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If I Call Ice "Black Ice" is it Being Racist?
Posted by: Debbie Downer Democrat ()
Date: January 06, 2014 12:56PM

I'm sure to the "politically correct" crowd, such a term probably is frowned upon by them.

If so, then why is it frowned upon today, when it wasn't 30 to 40 years ago? 30 to 40 years ago if someone got all "sissy" and started to point out that they were sensitive and the statements being made were violating the rules of PC, they would have been smacked, punched and kicked. Today, we just have to walk away from them while the feel they've had some sort of victory.

Why does the "politically correct" crowd have such thin skin? Man-up, grow some balls, we're getting sick of all the whiners.

Why can't they be just a bit more tolerant? Just as they like to quickly point out that we're being intolerant, we should quickly reply back to them indicating "they should be a bit more resilient in the real world that we live in, which is much unlike the bubble they live in ".

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Re: If I Call Ice "Black Ice" is it Being Racist?
Posted by: easy answer ()
Date: January 06, 2014 12:58PM

No, but everything you say and do DOES make you a FAGGOT

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Re: If I Call Ice "Black Ice" is it Being Racist?
Posted by: Ralph Pootawn ()
Date: January 06, 2014 01:19PM

If you say "watch out for the black ice" real fast, it sounds like "watch out for the black guys".

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Re: If I Call Ice "Black Ice" is it Being Racist?
Posted by: BEH ()
Date: January 06, 2014 01:23PM

Ralph Pootawn Wrote:
> If you say "watch out for the black ice" real
> fast, it sounds like "watch out for the black
> guys".

I just tried that, and sure enough, everybody in the office gave me a dirty look.

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Re: If I Call Ice "Black Ice" is it Being Racist?
Posted by: x7xxn ()
Date: January 06, 2014 02:59PM

Debbie Downer Democrat Wrote:
> I'm sure to the "politically correct" crowd, such
> a term probably is frowned upon by them.
> If so, then why is it frowned upon today, when it
> wasn't 30 to 40 years ago? 30 to 40 years ago if
> someone got all "sissy" and started to point out
> that they were sensitive and the statements being
> made were violating the rules of PC, they would
> have been smacked, punched and kicked. Today, we
> just have to walk away from them while the feel
> they've had some sort of victory.
> Why does the "politically correct" crowd have such
> thin skin? Man-up, grow some balls, we're getting
> sick of all the whiners.
> Why can't they be just a bit more tolerant? Just
> as they like to quickly point out that we're being
> intolerant, we should quickly reply back to them
> indicating "they should be a bit more resilient in
> the real world that we live in, which is much
> unlike the bubble they live in ".

Congratulations on destroying your straw man. You must be very proud.

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Re: If I Call Ice "Black Ice" is it Being Racist?
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: January 06, 2014 06:53PM


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Re: If I Call Ice "Black Ice" is it Being Racist?
Posted by: Al Not So Sharpton ()
Date: January 06, 2014 09:26PM


Thanks! I just now guffawed on reading that one.

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Re: If I Call Ice "Black Ice" is it Being Racist?
Posted by: Jesse Jerkson ()
Date: January 06, 2014 09:28PM

It's "ice of color".

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Re: If I Call Ice "Black Ice" is it Being Racist?
Posted by: ColumnNo.4 ()
Date: January 06, 2014 09:29PM

Too bad there's no proof that that screenshot is real. It has been making its rounds and no one can confirm, myself included, that Google autocorrects like that.

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Re: If I Call Ice "Black Ice" is it Being Racist?
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: January 06, 2014 09:31PM

I just went outside and it's cold as fuck out there. It's colder than fuck. Fuck could have never ever dreamed of being this cold.

This thread is stupid and by dumb ass Republicans by the way. Fuckin retards always saying stupid shit.

Get a fucking life you loser that happens to be white.

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Re: If I Call Ice "Black Ice" is it Being Racist?
Posted by: ColumnNo.4 ()
Date: January 06, 2014 09:33PM

-10 here in Denver.

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Re: If I Call Ice "Black Ice" is it Being Racist?
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: January 06, 2014 09:35PM

-18 in Green Bay. Weatherbug shows their conditions as an igloo.

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Re: If I Call Ice "Black Ice" is it Being Racist?
Posted by: ColumnNo.4 ()
Date: January 06, 2014 09:38PM

The weekend before I flew out here it was -25, -26 with wind gusts.

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Re: If I Call Ice "Black Ice" is it Being Racist?
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: January 06, 2014 09:40PM

ColumnNo.4 Wrote:
> Too bad there's no proof that that screenshot is
> real. It has been making its rounds and no one
> can confirm, myself included, that Google
> autocorrects like that.

You really need to take a step back and relax a little bro. Why do you take every ethnic joke so personally?

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Re: If I Call Ice "Black Ice" is it Being Racist?
Posted by: ColumnNo.4 ()
Date: January 06, 2014 09:44PM

I'm not taking it seriously. It would be funnier if it were truthful.

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Re: If I Call Ice "Black Ice" is it Being Racist?
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: January 06, 2014 09:51PM

ColumnNo.4 Wrote:
> I'm not taking it seriously. It would be funnier
> if it were truthful.

This certainly doesnt sound like a lighthearted, I could care less comment:

"Too bad there's no proof that that screenshot is real. It has been making its rounds and no one can confirm, myself included, that Google autocorrects like that"

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Re: If I Call Ice "Black Ice" is it Being Racist?
Posted by: ColumnNo.4 ()
Date: January 06, 2014 09:58PM

I was pointing out that it is a not a new screenshot and that is was not truthful. The manner in which I construct sentences and the potential they have of being misconstrued is not my fault.

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Re: If I Call Ice "Black Ice" is it Being Racist?
Posted by: Fagitha ()
Date: January 06, 2014 10:00PM

Stabitha Wrote:
> ColumnNo.4 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I'm not taking it seriously. It would be
> funnier
> > if it were truthful.
> This certainly doesnt sound like a lighthearted, I
> could care less comment:
> "Too bad there's no proof that that screenshot is
> real. It has been making its rounds and no one can
> confirm, myself included, that Google autocorrects
> like that"

Hey, toots. We're your underage neighbors your claim to have fucked, two in a threesome. Just making sure you don't forget us.
fagitha ripped off FB while drunk and high.jpg

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Re: If I Call Ice "Black Ice" is it Being Racist?
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: January 06, 2014 10:02PM

Mmmmmmm yum I may have to go for seconds soon!

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Re: If I Call Ice "Black Ice" is it Being Racist?
Posted by: funny 60s ()
Date: January 07, 2014 05:57PM

Proper term is "ebony ice". I saw a commercial in the 60s movie "Midnight Cowboy", it was a detergent (Fab) that claimed to get even black cloths whiter, now that could be construed as somewhat racist.

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Re: If I Call Ice "Black Ice" is it Being Racist?
Posted by: Hussein Obama -OG ()
Date: January 07, 2014 06:16PM

Slave ice

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Re: If I Call Ice "Black Ice" is it Being Racist?
Posted by: Debbie Downer Democrat II ()
Date: January 08, 2014 03:50AM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> I just went outside and it's cold as fuck out
> there. It's colder than fuck. Fuck could have
> never ever dreamed of being this cold.
> This thread is stupid and by dumb ass Republicans
> by the way. Fuckin retards always saying stupid
> shit.
> Get a fucking life you loser that happens to be
> white.

Eff you, Gerry! I guess you stayed at one of the local YMCA's last evening and vacated your Whirlpool refrigerator box in the woods outside of Reston?

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Re: If I Call Ice "Black Ice" is it Being Racist?
Posted by: NEcy3 ()
Date: January 08, 2014 09:12AM

Socioeconomically disadvantaged ice.

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