREEING this species human as Jesus did.. for granted.

To me.. I realize it seems conjecture?
But.. maybe i should just put it all up here?
Anyway.. by the clips i have,. one,. looks like randy white (didnt i read this adulterer pervert has a nylon fetish sosmewhere?) ANyway.. the guy in the vid.. looks like he.. and she.. looks like her. (Sounds like her too) Maybe 10/12 years ago.

Personally.. I think Pastor Melissa Scott is doing a fantastic job of cleaning things up and getting down to this business of.. this BIBLE.. defined.

But.. in reality,. seperation unto any religion on planet earth will end.
I thought she was going to define Jesus from this mess seperation.. but.
The new testament in particular leaves too much to.. magic. (sorry)
Research history. Latin Imposition. RELIGION Origins. Church History.
Language evolution.
Authority doing what where why and how.
God didnt make magic for his creation to end up.. silenced.. tolerant.. ignorant.. confined,. LOST.. WAITING.
You have NO IDEA what is coming when.

Jesus WAS RISEN that third day in every soul followed doing as he!!!!!
What part of this dont you get.. WHY?

You CAN SEE behavior ill,. running rampant.. right?
Just like the humans defined all throughout history and in the bible.
God did not make an imperfect evolving vessel.
Jesus as Genesis are repeats thru history of humans defining.. BEHAVIOR.
Not about fallen.. its about choices.. and behavior.
The EXAMPLE it TRAINS to another.
Our training is the malady.
Lost under ill training, controllers, flesh ravagement,and liar contortionist acts.
I pray melissa can do a REAL interview.. a post to her site?
Something renoucing her connection to this group of interconnected piss poor example ministries. Something defining.. a moral value based lifestyle.
Something saying.. yep.. i sure did. And.. its all over now.
Imagine her flock.. happy she brings TRUTH.. helping to define this change of heart,. this grand example for others.. presented for strength.
Instead.. they just groom.. hider liar behavior.
Saw some idiot put up a site with her.. HYPYKLRS something like this?
Circus act like the truth about misdirection sites.
Maybe next is.. HYDR LYR?

When you know truth and opt to cater to funding and mass you breed principalities rampant. They didnt ravage you.. YOU CHOSE TO LIVE IN THEM!

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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: no doubt ()
Date: May 10, 2009 02:42AM


Your sick lil self wants to now see the clips aint?

I dont give a shit about any of them.

Renouce behavior. Forgiven.

I do care that these ministries look intertwined.. aligned.
Under duress of principalities,. rampant.
I do care they are obviously sex based piss poor examples.. TRAINING others.

More than anything else..

Im particularly distraught that any human was led by any of these to finance or fund their planet contorting major ministry.

Jesus operated.. transparent.

If you can let principalities rampant know you are coming.. they rise to the occassion,. just like when Jesus asked the man his name. A choice nust be made.
Where will he be defined coming from.

Can his spirit convict him to standing on truth?

If you hide.. who you are,. or,.what you do.. then what you do.. is worth hiding.. for some other reason,. perhaps to protect,. a malady?

Do as HE!
Do as HE told you to do!
Do as they following him!
Risen that third day in every soul followed!

He is RISEN!

YOUR MONEY should ONLY FUND where there is OBVIOUS TRUTH taught!


ok.. ok.. so.. you want to see if this dude is R.W. and she she?

I might post it.

I can tell you.. its live on the net now.. with three or four other vid clip groups.

Lets play.. Identify the preacher doing porn with your money?

See bakker lately?

Hes taken up playing the heart strings of elderly.

Heard him toss that 10% bullshit at them also.

I got to vomit.. fuc'n vulture users.

I like to lean my head back a bit as I vomit.. i can get distance,. more of a puddle to splash around in.

Now thats funny?


god is hilarious huh?

What do you get when you wake up and realize your mega ministry.. GODs mega ministry has been groomed by you misusing his perfect vessel,. setting some example from your sex base genatalia ravagement that makes this a presentation of perverts amd liars ravaged,. versus a defining of TRUTH and freeing of humans from bondage under self and others?

You get?

The obvious TRUTH you took it ALL for granted!

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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: no doubt ()
Date: May 10, 2009 04:03PM

oops.. wouldnt ya know.


So their ya go.. off to post some angle of your persception.. your,. bashing here also,. elsewhere,. woke up finally?

I dont mean to bash melissa.

I think shes fantastic.. I just love her,. spirit driven.. conviction on truth,. struggling for better control of the vessel.. like we all should.

Probably ought to get a real good look at ourselves first?

Whos to judge?

To present TRUTH is not to judge.

To renouce behavior ill ravaging of others,. on less than obvious truth.. IS.. to be FORGIVEN!

To establish order.. defining behavior,. versus outcome,. is not seperation unto religion.

Jesus way is not a religion!

A definer of order,. freeing from bondage those of others and self.

He is RISEN in every soul followed doing as he!

Christ Returned.

Prepare Yourself.

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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: trogdor! ()
Date: May 11, 2009 02:08PM

no doubt Wrote:
> oops.. wouldnt ya know.
> What?
> So their ya go.. off to post some angle of your
> persception.. your,. bashing here also,.
> elsewhere,. woke up finally?

Everyone Look! It's a poetry contest!! Get your entries in.

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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: jhey ()
Date: May 11, 2009 03:42PM

trogdor! Wrote:
> Everyone Look!
> It's a poetry contest!!
> Get your entries in.

Your reply was thisclose to being haiku.

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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: May 11, 2009 04:01PM

Fairfax Underground
You often make me lol hard
Thank you very much

13 4826 0948 82695 25847. Yes.

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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: Lurker. ()
Date: May 11, 2009 08:34PM

Wow, check out this yahoo link, claims she ran a porn operation and now has a restraining order against anybody who shows her movies.


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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: Furfur ()
Date: May 11, 2009 08:52PM

Yep, she is kinda like Scientology: She threatens people with lawsuits that bring up her past, and she actually searches out articles about her on the internet. Every time someone edits her wikipedia entry, it gets erased soon after.

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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: Eight Men and a Neckbeard ()
Date: May 11, 2009 09:59PM

On that Yahoo link, the poster Sahara Salten Sea wrote: "The 1996 LA County divorce file has been imaged."

Okay. How about link to the scan? That would just about resolve the matter (assuming one could link the parties involved in the divorce to Melissa Scott; presumably there are other documents out there that could establish that link). Moreover, if there is such a scan, if would be perfect fodder for The Smoking Gun, which is ever on the lookout for a fresh scandal that will drive traffic to their site.

The Yahoo poster also refers to the "Miss Nude Can-Am Exotic, out of Tornoto, Canada, in 1994" award. The blogger I linked to above didn't think that claim added up. See http://www.flyninja.net/entertain/pastor-melissa-scott-porn-star-turned-televangelist-flyninja-investigates

One link the Yahoo poster does provide is to the California bar, which is basically useless. (I suppose you could call the listed attorney, but attorney-client privilege would mostly or entirely preclude him talking about his former client, Melissa Paulina Pastore, unless she waived the privilege, which seems unlikely, particularly if MPP = Pastor Melissa Scott.)

The poster provides 3 additional "source" links, but they appear to have no information beyond what's in the Yahoo post.

At the risk of getting into beating-a-dead-horse territory, I still say: (i) the evidence is sketch, and (ii) I'd welcome more definitive evidence (such as scans of courts documents) that has been oft-promised but not, to date, delivered.

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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: Rod ()
Date: May 11, 2009 10:23PM

There were Sophists who became Christians. Sophists were traveling philosophers who entertained with their philosophy. This was a part of the Greek world. It was not a part of the New Testament we read. Thus Christianity changed from small meetings where they encouraged each other as the day approaches to being entertained by a performer. (much of this in Frank Viola's Pagan Christianity)

That said, clergymen have have attracted a kind of following from women. The idea of a attractive woman who had previously performed in errotic intertainment performing a sermon and being successful should come as no surprise.

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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: EehUn ()
Date: May 11, 2009 10:36PM

I have examined the evidence and have determined the following:

1) She has a pretty face
2) She has a big butt with it's own gravitational field that she's camouflaging by using a big, black "Sherlock Holmes" cape.
3) By virtue of #2, she's not worth the debate

Done. Next.

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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: no doubt ()
Date: May 14, 2009 02:29PM

Hey.. ?


hey where'd ya all go?

You spirit convict you,. on some TRUTH?

YOUR.. word misuseage,. species seperating,. hider blogger pewk zone,. genatalia ravagement catering,. ill wrought behavior training modules EXAMPLE standing in front of you too,.. finally?

:{p yea!?

Renouce it! Seek and teach only TRUTH.
Seek the strength of another better grounded (in TRUTH) when you are weak.

What? I got my issues,. did i mention my pet.. cock?

God said i got to renouce my seperation unto it?


Hey.. MR mephisto do i luvvv you? :{p

I mean.. not in a faggish same sexer way,. i mean,.. your not a MR at all?

Never mind me,.. i got issues? :{o

Did I mention out of all the christian ministries on planet earth,. that i'd bet Pastor Melissa Scott and however it is that her ministry will evolve,. with her position defined and example true.. on TRUTH (this the hard part,. because YOU ALL are not going to believe it) I see Pastor Melissa Scott (seperating Jesus from religion as a matter of Truth unveiled) I see this Jewish traditions giving and tithing first fruits clarified for what IT WAS,. you give as you are able as the spirit convicts. You only GIVE REGULARLY where they stand on obvious TRUTH!

I honestly think Melissa should marry me,. (i will sign a prenup.. i want nothing,. only you.. able.. and TRUTH) silly loony.. mE?

I was sure god promised! :{p anyway..

I see,. seperating unto ANY religion doctrine on planet earth.. ending.
I see ALL.. after defining Jesus way.. (the temple the clearest defining moment) joining together as individuals accountable.. on process of obvious truth. As HE!

The RELIGION.. NIXED.. Jesus seperated OUT,. the BODY joined as ONE!


THE.. Ministry Of Order.

No RELIGION titler contortionist bullshit.

No liar pervert governments a muck rule misusing sickness!

Order.. based from defining the outcome of behavior.

Christ Returned.

Planet Risen.


God said id be long dead.. but,.that it was going to be a piece of cake.

I see Pastor Melissa Scott having one of the greatest ministries on earth. Out in front gathering those like he. Paying where they eat.. supporting the beacon that is bringing the truth of what Jesus was really teaching about in the world of that day. Bible facts. Biblical History. ANd what it means TODAY!


Straight forward Bible?

Rightly Defined?


if yer skeered,. say yer skeered?


oh.. alright.. get your boots on.

I just luvvv you.

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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: May 14, 2009 02:35PM

I would fuck the shit out of Pastor Melissa Scott. That's the truth.

The Melissa Scott in the first picture, not the 80's white trash one in the gold superhero outfit.

13 4826 0948 82695 25847. Yes.

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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: no doubt ()
Date: May 14, 2009 03:02PM

P.S. got no writing skills,.. and I can barely speak.

Get over bashing me.. or her.. or.. whatever.. how bout,. you go address you and your example! (sickness you teach?)

While you are at it?

Begin defining behaviors,. their outcome. Shut down this ill teaching species seperating word misusing marketing geniuses in our childrens schools,. on tv you cant control,. and in our public.

The cable dish have allowed these principalities rampant free reign.

It is no longer wholesome family training united us my friend.

It is perversion lair hiders rampant.. paying off to look away.

ALL joined where they can market to you!

Oh.. and by the way,. any language under duress,. of MALES.. and this NOTION,. masculine feminine?

Ill wrought language process evolution. PERIOD. Tongues rampant.

A racism cause,. a,. controller principality rampant.

Wait till i get started on..

The CAUCASUS is below russia.

Humans from the caucasus are not,. WHITES,. they are caucasians.

Americas english descendants,. founders,. are NOT CAUCASIANS.

European descendants are NOT WHITES.. NOR CAUCASIANS,. they could be,. italian,. russian,. spanish,. greek,. etc

Americans founders are not WHITEs,. but a collection of european descendants.


Both terminology,. use,. are a result of latin language impostion in english language evolution.

The same ROOT imposition as the RELIGION of the new testament basically.

(made its rounds over the 2nd millenium)

Africans.. african descendants,. ARE NOT,. " BLACKS "

Most humans have a light skin to dark skin,. brown.

Two guys are breaking in a car,. police dispatcher says.. what do they look like?
I describe clothing and one medium brown,. the other a lighter brown.
The dispatcher asks.. " are they BLACK or LATINO! "
How the fuc do i know.. if its african brown,. puerto rican brown,. latino brown,. mexican brown,. mutt american brown,. terrorist brown.. but aint nare many.. BLACK!
They drove off.


America the liar pervert contortionist.. BUILT this sickness by allowing principlaities rampant,. ill teaching ill learning,. ego,. authority,. and language evolution to flourish on misuse.

ANd.. im off to get me meds!

fuc im dizzy!

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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: no doubt.last ()
Date: May 14, 2009 03:14PM

Hey.. lol!

geez.. you must sit right on this post spot MR.

No offense.. im just out for a lil piss around in whomevers yard.

I think melissa has great potential as a teacher,. only thing is.. im lookin for TRUTH not magic.

Maybe shes the one to do it.

Hell,. maybe i will need to do it,. myself!!?

anyway.. was fun goofin here.. im gone! Later.

Go Melissa!

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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: Drip ()
Date: May 14, 2009 03:17PM


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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: Furfur ()
Date: May 14, 2009 06:33PM


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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: no doubt.last ()
Date: May 14, 2009 07:38PM

How far?

Hell,. ought to be able to keep myself company eh?

Funny stuff. :{P


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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: Sudo ()
Date: May 14, 2009 08:17PM

No, sir. There are no detours here. This thread is headed in a predestined direction to its predestined end. Its perceived "turn" is nothing other than a straight line, from a teleological perspective.

Thus the child grows to become a murderer, and the murderer a saint.

As the ark is a type of baptism, so this thread tells the story of Melissa Scott, in figure.

Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand.

And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias, which saith, By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive:

For this people’s heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.

- Matthew 13

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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: Furfur ()
Date: May 14, 2009 08:54PM

Sudo/no doubt.........STFU

“It's too bad that stupidity isn't painful." - Anton Lavey

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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: Sudo ()
Date: May 14, 2009 09:21PM

I can Jesus has left His mark on you.

Did you follow for me to take it off, or to give you another one?

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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: Furfur ()
Date: May 14, 2009 09:25PM

You talk like a fucking schizophrenic.

“It's too bad that stupidity isn't painful." - Anton Lavey

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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: -Sudo ()
Date: May 14, 2009 09:27PM

You are the one who's torn.

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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: -Sudo ()
Date: May 14, 2009 09:28PM

All tore up inside.

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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: -Sudo ()
Date: May 14, 2009 09:29PM

He's a hurtin' man, is furfur

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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: Sudo... ()
Date: May 14, 2009 09:32PM

But this too is predestined.

You just can't outrun Him.

The Hound of Heaven.

I fled Him, down the nights and down the days;
I fled Him, down the arches of the years;
I fled Him, down the labyrinthine ways
Of my own mind; and in the mist of tears
I hid from Him, and under running laughter.

Laugh on, furfur.

The laugh's on you.

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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: Melissa ()
Date: May 16, 2009 01:05AM

Furfur Wrote:
> Anyone heard of "Pastor" Melissa Scott?
> She caught my eye one night, not because of her
> typical TV preacher bullshit, but because she is
> so fucking hot...
> Turns out she married a TV preacher name Gene
> Scott when he was 70. Her age at the time? 32.
> When he died, she took over the ministry. Her
> website says she is a linguist fluent in over 20
> languages and is a scholar on ancient Hebrew
> texts.
> So what was her job before she met her husband?
> Porn star, yes porn star.
> Somehow this is lost on the congregation. A porn
> star turned TV preacher, a hot chick wearing
> priest clothes...you can't make this stuff up.

Where does she "preach"? I wouldn't mind being touched by the spirit if she's the one doing the touching. Meow!

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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: no doubt.reALly? ()
Date: May 18, 2009 01:59AM


I know its troubling to read thru my nutty rounds and those of others.

So sorry.

To furfur,. post above,. its ALL TRUE!

Yes,. old news. What do YOU see now?

I have been really enthused watching Pastor Melissa Scott these last 4 or 5 months. Her efforts and presentations are speaking,. volumes!

And.. I AM,. 100% opposed to seperation unto any religion on planet earth.

WE,. are at a juncture in this new millenium my friend.

Understand,. I do not like stepping out to lay claim that someone may be upright versus not as this species in general is ill wrought. Myself included. Groomed to accept malady,. process to,. PRACTICE IT!

Whos fault is it? What process was left to go AMUCK?
Where was the strength of another better grounded in truth when they fell weak?

I really mean to,. not offend,. im just sick of being repulsed i guess.


Interesting the copy paste/edit of the above post titled " from " Melissa.

Furfur.. Pastor Melissa Scott her congregation AND basically the planet at large,. ALL are aware or are now finding out-as necessary-as now past forgiven-an example of strength-better grounded,. the TRUTH,.always was present in Melissa's,. grooming.. to this post. Time to address our own behaviors examples perhaps and move on.

I dooo luv accountability though. :{o

Theres an idea,.

Maybe some fine ass pastor lady will come along and snatch me up,. perhaps cause management of my lil mangy ill wrought.. in need of better grounding,. self?

naa,.. god likes bashin me up.. and she seems to like watching!! :{p geez. anyway,..

10 plus years under Dr. Gene Scotts tutelage. A keen ability hands on fostered for comparing and relating languages,. a conviction drive for uncovering the truth of Jesus Way and the Bible.. Pastor Scott looks steadfast. Four years of rebuilding a foundation ravaged by those within,. administrators and those of doctrines they percieve,. Pastor Melissa Scott and her ministry are excelling to the front.

Now,.. if I COULD,. just get her to define Jesus,. out of the " RELIGION "


Body joined as one!

Christ Returned.

Risen In YOU!



Whatever her past,. porn business,. alignments,. etc. FACTS,. it really doesnt matter now. An error in judgement could cost her it all,. at any juncture,. but i believe she was,. placed,. AND,.. Pastor Scott has come along way from far away. (An energies alignment?) a god send?

No doubt.

Whats that?


Check her out!


Found this one too a webpage ad LiveFromTheCathedral.com

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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: Spacy ()
Date: May 20, 2009 06:09PM

Furfur Wrote:
> Yep, she is kinda like Scientology: She threatens
> people with lawsuits that bring up her past, and
> she actually searches out articles about her on
> the internet. Every time someone edits her
> wikipedia entry, it gets erased soon after.

There is no Wikipedia article on her.

(And it was not erased.)

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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: Furfur ()
Date: May 20, 2009 06:13PM

Thanks for crawling out of the wood work three weeks after I started this thread to tell us this.

Anyway, the info about her porn history was included in her husband's article, WHICH WAS DELETED.

Good job Sherlock.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/20/2009 06:17PM by Furfur.

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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: SUD0 ()
Date: May 25, 2009 09:47PM


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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: Furfur ()
Date: May 25, 2009 10:22PM

Jesus fucking Christ...what is it with people resurrecting this thread?

BTW, make your own sandwich.

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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: Grrravis ()
Date: May 25, 2009 11:50PM

I laughed.

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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: ¿Furfur? ()
Date: May 25, 2009 11:54PM

Furfur agrees with hisself.

Furfur he funn3.

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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: welp.figures ()
Date: June 18, 2009 01:41PM


so there i go.

Truth seeker.

Lookin for pastors ministers who might actually be able to teach truth.

Jesus seperated from this conquering authority and these pharisee,. gangs.

No offense.


Debate is not necessary.

Therefore,.. your delusion that god created a same species human so it could end up being some seperate special brood,. IS the malady process,. principalities rampant,. ill teaching,. that has been anti massing our world forever.

Anyway,. so i listened to gene command this 10% and threats of gods wrath.
then,. melissa too,. and commands,. to your duress must be endured.

I figured,. when it fianlly came to it,. she'd renounce genes ill teaching,. inclusion of 10% tithing as a command.

After all,.. what was Jesus defining in the temple?

Corrupt Pharisees? Ill tithing practices?

They murder him,. AND all his followers,. for?

SO,. the fashioners of this tithing gangs seperated sickness,. the ones who,. called to,. MURDER jesus for exposing their corruption,. looks like,. anybody
commanding this 10% is in effect joined with the murderers,. corrupt that Jesus defined?

I dont mean to sound so,. negative,. but,. a murder is a murder. Theft is theft. Deceit is deceit.

I mean,. choosing to teach or teach around with bullshit excuses,. some needed yoked,. im put out.

anyway,. yea yea,.. im delusional.

6.14.9 Melissa live,. stood on the 10% tithe command with a pooor round about that some needed,. yoked.
Yoked? Pay the killers of the definer?

anywway,. like the MASS already done,. correctly,. maybe melissa will finally
define the malady,. history that her husband commanded money on for 30 years or,. whatever. No different then the vatican,. and the other,. bafflers.

SOME,. have woke up.

Renounce. Forgiven!

You will not be gathered to the body carrying this LIE.

It IS,. to late to hide,. lie,. and contort.

Great job till 6.14.9 Melissa. Even the porn stuff past,. forgiven. But,. here we go again. Round about. Get out of his church dear! Rightly Define!

10% ? If you think you finally understood how and why and,. you now do,. and or,. you teach.. to GIVE 10% of ALL,. until hardship too,. you have been lied to.

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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Date: June 18, 2009 01:45PM

I am pretty certain that this is a man...


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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: Furfur ()
Date: June 18, 2009 01:54PM

I don't know who the freak show is that keeps resurrecting this thread. Writes even more bizarre than Spunky or Rod. They sound like they are writing a serial killer manifesto.

“It's too bad that stupidity isn't painful." - Anton Lavey

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/18/2009 01:55PM by Furfur.

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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: Huit Hommes et un... how you say, le "beard-on-neck"? ()
Date: June 18, 2009 06:05PM

The "crazy" apocalyptic posts quoting scripture are an obvious, ham-handed put-on.

I have seen real crazy. And this person is not crazy, nor even a particularly good fake crazy.

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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: Harry Tuttle ()
Date: June 18, 2009 06:30PM

Well at least welp has a handle on the reflexive property of equality...

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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: Lurker. ()
Date: June 18, 2009 08:30PM

I haven't seen her on since the internet started to be filled with her porn news.

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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: TrueComing ()
Date: September 06, 2009 11:04PM

I wish she would wear something other than that new age habit.
Something that reveals her true gifts.
I'm sure I would watch her more often.
And I like the sound of her voice too.

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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: DunimasMentanoya ()
Date: July 25, 2015 07:49PM

Years ago, in the 70's-80's & 90s, I would skip over the channels that broadcasted Gene Scott. He appeared to be a radical, with scary biblical knowledge beyond most men. In 1991, I began watching Melissa. I knew right away that she was called by the holy spirit to teach the word. I was born & raised in the church. I didn't learn much about God. It was, stand up, sit down, give give give, sing sing sing, then pass the plate again! That turned me away from Jesus & the church, and eventually GOD, also due to the hypocrisy of the members. In 2010, I had heard about Melissa's past, so I did some search because there was so much controversy. I found the videos & several sites. Since then she has had them removed. It is a good thing. I don't think anyone should judge her for her past. When we pray for forgiveness, we are not to pray about it again. Scripture teaches forgiveness and unconditional love. I have noticed a change in her, and she is angry at the hypocrites. correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't Jesus's anger fueled by the same fire. I have learned more from her than any other, in life. Including languages. Is nobody happy until they cause suicide by character assignation. "Judge not, lest thee be judged"! WAKE UP PEOPLE! The ones that are persecuted are the ones who are closest to Christ. Satan already has his own & he is working on GOD'S people now. ALL of the signs are here.

P.S. I have tried to donate monies over the phone that were not accepted.

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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: Gene Scott = Unimpressive ()
Date: July 25, 2015 08:30PM

He had a doctorate in education from Stanford. Good school, lousy degree.

He sold atrocious artwork. He had a lame band that played songs like "Kill a Piss Ant for Jesus" and so on.

He was into horses.

Most of what he said made no sense.

Yes, Melissa is a former porn star.

Anyone giving money to these idiots (and others like them) is a bigger idiot still. Falwell, Roberts, Hagee, Osteen, Angley, Swaggart, Warren, Robertson, blah blah blah blah.

And then we have the Mormons, who thinks that each Mormon becomes a god of his own planet.

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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: August 05, 2016 01:38PM

I can listen to her all day.


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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: Rockstar ()
Date: August 05, 2016 02:36PM

You're welcome.

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Re: Pastor Melissa Scott
Posted by: Robert Swords ()
Date: March 10, 2021 05:16AM

Yeah she and others who've claimed to find God are so full of it.I seriously doubt they mean it.If they did,they wouldn't be getting themselves in the news every chance they get.No they'd be doing work of God without any need for putting themselves back in the limelight.Nuts to them and any others who denounced that which made them famous and paid them tons of money.If there are things that're wrong in the industry,yeah let's clean them up not just solely talk about them like these jokers do.

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