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"Live by the polls, fuckin' die by the polls, bitch."
Posted by: liberal logic 27 ()
Date: September 24, 2013 07:37AM

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Re: "Live by the polls, fuckin' die by the polls, bitch."
Posted by: Ralph Pootawn ()
Date: September 24, 2013 08:47AM

liberal logic 27 Wrote:
> http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/polling/mca
> uliffe-holds-edge-virginia-governors-race/2013/09/
> 23/7b590ef4-24b0-11e3-9372-92606241ae9c_page.html

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Re: "Live by the polls, fuckin' die by the polls, bitch."
Posted by: Leftist.Gorilla ()
Date: September 24, 2013 09:43AM

OP is a glorious, winged faggot...

Polls are NOT the election. Bill Clinton taught you that...BEE-YOTCH!

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Re: "Live by the polls, fuckin' die by the polls, bitch."
Posted by: liberal logic 27 ()
Date: September 24, 2013 09:56AM

Leftist.Gorilla Wrote:
> OP is a glorious, winged faggot...
> Polls are NOT the election. Bill Clinton taught
> you that...BEE-YOTCH!




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Re: "Live by the polls, fuckin' die by the polls, bitch."
Posted by: RJR ()
Date: September 24, 2013 10:10AM

liberal logic 27 Wrote:
> http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/polling/mca
> uliffe-holds-edge-virginia-governors-race/2013/09/
> 23/7b590ef4-24b0-11e3-9372-92606241ae9c_page.html

I don't know if this poll holds up, and a month is forever in politics, but it seems to me like Sarvis is killing the Cooch. There's a limit to what the libertarian wing of the GOP will tolerate in a candidate, and the Cooch is way over that line.

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Re: "Live by the polls, fuckin' die by the polls, bitch."
Posted by: Coochy coochy coo ()
Date: September 24, 2013 10:36AM

I think Cooch has fucked himself. While we see the average Virginian as a mouth-breathing moron that can barely read and write, we are actually a bit smarter and more educated than the average citizen of many other states.

People aren't stupid and they realize Cooch is as corrupt and crooked as they come. His political career is about to come to an end.

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Re: "Live by the polls, fuckin' die by the polls, bitch."
Posted by: Hey there ()
Date: September 24, 2013 10:44AM


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Re: "Live by the polls, fuckin' die by the polls, bitch."
Posted by: Pootawn_Ralphie ()
Date: September 24, 2013 11:12AM

Ralph Pootawn Wrote:
> >

That's stupid.

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Re: "Live by the polls, fuckin' die by the polls, bitch."
Posted by: Ralph Pootawn ()
Date: September 24, 2013 11:21AM

Pootawn_Ralphie Wrote:
> Ralph Pootawn Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > >
> That's stupid.

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Re: "Live by the polls, fuckin' die by the polls, bitch."
Posted by: Bill.N. ()
Date: September 24, 2013 11:21AM

RJR Wrote:
> I don't know if this poll holds up, and a month is
> forever in politics, but it seems to me like
> Sarvis is killing the Cooch. There's a limit to
> what the libertarian wing of the GOP will tolerate
> in a candidate, and the Cooch is way over that
> line.

My money says Sarvis is the respectable choice for conservatives to admit to, but as election time rolls around most will end up voting for Cuccinelli. This means that McAuliffe can't win with a plurality. He needs a majority. 47% is up from 43%, but it is still short of 50.

Besides it is just a poll, and is little better than the data it collects.

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Re: "Live by the polls, fuckin' die by the polls, bitch."
Posted by: T-Mac Daddy ()
Date: September 24, 2013 11:36AM

Bill.N. Wrote:
> My money says Sarvis is the respectable choice for
> conservatives to admit to, but as election time
> rolls around most will end up voting for
> Cuccinelli. This means that McAuliffe can't win
> with a plurality. He needs a majority. 47% is up
> from 43%, but it is still short of 50.

Your asumption is that every voter polled who didn't say the were voting for T-Mac will in fact vote for The Kookster? Dream on.

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Re: "Live by the polls, fuckin' die by the polls, bitch."
Posted by: From Da Hood -- Politics ()
Date: September 24, 2013 11:45AM

Bill.N. Wrote:
> Besides it is just a poll, and is little better
> than the data it collects.

It's not just a poll. It's a Washington Post poll. What could go wrong? I'll be willing to bet that they oversample the Democrat side to come up with those numbers. If you want an ethical poll, get Rasmussen involved and have it done right.

On the other hand, this is good news because people like Liberal Logic 27 will become overly confident. Democrats will assume that they have it in the bag and many will skip the polls as they'll think their vote is not needed.

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Re: "Live by the polls, fuckin' die by the polls, bitch."
Posted by: ewde6 ()
Date: September 24, 2013 11:48AM

Polls like this one for this election are useless other than maybe in terms of general direction. If you think that you're going to derive point-level resolution in any kind of real world then you're nuts. Small sample with a 5 point margin of error with 60% of the sample saying that they're likely voters. That's about as good as putting your finger in the air.

This election hinges entirely on turnout. Whichever side actualy gets their base out better wins. Period.

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Re: "Live by the polls, fuckin' die by the polls, bitch."
Posted by: yeah, surrrrrre. ()
Date: September 24, 2013 01:41PM

From Da Hood -- Politics Wrote:
> Bill.N. Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> > Besides it is just a poll, and is little better
> > than the data it collects.
> It's not just a poll. It's a Washington
> Post
poll. What could go wrong? I'll be
> willing to bet that they oversample the Democrat
> side to come up with those numbers. If you want
> an ethical poll, get Rasmussen involved and have
> it done right.
> On the other hand, this is good news because
> people like Liberal Logic 27 will become overly
> confident. Democrats will assume that they have
> it in the bag and many will skip the polls as
> they'll think their vote is not needed.

Yeah, Rasmussen . . . about that . . .


I know you hate to hear from the guy who gets things right.

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Re: "Live by the polls, fuckin' die by the polls, bitch."
Posted by: Liberal Logic 28 ()
Date: September 24, 2013 01:50PM

Coochy coochy coo Wrote:

> People aren't stupid and they realize Cooch is as
> corrupt and crooked as they come. His political
> career is about to come to an end.

People like you clearly are stupid.

Any criticism of Cuccinelli for corruption TMac has dont to the 9th power.

Youre nothing more than a partisan progressive moron with a comatose brain activity level if you say youre voting for TMac becuse Ken is corrupt.

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Re: "Live by the polls, fuckin' die by the polls, bitch."
Posted by: Liberal Logic 28 ()
Date: September 24, 2013 01:52PM

From Da Hood -- Politics Wrote:
> Bill.N. Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> > Besides it is just a poll, and is little better
> > than the data it collects.
> It's not just a poll. It's a Washington
> Post
poll. What could go wrong? I'll be
> willing to bet that they oversample the Democrat
> side to come up with those numbers. If you want
> an ethical poll, get Rasmussen involved and have
> it done right.

After the IRS bullshit most people arent to crazy about telling polls theyre voting for the GOP in anything now.

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Re: "Live by the polls, fuckin' die by the polls, bitch."
Posted by: Cooch Tea Party - CANCELLED ()
Date: September 24, 2013 02:16PM

Ha ha ha! Nobody has the appetite for tea party nutjobs anymore. Cooch is finished.

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Re: "Live by the polls, fuckin' die by the polls, bitch."
Posted by: Illogical Conserva-TURD ()
Date: September 24, 2013 02:22PM

Liberal Logic 28 Wrote:
> After the IRS bullshit most people arent to crazy
> about telling polls theyre voting for the GOP in
> anything now.


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Re: "Live by the polls, fuckin' die by the polls, bitch."
Posted by: Liberal Logic 28 ()
Date: September 24, 2013 03:21PM

Illogical Conserva-TURD Wrote:


"[T]he report’s findings are intolerable and inexcusable," Obama said in a statement. "The IRS must apply the law in a fair and impartial way, and its employees must act with utmost integrity. This report shows that some of its employees failed that test."

Are you calling Obama a liar?

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Re: "Live by the polls, fuckin' die by the polls, bitch."
Posted by: Illogical Conserva-TURD ()
Date: September 24, 2013 03:52PM

Liberal Logic 28 Wrote:
> Are you calling Obama a liar?

A liar? No. Mistaken? Yes.

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Re: "Live by the polls, fuckin' die by the polls, bitch."
Posted by: Liberal Logic 28 ()
Date: September 24, 2013 04:12PM

Illogical Conserva-TURD Wrote:
> Liberal Logic 28 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Are you calling Obama a liar?
> A liar? No. Mistaken? Yes.

Oh okay so you just think hes clueless.

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Re: "Live by the polls, fuckin' die by the polls, bitch."
Posted by: Harrymanderer2 ()
Date: September 25, 2013 09:36AM

A WaPo Poll? LOL. 4 years ago, 1 week before the election, the WaPol had McDonnell leading Deeds by 11 points. McDonnell won by 18. And that was one week before the election, not 6 weeks like this one.

Not saying Cuccinelli doesn't have work to do, but anyone who believes a WaPo poll is a fool. Just sayin....


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Re: "Live by the polls, fuckin' die by the polls, bitch."
Posted by: Illogical Conserva-TURD ()
Date: September 25, 2013 09:45AM

Liberal Logic 28 Wrote:
> Oh okay so you just think hes clueless.


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Re: "Live by the polls, fuckin' die by the polls, bitch."
Posted by: svennestle ()
Date: September 25, 2013 06:07PM

i didn't just call them liars i filed specifically what they did that was illegal and harmful and done knowingly in court (fdc#4 09-2291). they dodged it: closed it before evidence without answering a single accusation or complaint.

judges in a later suit all recused while the AG, skipped court

the idea democrats and local gov are not stalking (republicans) ?

the biggest of lies

women, illegal immigrants and esp. family of unionized gov workers make out like bandits and they do it by walking all over the poor, sometimes shooting them unarmed. statistics show it hugely beyond any question of error. they win at grants, free care, and in court, hugely.

my flag reads: "Sic semper tyrannis."

i think it's time that this turkey called unionized gov get it's own medicine

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