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I'll never ever vote for a Republican again...
Posted by: Lloydster ()
Date: October 03, 2013 12:21PM

They have proven themselves to be a bunch of sissies and liars. My man Glenn Beck has even turned on the phallic one:

Glenn Beck tweet: John Boehner not on your side

The GOP should be ashamed.

I could be wrong but I'm right 99% of the time

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Re: I'll never ever vote for a Republican again...
Posted by: and? ()
Date: October 03, 2013 12:31PM

Lloydster Wrote:
> They have proven themselves to be a bunch of
> sissies and liars. My man Glenn Beck has even
> turned on the phallic one:
> href="http://www.politico.com/story/2013/10/glenn-
> beck-tweet-john-boehner-97727.html?hp=lh_b3">Glenn
> Beck tweet: John Boehner not on your side

> The GOP should be ashamed.

But you said Glenn Beck is an idiot and a liar. So, this can't be trusted, right?

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Re: I'll never ever vote for a Republican again...
Posted by: Fuck Lloydster ()
Date: October 03, 2013 12:49PM

Lloydster Wrote:
> They have proven themselves to be a bunch of
> sissies and liars. My man Glenn Beck has even
> turned on the phallic one:
> href="http://www.politico.com/story/2013/10/glenn-
> beck-tweet-john-boehner-97727.html?hp=lh_b3">Glenn
> Beck tweet: John Boehner not on your side

> The GOP should be ashamed.

Fuck you asshole. No one here gives a shit what a whining pussy who runs to Cary every time someone demonstrates what a fucking shithead you are thinks. Go crawl back in your mommy's womb so she can have the abortion she should have had instead of birthing the douchebag retard that you are.

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Re: I'll never ever vote for a Republican again...
Posted by: Ralph Pootawn ()
Date: October 03, 2013 12:50PM

Lloydster Wrote:
> They have proven themselves to be a bunch of
> sissies and liars. My man Glenn Beck has even
> turned on the phallic one:
> href="http://www.politico.com/story/2013/10/glenn-
> beck-tweet-john-boehner-97727.html?hp=lh_b3">Glenn
> Beck tweet: John Boehner not on your side

> The GOP should be ashamed.

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Re: I'll never ever vote for a Republican again...
Posted by: Liberal Logic 28 ()
Date: October 03, 2013 12:56PM

Well considering youve never voted for one before I doubt anyone cares about your threat

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Re: I'll never ever vote for a Republican again...
Posted by: Lloydster ()
Date: October 03, 2013 01:26PM

Liberal Logic 28 Wrote:
> Well considering youve never voted for one before
> I doubt anyone cares about your threat


I could be wrong but I'm right 99% of the time

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Re: I'll never ever vote for a Republican again...
Posted by: Lloydster is a DOUCHE! ()
Date: October 03, 2013 01:30PM

Lloydster Wrote:
> Liberal Logic 28 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Well considering youve never voted for one
> before
> > I doubt anyone cares about your threat
> lol

Eat shit and die you fucking douchbag. You are hated here. H.A.T.E.D. Can you get that through your thickass skull. Asshole! No offense.

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Re: I'll never ever vote for a Republican again...
Posted by: Lloydster ()
Date: October 03, 2013 01:30PM

and? Wrote:
> Lloydster Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > They have proven themselves to be a bunch of
> > sissies and liars. My man Glenn Beck has even
> > turned on the phallic one:
> >
> > >
> href="http://www.politico.com/story/2013/10/glenn-
> >
> beck-tweet-john-boehner-97727.html?hp=lh_b3">Glenn
> > Beck tweet: John Boehner not on your
> side

> >
> > The GOP should be ashamed.
> But you said Glenn Beck is an idiot and a liar.
> So, this can't be trusted, right?

I could be wrong but I'm right 99% of the time

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: I'll never ever vote for a Republican again...
Posted by: Mongo Lloyd ()
Date: October 03, 2013 01:35PM

Lloydster Wrote:
> and? Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Lloydster Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > They have proven themselves to be a bunch of
> > > sissies and liars. My man Glenn Beck has even
> > > turned on the phallic one:
> > >
> > > > >
> >
> href="http://www.politico.com/story/2013/10/glenn-
> >
> > >
> >
> beck-tweet-john-boehner-97727.html?hp=lh_b3">Glenn
> >
> > > Beck tweet: John Boehner not on your
> > side

> > >
> > > The GOP should be ashamed.
> >
> >
> > But you said Glenn Beck is an idiot and a liar.
> > So, this can't be trusted, right?

Waaaaaaaaaah!. Hurry and send your whining message to Cary you fucking crybaby. How a faggot like you can continue to think anyone gives half a shit what you have to say proves what a cum-filled douchebag you are. Boo hoo fucktard.

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Re: I'll never ever vote for a Republican again...
Posted by: Lloydster ()
Date: October 03, 2013 02:20PM

You care.

I could be wrong but I'm right 99% of the time

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Re: I'll never ever vote for a Republican again...
Posted by: Lloydster ()
Date: October 03, 2013 02:42PM

"This is, of course, precisely what Republicans were scared of: That a law they loathe would end up being enthusiastically embraced by millions of Americans -- and thus proving permanent. It's Obamacare's possible success, not its promised failures, that unnerve the GOP."


Pubs are backed into a corner with no way out.

I could be wrong but I'm right 99% of the time

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: I'll never ever vote for a Republican again...
Posted by: Whiny biotch ()
Date: October 03, 2013 04:40PM

Lloydster just another name for gerrymanderer, get used to it

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Re: I'll never ever vote for a Republican again...
Posted by: Lloydster is a whining DOUCHE! ()
Date: October 03, 2013 04:41PM

Lloydster Wrote:
> "This is, of course, precisely what Republicans
> were scared of: That a law they loathe would end
> up being enthusiastically embraced by millions of
> Americans -- and thus proving permanent. It's
> Obamacare's possible success, not its promised
> failures, that unnerve the GOP."
> http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/20
> 13/10/02/wonkbook-this-is-what-the-republicans-wer
> e-afraid-of/?wprss=rss_business&clsrd
> Pubs are backed into a corner with no way out.

Fuck you asshole.

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Re: I'll never ever vote for a Republican again...
Date: October 03, 2013 09:49PM

I'll never vote for an incumbent again.....

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Re: I'll never ever vote for a Republican again...
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: October 03, 2013 09:53PM

Mike Omeara Pensacola Wrote:
> I'll never vote for an incumbent again.....

HAHA.. I was telling a friend a few years ago that I regret that John Kerry wasn't elected in 2004. Kerry is an elitist phony but at least the market would have blown up on him (Face it, no one knew it was coming either side).

WHo knows what our future would have brought but it probably wouldn't involve the pinko pansy we have in office now.


Edited 21 time(s). Last edit at 5/31/1967 05:57AM by WingNut.

Last edit at 11/30/2015 01:37PM Last edit at 5/14/2015 03:52PM Last edit at 1/28/2014 05:57AM Last edit at 11/29/2015 01:10PM Last edit at 3/14/2011 11:52PM Last edit at 7/20/2012 04:07AM
Last edit at 6/29/2013 11:18PM Last edit at 3/19/2011 01:02PM Last edit at 3/26/2012 09:07PM

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Re: I'll never ever vote for a Republican again...
Posted by: William ()
Date: November 14, 2013 09:06PM

"I'll never ever vote for a Republican again..."
The reading should be "I'll never ever vote for a Democrat again..."

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Re: I'll never ever vote for a Republican again...
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: November 14, 2013 09:12PM

Lloydster seems to be engaging in fight stupid with stupid. It seems to be very effective. The stupid people seemed to be highly offended by the stupid aruement. Hmm, I wonder. Is the best way to drive them nuts is with their dumb ass Republican style against them?

Let me try this.

John Mccain calls Ted Cruz a wacko bird. Sarah Palin say McConnell sucks donkey balls, donkey as in Democrat balls. Which is right? Are they both right?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/14/2013 09:13PM by Gerrymanderer2.

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Re: I'll never ever vote for a Republican again...
Posted by: wrongg ()
Date: November 14, 2013 10:43PM

Lloydster Wrote:
> "This is, of course, precisely what Republicans
> were scared of: That a law they loathe would end
> up being enthusiastically embraced by millions of
> Americans -- and thus proving permanent. It's
> Obamacare's possible success, not its promised
> failures, that unnerve the GOP."
> http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/20
> 13/10/02/wonkbook-this-is-what-the-republicans-wer
> e-afraid-of/?wprss=rss_business&clsrd
> Pubs are backed into a corner with no way out.

How is this working out for you now...

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: I'll never ever vote for a Republican again...
Posted by: The Oracle ()
Date: November 14, 2013 10:49PM

wrongg Wrote:
> Lloydster Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > "This is, of course, precisely what Republicans
> > were scared of: That a law they loathe would
> end
> > up being enthusiastically embraced by millions
> of
> > Americans -- and thus proving permanent. It's
> > Obamacare's possible success, not its promised
> > failures, that unnerve the GOP."
> >
> >
> http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/20
> >
> 13/10/02/wonkbook-this-is-what-the-republicans-wer
> > e-afraid-of/?wprss=rss_business&clsrd
> >
> > Pubs are backed into a corner with no way out.
> How is this working out for you now...


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Re: I'll never ever vote for a Republican again...
Posted by: We still have the pictures ()
Date: November 14, 2013 10:54PM

You'd think that they'd learn.


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Re: I'll never ever vote for a Republican again...
Posted by: William ()
Date: December 05, 2013 08:33PM

"I'll never ever vote for a Republican again..."
The reading should be "I'll never ever vote for a Democrat again..."

Democrats act as if they care about anyone else's opinions or comments, which, to an extent, they obviously do not.

If Democrats regain control of the House Of Representatives, and retain control of the Senate in 2015, as well as governorships in states like Kansas, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Alabama, and Wisconsin, and if Obama's presidential successor is a Democrat, the United States Of America as we know it will be no more.

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Re: I'll never ever vote for a Republican again...
Posted by: William ()
Date: December 05, 2013 08:51PM

The Republicans are our meal ticket to our country getting back on the right track.

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Re: I'll never ever vote for a Republican again...
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: December 05, 2013 08:56PM

Tell me which right track that was? Under what Republican president and what specifically is your definition of "the right track" for those of us that don't understand Mongrel code words.

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Re: I'll never ever vote for a Republican again...
Posted by: Rockhound ()
Date: December 05, 2013 09:04PM

I'm making a ruling on this now. It is well past 8 o'clock, politics time is over now. You're out past curfew, boy.

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Re: I'll never ever vote for a Republican again...
Posted by: William ()
Date: December 07, 2013 01:52PM

Gerrymanderer2 wrote:
Tell me which right track that was? Under what Republican president and what specifically is your definition of "the right track" for those of us that don't understand Mongrel code words.

Obama's current term as President expires in January 2017, but if his presidential successor is a Democrat, the United States of America will be no more.

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Re: I'll never ever vote for a Republican again...
Posted by: William ()
Date: December 07, 2013 01:54PM

Democrats cannot be trusted to get the United States of America back on the right track.

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Re: I'll never ever vote for a Republican again...
Posted by: William ()
Date: December 07, 2013 01:58PM

The Democrats,including President Obama,have done little to no good for the United States of America. Legalizing same-sex marriage in a handful of states is by far the worst thing they have ever done.
In President Obama's case, endorsing same-sex marriage is by far the worst thing he has ever done.

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Re: I'll never ever vote for a Republican again...
Posted by: William ()
Date: December 07, 2013 02:00PM

The Democrats do not seem to understand the concept of "One man and one woman only" when it comes to marriages.

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Re: I'll never ever vote for a Republican again...
Posted by: William ()
Date: December 07, 2013 02:14PM

The Democrats have done nothing but destroy the United States of America since Barack Obama became President in 2009.

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Re: I'll never ever vote for a Republican again...
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: December 07, 2013 05:10PM

William Wrote:
> Gerrymanderer2 wrote:
> __________________________________________________
> _____________________________
> Tell me which right track that was? Under what
> Republican president and what specifically is your
> definition of "the right track" for those of us
> that don't understand Mongrel code words.
> __________________________________________________
> _____________________________
> Obama's current term as President expires in
> January 2017, but if his presidential successor is
> a Democrat, the United States of America will be
> no more.

There's about an 85 percent chance the next President will be a Democrat with the current Republican trajectory.

Here's to the demise of the GOP, cheers.

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Re: I'll never ever vote for a Republican again...
Posted by: William ()
Date: December 07, 2013 07:10PM

Gerrymanderer2 wrote:
There's about an 85 percent chance the next President will be a Democrat with the current Republican trajectory.

Here's to the demise of the GOP, cheers.

Liberal Democrats like you obviously do not understand that there is a chance that the next President could be a Republican.

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Re: I'll never ever vote for a Republican again...
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: December 07, 2013 08:04PM

There is a chance sure, but even if one is elected he'll be a one term lame duck and thats it. You will reap what you have sowed. We will treat your president with the same disdain and obstruction you have treated ours. You think you have been efficient. You ain't seen nothing. We're teach you bastards how its done.

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Re: I'll never ever vote for a Republican again...
Posted by: Tough One ()
Date: December 07, 2013 09:37PM

How about not voting for anyone period, regardless of party. Although I can't stand Hillary, "What difference does it make?" If secession happened, I'd be quite happy.

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Re: I'll never ever vote for a Republican again...
Posted by: William ()
Date: December 08, 2013 03:01PM

Gerrymanderer2 wrote:
There is a chance sure, but even if one is elected he'll be a one term lame duck and that's it. You will reap what you have sowed. We will treat your president with the same disdain and obstruction you have treated ours. You think you have been efficient. You ain't seen nothing. We're teach you bastards how its done.

How in the hell do you know that if a Republican is elected as our next President, that it will be a one-term lame duck?

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Re: I'll never ever vote for a Republican again...
Posted by: Libtards are, well, retarded ()
Date: December 08, 2013 07:39PM

One liberal, one bullet.

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Re: I'll never ever vote for a Republican again...
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: December 08, 2013 10:24PM

William Wrote:
> Gerrymanderer2 wrote:
> __________________________________________________
> _____________________________
> There is a chance sure, but even if one is elected
> he'll be a one term lame duck and that's it. You
> will reap what you have sowed. We will treat your
> president with the same disdain and obstruction
> you have treated ours. You think you have been
> efficient. You ain't seen nothing. We're teach you
> bastards how its done.
> __________________________________________________
> _____________________________
> How in the hell do you know that if a Republican
> is elected as our next President, that it will be
> a one-term lame duck?

What is a Republican going to do in a climate of a debt crisis? They're going to go after Social Security and Medicare. They'll fail and that will be the end of them.

Or even worse, they won't go after Social Security or Medicare, in which case that will also be the end of them. One term lame duck either way.

The Republican chickens have come to roost on all fronts. The economy, job initiatives, entitlement programs, health care reform, taxes. You idiots never had vision to begin with, if you did, you wouldn't be a Republican.

I pity any highly improbable Republican President. If you were smart you would realize that you are in no position to lead even if you could.

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Re: I'll never ever vote for a Republican again...
Posted by: William ()
Date: December 09, 2013 09:57AM

Gerrymanderer2 wrote:
What is a Republican going to do in a climate of a debt crisis? They're going to go after Social Security and Medicare. They'll fail and that will be the end of them.

Or even worse, they won't go after Social Security or Medicare, in which case that will also be the end of them. One term lame duck either way.

The Republican chickens have come to roost on all fronts. The economy, job initiatives, entitlement programs, health care reform, taxes. You idiots never had vision to begin with, if you did, you wouldn't be a Republican.

I pity any highly improbable Republican President. If you were smart you would realize that you are in no position to lead even if you could.

To Gerrymanderer2:
You are definitely in no position to lead this country even if you could.

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Re: I'll never ever vote for a Republican again...
Posted by: William ()
Date: December 09, 2013 10:05AM

Gerrymanderer2 wrote:
What is a Republican going to do in a climate of a debt crisis? They're going to go after Social Security and Medicare. They'll fail and that will be the end of them.

Or even worse, they won't go after Social Security or Medicare, in which case that will also be the end of them. One term lame duck either way.

The Republican chickens have come to roost on all fronts. The economy, job initiatives, entitlement programs, health care reform, taxes. You idiots never had vision to begin with, if you did, you wouldn't be a Republican.

I pity any highly improbable Republican President. If you were smart you would realize that you are in no position to lead even if you could.

The Democrats in Congress, and those that are registered Democrats, are the ones that actually have no vision. Where the hell do you get off calling Republicans or anyone that is a registered Republican "idiots"?

I pity any Democratic president. If you were smart, you would realize that you are in no position to lead even if you could.

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Re: I'll never ever vote for a Republican again...
Posted by: William ()
Date: December 10, 2013 06:48PM

Re: "I'll never ever vote for a Republican again..."

I live in Kansas, so I will likely continue to vote for Republicans because there are more conservatives amongst Republicans than there are amongst Democrats.

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Re: I'll never ever vote for a Republican again...
Posted by: Greetings to the new autistic ()
Date: December 10, 2013 07:10PM

William, how do you feel about Wheel of Fortune? Specifically, in how it compares to Jeopardy as a game show and as to which should be cancelled. Please post the exact same thing as many times in a row as you feel you need to to fully communicate your position.

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Re: I'll never ever vote for a Republican again...
Posted by: William ()
Date: December 10, 2013 09:35PM

Greetings to the new autistic wrote:
> William, how do you feel about Wheel of Fortune?
> Specifically, in how it compares to Jeopardy as a game show
> and as to which should be cancelled.
> Please post the exact same thing as many times in a row as you feel you need > to fully communicate your position.

When you compare Jeopardy to Wheel Of Fortune, there are three things Jeopardy has that Wheel Of Fortune does not have, and one of is a "Clue Crew", another is a host that does a very good job of pronunciating foreign names, words, and/or phrases, and special tournaments that are held once a year.

As far as renewal is involved, I believe Jeopardy is far more worthy of renewal than Wheel Of Fortune will ever be.

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Re: I'll never ever vote for a Republican again...
Posted by: William ()
Date: January 06, 2014 03:13PM


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Re: I'll never ever vote for a Republican again...
Posted by: Bipartisan corruption ()
Date: January 06, 2014 03:45PM

While democrats are clearly the most corrupt party in the land, here is a good summary of the most corrupt and why.
Only conservatives tell the truth. Libs tow the line and applaud the corruption of their party that destroys the USA.

Judicial Watch annually releases a list of the top politicians who misbehave while purportedly representing taxpayers in Washington. The 2013 “honors” go to, in alphabetical order, House Speaker John Boehner, CIA Director John Brennan, Sen. Saxby Chambliss, Hillary Clinton, Attorney General Eric Holder, former IRS commissioner Steve T. Miller and former IRS official Lois Lerner, ex-DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano, Obama, Sen. Harry Reid and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/01/obama-tops-corrupt-list-for-acting-as-a-1-man-congress/#mJTRPsVM1HViu1TU.99


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