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Oct. 8 Press Conference
Posted by: Confused... ()
Date: October 08, 2013 07:21PM

I'm confused. My impression was that the President showed a willingness to negotiate virtually everything (unfortunately) once the House passed a clean CR and debt ceiling bills, EVEN IF THEY ARE SHORT TERM. This seemed like a major capitulation to me.

But then Boehner gets up there and refuses the bone he's been handed.

Meanwhile, the news shows don't seem to be giving this coverage.

Am I missing something? What's going on?

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Re: Oct. 8 Press Conference
Posted by: Ahemd ()
Date: October 08, 2013 07:27PM

that sounded like a good deal. its short term so if he doesn't so called- negotiate they cant shut it down again. GOp Take the deal

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Re: Oct. 8 Press Conference
Posted by: Bubba roy ()
Date: October 08, 2013 07:30PM

Boehner is a puppet of Ted Cruz. Boehner has no power or control of anything.

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Re: Oct. 8 Press Conference
Posted by: NvxE7 ()
Date: October 08, 2013 07:35PM

Because it was his usual double-speak.

As usual, he's willing to negotiate anything - as long as it's what he wants. lol


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