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ISIS releases images showing fags thrown from tall building
Posted by: Libtard Confusion ()
Date: January 15, 2015 05:06PM

Does this count as ISLAMIC terrorism?

On January 15, 2015, the Islamic State (ISIS) released a collection of images showing the enforcement of the hudud (Koranic punishment) in Ninawa, Iraq. The images show the execution of two men convicted of homosexuality by throwing them from a tall building; the crucifixion of two men convicted of armed theft; and the stoning of a woman convicted of adultery.

This is the second confirmed case of ISIS executing gay men by throwing them off a tall building. In December 2014, ISIS executed a homosexual in a similar way.

Muslims gather to witness the execution of the faggot


Lucky faggot #1 pushed off building


Lucky faggot #2 pushed off building


Flying faggot


Faggot splat


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Re: ISIS releases images showing fags thrown from tall building
Posted by: libtardz luv muzzies... ()
Date: January 15, 2015 05:09PM

Go figure.

Wonder what would happen when they shove Rosie O'Fatass off of a building...

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Re: ISIS releases images showing fags thrown from tall building
Posted by: War on Women ()
Date: January 15, 2015 05:12PM

How about this?

Woman being read sentence prior to stoning.


ISIS men stone woman to death.


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Re: ISIS releases images showing fags thrown from tall building
Posted by: just nuke em ()
Date: January 15, 2015 05:19PM

We should just eliminated this pestilence from the face of the earth with the harshest most extreme prejudice. I'm not a lover of homosexuality; but doing violence of that measure is an abomination. What a fucked up religion.

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Re: ISIS releases images showing fags thrown from tall building
Posted by: Eric Holder ()
Date: January 15, 2015 05:30PM

Workplace violence.

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Re: ISIS releases images showing fags thrown from tall building
Posted by: How high did they bounce? ()
Date: January 15, 2015 05:32PM

Were any animals harmed?

These are important questions.

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Re: ISIS releases images showing fags thrown from tall building
Posted by: Better Idea ()
Date: January 15, 2015 05:33PM

I'd let them throw a lot more faggots off of high buildings before we do anything.

The Germans were good at rocketry, so after the war we brought them here to work on our space program. ISIS is good at eliminating faggotry, so maybe when this is done we can bring some here to work on the queer problem currently infesting our society. We already have the tall buildings needed.

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Re: ISIS releases images showing fags thrown from tall building
Posted by: Let's tie better idea to a ()
Date: January 15, 2015 05:34PM


Of course, that won't stop it from posting shit and then claiming "look at alllthosereichtwingershate!!!!!"

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Re: ISIS releases images showing fags thrown from tall building
Posted by: Nazis did that ()
Date: January 15, 2015 05:37PM

Better Idea Wrote:
> I'd let them throw a lot more faggots off of high
> buildings before we do anything.
> The Germans were good at rocketry, so after the
> war we brought them here to work on our space
> program. ISIS is good at eliminating faggotry, so
> maybe when this is done we can bring some here to
> work on the queer problem currently infesting our
> society. We already have the tall buildings
> needed.

Nazis did in fact use this method with Jews, they would throw them off cliffs. They referred to it as a "Jewish Parachuting". It was revealed in the Eichmann trial in Israel.

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Re: ISIS releases images showing fags thrown from tall building
Posted by: Better Idea ()
Date: January 15, 2015 05:39PM

Since when did the gay apologists start gathering here? Or are you just misplaced queers looking for a place to troll?

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Re: ISIS releases images showing fags thrown from tall building
Posted by: Barry Ubumblefuck ()
Date: January 15, 2015 05:51PM

Eric Holder Wrote:
> Workplace violence.

Religion of peace. We should embrace Islam.

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Re: ISIS releases images showing fags thrown from tall building
Posted by: Rest in Pieces ()
Date: January 15, 2015 05:53PM

That's fucked up but those guys don't look very splattered for having been thrown off what looks like about 10 stories. Shouldn't there be guts and stuff?

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Re: ISIS releases images showing fags thrown from tall building
Posted by: Duke Nukem ()
Date: January 15, 2015 06:01PM

The chapel tower at Duke where the libtards wanted to broadcast the Muslim call to prayers would be good for that.


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Re: ISIS releases images showing fags thrown from tall building
Posted by: I noticed that ()
Date: January 15, 2015 06:06PM

Rest in Pieces Wrote:
> That's fucked up but those guys don't look very
> splattered for having been thrown off what looks
> like about 10 stories. Shouldn't there be guts and
> stuff?

That's true, they usually explode, guy did loose his shoes though.

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Re: ISIS releases images showing fags thrown from tall building
Posted by: Gunlover ()
Date: January 15, 2015 06:25PM

One thing I can say good way to get rid of queers.

Never Run Out of Ammo

Guns Don't Kill People. People Kill People

Them or You

The two most important days in your life are the day your were born and and the day you find out why

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Re: ISIS releases images showing fags thrown from tall building
Posted by: Numbers ()
Date: January 15, 2015 06:49PM

Gunlover Wrote:
> One thing I can say good way to get rid of queers.

You and ISIS seem to have a lot in common, why don't you just join them and do all the things you've been dreaming about?

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Re: ISIS releases images showing fags thrown from tall building
Posted by: Fractions ()
Date: January 15, 2015 07:02PM

Numbers Wrote:
> Gunlover Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > One thing I can say good way to get rid of
> queers.
> You and ISIS seem to have a lot in common, why
> don't you just join them and do all the things
> you've been dreaming about?

You are such a stupid shit Numbers. The Tea Party was all about stopping government bailouts and out of control federal spending. Where's your link to support your bullshit about the Taliban restricting health care? What do mean by "Limited education"? What civil rights does the Tea Party want to restrict (again, you don't even know what the Tea Party is). Geez you are one dumb motherfucker.

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Re: ISIS releases images showing fags thrown from tall building
Posted by: LIB-TARDZ LOLZ! ()
Date: January 15, 2015 07:05PM

libtardz luv muzzies... Wrote:
> Go figure.
> Wonder what would happen when they shove Rosie
> O'Fatass off of a building...

The city doesn't have enough money to fill that pothole.

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Re: ISIS releases images showing fags thrown from tall building
Posted by: LIB-TARDZ LOLZ! ()
Date: January 15, 2015 07:06PM

Numbers Wrote:
> Gunlover Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > One thing I can say good way to get rid of
> queers.
> You and ISIS seem to have a lot in common, why
> don't you just join them and do all the things
> you've been dreaming about?

Cute. You can do online artwork. Or did you get your kid to help you? Explaining to him how lies can seem like reality of repeated often enough.

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Re: ISIS releases images showing fags thrown from tall building
Posted by: Rip it off ()
Date: January 15, 2015 07:07PM

You forgot beheadings with dull knives. Tea Party does that all the time.

I concur.....Numbers is truly a dumbass. He makes Gerry look like Albert Einstein.

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Re: ISIS releases images showing fags thrown from tall building
Posted by: Fuck That ()
Date: January 15, 2015 07:23PM

Rip it off Wrote:
> You forgot beheadings with dull knives. Tea Party
> does that all the time.
> I concur.....Numbers is truly a dumbass. He makes
> Gerry look like Albert Einstein.

Not going to go that far. Gerry is truly a dumbass. Numbers is just too much of a faggot (IRL he is a faggot) that it's like Pavlov's dogs when he sees a thread attacking fagdom. He starts foaming at the mouth and posting bullshit like gay porn or stupid memes created by other fags. You should pity Numbers. You should despise Gerry, who is a miserable human being and deserves exponentially more butthurt than the copious amounts that he already receives here. Hate the Gerry!

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Re: ISIS releases images showing fags thrown from tall building
Posted by: Just wow ()
Date: January 15, 2015 07:29PM

Most of you are so wrong, and sick. The term faggot is so lame, and to joke about some dead serious issues and crimes against humanity is disturbing. These are all things Christianity has done in their history, and not all Muslims are like this or support it. Just stop.

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Re: ISIS releases images showing fags thrown from tall building
Posted by: dontreadonme ()
Date: January 15, 2015 07:29PM

Numbers Wrote:
> Gunlover Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > One thing I can say good way to get rid of
> queers.
> You and ISIS seem to have a lot in common, why
> don't you just join them and do all the things
> you've been dreaming about?

Ironic isn't it. Libs hate the Tea Party but support the Taliban...

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Re: ISIS releases images showing fags thrown from tall building
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: January 15, 2015 07:32PM

Numbers Wrote:
> Gunlover Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > One thing I can say good way to get rid of
> queers.
> You and ISIS seem to have a lot in common, why
> don't you just join them and do all the things
> you've been dreaming about?


Notice how you struck a nerve with the person behind the Gunlover screenname as he is replying to all your posts with personal attacks.

Blessed are the murderous.

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Re: ISIS releases images showing fags thrown from tall building
Posted by: KjpeN ()
Date: January 15, 2015 07:37PM

eesh Wrote:
> Numbers Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Gunlover Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > One thing I can say good way to get rid of
> > queers.
> >
> >
> > You and ISIS seem to have a lot in common, why
> > don't you just join them and do all the things
> > you've been dreaming about?
> +1
> Notice how you struck a nerve with the person
> behind the Gunlover screenname as he is replying
> to all your posts with personal attacks.

Wrong again chubs. There are lots of folks here who dislike Numbers. Not as many as dislike you, but dozens at least. Get your porky face out of your frozen TV dinner long enough to breath and get some oxygen to that peanut brain of yours and perhaps you'll realize that Numbers isn't the beloved fag you think he is. Now fatass, go cry to Cary like you always do and try and get me banned.

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Re: ISIS releases images showing fags thrown from tall building
Posted by: Golden Curls ()
Date: January 15, 2015 07:38PM

Numbers Wrote:
> Gunlover Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > One thing I can say good way to get rid of
> queers.
> You and ISIS seem to have a lot in common, why
> don't you just join them and do all the things
> you've been dreaming about?

Oh shit, the queer's mad! Good job Gunlover

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Re: ISIS releases images showing fags thrown from tall building
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: January 15, 2015 07:43PM

KjpeN Wrote:
> eesh Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Numbers Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Gunlover Wrote:
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > > -----
> > > > One thing I can say good way to get rid of
> > > queers.
> > >
> > >
> > > You and ISIS seem to have a lot in common,
> why
> > > don't you just join them and do all the
> things
> > > you've been dreaming about?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > +1
> >
> >
> > Notice how you struck a nerve with the person
> > behind the Gunlover screenname as he is
> replying
> > to all your posts with personal attacks.
> Wrong again chubs. There are lots of folks here
> who dislike Numbers. Not as many as dislike you,
> but dozens at least. Get your porky face out of
> your frozen TV dinner long enough to breath and
> get some oxygen to that peanut brain of yours and
> perhaps you'll realize that Numbers isn't the
> beloved fag you think he is. Now fatass, go cry
> to Cary like you always do and try and get me
> banned.

haha Someone has had a bad day......care to share?

I love your "dozens of posters" comments. You've done this for a while now; there aren't dozens of posters on this site, let alone dozens of posters that attack people with the rabid malice that you have. It's just you, a dozen screen names, and your unchecked rage.

Get a screen name, stick with it, and stop trying to give the appearance that multiple people are in agreement with your view.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: ISIS releases images showing fags thrown from tall building
Posted by: here we go again ()
Date: January 15, 2015 07:45PM

Just wow Wrote:
> Most of you are so wrong, and sick. The term
> faggot is so lame, and to joke about some dead
> serious issues and crimes against humanity is
> disturbing. These are all things Christianity has
> done in their history, and not all Muslims are
> like this or support it. Just stop.

Justifying the present because of things that happened in the far distant, distant past. "Two wrongs don't make a right". The things is Christianity had stopped this bullshit eons ago and Catholic Popes had even apologized for their treatment of Jews in the past, while Moslems not only perpetrated this shit in the distant past; they continue to do so in the present. They have learned nothing, the status quo, everything remains as it was.

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Re: ISIS releases images showing fags thrown from tall building
Posted by: pHjcC ()
Date: January 15, 2015 07:56PM

eesh Wrote:
> KjpeN Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > eesh Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Numbers Wrote:
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > > -----
> > > > Gunlover Wrote:
> > > >
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > >
> > > > -----
> > > > > One thing I can say good way to get rid
> of
> > > > queers.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > You and ISIS seem to have a lot in common,
> > why
> > > > don't you just join them and do all the
> > things
> > > > you've been dreaming about?
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > +1
> > >
> > >
> > > Notice how you struck a nerve with the person
> > > behind the Gunlover screenname as he is
> > replying
> > > to all your posts with personal attacks.
> >
> >
> > Wrong again chubs. There are lots of folks
> here
> > who dislike Numbers. Not as many as dislike
> you,
> > but dozens at least. Get your porky face out
> of
> > your frozen TV dinner long enough to breath and
> > get some oxygen to that peanut brain of yours
> and
> > perhaps you'll realize that Numbers isn't the
> > beloved fag you think he is. Now fatass, go
> cry
> > to Cary like you always do and try and get me
> > banned.

> haha Someone has had a bad day......care to share?
> I love your "dozens of posters" comments. You've
> done this for a while now; there aren't dozens of
> posters on this site, let alone dozens of posters
> that attack people with the rabid malice that you
> have. It's just you, a dozen screen names, and
> your unchecked rage.
> Get a screen name, stick with it, and stop trying
> to give the appearance that multiple people are in
> agreement with your view.

Nah, I'll remain anonymous. My "dozens" comment is relative. If there are only 50 people who post here with any regularity, at least half dislike Numbers. More dislike you. Almost all hate Gerry.

I felt sorry for you during the caan incident. Still do. He went too far. That I would never do.

PS, Numbers is a fag and this is my second post in this thread, so at least three posters seem to have posted their disdain for his homo ass in the past 30 minutes. Sorry your boy isn't as loved as you wish he was.

Hang in there buddy. I shouldn't have let the fag Numbers come between us like that.

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Re: ISIS releases images showing fags thrown from tall building
Posted by: Death is Death ()
Date: January 15, 2015 07:58PM

Alot of countries think it is violent and cowardly to bomb people with no air force while in the safety of some control center thousands of miles away.
Why do some people post about one on one violence as if it is somehow more evil than hi-tech multiple murder?

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Re: ISIS releases images showing fags thrown from tall building
Posted by: hsee ton ()
Date: January 15, 2015 07:58PM

Can we contact ISIS and see if they will throw eesh and Numbers off a building while locked in a fag embrace covered in lube?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: ISIS releases images showing fags thrown from tall building
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: January 15, 2015 08:00PM

Death is Death Wrote:
> Alot of countries think it is violent and cowardly
> to bomb people with no air force while in the
> safety of some control center thousands of miles
> away.
> Why do some people post about one on one violence
> as if it is somehow more evil than hi-tech
> multiple murder?

There's nothing sadistic about killing people with a drone armed with Hellfire missiles. Look at ISIS, they enjoy killing people more than actually fighting for what they believe in.

Blessed are the murderous.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: ISIS releases images showing fags thrown from tall building
Posted by: Big Dick Blackk ()
Date: January 15, 2015 08:05PM

KjpeN Wrote:
> Wrong again chubs. There are lots of folks here
> who dislike Numbers. Not as many as dislike you,
> but dozens at least. Get your porky face out of
> your frozen TV dinner long enough to breath and
> get some oxygen to that peanut brain of yours and
> perhaps you'll realize that Numbers isn't the
> beloved fag you think he is. Now fatass, go cry
> to Cary like you always do and try and get me
> banned.

I take it you two know each other LOL

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Re: ISIS releases images showing fags thrown from tall building
Posted by: libtardz all together now... ()
Date: January 15, 2015 08:07PM

Please Mohammad, chop off our heads!

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Re: ISIS releases images showing fags thrown from tall building
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: January 15, 2015 08:11PM

pHjcC Wrote:

> Nah, I'll remain anonymous. My "dozens" comment
> is relative. If there are only 50 people who post
> here with any regularity, at least half dislike
> Numbers. More dislike you. Almost all hate
> Gerry.
> I felt sorry for you during the caan incident.
> Still do. He went too far. That I would never
> do.
> PS, Numbers is a fag and this is my second post in
> this thread, so at least three posters seem to
> have posted their disdain for his homo ass in the
> past 30 minutes. Sorry your boy isn't as loved as
> you wish he was.
> Hang in there buddy. I shouldn't have let the fag
> Numbers come between us like that.

LOL There aren't 50 people on this site. A good number of lurkers, especially in the main forum, but posting with any amount of frequency is something only a handful of people engage in.

I enjoy seeing how you can change your writing style and persona so easily, it's actually a real talent you have there. It's not just sockpuppeting, it's catfishing.

When Cary reveals your IPs and labels your posts as the same person (example: search for "Troll Fios157-166") it amazes me how much effort you put into altering your writing style and personality.

You've been on this forum longer than me; at least since 2007. You also do those stupid Lamb Center posts every night, which are very similar to the postings of your original screen name "RAT'Z AZZ".

Have a good night and good luck.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: ISIS releases images showing fags thrown from tall building
Posted by: Numbers ()
Date: January 15, 2015 08:19PM

Fuck That Wrote:
> Numbers is just too much of a faggot
> (IRL he is a faggot) that it's like Pavlov's dogs
> when he sees a thread attacking fagdom. He starts
> foaming at the mouth and posting bullshit like gay
> porn or stupid memes created by other fags. You
> should pity Numbers. You should despise Gerry,
> who is a miserable human being and deserves
> exponentially more butthurt than the copious
> amounts that he already receives here. Hate the
> Gerry!

If you're so "straight", why do you seem to be obsessed with homosexuality?
Every one of your posts has the word gay, fag, faggot or queer. You claim to be an expert at determining whether someone is gay, why?
You must have a strong "Gaydar".

I think this article gives us some deeper insight into your true self.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/15/2015 08:20PM by Numbers.

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Re: ISIS releases images showing fags thrown from tall building
Posted by: "numbers" = obsessed. The rest o ()
Date: January 15, 2015 08:32PM

us, not so much.

Why are you libtards so obsessed with balls and shit anyway?

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Re: ISIS releases images showing fags thrown from tall building
Posted by: LIB-TARDZ LOLZ! ()
Date: January 15, 2015 08:37PM

Because they're deviants all the way around.

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Re: ISIS releases images showing fags thrown from tall building
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: January 15, 2015 08:55PM

Fuck That Wrote:
> Rip it off Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > You forgot beheadings with dull knives. Tea
> Party
> > does that all the time.
> >
> > I concur.....Numbers is truly a dumbass. He
> makes
> > Gerry look like Albert Einstein.
> Not going to go that far. Gerry is truly a
> dumbass. Numbers is just too much of a faggot
> (IRL he is a faggot) that it's like Pavlov's dogs
> when he sees a thread attacking fagdom. He starts
> foaming at the mouth and posting bullshit like gay
> porn or stupid memes created by other fags. You
> should pity Numbers. You should despise Gerry,
> who is a miserable human being and deserves
> exponentially more butthurt than the copious
> amounts that he already receives here. Hate the
> Gerry!

Now who's the bad guy numbers and eesh? Kissing peoples asses that want to throw you off tall buildings.

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Re: ISIS releases images showing fags thrown from tall building
Posted by: True The Vote ! ()
Date: January 15, 2015 09:06PM

Gerry needs to suck on a suger cube now!

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Re: ISIS releases images showing fags thrown from tall building
Posted by: Decrapitated ()
Date: January 15, 2015 09:07PM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> Now who's the bad guy numbers and eesh? Kissing
> peoples asses that want to throw you off tall
> buildings.

They got room on that roof for 3 Gerry

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Re: ISIS releases images showing fags thrown from tall building
Posted by: Thou Doth Protest Too Much ()
Date: January 15, 2015 09:08PM

Numbers Wrote:
> Gunlover Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > One thing I can say good way to get rid of
> queers.
> You and ISIS seem to have a lot in common, why
> don't you just join them and do all the things
> you've been dreaming about?

+ 1000 These boys sure do seem to obsess about gay people. You just know they look at gay porn late at night, trying to forget their myriad failures in life. If I were a more generous person, I'd feel sorry for them. But I'm not.

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Re: ISIS releases images showing fags thrown from tall building
Posted by: Damn Christians! ()
Date: January 15, 2015 09:12PM

Like those damn Christians in the 1940's!

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Re: ISIS releases images showing fags thrown from tall building
Posted by: libs hate America. ()
Date: January 15, 2015 09:21PM

So....Muslims love fags and women as much as libs. No shit. What's the point?

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Re: ISIS releases images showing fags thrown from tall building
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: January 15, 2015 09:28PM

Nazis weren't Christians. They had Christian churches and people that called themselves Christians, but Nazism quickly became the state religion.

Blessed are the murderous.

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Re: ISIS releases images showing fags thrown from tall building
Posted by: LIB-TARDZ LOLZ! ()
Date: January 15, 2015 09:36PM

Damn Christians! Wrote:
> Like those damn Christians in the 1940's!

eesh is correct. In fact they tried to stamp out Christianity where the could and co-opt it where they could not. Please check your facts before posting to the Interwebs dumbass.

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Re: ISIS releases images showing fags thrown from tall building
Posted by: William Suckit ()
Date: January 15, 2015 11:06PM

"Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting."
What fucking loser would find anything you fucking low life degenerates post here interesting? Sad pathetic group of fucking losers.

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Re: ISIS releases images showing fags thrown from tall building
Posted by: William Suckit ()
Date: January 15, 2015 11:09PM

Do the world a favor and jump off the nearest building, if you even know what the fuck a building is....fucking losers.

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Re: ISIS releases images showing fags thrown from tall building
Posted by: stupedobamavoter ()
Date: January 15, 2015 11:10PM

Your welcome!

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Re: ISIS releases images showing fags thrown from tall building
Posted by: Yucky24. ()
Date: January 16, 2015 02:46AM

These threads are useless without videos.

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Re: ISIS releases images showing fags thrown from tall building
Posted by: Gunlover ()
Date: January 16, 2015 03:35PM

What do you say when a queer hits the ground at terminal velocity?


Never Run Out of Ammo

Guns Don't Kill People. People Kill People

Them or You

The two most important days in your life are the day your were born and and the day you find out why

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Re: ISIS releases images showing fags thrown from tall building
Posted by: Inquisitore ()
Date: January 16, 2015 08:20PM

libs hate America. Wrote:
> So....Muslims love fags and women as much as libs.
> No shit. What's the point?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: ISIS releases images showing fags thrown from tall building
Posted by: The Truth Is ()
Date: January 18, 2015 12:35PM

There's nothing wrong with throwing gays off of a tall building. Or encouraging them to walk in front of the VRE, but the latter delays a lot of normal, hard working people from getting home on time.

To think otherwise denies the fact that homosexuals do not belong in decent society.

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