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Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
BEWARE: Posts are being deleted, altered and impersonated
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: January 02, 2009 05:43AM

I just had several posts to the threads listed below deleted. I posted them on 1/2/09 between 12:30 and 1:30am. Just to make it clear during that raid that I believe Gravis made, I had 5 post deleted and I altered. Does anyone other then the usual Nazi gang of regulars here see anything wrong with this type of behavior? Any suggestions? Suggestions for damn good attorneys?

The Best Threads of 2008 thread

Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?

NOVA is part of the South- and that's not a bad thing!

Re: NOVA is part of the South- and that's not a bad thing!
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: January 02, 2009 03:58AM

This proves that Gravis was the last one to post to this thread but he had no post to that thread, the last post was Awakened on 12/31/08, how strange for anywhere other then FU. Now I just went to copy and paste the above entry from my post on that thread showing the posting of Gravis to that thread and guess what? Someone had deleted it, odd?
Maybe anywhere but here, but like someone with brains I was prepared for that. You see you aren't messing with just any ordinary southern woman...you dumbass! You see I have just whipped your sorry fat ass, and what's so bad about it is, that I have been doing it over and over again here. That's really why you feel the need to resort to deleting my posts, my words, because the pen is mightier then the sword and when it comes to the challenge of intelligence you don't measure up, you don't come close. With that being said and the fact that I am a woman, that flies all over you, so lap it up dog, you and green flies. How about that Me a woman, a southern woman, smarter then your dumbass...well really that's not hard to do.

Then there's the thread, "Attention FU", where you altered my post. Now Gravis you should know better then to alter someone else's words and change them to suit your needs, not cool! You really should learn the golden rule.

On several occasions I have had others posting as "Spunky", when it clearly wasn't me.

It's very important that those entering this forum are aware of just what type of forum this is upon entering. Nothing is sacred and there's one I believe who posts as many. The personal attacks are extremely vulgar and the ignorance could be laughable if it weren't for the fact that it's real and some of these people could be too. This board should be taken down, it serves no positive community purpose compared to the damage it does. The fact that I was lead to post this thread shows they are trying to hide something and they will go to any length to do it.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/02/2009 06:42AM by spunky.

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Re: BEWARE: Posts are being deleted, altered and impersonated
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: January 02, 2009 06:50AM

I see we're off to a great 2009! Happy New Year!


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Re: BEWARE: Posts are being deleted, altered and impersonated
Posted by: 496 ()
Date: January 02, 2009 08:04AM

I was hoping looney tunes was locked away in an asylum.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/02/2009 08:04AM by 496.

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Re: BEWARE: Posts are being deleted, altered and impersonated
Posted by: Stupid ()
Date: January 02, 2009 08:21AM

You're looking for an attorney, because you think someone tampered with your post? Good luck. Maybe Mickey Mouse is free. I hear he has good rates. You're a nut job.

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Re: BEWARE: Posts are being deleted, altered and impersonated
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: January 02, 2009 08:43AM

lol, how many times per month do you think Spunky calls 9-1-1 for some strange, unnecessary reason?

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Re: BEWARE: Posts are being deleted, altered and impersonated
Date: January 02, 2009 09:04AM

Funny, this thread wasn't deleted. Maybe it was Atta who did it.

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Re: BEWARE: Posts are being deleted, altered and impersonated
Posted by: SRE ()
Date: January 02, 2009 09:21AM

Should we warn the Redistricting posters?

ALERT ALERT ALERT all over again!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/02/2009 09:30AM by SRE.

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Re: BEWARE: Posts are being deleted, altered and impersonated
Date: January 02, 2009 09:24AM

Whenever I come on this site I always think to myself, "I need more spunky."

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Re: BEWARE: Posts are being deleted, altered and impersonated
Posted by: ITRADE ()
Date: January 02, 2009 09:35AM

spunky Wrote:

> suggestions? Suggestions for damn good attorneys?
Yes. $750 an hour. Min $25,000 retainer. We don't bill in tenths. We don't do contingency.

That work for you?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/02/2009 09:35AM by ITRADE.

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Re: BEWARE: Posts are being deleted, altered and impersonated
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: January 02, 2009 10:47AM

spunky Wrote:
> I am an idiot.
gb2 kitchen.jpg

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Re: BEWARE: Posts are being deleted, altered and impersonated
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: January 02, 2009 12:24PM

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: BEWARE: Posts are being deleted, altered and impersonated
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: January 02, 2009 02:49PM

you put the Cunt in Country

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Re: BEWARE: Posts are being deleted, altered and impersonated
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: January 03, 2009 07:21AM

Everyone of those threads that I mentioned in my initial post were deleted. Then I recreated those posts with the remaining post from the search feature and copied and pasted it in the threads along with the entry of Gravis, date and time. I did this right before I started this thread here and guess what those posts have been deleted, but not gone.

Regarding my 911 calls, which you seem to have inside knowledge of Meeps, that's going to become a bigger issue then you ever thought it could be, believe you me! The arrogance of this site is going to be it's own downfall, along with those involved!

Just like you thought I was gone where I wasn't and won't be going, you should realize now you are fools to depend on your judgment...you have been wrong and foolish looking every time!

OK? Who's idea of a joke is this? I just went to those three threads copy n pasted them all three and my post showed up in the copy but not on the thread in the forum now, so what's going on? Why do you feel the need to play childest games? How old are you again? You people are messed up, you talk about others but how would you like this crap done to you? I know what's going on and it's the same crap that's going on in my life too, so don't think you'll get off scott free. There's an energy in this world that deals with evil assholes like ya...karma!

Enough has been seen by many to expose you for the evil that you are...you're doomed...finished! Bye!

This is an empty board now and will be, because it's dead! That's why you felt like you could freely delete my post and no one would ever notice. But there are still laws governing your actions and cyberboards, especially harassment.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/03/2009 08:01AM by spunky.

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Re: BEWARE: Posts are being deleted, altered and impersonated
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: January 03, 2009 09:38AM

spunky Wrote:
>>> Regarding my 911 calls, which you seem to have inside knowledge of Meeps, that's going to become a bigger issue then you ever thought it could be

Spunky, if you ever decide to call 9-1-1 to report something about fairfaxunderground.com, please please please make sure you record that phone call and post it here. It would seriously be one of the greatest posts of all times.

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Re: BEWARE: Posts are being deleted, altered and impersonated
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: January 03, 2009 09:50AM

spunky Wrote:
> But there are still laws governing your
> actions and cyberboards, especially harassment.

LOL! cite one law, just ONE!

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: BEWARE: Posts are being deleted, altered and impersonated
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: January 03, 2009 11:20AM

spunky Wrote:
> blah blah blah I'm a retard

Hang yourself in a closet with a telephone cord.


Kill yourself.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: BEWARE: Posts are being deleted, altered and impersonated
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: January 03, 2009 02:14PM

TheMeeper Wrote:
> Spunky, if you ever decide to call 9-1-1 to report
> something about fairfaxunderground.com, please
> please please make sure you record that phone call
> and post it here. It would seriously be one of
> the greatest posts of all times.


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: BEWARE: Posts are being deleted, altered and impersonated
Posted by: Did u hear something? ()
Date: January 03, 2009 02:48PM


spunky Wrote:
> Everyone of those threads that I mentioned in my
> initial post were deleted. Then I recreated those
> posts with the remaining post from the search
> feature and copied and pasted it in the threads
> along with the entry of Gravis, date and time. I
> did this right before I started this thread here
> and guess what those posts have been deleted, but
> not gone.
> Regarding my 911 calls, which you seem to have
> inside knowledge of Meeps, that's going to become
> a bigger issue then you ever thought it could be,
> believe you me! The arrogance of this site is
> going to be it's own downfall, along with those
> involved!
> Just like you thought I was gone where I wasn't
> and won't be going, you should realize now you are
> fools to depend on your judgment...you have been
> wrong and foolish looking every time!
> OK? Who's idea of a joke is this? I just went to
> those three threads copy n pasted them all three
> and my post showed up in the copy but not on the
> thread in the forum now, so what's going on? Why
> do you feel the need to play childest games? How
> old are you again? You people are messed up, you
> talk about others but how would you like this crap
> done to you? I know what's going on and it's the
> same crap that's going on in my life too, so don't
> think you'll get off scott free. There's an
> energy in this world that deals with evil assholes
> like ya...karma!
> Enough has been seen by many to expose you for the
> evil that you are...you're doomed...finished!
> Bye!
> This is an empty board now and will be, because
> it's dead! That's why you felt like you could
> freely delete my post and no one would ever
> notice. But there are still laws governing your
> actions and cyberboards, especially harassment.

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Re: BEWARE: Posts are being deleted, altered and impersonated
Posted by: Jester ()
Date: January 03, 2009 04:48PM

I like the part where she says posts are very vulgar and calls everybody a dumbass.

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Re: BEWARE: Posts are being deleted, altered and impersonated
Posted by: Dirty Jersey ()
Date: January 03, 2009 06:59PM

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Re: BEWARE: Posts are being deleted, altered and impersonated
Posted by: Tiger ()
Date: January 03, 2009 08:53PM

Hey spunky,

I kind of like the cut of your jib. What are you doing this weekend?

spunky Wrote:
> Everyone of those threads that I mentioned in my
> initial post were deleted. Then I recreated those
> posts with the remaining post from the search
> feature and copied and pasted it in the threads
> along with the entry of Gravis, date and time. I
> did this right before I started this thread here
> and guess what those posts have been deleted, but
> not gone.
> Regarding my 911 calls, which you seem to have
> inside knowledge of Meeps, that's going to become
> a bigger issue then you ever thought it could be,
> believe you me! The arrogance of this site is
> going to be it's own downfall, along with those
> involved!
> Just like you thought I was gone where I wasn't
> and won't be going, you should realize now you are
> fools to depend on your judgment...you have been
> wrong and foolish looking every time!
> OK? Who's idea of a joke is this? I just went to
> those three threads copy n pasted them all three
> and my post showed up in the copy but not on the
> thread in the forum now, so what's going on? Why
> do you feel the need to play childest games? How
> old are you again? You people are messed up, you
> talk about others but how would you like this crap
> done to you? I know what's going on and it's the
> same crap that's going on in my life too, so don't
> think you'll get off scott free. There's an
> energy in this world that deals with evil assholes
> like ya...karma!
> Enough has been seen by many to expose you for the
> evil that you are...you're doomed...finished!
> Bye!
> This is an empty board now and will be, because
> it's dead! That's why you felt like you could
> freely delete my post and no one would ever
> notice. But there are still laws governing your
> actions and cyberboards, especially harassment.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: BEWARE: Posts are being deleted, altered and impersonated
Posted by: angelus42774 ()
Date: January 05, 2009 12:47PM

Spunky, I thought your resolution was not to be the dumbest bitch alive. Guess that lasted all of 5 minutes. Aren't you late for your latest aluminum foil hat fitting?

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Re: BEWARE: Posts are being deleted, altered and impersonated
Posted by: ITRADE ()
Date: January 05, 2009 03:37PM

MrMephisto Wrote:
> spunky Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > blah blah blah I'm a retard
> Hang yourself in a closet with a telephone cord.
> Seriously.
> Kill yourself.

Tht was most excellent.

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Re: BEWARE: Posts are being deleted, altered and impersonated
Posted by: graymoose ()
Date: January 05, 2009 09:06PM

Is Spunky off her meds again?

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Re: BEWARE: Posts are being deleted, altered and impersonated
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: January 06, 2009 06:57AM

Jester Wrote:
> I like the part where she says posts are very
> vulgar and calls everybody a dumbass.

Let's clarify for the feeble minded...dumbass is not a vulgar word in comparison to the extremely vulgar words used here so loosely and randomly. If anyone cares to do the research it won't be very difficult because there's so much of it and it's so frequently used through out most of the threads.

This site has stood behind the forum of the original plan for this site but they have since wavier from their goals gross. It is common policy now to harass common users that the regulars deen unfit to be on their board and as a result bully them and harass them umtill the new poster generally leaves, The few regulars have received the name of "Nazis" for their techniques of bulling others. It's mine and others as well that this is a FCPD forum, by their immense knowledge of police related info and police history,

One wouldn't call 911 for an issue on an internet. That would go through the DA. You can find everything you knew to about who did what, on what and where and when and how many times. I noticed you all asked the questions of Cary yet she didn't answer you back. What's up with that? A bit late to be asking such questions. Duh! Par for course though for FCPD!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: BEWARE: Posts are being deleted, altered and impersonated
Posted by: Voter ()
Date: January 06, 2009 07:10AM

Sarah, is that you?

spunky Wrote:
> This site has stood behind the forum of the
> original plan for this site but they have since
> wavier from their goals gross
. It is common
> policy now to harass common users that the
> regulars deen unfit to be on their board and as a
> result bully them and harass them umtill the new
> poster generally leaves, The few regulars have
> received the name of "Nazis" for their techniques
> of bulling others. It's mine and others as well
> that this is a FCPD forum
, by their immense
> knowledge of police related info and police
> history,
> One wouldn't call 911 for an issue on an internet.
> That would go through the DA. You can find
> everything you knew to about who did what, on what
> and where and when and how many times.
I noticed
> you all asked the questions of Cary yet she didn't
> answer you back. What's up with that? A bit late
> to be asking such questions. Duh! Par for course
> though for FCPD!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: BEWARE: Posts are being deleted, altered and impersonated
Posted by: 496 ()
Date: January 06, 2009 08:51AM

Hey pyscho, the DA just called. They want their 5 minutes back.

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Re: BEWARE: Posts are being deleted, altered and impersonated
Posted by: ITRADE ()
Date: January 06, 2009 09:11AM

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Re: BEWARE: Posts are being deleted, altered and impersonated
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: January 06, 2009 09:19AM

spunky Wrote:

> This site has stood behind the forum of the
> original plan for this site but they have since
> wavier from their goals gross.

I don't even know where to begin with this one... is thing English or something else? It reads like some Slavic language fed through Babel Fish.

spunky Wrote:
> asked the questions of Cary yet she


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/06/2009 09:19AM by pgens.

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Re: BEWARE: Posts are being deleted, altered and impersonated
Posted by: ITRADE ()
Date: January 06, 2009 10:21AM

pgens Wrote:
> spunky Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > This site has stood behind the forum of the
> > original plan for this site but they have since
> > wavier from their goals gross.
> I don't even know where to begin with this one...
> is thing English or something else? It reads like
> some Slavic language fed through Babel Fish.
Hah, agreed. I spent a lot of time in China a few years back and to read the Chinglish translations on stuff is downright comical. I'm sure they feel the same way about us....

Its supposed to day....Flush after you use toilet.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/06/2009 10:22AM by ITRADE.

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take it up with The Balognataur
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: January 06, 2009 11:38AM

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: BEWARE: Posts are being deleted, altered and impersonated
Posted by: angelus42774 ()
Date: January 06, 2009 03:19PM

BEWARE!!! Spunky is a 1500 ton Mega-zilla with a penchant for buggary, and has been seen around Lake Fairfax yelling at pinecones accusing them of being lazy. When she gets home she spanks her cats and accuses them of forfeiting their right to vote.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: BEWARE: Posts are being deleted, altered and impersonated
Posted by: Alias ()
Date: January 06, 2009 10:44PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/25/2012 07:28PM by Alias.

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Re: BEWARE: Posts are being deleted, altered and impersonated
Posted by: 496 ()
Date: January 07, 2009 08:51AM

"But, no, I don't think they laugh at us in the same way we laugh at them. They just think we're stupid."

We think your stupid too.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: BEWARE: Posts are being deleted, altered and impersonated
Posted by: Alias ()
Date: January 08, 2009 02:09AM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/25/2012 08:00PM by Alias.

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Re: BEWARE: Posts are being deleted, altered and impersonated
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: January 09, 2009 12:01AM

Voter Wrote:
> Sarah, is that you?
> spunky Wrote:
> > This site has stood behind the forum of the
> > original plan for this site but they have since
> > wavier from their goals gross. It is common
> > policy now to harass common users that the
> > regulars deen unfit to be on their board and as
> a
> > result bully them and harass them umtill the
> new
> > poster generally leaves, The few regulars have
> > received the name of "Nazis" for their
> techniques
> > of bulling others. It's mine and others as well
> > that this is a FCPD forum, by their immense
> > knowledge of police related info and police
> > history,
> >
> > One wouldn't call 911 for an issue on an
> internet.
> > That would go through the DA. You can find
> > everything you knew to about who did what, on
> what
> > and where and when and how many times. I
> noticed
> > you all asked the questions of Cary yet she
> didn't
> > answer you back. What's up with that? A bit
> late
> > to be asking such questions. Duh! Par for
> course
> > though for FCPD!

My post was altered yet again as it has been previously. You only have to read any of my previous post to compare. Go ahead...I'll wait. Now don't you look stupid! Yes, just like the ones who altered my post, deleted my post and impersonated me...and you call yourselves what? Policeman? Ha! Ha! Ha! Right More like Nazis, we aren't through here. I know everything about what's going on, you just go ahead and think you are in CYA mode! Ha! Ha! Ha! Fools! Did you ever think there could be someone watching you? Duh...

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: BEWARE: Posts are being deleted, altered and impersonated
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: January 09, 2009 12:14AM

496 Wrote:
> "But, no, I don't think they laugh at us in the
> same way we laugh at them. They just think we're
> stupid."
> We think your stupid too.

Hey Tonya what's wrong can't get a man no matter how drunk you gettem? You don't have to take it out on others, just make-out with yourself at least somebody loves you. As a group you are all equal to one, divided you all fall, because you are all spineless and worthless, that's why you're drawn to each other, like magnets! Hard and cold!

By the way Alias, don't think for one minute I was stepping up for you.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: BEWARE: Posts are being deleted, altered and impersonated
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: January 09, 2009 02:18AM

spunky Wrote:
> you are all spineless and worthless, that's why
> you're drawn to each other, like magnets! Hard
> and cold!


go cry elsewhere.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: BEWARE: Posts are being deleted, altered and impersonated
Posted by: Alias ()
Date: January 09, 2009 02:26AM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/25/2012 07:55PM by Alias.

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Re: BEWARE: Posts are being deleted, altered and impersonated
Posted by: Gay Alias ()
Date: January 09, 2009 03:15AM

Alias is a queer little bone smuggler

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Re: BEWARE: Posts are being deleted, altered and impersonated
Posted by: angelus42774 ()
Date: January 09, 2009 08:47AM

If I could hurt someone with a thought, it would be you Spunky!

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Re: BEWARE: Posts are being deleted, altered and impersonated
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: January 09, 2009 09:51AM

angelus42774 Wrote:
> If I could hurt someone with a thought, it would
> be you Spunky!

If I could infest someone with painful boils and genital herpes with a thought, it would also be Spunky.

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Re: BEWARE: Posts are being deleted, altered and impersonated
Posted by: Alias ()
Date: January 10, 2009 02:00AM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/25/2012 07:54PM by Alias.

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Re: BEWARE: Posts are being deleted, altered and impersonated
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: January 10, 2009 04:26AM

You know you love me, who else you goin' ping on each other? Ha!

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Re: BEWARE: Posts are being deleted, altered and impersonated
Posted by: Bob ()
Date: January 10, 2009 04:47AM

spunky Wrote:
> You know you love me, who else you goin' ping on
> each other? Ha!

Yes, we really do love you.

Keep doing what you're doing.

This is Fairfax Underground.

We love everyone on this forum for being who they are. Some may not agree with you, but everyone loves you for your opinion, even if only for the ability to argue with you.

And if you believe in something, you have to keep arguing or discussing it.

The only person who wants to kill people for disagreeing with him is inkahootz.

The rest of us are happy to debate, argue, disagree, etc.

Intellectually honest people invite differing opinions. Honest debate is healthy.

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Re: BEWARE: Posts are being deleted, altered and impersonated
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: January 11, 2009 02:31AM

Bob when are we goin' to get together for coffee? I would like that very much. I have a birthday coming up. What I would love to do is have a water gun fight with you and the other regulars, or snow ball, sledding, anything? Something? Nothing? OK! Whatever! It was just a fleeting thought...gone. Bye.

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Re: BEWARE: Posts are being deleted, altered and impersonated
Posted by: She's got spunk!!! ()
Date: January 11, 2009 02:37AM

Spunky...you are one crazy bitch, but I love you for it! You keep it real...REAL entertaining. Don't let any of the haters steal your shine. Rock on w/ your crazy self!

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Re: BEWARE: Posts are being deleted, altered and impersonated
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: January 14, 2009 02:20AM

She's got spunk!!! Wrote:
> Spunky...you are one crazy bitch, but I love you
> for it! You keep it real...REAL entertaining.

I need to just clarify one small detail here though...I AM NOT A BITCH, NOR AM I CRAZY! If I'm crazy, then the whole world is crazy...and that's possible?
Other then that your statement is alright now and so are you...I dig ya! Peace!

Don't let any of the haters steal your shine. Rock
> on w/ your crazy self!

Right back atcha!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/14/2009 02:48AM by spunky.

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Re: BEWARE: Posts are being deleted, altered and impersonated
Posted by: inkahootz ()
Date: January 14, 2009 02:29AM


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/14/2009 03:18AM by inkahootz.

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Re: BEWARE: Posts are being deleted, altered and impersonated
Posted by: Alias ()
Date: January 14, 2009 02:57AM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/25/2012 08:29PM by Alias.

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Re: BEWARE: Posts are being deleted, altered and impersonated
Posted by: inkahootz ()
Date: January 14, 2009 02:58AM

GoldenShower made the comment. Based on his name, I thought he wanted to get with her physically.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/14/2009 03:22AM by inkahootz.

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Re: BEWARE: Posts are being deleted, altered and impersonated
Posted by: Alias ()
Date: January 14, 2009 03:07AM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/25/2012 08:27PM by Alias.

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Re: BEWARE: Posts are being deleted, altered and impersonated
Posted by: Biadac ()
Date: July 06, 2022 01:58PM

Biden is a demented ass clown

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Re: BEWARE: Posts are being deleted, altered and impersonated
Posted by: Poor spunky ()
Date: July 06, 2022 10:31PM

! The arrogance of this site is going to be it's own downfall, along with those involved!

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