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Fairfax Underground
Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
That site the OP provided is nothing more than additional propaganda from the Obama administration. Nothing new to see here, folks. Please must move along.
From Da Hood -- The Original Wrote:
> That site the OP provided is nothing more than
> additional propaganda from the Obama
> administration. Nothing new to see here, folks.
> Please must move along.
God you Republicans are desperate these days. Sad and fun to watch.
gerry1 Wrote:
> From Da Hood -- The Original Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > That site the OP provided is nothing more than
> > additional propaganda from the Obama
> > administration. Nothing new to see here, folks.
> > Please must move along.
> God you Republicans are desperate these days. Sad
> and fun to watch.
Shouldn't you be painting a swastika on some Jewish person's lawn, Gerry?
gerry1 Wrote:
> God you Republicans are desperate these days. Sad
> and fun to watch.
Why did you jump so quickly and assume I was a Republican? I'm a registered voter, but not a registered Republican.
Maybe, I'm a Liberal who doesn't like Obama or Terry Mac. Or, I could be an independent conservative, too.
Time to pull your head out of your anus and stop assuming that when someone says something bad about Obama or Terry Mac that we always might not be a Republican. Not all Democrats are sheep like you. Some of them can actually think for themselves. Maybe, you should give it a try sometime.