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Family Guy rape joke has parents furious
Posted by: Perfect timing ()
Date: February 13, 2015 02:54AM


In Sunday’s episode of Family Guy, Quagmire sleeps with a girl who he thinks is 23, but she’s only 15 and still in high school. He’s arrested by Joe for statutory rape, and a few Roman Polanski and To Kill a Mockingbird jokes later, his trial begins. Not to spoil anything, but I’m going to do exactly that: Quagmire is saved from prison because his born-again Christian mother gives a judge a blowjob. It’s a perfect storm of everything the Parents Television Council hates — *cutaway to George Clooney and Mark Wahlberg waterboarding Aragorn in the Council of Elrond* — and they’ve spoken out against Seth MacFarlane’s animated series for the 783,947th time

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