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A quick question for RepubliTards - Why do you keep saying the number one thing is jobs and the economy?
You claim Obama is distracting America away from job creation and the economy with this, that, and the other thing.
But you and Faux News spend all your time talking about ObamaCare, the IRS, DOJ's Fast and Furious, Benghazi, XL Pipeline, NSA, Abortion, Gay Marriage, and all sorts of other horse shit nonsense all day long and everyday.
Take some Adderall and get your shit together. Pick one thing you can actually win. ObamanCare 45 times is not the right choice obviously. Focus on that one thing you might win. Get it done. Finish something. Don't focus on lost causes.
Today for example, the head of the IRS testified that the IRS investigation is closed. Republicans would hear none of that. They scoffed, screamed, yelled, pounded their fists. You people aren't just stupid. You are insane.
FYI - America is going to continue shitting in your mouth every election cycle unless you grow a pair and get your shit together.
Let us know when Obama 'pivots back to jobs and the economy' (again) for about the 20th time for about two days before he forgets about it again and goes back to demonizing business and pushing some social justice program, and maybe we can talk about it then.
> Today for example, the head of the IRS testified that the
> IRS investigation is closed. Republicans would hear none
> of that. They scoffed, screamed, yelled, pounded their fists.
> You people aren't just stupid. You are insane.
You're an idiot. He didn't testify that it was over. In fact, to the contrary. The discussion around drawing conclusions before the ON-GOING investigation has concluded.
The Republican controlled Congress has an ON-GOING investigation into everything and anything. They just don't do anything - except vote against ObamaCare.
The actual IRS investigation is closed.
Same for the State Department investigation into Benghazi - closed.
Same for the DOJ investigation into Fast and Furious - closed.
Same for the NSA investigation - closed.
BelowMe. Wrote:
> Whitewater, Travelgate, Filegate, Vince Foster.
> The Republican controlled Congress has an ON-GOING
> investigation into everything and anything. They
> just don't do anything - except vote against
> ObamaCare.
> The actual IRS investigation is closed.
> Same for the State Department investigation into
> Benghazi - closed.
> Same for the DOJ investigation into Fast and
> Furious - closed.
> Same for the NSA investigation - closed.
> Take the Adderall motherfuckers. Jobs. Economy.
No, it's not over dumbshit. The FBI investigation is ongoing.
If you'd pay more attention to the facts versus buying whatever bullshit comes out of Obama's mouth, then you might know that just given the controversy recently over the appointment of Barbara Bosserman, an Obama campaign donor, to head it.
Nor is the "NSA investigation" whatever the fuck you're trying to make Obama expanding NSA spying on US citizens sound better.
But I guess they don't talk about inconvenient things like that on MSNBC so you wouldn't know any better.
I watch Faux News for sure - to get the retard agenda.
Then I tune into BBC, NPR, C-Span, WTOP, Al Jazeera, NDTV, and a bunch of other international shit to get a perspective on the reality of diverse news and opinions.
Read Der Spiegel in German and La Monde in French. Even read or tune into other sources from around the world including the different Jew and Muslim rags.
The Russian stuff though is the real bomb. They are crazy but smart at twisting news and opinion.
Faux News looks like the short bus in terms of tweaking reality let alone reporting it.
Planet earth is a multi-dimensional, multi-frequency show. America is not the center of the Universe, it's more like an outer planet in a distant galaxy a lot of the time.
If you only tune into one channel, in one language, with one cultural perspective - then you are unarmed on a battle-field and missing the whole war.
Take some Adderall - so you can focus on the small American trailer park that is your world and all the investigations into shit that is OVER!
BelowMe. Wrote:
> MSNBC - I don't watch that shit.
> I watch Faux News for sure - to get the retard
> agenda.
> Then I tune into BBC, NPR, C-Span, WTOP, Al
> Jazeera, NDTV, and a bunch of other international
> shit to get a perspective on the reality of
> diverse news and opinions.
> Read Der Spiegel in German and La Monde in French.
> Even read or tune into other sources from around
> the world including the different Jew and Muslim
> rags.
> The Russian stuff though is the real bomb. They
> are crazy but smart at twisting news and opinion.
> Faux News looks like the short bus in terms of
> tweaking reality let alone reporting it.
> Planet earth is a multi-dimensional,
> multi-frequency show. America is not the center of
> the Universe, it's more like an outer planet in a
> distant galaxy a lot of the time.
> If you only tune into one channel, in one
> language, with one cultural perspective - then you
> are unarmed on a battle-field and missing the
> whole war.
> Take some Adderall - so you can focus on the small
> American trailer park that is your world and all
> the investigations into shit that is OVER!
^ Dude, from that rambling mess you seem to be the one who needs the Adderall.
Yeah, you're the only one who reads the news. Surprising how being so informed you completely fucked up the basic facts in your earlier posts. lmao
That's the problem with being a dumbfuck... You're too fucking dumb to know that you're a dumbfuck.
BlowMe. Wrote:
> ^ Dude, from that rambling mess you seem to be the
> one who needs the Adderall.
> Yeah, you're the only one who reads the news.
> Surprising how being so informed you completely
> fucked up the basic facts in your earlier posts.
> lmao
> That's the problem with being a dumbfuck...
> You're too fucking dumb to know that you're a
> dumbfuck.
All attacks and name calling and no substance. That's the GOP way.
BlowMe. Wrote:
> Says the dumbass who made the OP. lol
> Tell us about the completed FBI investigation
> again smart guy.
Yep, not the OP buddy. But go ahead and tell everyone how convinced you are that I am. We already know you're a paranoid con, so no one will think any less of you.
If it wasn't for Fox news the only thing America would believe is that Obama is our savior. He is not our savior. He is one massive failure after the next. Footnote: Oprah wants "all old white people too die!"
keep up the good fight Commrads! A special shout out to the PREZ.HILLORY,and the blind liberal press for making this all possible,not to forget George Soros,and all foreign money,and influence. FIST PUMpD,AND DOUBLE DICK SUCK COMMRAD BelowME.I am proud of you all,especially those of you that voted early,and often,thanks for doing whatyou are told to do,and not thinking,thats what makes this all work.