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Cuccinelli a victim of Republican Scorched Earth policy...
Posted by: Lloydster ()
Date: October 08, 2013 07:41AM

Kenny doesn't have a chance to become Governor of Virginia. To be associated with a party that is out to:

destroy the economy
destroy the AFA
destroy women's rights
destroy Veteran benefits
destroy the US credit rating

"Ken Cuccinelli was apparently more concerned about his reputation with the tea party than with ending the government shutdown that is undermining Virginia's economy,"


I'll never vote Republican again....ever


I could be wrong but I'm right 99% of the time

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Re: Cuccinelli a victim of Republican Scorched Earth policy...
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: October 08, 2013 07:56AM

I think the best way to bring jobs to Virginia is to really pump up the fervor for a "Crimes Against Nature" law. People will flock here.

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Re: Cuccinelli a victim of Republican Scorched Earth policy...
Posted by: Lloydster ()
Date: October 08, 2013 09:11AM

We need to end the stalemate in Congress. But that would entail Cuch breaking from his tea party supporters. Won't happen. It will be his downfall. Bad timing for him. What's a voter to do. Take it out on Cuch that's what.

I could be wrong but I'm right 99% of the time

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Re: Cuccinelli a victim of Republican Scorched Earth policy...
Posted by: All That Matters ... ()
Date: October 08, 2013 12:18PM

Keep trying Lloydster. If you didn't notice, Cuccinelli noted this weekend that stated he believes that the government needs to put this behind them (in the House) and move onto more critical issues. I guess your little Huffington Post link to a half-assed article didn't indicate that. Maybe, you should balance out your news sources a bit. Also, saying you are right 99% of the time? Ha! You'd still be streching it a bit if you claimed to be right 50% of the time.

Oh, lately, I've been seeing quite a few Democrats decide that Terry isn't worthy to be the governor of Virginia.

Democrats for Cuccinelli.JPG

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Re: Cuccinelli a victim of Republican Scorched Earth policy...
Posted by: Fat~Bottom~Girl ()
Date: October 08, 2013 12:35PM

All That Matters ... Wrote:
> Oh, lately, I've been seeing quite a few Democrats
> decide that Terry isn't worthy to be the governor
> of Virginia.

Now THAT is some funny-assed shit!

Because you take yourself so seriously, your posts are naturally comical. But this time, you've got me rollin' on the floor!

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Re: Cuccinelli a victim of Republican Scorched Earth policy...
Posted by: Ralph Pootawn ()
Date: October 08, 2013 12:41PM

Lloydster Wrote:
> Kenny doesn't have a chance to become Governor of
> Virginia. To be associated with a party that is
> out to:
> destroy the economy
> destroy the AFA
> destroy women's rights
> destroy Veteran benefits
> destroy the US credit rating
> "Ken Cuccinelli was apparently more concerned
> about his reputation with the tea party than with
> ending the government shutdown that is undermining
> Virginia's economy,"
> src="http://i.huffpost.com/gen/1392499/thumbs/n-KE
> N-CUCCINELLI-large.jpg?9">
> I'll never vote Republican again....ever
> http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/07/ken-cucci
> nelli-government-shutdown_n_4056656.html

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Re: Cuccinelli a victim of Republican Scorched Earth policy...
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: October 08, 2013 12:45PM

Cuccinelli's is fucked, he's down to ten points behind. The shut down already cost the Virginia Governor.

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Re: Cuccinelli a victim of Republican Scorched Earth policy...
Posted by: Lloydster ()
Date: October 08, 2013 12:45PM

All That Matters ... Wrote:
'Cuccinelli noted this weekend that stated he believes'

Are you trying to get a sentence together here?

Cuch can say all he wants. He's in a bad situation and is doomed, doomed.

I could be wrong but I'm right 99% of the time

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Re: Cuccinelli a victim of Republican Scorched Earth policy...
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: October 08, 2013 12:47PM

Also, the thing about Virginia is it blames Republicans a full ten points more for the shut down than the national average.

So its going to affect elections here. But in the immediate aftermath of this shut down the country is going to be looking for an indicator. And although its going to be higher in Virginia than it would have been in other states. The outcome of Virginia's election will affect the entire country. It will create the perception of a public backlash to Republicans and the rest will be history.

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Re: Cuccinelli a victim of Republican Scorched Earth policy...
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: October 08, 2013 12:48PM

this is all they can do. Like little children, attempt to stifle speech and post disgusting pictures of penis's.

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Re: Cuccinelli a victim of Republican Scorched Earth policy...
Posted by: Liberal Logic 28 ()
Date: October 08, 2013 01:02PM

Loydster, Fat Bottom Girl, Gerrmander, and Mittens all having an appearance on the same day? Someones having terrified of the changing narrative bringing all their screen names out.

You can change screen names all you want, its not the screen name people mock you for its the complete lack of intelligence that shines through under any name

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Re: Cuccinelli a victim of Republican Scorched Earth policy...
Posted by: Lloydster ()
Date: October 08, 2013 01:16PM

I see no lack of intelligence in this discussion other than denial by some of the fact that the govt. shut down will have a very negative effect on the outcome of the Gubernatorial campaign for the GOP.

I could be wrong but I'm right 99% of the time

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Re: Cuccinelli a victim of Republican Scorched Earth policy...
Posted by: Liberal Logic 28 ()
Date: October 08, 2013 01:32PM

Lloydster Wrote:
> I see no lack of intelligence in this discussion
> other than denial by some of the fact that the
> govt. shut down will have a very negative effect
> on the outcome of the Gubernatorial campaign for
> the GOP.

What discussion the one where you just make shit up?

What time does your celebration start for the freed child molesters?

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Re: Cuccinelli a victim of Republican Scorched Earth policy...
Posted by: liberal logic 27 ()
Date: October 08, 2013 02:35PM

Lloydster Wrote:
> Kenny doesn't have a chance to become Governor of
> Virginia. To be associated with a party that is
> out to:
> destroy the economy
> destroy the ACA
> destroy women's rights
> destroy Veteran benefits
> destroy the US credit rating
> "Ken Cuccinelli was apparently more concerned
> about his reputation with the tea party than with
> ending the government shutdown that is undermining
> Virginia's economy,"

It's true, really, "28". Cuccinelli is FAR, FAR too extreme for VA. He doesn't have a snowballs chance in hell.

Peace Out,


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Re: Cuccinelli a victim of Republican Scorched Earth policy...
Posted by: Here We Go Again ()
Date: October 08, 2013 04:01PM

Liberal Logic 28 Wrote:
> Lloydster Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I see no lack of intelligence in this
> discussion
> > other than denial by some of the fact that the
> > govt. shut down will have a very negative
> effect
> > on the outcome of the Gubernatorial campaign
> for
> > the GOP.
> What discussion the one where you just make shit
> up?
> What time does your celebration start for the
> freed child molesters?

Yeah, that's what we've been waiting for...freeing of child molesters. You are such an idiot.

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Re: Cuccinelli a victim of Republican Scorched Earth policy...
Posted by: Liberal Logic 28 ()
Date: October 08, 2013 04:38PM

Here We Go Again Wrote:

> Yeah, that's what we've been waiting for...freeing
> of child molesters. You are such an idiot.

Then why are you celebrating a law falling that put them in jail?

Can you tell us again how Cuccinelli couldnt ever win a state wide election when hes already done that?

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