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Nigger punches old white lady for fun
Posted by: harassment?.....wtf? ()
Date: January 09, 2014 10:24PM

They're at it again.....3 white people assaulted in Denver two nights ago and now the video of an old white lady being puncjed by anothe savage violent teenage nigger in Rochester. The niggers tape it, then laugh about it! The Rochester police refuse to call it assault; instead they said it was "harassment"
You've probably seen the video, unless you're a liberal, in which case there is no video and it never happened.

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Re: Nigger punches old white lady for fun
Posted by: DrHenryKillinger ()
Date: January 09, 2014 10:29PM

"Harrasment"? Bullshit. Links?

Also this belongs in Off-Topic.

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Re: Nigger punches old white lady for fun
Posted by: disgusting! ()
Date: January 10, 2014 05:40AM

I saw the video last night..........I knew it would get my blood boling.........I wish I would have never seen it, but I guess you have to know what these apes are doing out here!

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Re: Nigger punches old white lady for fun
Posted by: Ask yourself ()
Date: January 10, 2014 07:38AM

Now if it were white kids punching an elderly black woman would it still make your blood boil? Why or why not?

What if this elderly black woman adopted 6 white children and saved them from incest and abuse from a drug ridden white family in west va?

It's still a human being. But it wouldn't anger you the same way, would it?

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Re: Nigger punches old white lady for fun
Posted by: Marf ()
Date: January 10, 2014 08:04AM

It probably still would.

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Re: Nigger punches old white lady for fun
Posted by: ask yourself?? ()
Date: January 10, 2014 08:05AM

It would anger me, but the problem is, I haven't seen a white kids regularly punching elderly women, and people of all ages, and laughing about it.....have you?
Who wouldn't be angry when you read about and see video of, niggers attacking white people night after night?
That's the world we live in now.
I see that doesn't bother you too much, though. You're more concerned with why it bothers someone else.
Ask yourself, "Why does it not bother me"?

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Re: Nigger punches old white lady for fun
Posted by: Ask yourself ()
Date: January 10, 2014 08:12AM

My friend, it does bother me but this is being done by all races, it's just not as reported or posted in the media as often. You know this is true.

But I was simply asking and glad you said it would bother you. It's not a race issue though. It's a human issue, a youth issue, a parenting issue.

The only soultion is to keep destroying this world we live in until it implodes on itself. It's unfortunate that the world didn't end in 2012, but it does need a major revamping.

It's sad that the norm today is things like this and other sorts of violence. Wars, school and mall shootings, bombings and other mass murders..some of the world is no longer shocked by hearing this sort of thing. Maybe that's what I wasn't, shocked.

But it does indeed bother me but what can I do? What can you do? Stop violence with more violence? We see how that's worked out for thousands of years.

We accept it and move on with our days and hope and pray that someone we love doesn't become a victim of these animals. And I don't mean that in a racist term, I mean it in terms of the animalistic behavior anyone who invovled themselves in this sort of activity.

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Re: Nigger punches old white lady for fun
Posted by: are you serious??? ()
Date: January 10, 2014 08:48AM

Bullshit! It's being done by MOSTLY niggers, and if you don't know that, you're either in denial, or willfully uninformed.
Why would the liberal media NOT report an incident if it was white people attacking and murdering blacks?
Wake up, man.most niggers are born into dysfunctional, chaotic families, and born into a culture that glorifies impulsivity, violence, and sexual irresponsibility, while frowning upon education.

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Re: Nigger punches old white lady for fun
Posted by: NUe7c ()
Date: January 10, 2014 09:19AM

> Now if it were white kids punching an elderly black woman would it still make your blood boil? Why or why not?

Yes. But that is a hate crime because it is race based. Al Sharpton would suddenly appear as well.

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Re: Nigger punches old white lady for fun
Posted by: The Mike O'Meara Show ()
Date: January 10, 2014 12:07PM

The first word says it all. With the exception of one retard in Texas, this is strictly nigger business, and in New York (Hymietown if your name is Jesse Jackson) the victims are mostly Jews. Time for the JDL to get its hands dirty, in a Warsaw Ghetto stylee.

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Re: Nigger punches old white lady for fun
Posted by: Liberal Logic 35 ()
Date: January 10, 2014 12:11PM

Ask yourself Wrote:
> My friend, it does bother me but this is being
> done by all races, it's just not as reported or
> posted in the media as often. You know this is
> true.

Absolute bullshit.

Your the type of moron that allowed things to get to this place. Just because the criminals are black you automatically are apologists for them.

The liberal white guilt is terminal in you, or youre a black racist take your pick.

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Re: Nigger punches old white lady for fun
Posted by: Guy Who Notices Things ()
Date: January 10, 2014 12:20PM

"My friend, it does bother me but this is being done by all races, it's just not as reported or posted in the media as often. You know this is true."

When a Latino shot a black teenager in Florida it was the biggest news story in the country for a year. Why? Prior to the first pictures of George Zimmerman being seen it was believed that he was white and not Latino due to his last name.

White on black violent crime is known as a "man bites dog story" because it is very rare and therefore interesting. Black on white violent crime such as rape, assault and murder is known as "dog bites man" because it is so common.

Your complete inversion of the reality of crime and how it's reported is very quaint.

85% of all black/white interracial violence is committed by blacks against whites. This stat is from the 2005 DOJ Crime Victimization Report.

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Re: Nigger punches old white lady for fun
Posted by: The Hard Truth ()
Date: January 10, 2014 12:21PM

Liberal Logic 35 Wrote:
> Absolute bullshit.
> Your the type of moron that allowed things to get
> to this place. Just because the criminals are
> black you automatically are apologists for them.
> The liberal white guilt is terminal in you, or
> youre a black racist take your pick.

It's funny he said that, because the last time a white guy played "knockout" with a old black guy, it made the front page headlines for CNN.com for days. The other attacks done by blacks weren't given the nearly same attention, only a short article about it in their US news section.

If anything, the media jumps on a white thug committing the attacks and downplays black thuggery. Then again, is black thuggery really news?

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Re: Nigger punches old white lady for fun
Posted by: Liberal Logic 35 ()
Date: January 10, 2014 12:24PM

The Hard Truth Wrote:

> It's funny he said that, because the last time a
> white guy played "knockout" with a old black guy,
> it made the front page headlines for CNN.com for
> days. The other attacks done by blacks weren't
> given the nearly same attention, only a short
> article about it in their US news section.
> If anything, the media jumps on a white thug
> committing the attacks and downplays black
> thuggery. Then again, is black thuggery really
> news?

The sad part is its absolutely true the media does that. I believe thats the only one that was charged as a hate crime as well. Liberal white guilt gives a free pass to anything someone black does. Really that just exposes their own racism since they think so little of blacks they dont believe theyre able to be anything but criminals they have to make excuses for.

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Re: Nigger punches old white lady for fun
Posted by: Jimmy Womble ()
Date: January 10, 2014 01:26PM

I have never seen a video of a white teen attacking an unsuspecting senior citizen,but I have seen multiple videos of blacks doing this in the past few weeks.

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Re: Nigger punches old white lady for fun
Posted by: Quin66 ()
Date: January 10, 2014 02:53PM

Don't worry, if you missed the news about the nigger punching the old white lady, there will be another white victim you can read about tonight.

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Re: Nigger punches old white lady for fun
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: January 10, 2014 03:53PM

Ask yourself Wrote:
> >
> But I was simply asking and glad you said it would
> bother you. It's not a race issue though. It's a
> human issue, a youth issue, a parenting issue.

You are full of shit and most likely candy ass liberal. It's most definitely racially motivated. These knock out thugs have been quoted as saying...."We got bored and decided to go attack a white person". Not a person, not a black person, but a "white" person.

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