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how hard is it to work and go to collage?
Posted by: burkeresident ()
Date: March 05, 2015 04:55PM

I am 28 years old and just got a new part time job and will be going to collage for the first time in the summer how hard is it going to be to work part time and go to collage full time 4 classes per semester at NVCC to obtain my associates degree?

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Re: how hard is it to work and go to collage?
Posted by: Grad Advisor ()
Date: March 05, 2015 04:58PM

Depend which one you want to be good at. I personally think you are setting yourself up for failure in any college if you insist on spelling it "collage".

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Re: how hard is it to work and go to collage?
Posted by: The Professor ()
Date: March 05, 2015 05:24PM

Gots to pass 3rd grade spelling furst.

Of course,there is always Phoenix.

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Re: how hard is it to work and go to collage?
Posted by: Spirit of Megan ()
Date: March 05, 2015 05:53PM

I worked full time as a freelance makeup consultent while attending Marymount University for fashion merchandising with honors. I was also monotone in buisness with dueling concentration(s) in Spanish language and web sight design. You can do it!

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Re: how hard is it to work and go to collage?
Posted by: oops... ()
Date: March 05, 2015 06:09PM

Except for spelling "website" correctly.

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Re: how hard is it to work and go to collage?
Posted by: dangg ()
Date: March 05, 2015 07:38PM

Spirit of Megan Wrote:
> I worked full time as a freelance makeup
> consultent while attending Marymount University
> for fashion merchandising with honors. I was also
> monotone in buisness with dueling concentration(s)
> in Spanish language and web sight design. You can
> do it!

What have you done with that degree?

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