Fuck That Wrote:
> Numbers is just too much of a faggot
> (IRL he is a faggot) that it's like Pavlov's dogs
> when he sees a thread attacking fagdom. He starts
> foaming at the mouth and posting bullshit like gay
> porn or stupid memes created by other fags. You
> should pity Numbers. You should despise Gerry,
> who is a miserable human being and deserves
> exponentially more butthurt than the copious
> amounts that he already receives here. Hate the
> Gerry!
If you're so "straight", why do you seem to be obsessed with homosexuality?
Every one of your posts has the word gay, fag, faggot or queer. You claim to be an expert at determining whether someone is gay, why?
You must have a strong "Gaydar".
I think this article gives us some deeper insight into your true self.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/15/2015 08:20PM by Numbers.