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What's replacing BBQ World in the Burke?
Posted by: How long ()
Date: August 07, 2014 11:24AM

It's almost been 1 year. A Five Guys or Cihk-Fila would be nice since Burke ain't got none of them.

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Re: What's replacing BBQ World in the Burke?
Posted by: johnny ringo ()
Date: August 07, 2014 11:31AM

What's going on with the Five Guys on Route 1? Not the one by Quander but the other one. Was driving down that way late last week and saw they had chainlink fencing all around it.

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Re: What's replacing BBQ World in the Burke?
Posted by: 55guys ()
Date: August 07, 2014 11:35AM

johnny ringo Wrote:
> What's going on with the Five Guys on Route 1? Not
> the one by Quander but the other one. Was driving
> down that way late last week and saw they had
> chainlink fencing all around it.

Upgrading internal systems. That's a store they use for launching newer technologies, etc. I was part of the new corp HQ tech buildout too.

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Re: What's replacing BBQ World in the Burke?
Posted by: dterg ()
Date: August 07, 2014 11:57AM

Keep this on-topic shit where it belongs.

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Re: What's replacing BBQ World in the Burke?
Posted by: matt 703 ()
Date: August 07, 2014 04:01PM

Was wondering the same thing myself. Something with TV's and a bar serving alcohol would be nice.

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