There was hospital paperwork Wrote:
> There is no kid and never was Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Where's the kid? Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Where's the kid?
> >
> > If Megan had actually been pregnant and given
> > birth for all the times she claimed, there
> would
> > be enough kids by now to fill an entire
> elementary
> > school. Megan plays the "pregnant" card
> > constantly, most often when she wants to make a
> > false police report about someone "assaulting"
> > her, a pregnant woman.
> >
> > Megan either had a false positive test, her
> body
> > rejected the foetus for its own good, she
> > intentionally killed it, or the most likely
> > scenario she was never pregnant and made up the
> > story in a bid to get attention.
> Megan again is cool with Aaron and they are
> coparenting Aj on point even agreed to the order
> and spared a court hearing in Jan, thank you Josh
> for that.
> Josh saw hospital paperwork as did I regarding the
> confirmation of Megan’s pregnancy. However, Josh
> essentially emailed her he didn’t want it in so
> many words. End of the day her body her choice.
> Finally, Josh hasn’t spoken to his child in over
> a week. Hasn’t atttempted to contact his child
> either. Since July hasn’t contributed to a
> single household bill. He sent Megan a case of
> diapers to Aurora as a gift. She sent me the
> photo. It’s nuts. I believe only because Megan
> called him out for drinking in Janine’s car that
> night with the PI called her and seecalled him
> out. Big picture seems Josh got a little attention
> from a sexually confused filipina whore and turned
> into the biggest narcissist of the bunch, Megan
> and Aaron are at least acting in the children’s
> best interests. We can’t say the same about Josh
> now can we?
All team Megan has copies of everything so it could be one of many people Josh knows or has never met. Keep that in mind we all know and are keeping her and the kids safe from you two psychos.