From Da Hood -- Politics Wrote:
> Bill.N. Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> > Besides it is just a poll, and is little better
> > than the data it collects.
> It's not just a poll. It's a
> Post poll. What could go wrong? I'll be
> willing to bet that they oversample the Democrat
> side to come up with those numbers. If you want
> an ethical poll, get Rasmussen involved and have
> it done right.
> On the other hand, this is good news because
> people like Liberal Logic 27 will become overly
> confident. Democrats will assume that they have
> it in the bag and many will skip the polls as
> they'll think their vote is not needed.
Yeah, Rasmussen . . . about that . . .
I know you hate to hear from the guy who gets things right.