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103 in a 60 in cleveland & no license am i going to jail?
Posted by: eddiemilzah ()
Date: September 20, 2013 03:28AM

Help ! I got pulled over at 4 am on my way home on 71 going 103 in a 60 idk why because iam a dumbass I have court next week and would like to know if any 1 has had this same issue and what happend

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Re: 103 in a 60 in cleveland & no license am i going to jail?
Posted by: reality ()
Date: September 20, 2013 03:46AM

Dear eddiematzoball. You are a Douche Bag. There are other people on the road. You probably haven't even driven yet, but if you went 103 MPH on a public road in your daddy's car, you deserve to be wrapped around a telephone pole. And let's hope you don't take anyone with you.
Good Bye, and good riddence.
Keep drivin. Fast.

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Re: 103 in a 60 in cleveland & no license am i going to jail?
Posted by: liberal logic 27 ()
Date: September 20, 2013 07:51AM

eddiemilzah Wrote:
> Help ! I got pulled over at 4 am on my way home on
> 71 going 103 in a 60 idk why because iam a dumbass
> I have court next week and would like to know if
> any 1 has had this same issue and what happend

Stay Stupid.jpg

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Re: 103 in a 60 in cleveland & no license am i going to jail?
Posted by: O-HI-O ()
Date: September 20, 2013 08:32AM

Just out of curiosity ...


I-71 is one of the main arteries in Ohio connecting the "Three C's". This has absolutely ZERO connection to Farifax County, VA. Go troll on some other board douche.

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Re: 103 in a 60 in cleveland & no license am i going to jail?
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: September 20, 2013 09:57PM

We can only hope

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Re: 103 in a 60 in cleveland & no license am i going to jail?
Posted by: Patient Explanation. ()
Date: September 20, 2013 10:26PM

O-HI-O Wrote:
> Just out of curiosity ...
> I-71 is one of the main arteries in Ohio
> connecting the "Three C's". This has absolutely
> ZERO connection to Farifax County, VA. Go troll on
> some other board douche.

There's a whole series of "I was busted for speeding/reckless driving/drugs, help I need a lawyer"-type posts which originally appear in the Fairfax County General forum, as this one did before it was moved by Commander Weirdbeard.

I think a few of them are legit, but most of them are just trolls trying to be subtle, and succeeding about as well as a loud fart in a quiet church.

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Re: 103 in a 60 in cleveland & no license am i going to jail?
Posted by: svennestle ()
Date: September 21, 2013 04:47PM

look in the yellow pages you'll find some judges

true story !

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Re: 103 in a 60 in cleveland & no license am i going to jail?
Posted by: svennestle ()
Date: September 21, 2013 04:47PM

go to Florida

as long as you pay your coke bill to the cubans i'm sure you'll be dating casey anthony as a sex bar in no time !!

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Re: 103 in a 60 in cleveland & no license am i going to jail?
Posted by: svennestle ()
Date: September 21, 2013 04:55PM

"going 103 in a 60"

actually they did WORSE when testing the space shuttle chair

and oh btw fairfax runs hot-rod races in herdon all the fucking time that go way fast. of course the gov workers have a hot rod club is that right? heard it all the time for 30 years. and they all to 75 in a 55 on the way to their federal jobs, caring nothign about fuel. mother fuckers.

so. back to the actaul act complained of that YOU actaully did.

you say you sped.

so the penalty must fit the crime. but the complainers should be injured. and come in with clean hands (see above)

did you endanger anyone ? if you did, bye bye!

did you injure anyone ?

did you fail to pull over when asked ? or were you an asshole while talkign to the officer ?

was it planned to test the speed on your new fararri or can we expect your an idiot who will keep doign it?

are you an emergency room doctor or ships captain needed at call ?

there is no such thing as a simple case

you didn't say if you were too stoned to be driving or had only the ammount of cocain in your system from drinking a Coke (flavoring).

do you deliver ? i think my dentist is clean out. someone from dc got into the damn medical cabinet !!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/21/2013 05:02PM by svennestle.

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