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We Need To Give Tax Breaks To The Richest 1%
Posted by: Funny Gun Stuff ()
Date: September 23, 2013 09:31AM

Yeah, I know that's some funny shit. It's what republicans ran as their platform in the last election.

Some republicans actually believe this crap.

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Re: We Need To Give Tax Breaks To The Richest 1%
Posted by: Jxjjdcd ()
Date: September 23, 2013 10:11AM

I agree. There are not enough new Mercedes E350 and Porsche Panamera in my part of Oakton/Vienna. We need more, so a tax cut should help.

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Re: We Need To Give Tax Breaks To The Richest 1%
Posted by: FcXJd ()
Date: September 23, 2013 10:29AM

Cut taxes for everyone, including the top 1% and/or raise taxes for everyone, including the bottom 48% that don't pay federal income taxes.

If you aren't for a tax increase that will increase your taxes, then you're just a stealing hypocrite.

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Re: We Need To Give Tax Breaks To The Richest 1%
Posted by: Oil Buddies ()
Date: September 23, 2013 10:34AM

I won't be able to buy my a new place in the grand Caymen Islands without a rich tax cut. The pool at my Bahama house is way to small and I have no place to park my new 50' yacht. It's tragic.

Please republicans, get these tax cuts for rich people passed.

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Re: We Need To Give Tax Breaks To The Richest 1%
Posted by: More liberal hypocricy ()
Date: September 23, 2013 10:50AM

Oil Buddies Wrote:
> I won't be able to buy my a new place in the grand
> Caymen Islands without a rich tax cut. The pool at
> my Bahama house is way to small and I have no
> place to park my new 50' yacht. It's tragic.
> Please republicans, get these tax cuts for rich
> people passed.

This post could have been posted by Terry McAuliffe. He moved money to off shore accounts in his political campaigns as well as to cover the shell company that was financing his green car company in exchange for visas.


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Re: We Need To Give Tax Breaks To The Richest 1%
Posted by: Truth4ThePeople ()
Date: September 23, 2013 10:54AM

^More bullshit made up crap from republicans.

I guess if you can't win by running on your record, than start running ads with curse words. Way to show your true self Ken Cuccinelli.

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Re: We Need To Give Tax Breaks To The Richest 1%
Posted by: fastterry.com ()
Date: September 23, 2013 11:25AM

Truth4ThePeople Wrote:
> ^More bullshit made up crap from republicans.
> I guess if you can't win by running on your
> record, than start running ads with curse words.
> Way to show your true self Ken Cuccinelli.

You got any links to prove this is all made up? No, didn't think so. Why? Because it's all true. Fast Terry is an unscrupulous shyster. You may like or dislike his politics, but his lack of ethics and his self-serving hypocrisy can not be denied.

Cuccinelli's ad is bad. He didn't need the curse word at the end. His campaign should cut that part out and leave this rest, which shows what an empty shell Fast Terry is when it comes to actually having a clue. Not even the high-tech folks, liberal by nature, want anything to do with a sleaze like Terry McAuliffe.

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Re: We Need To Give Tax Breaks To The Richest 1%
Posted by: Really??? ()
Date: September 23, 2013 11:29AM

fastterry.com Wrote:
> Truth4ThePeople Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > ^More bullshit made up crap from republicans.
> >
> > I guess if you can't win by running on your
> > record, than start running ads with curse words.
> > Way to show your true self Ken Cuccinelli.
> You got any links to prove this is all made up?
> No, didn't think so. Why? Because it's all true.
> Fast Terry is an unscrupulous shyster. You may
> like or dislike his politics, but his lack of
> ethics and his self-serving hypocrisy can not be
> denied.
> Cuccinelli's ad is bad. He didn't need the curse
> word at the end. His campaign should cut that
> part out and leave this rest, which shows what an
> empty shell Fast Terry is when it comes to
> actually having a clue. Not even the high-tech
> folks, liberal by nature, want anything to do with
> a sleaze like Terry McAuliffe.

Do mean a better link than internationally renowned information source "nakeddc.com?" LMAO!

Give me about ten minutes and I'll have a new website up with some bullshit.

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Re: We Need To Give Tax Breaks To The Richest 1%
Posted by: Sleazy Terry ()
Date: September 23, 2013 12:02PM

Really??? Wrote:
> fastterry.com Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Truth4ThePeople Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > ^More bullshit made up crap from republicans.
> > >
> > > I guess if you can't win by running on your
> > > record, than start running ads with curse
> words.
> >
> > > Way to show your true self Ken Cuccinelli.
> >
> >
> > You got any links to prove this is all made up?
> > No, didn't think so. Why? Because it's all
> true.
> > Fast Terry is an unscrupulous shyster. You
> may
> > like or dislike his politics, but his lack of
> > ethics and his self-serving hypocrisy can not
> be
> > denied.
> >
> > Cuccinelli's ad is bad. He didn't need the
> curse
> > word at the end. His campaign should cut that
> > part out and leave this rest, which shows what
> an
> > empty shell Fast Terry is when it comes to
> > actually having a clue. Not even the high-tech
> > folks, liberal by nature, want anything to do
> with
> > a sleaze like Terry McAuliffe.
> Do mean a better link than internationally
> renowned information source "nakeddc.com?" LMAO!
> Give me about ten minutes and I'll have a new
> website up with some bullshit.

Sure, I'll take any link that refutes what is put forth in the nakeddc article. Anything? Where's that website you were going to have up? Oh, more BS.

How about you refute fastterry.com. Anyone who watches that video and still votes for a sleazeball like McAuliffe is brain-dead.

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Re: We Need To Give Tax Breaks To The Richest 1%
Posted by: p7Evy ()
Date: September 23, 2013 12:24PM

Really??? Wrote:

> Do mean a better link than internationally
> renowned information source "nakeddc.com?" LMAO!
> Give me about ten minutes and I'll have a new
> website up with some bullshit.

All of the things noted in the nakeddc article are well known and documented and easily found elsewhere. Nothing original or new there. If you don't know that much about Terry's past schemes and dealing, which aren't even contested by him, as well as with Global Crossing and some others not mentioned, then you might want to read up. But I'm guessing that you don't really care anyway. There could be live video of Terry biting the heads off of baby kittens and you'd shrug it off as long as there's a D next to his name. lol

No idea where the "moved money to off shore accounts in his political campaigns" came from but the partnership for his "car company" definitely is offshore which also is easily found through independent, objective sources. That wouldn't be a big deal since so many other similar partnerships if it weren't for the hypocrisy after the Dems beat on that stuff so much during the last Presidential campaign.

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Re: We Need To Give Tax Breaks To The Richest 1%
Posted by: Just more of the same ()
Date: September 23, 2013 12:37PM

p7Evy Wrote:
> Really??? Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Do mean a better link than internationally
> > renowned information source "nakeddc.com?"
> >
> > Give me about ten minutes and I'll have a new
> > website up with some bullshit.
> All of the things noted in the nakeddc article are
> well known and documented and easily found
> elsewhere. Nothing original or new there. If you
> don't know that much about Terry's past schemes
> and dealing, which aren't even contested by him,
> as well as with Global Crossing and some others
> not mentioned, then you might want to read up.
> But I'm guessing that you don't really care
> anyway. There could be live video of Terry biting
> the heads off of baby kittens and you'd shrug it
> off as long as there's a D next to his name. lol
> No idea where the "moved money to off shore
> accounts in his political campaigns" came from but
> the partnership for his "car company" definitely
> is offshore which also is easily found through
> independent, objective sources. That wouldn't be
> a big deal since so many other similar
> partnerships if it weren't for the hypocrisy after
> the Dems beat on that stuff so much during the
> last Presidential campaign.

Worse than any of this was how he brokered Chicom campaign contributions to Clinton's reelection campaign in 1996 in exchange for Clinton allowing Loral (who's CEO was a friend of bubba's and huge money bundler for the democrats) to sell satellite platforms, including gyroscopes that made Chicom ICBM's exponentially more accurate.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: We Need To Give Tax Breaks To The Richest 1%
Posted by: Bill.N. ()
Date: September 23, 2013 12:52PM

FcXJd Wrote:
> Cut taxes for everyone, including the top 1%
> and/or raise taxes for everyone, including the
> bottom 48% that don't pay federal income taxes.
> If you aren't for a tax increase that will
> increase your taxes, then you're just a
> stealing hypocrite.

Some of us believe one of the major faults of the Bush era tax cuts was they created a system where so many ended up not paying any income taxes. In fact for large segments of the population, between the child credit and the earned income tax credit, the income tax code became just another form of welfare.

If you want to know why the Democrats didn't simply allow the Bush era tax cuts to expire, this is why. It would be easy for many legislators to go home and sell raising taxes on the wealthy, but very difficult to do anything which resulted in someone making $30k losing out on part of their refund.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: We Need To Give Tax Breaks To The Richest 1%
Posted by: JNWp4 ()
Date: September 23, 2013 12:52PM

Just more of the same Wrote:
> p7Evy Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Really??? Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> >
> > > Do mean a better link than internationally
> > > renowned information source "nakeddc.com?"
> > LMAO!
> > >
> > > Give me about ten minutes and I'll have a new
> > > website up with some bullshit.
> >
> >
> > All of the things noted in the nakeddc article
> are
> > well known and documented and easily found
> > elsewhere. Nothing original or new there. If
> you
> > don't know that much about Terry's past schemes
> > and dealing, which aren't even contested by
> him,
> > as well as with Global Crossing and some others
> > not mentioned, then you might want to read up.
> > But I'm guessing that you don't really care
> > anyway. There could be live video of Terry
> biting
> > the heads off of baby kittens and you'd shrug
> it
> > off as long as there's a D next to his name.
> lol
> >
> > No idea where the "moved money to off shore
> > accounts in his political campaigns" came from
> but
> > the partnership for his "car company"
> definitely
> > is offshore which also is easily found through
> > independent, objective sources. That wouldn't
> be
> > a big deal since so many other similar
> > partnerships if it weren't for the hypocrisy
> after
> > the Dems beat on that stuff so much during the
> > last Presidential campaign.
> Worse than any of this was how he brokered Chicom
> campaign contributions to Clinton's reelection
> campaign in 1996 in exchange for Clinton allowing
> Loral (who's CEO was a friend of bubba's and huge
> money bundler for the democrats) to sell satellite
> platforms, including gyroscopes that made Chicom
> ICBM's exponentially more accurate.

All kinds of stuff that you can dredge up with Terry. He's not exactly lived his life in the way that anyone running for office does so...

That includes that rather than being the "self-made man" who started out sealing driveways as he tends to portray himself, actually being the son of an evil "bankster" and big Democratic party supporter whose family bank basically went bust during the earlier savings and loan banking crisis due to much of the same over-leveraging which caused the latter. Which is how he got his start in being a money guy for the party in the first place and is what put him in the position to do most of the shady political-class deals like the union pension scheme where he made most of his money.

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Re: We Need To Give Tax Breaks To The Richest 1%
Posted by: lister ()
Date: September 23, 2013 01:15PM

The problem is republicans easily believe anything they read.

I really do think there are a lot of republicans that actually believe tax breaks for rich people will improve the American economy.

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Re: We Need To Give Tax Breaks To The Richest 1%
Posted by: Liberal Logic 28 ()
Date: September 23, 2013 02:22PM

FcXJd Wrote:

> If you aren't for a tax increase that will
> increase your taxes, then you're just a
> stealing hypocrite.

Exactly this. If you arent going to be affected by the raise you should have no say in what happens to other peoples money. If youre willing to give up yours as well then youre at least consistent. Everyone whining to do it though knows they wont be affected and just want to mooch off of others success

The fair share garbage is one of the biggest scams ever. Theres nothing fair about taxes. Fair would be everyone paying the same percentage not the top 1 percent carrying 70-80 percent of the load and the top 10 percent accounting for 90+ percent of taxes. Id say thats way more than their fair share

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Re: We Need To Give Tax Breaks To The Richest 1%
Posted by: FcXJd ()
Date: September 23, 2013 02:49PM

Bill.N. Wrote:

> Some of us believe one of the major faults of the
> Bush era tax cuts was they created a system where
> so many ended up not paying any income taxes. In
> fact for large segments of the population, between
> the child credit and the earned income tax credit,
> the income tax code became just another form of
> welfare.
> If you want to know why the Democrats didn't
> simply allow the Bush era tax cuts to expire, this
> is why. It would be easy for many legislators to
> go home and sell raising taxes on the wealthy, but
> very difficult to do anything which resulted in
> someone making $30k losing out on part of their
> refund.

Perhaps some believe that, but it's not anyone who complains about the tax cuts only helping the rich. Of course everyone who paid federal income taxes got a tax cut under the Bush tax cuts. The democrats lie about it all the time. They whine that someone who made a million $$$ got another $15K in tax cuts while the guy making $50K only got $1500. Liberal math is horrid. But then, math is a hard subject and you can't "feel" your way to the answer.

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Re: We Need To Give Tax Breaks To The Richest 1%
Posted by: Duggars ()
Date: September 23, 2013 03:03PM

If you're rich and paying taxes you need to switch your accountant. The rich have so many tax shelter schemes it not funny.

The only Americans that pay taxes are the poor and middle class.

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Re: We Need To Give Tax Breaks To The Richest 1%
Posted by: wrongg ()
Date: September 23, 2013 03:28PM

Duggars, you are a fool. Not only do the lowest earning 48% pay no FIT, there is no such thing as a tax shelter. The top 10% of earners pay close to 80% of all FIT.

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Re: We Need To Give Tax Breaks To The Richest 1%
Posted by: abelard ()
Date: September 23, 2013 04:12PM

>I really do think there are a lot of republicans that actually believe tax breaks for rich people will improve the American economy.

I'd have to disagree. Not being able to tell the 'official crap' from reality makes your peers think you're an idiot. You'd be surprised at the contempt professional politicos feel for ignorant 'true believers' who parrot catch-phrases like 'job creators' or 'hope and believe'.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/23/2013 04:13PM by abelard.

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Re: We Need To Give Tax Breaks To The Richest 1%
Posted by: Duggars ()
Date: September 23, 2013 04:16PM

wrongg Wrote:
> Duggars, you are a fool. Not only do the lowest
> earning 48% pay no FIT, there is no such thing as
> a tax shelter. The top 10% of earners pay close to
> 80% of all FIT.

That's complete bullshit. I know for a fact there are plenty of tax loopholes because I know plenty of families that use them.

Hell, half of Great Falls families are complete "trust fund baby" families. There are three GF accountants that can work wonders with tax shelters.

Plus you don't really have to be that rich to have a good accountant. I know several families that only make $500,000 combined a year and they stay have a good tax accountant.

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Re: We Need To Give Tax Breaks To The Richest 1%
Posted by: Jeey ()
Date: September 23, 2013 04:25PM

How to Pay Zero Taxes 2014: Your Guide to Every Tax Break the IRS Allows Paperback – December 6, 2013
by Jeff Schnepper

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Re: We Need To Give Tax Breaks To The Richest 1%
Posted by: You Hypocrite ()
Date: September 23, 2013 04:26PM

Liberal Logic 28 Wrote:
> FcXJd Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > If you aren't for a tax increase that will
> > increase your taxes, then you're just a
> > stealing hypocrite.
> Exactly this. If you arent going to be affected
> by the raise you should have no say in what
> happens to other peoples money. If youre willing
> to give up yours as well then youre at least
> consistent. Everyone whining to do it though
> knows they wont be affected and just want to mooch
> off of others success

You hypocrite. Let's rephrase that slightly: "If you aren't going to be affected by someone else's abortion, you should have no say in what happens to other people's bodies." Where's YOUR consistency?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: We Need To Give Tax Breaks To The Richest 1%
Posted by: wrongg ()
Date: September 23, 2013 04:27PM

By tax loopholes I assume you mean legit tax deductions available to everyone. Your comments make it seem that you do not have a real grasp how it all works. By the way there are plenty of good accountants outside of Great Falls.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: We Need To Give Tax Breaks To The Richest 1%
Posted by: Duggars ()
Date: September 23, 2013 04:34PM

wrongg Wrote:
> By tax loopholes I assume you mean legit tax
> deductions available to everyone. Your comments
> make it seem that you do not have a real grasp how
> it all works. By the way there are plenty of good
> accountants outside of Great Falls.

Of course legal tax loopholes. But you have to have the money to qualify or throw around.

Like what accountants outside of GF? The clowns at H&R Block?

Don't make me laugh!!!!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: We Need To Give Tax Breaks To The Richest 1%
Posted by: same old lol ()
Date: September 23, 2013 05:00PM

Funny Gun Stuff Wrote:
> Yeah, I know that's some funny shit. It's what
> republicans ran as their platform in the last
> election.
> Some republicans actually believe this crap.

really gerrymanderer really

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: We Need To Give Tax Breaks To The Richest 1%
Posted by: Liberal Logic 28 ()
Date: September 23, 2013 05:04PM

You Hypocrite Wrote:
> Liberal Logic 28 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > FcXJd Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> >
> > > If you aren't for a tax increase that will
> > > increase your taxes, then you're just
> a
> > > stealing hypocrite.
> >
> > Exactly this. If you arent going to be
> affected
> > by the raise you should have no say in what
> > happens to other peoples money. If youre
> willing
> > to give up yours as well then youre at least
> > consistent. Everyone whining to do it though
> > knows they wont be affected and just want to
> mooch
> > off of others success
> You hypocrite. Let's rephrase that slightly: "If
> you aren't going to be affected by someone else's
> abortion, you should have no say in what happens
> to other people's bodies." Where's YOUR
> consistency?

Im not affected by someone elses murder either so that should be legal too by your logic, or their gang violence, or them beating their kids or them raping people.

Youre right there should be no laws at all expect for when they apply to people I know......

You progressives are getting dumber with every response.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: We Need To Give Tax Breaks To The Richest 1%
Posted by: Vexxxed ()
Date: September 23, 2013 05:25PM

Duggars Wrote:
> wrongg Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > By tax loopholes I assume you mean legit tax
> > deductions available to everyone. Your comments
> > make it seem that you do not have a real grasp
> how
> > it all works. By the way there are plenty of
> good
> > accountants outside of Great Falls.
> Of course legal tax loopholes. But you have to
> have the money to qualify or throw around.
> Like what accountants outside of GF? The clowns at
> H&R Block?
> Don't make me laugh!!!!

Evidently you live in Great Falls, enjoy paying zero taxes and rarely if ever step out of Great Falls.

You are aware that Great Falls is a very, very, very, very, very small part of the United States of America, yes?

Otherwise, if you only have friends that live in Great Falls and treat you badly at school so you take it out in this form....

There's more money in Loudoun County to hate if you're of that mind.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: We Need To Give Tax Breaks To The Richest 1%
Posted by: You Hypocrite ()
Date: September 23, 2013 05:32PM

Liberal Logic 28 Wrote:
> You Hypocrite Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Liberal Logic 28 Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > FcXJd Wrote:
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > > -----
> > >
> > > > If you aren't for a tax increase that will
> > > > increase your taxes, then you're
> just
> > a
> > > > stealing hypocrite.
> > >
> > > Exactly this. If you arent going to be
> > affected
> > > by the raise you should have no say in what
> > > happens to other peoples money. If youre
> > willing
> > > to give up yours as well then youre at least
> > > consistent. Everyone whining to do it though
> > > knows they wont be affected and just want to
> > mooch
> > > off of others success
> >
> > You hypocrite. Let's rephrase that slightly:
> "If
> > you aren't going to be affected by someone
> else's
> > abortion, you should have no say in what
> happens
> > to other people's bodies." Where's YOUR
> > consistency?
> Im not affected by someone elses murder either so
> that should be legal too by your logic, or their
> gang violence, or them beating their kids or them
> raping people.
> Youre right there should be no laws at all expect
> for when they apply to people I know......
> You progressives are getting dumber with every
> response.

Murder, rape, and assault are not legal, you moron. Abortion is.

And your analogy is ridiculous. But it's pretty much what I expected.

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Re: We Need To Give Tax Breaks To The Richest 1%
Posted by: Liberal Logic 28 ()
Date: September 23, 2013 05:37PM

You Hypocrite Wrote:

> Murder, rape, and assault are not legal, you
> moron. Abortion is.
> And your analogy is ridiculous. But it's pretty
> much what I expected.

Your argument was if it doesnt affect me I shouldnt care. Abortion is murdering a baby its just state sanctioned. Either way it doesnt matter since you were saying if it doesnt affect me I shouldnt care therefore it applies to everything.

But I wouldnt expect you to actually understand the logical though process youre displaying with the stupid shit youre posting.

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Re: We Need To Give Tax Breaks To The Richest 1%
Posted by: liberal logic 27 ()
Date: September 24, 2013 07:48AM

Liberal Logic 28 Wrote:
> Abortion is murdering a baby its just state sanctioned.

No. Abortion is a solution to a problem.

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Re: We Need To Give Tax Breaks To The Richest 1%
Posted by: beavis ()
Date: September 24, 2013 11:13PM

Liberal Logic 28 Wrote:
> FcXJd Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > If you aren't for a tax increase that will
> > increase your taxes, then you're just a
> > stealing hypocrite.
> Exactly this. If you arent going to be affected
> by the raise you should have no say in what
> happens to other peoples money. If youre willing
> to give up yours as well then youre at least
> consistent. Everyone whining to do it though
> knows they wont be affected and just want to mooch
> off of others success
> The fair share garbage is one of the biggest scams
> ever. Theres nothing fair about taxes. Fair
> would be everyone paying the same percentage not
> the top 1 percent carrying 70-80 percent of the
> load and the top 10 percent accounting for 90+
> percent of taxes. Id say thats way more than
> their fair share

oh my god the 1% love idiots like you. they already pay less than you, dumbass. and you make arguments that they should pay less! gotta love that. that's one of the reasons the middle class makes less now than a decade ago.

you probably also believe that zuckerburg needs laxer immigration laws so he can find qualified workers. it's not that he just wants to make even more money. couldn't be that....

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Re: We Need To Give Tax Breaks To The Richest 1%
Posted by: Tray von Martin ()
Date: September 24, 2013 11:17PM

Zuckerburg needs a pole shoved up his ass so hard it comes out of his mouth oozing with shit and blood. Then wipe it off on his shirt and toss the body into the hands of his weeping mother.

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Re: We Need To Give Tax Breaks To The Richest 1%
Posted by: Liberal Logic 28 ()
Date: September 24, 2013 11:21PM

beavis Wrote:

> oh my god the 1% love idiots like you. they
> already pay less than you, dumbass. and you make
> arguments that they should pay less! gotta love
> that. that's one of the reasons the middle class
> makes less now than a decade ago.

Pure bullshit.

The 1 percent accounts for 80 percent of total tax revenue. Their INCOME is taxed at a much higher rate. Their INVESTMENTS in the stock market were taxed at THE SAME rate which isnt even the case anymore.

The new capital gains taxes by the way hurts the middle class not the 1 percent who could retire tomorrow and their family would be set for generations.

> you probably also believe that zuckerburg needs
> laxer immigration laws so he can find qualified
> workers. it's not that he just wants to make even
> more money. couldn't be that....

Im not sure what point you think you were making with that inchoherent psycho babble.

Zuckerburg left the US because the business tax rate is too high. The liberals wanted a global world and now they have one. He saved hundreds of millions in taxes by doing what he did when he can run his company anywhere in the world. Because of the demonetization of business and their constant attacks on profitability we got no tax dollars from him instead of getting a couple hundred million with a more reasonable rate. Hes not the first to do it and wont be the last.

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Re: We Need To Give Tax Breaks To The Richest 1%
Posted by: Bill.N. ()
Date: September 25, 2013 01:22AM

Come now LL28. This Globalism mania was something that the leaders on both sides were pushing down our throat for a generation. Reagan, GHW Bush, Clinton and GW Bush backed it, as did many business groups and certain liberal pressure groups. The only leaders who took a real stand against it were Ross Perot and Pat Buchannan.

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