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Eastern Box Turtle with odd tail.
Posted by: turtle kid ()
Date: February 23, 2014 02:48PM

I have a baby box turtle with a squiggly tail, it is an tail that curves in like a pig's tail; but is abnormal in turtles. Can an expert on reptiles tell me how rare this malformation is?

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Re: Eastern Box Turtle with odd tail.
Posted by: abelard ()
Date: February 23, 2014 07:27PM

Must be pretty rare - I bet I've seen 3-4 thousand of these guys (mostly adults), never seen a tail like you describe. If it's a newborn, might be that it straightens out by itself.

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Re: Eastern Box Turtle with odd tail.
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: February 23, 2014 07:31PM

abelard Wrote:
> Must be pretty rare - I bet I've seen 3-4 thousand
> of these guys (mostly adults)

abelard the herpetologist.

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Re: Eastern Box Turtle with odd tail.
Posted by: Go ()
Date: February 23, 2014 07:57PM

thats cool. Maybe google it or email someone at the DC Zoo?

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Re: Eastern Box Turtle with odd tail.
Posted by: abelard ()
Date: February 24, 2014 11:38AM

>abelard the herpetologist.

Have brain, pay attention.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/24/2014 01:31PM by abelard.

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Re: Eastern Box Turtle with odd tail.
Posted by: turtle kid ()
Date: February 24, 2014 02:16PM

abelard Wrote:
> >abelard the herpetologist.
> Have brain, pay attention.

I'm the guy who last year found those eggs that you positively identified as Box variety, when I thought they were Wood turtles, (you know your subject matter). I hatched them at that time, there were two, one has a long tail, the other was born with a tail curled in on itself, tightly. The type of pattern that a snail shell exhibits.

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Re: Eastern Box Turtle with odd tail.
Posted by: abelard ()
Date: February 24, 2014 11:37PM

>I'm the guy who last year found those eggs

So I surmised - not that many of us who are that interested in turtles. I'm not an actual turtle pro, just used to look for them when I was a lad.

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Re: Eastern Box Turtle with odd tail.
Posted by: turtle kid ()
Date: February 26, 2014 12:57PM

I was thinking about letting them go in a heavy wooded area, not a city park, and probably will in the Spring. I wonder if the curly tailed one would be of interest to a biologist or zoologist that studies reptiles? If that is indeed a very rare genetic thing.

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Re: Eastern Box Turtle with odd tail.
Posted by: like2eat@theY ()
Date: February 26, 2014 02:30PM

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Re: Eastern Box Turtle with odd tail.
Posted by: zombie dub ()
Date: February 26, 2014 02:35PM

i don't like turtles. or tuttles.

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Re: Eastern Box Turtle with odd tail.
Posted by: sumguy ()
Date: February 26, 2014 06:18PM

You are so lucky those are the most delicous turtles.

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Re: Eastern Box Turtle with odd tail.
Posted by: Not especially ()
Date: February 27, 2014 04:11PM

sumguy Wrote:
> You are so lucky those are the most delicous
> turtles.

You are taking a big chance when eating a wild box turtle or tortoise, they are chock full of parasites, little worms, that set up residence in your gut. survivor guy on TV was sick for months from eating a wild turtle. Sea turtles or domestic raised turtles are a different story. Worst thing is eating snapping turtle road kill likesome of these Southern Virginian hillbillies do.

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