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OK, who remembers the thread on NFCU?
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: December 12, 2008 12:20AM

There was a thread here on NFCU and the number of town in Fairfax County that were covered by their own police service instead of the county, such as Vienna, Falls Church...and others.

I can't find that thread, it's gone.

It said something about how they wrote off 40 million as this current CEO took over and someone apparently committed suicide in their supply room but it wasn't re[ported as such.

It had been re[ported to the Secret Service, and they said, "dead is dead."

It was also reported to the FCPD CIS and they said,"$40 mil, isn't that much money."

Since the individual reported this information Price Waterhouse has been looking at their books, which were not good at the time. Which is my point.

I received their quarterly newsletter, which stated NFCU is receiving an "unqualified "clean" audit" of their financial statements. I noticed their first audit by Price Waterhouse was "qualified."

To any accountants out there, what does this mean?

What happened to the thread? I know there are those who may recall the thread.

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Re: OK, who remembers the thread on NFCU?
Posted by: 496 ()
Date: December 12, 2008 02:05PM

Quite simply, it means "YOU ARE A LUNATIC"

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Re: OK, who remembers the thread on NFCU?
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: December 12, 2008 07:39PM

496 Wrote:
> Quite simply, it means "YOU ARE A LUNATIC"

No, you are...I found it, now go back to sleep, you aren't done!

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Re: OK, who remembers the thread on NFCU?
Posted by: Klingon ()
Date: December 13, 2008 06:07PM

Spunky where do you buy your crack?

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Re: OK, who remembers the thread on NFCU?
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: December 13, 2008 08:44PM

Klingon Wrote:
> Spunky where do you buy your crack?

I was born with the only one I'll ever have.

Now drugs are for dopes, because they make you dopey.

With a name like Klingon, need I say more Moron?

Check out my thread I was describing on the FC thread, where I eventually found it, the force be with you!!! : )

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Re: OK, who remembers the thread on NFCU?
Posted by: angelus42774 ()
Date: December 15, 2008 01:23PM

unqualified clean audit? is that anything like your problem? The "Unqualified Unclean Panties with crap stains up and down the inside"?

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