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Fairfax Underground
Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
Cary, we've traced the robospam.. They're coming from inside the server!"
Posted by:
Jill the Stranger
Date: January 29, 2014 05:52PM
Perhaps the robot spam is just Cary trying to fuck with the fragile nut jobs that post on off-topic.
It would be easy to just batch delete all of the accounts of that format registered at the same time/IP. I'm sure it also would need a quick code change to eliminate the registration and posting holes that allow these scripts to auto run.
So I am left with several possibilities:
Cary sold the site and the new owners don't want to (or know how to) mess with it.
Cary is doing time and can only briefly interact with the site when at the prison library.
Cary is doing a thesis on the affects of rampant spam on a population.
Re: Cary, we've traced the robospam.. They're coming from inside the server!"
Posted by:
Date: January 29, 2014 07:50PM
Jill the Stranger Wrote:
> Cary is doing time and can only briefly interact
> with the site when at the prison library.
Cary's anti-spam measures have been pretty effective against bots in the past. Maybe he's trying to fix the hole instead of deleting threads every day.
Re: Cary, we've traced the robospam.. They're coming from inside the server!"
Posted by:
what he meant to say...
Date: January 29, 2014 08:15PM
MrMephisto Wrote:
> Cary's anti-gay measures have been pretty
> effective against fags in the past. Maybe he's
> trying to fix the hole inside my ass
> every day.