Re: holy shit eesh is FUCKED
Posted by:
reality check, please!
Date: February 01, 2015 11:56PM
yes he is Wrote:
> do unto others... Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > first he's getting sued and now he's getting
> > turned into PWC PD for four misdemeanors, and
> it's
> > all documented, including all the backpedaling.
> >
> > karma is a motherfuckin' bitch, isn't it?
> The rest of his worthless life is officially
> ruined. Goodbye college. Goodbye job. Certainly
> goodbye government clearance. Goodbye guns.
> Goodbye wages not being garnished till you're 74.
> Goodbye house. Goodbye car.
> Hello, slammer. He is so despicable for what he's
> done to so many people, he deserves to lose
> everything and more.
While I seriously doubt that he's actually going to have four misdemeanor charges against him, the absolute maximum penalty he'd be liable for would be four years in jail and $10,000 in fines, and that's only if he had to pay full freight following his conviction, which is exceedingly rare.
More likely they nolle pros three of the four charges in exchange for a guilty plea, and give him a stiff fine of several hundred dollars and probation. If the prosecutor REALLY wants to make an example of him, he might get a few weekends in jail, but this is pretty unlikely.
I'd be interested to see what his terms of probation were. I'd suspect counseling (courts fucking love doling out counseling) and likely restrictions on his internet use.
Of course, if he can't make bail (which will be pretty low, but $500 might as well be $500,000 if you don't have it) and doesn't get an unsecured bond, then he'll sit in the Prince William County ADC in for several months waiting for his hearing date to come up. (See also FriskyDingo.)
Naturally, this is all predicated on the idea that his catching four misdemeanors is not just more bullshit and wishful thinking on the part of Fairfax Underground.