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The Literati - do as I say!
Posted by: imbiker ()
Date: November 19, 2013 10:47PM

Once again the Literati (congress--intelligentsia) have had their say and those beneath them be damned!

Members of Congress like to boast that they will have the same health care enrollment experience as constituents struggling with the balky federal website, because the law they wrote forced lawmakers to get coverage from the new insurance exchanges...While millions of Americans have been left to fend for themselves and go through the frustrating experience of trying to navigate the federal exchange, members of Congress and their aides have all sorts of assistance to help them sort through their options and enroll..

Even the most liberal news paper in the country seems to be getting it! Read more if your head can stand it.


FUBO, FUHR, FUNP and most of all FU-Gerry Connolly.

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