Vince(1) Wrote:
> Terrorism and terrorists are all in the eye of the
> beholder. Many more people then those who died
> on 9/11 have been killed by US munitions in
> Arab...African and Asian countries. As we condemn
> Iran for importing weapons into Iraq that end up
> killing our soldiers...the world can and does hold
> us accountable for doing the same except in
> multitudes much larger then Iran. We can do this
> so well and without concious only when we dont put
> a face on the victims...when we call them
> terrorists..subversives...animals.
> I realize this country does many good works
> throughout the world..but if one were to measure
> the money we throw into our insane military
> actions and our foreign military sales programs
> those good deeds are dwarfed.
> We had all better hope that there is no
> final retribution in the after life....because as
> stated by the great theologian...."not god bless
> amerika...god damn amerika".
> Happy New Year everyone!
> And a special thought for you Gravis. Take the
> time to grow up a little this year. Perhaps as a
> start you should move out of your parents house or
> at least start paying rent. Your mother could
> really use the extra cash.
Vince, you're a PUSSY!!!!