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Don't Drink or Drive [WARNING: Gore]
Posted by: Grim Reaper ()
Date: September 11, 2013 08:17PM

Drinking and Driving in Virginia

Crashes resulting from driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs are preventable. Are you doing your part to prevent alcohol or drug-related crashes? We all need to take responsibility when it comes to driving under the influence by designating a driver, hosting responsible parties, making sure that you take the keys when a friend has had too much to drink, among other things.

Virginia is doing its part to decrease the incidence of alcohol-related crashes by enacting some of the toughest Driving Under the Influence (DUI) laws in the country. The Virginia Highway Safety Office and Law Enforcement will continue to spearhead programs to take drivers under the influence off the road. For example, the Checkpoint Strikeforce initiative is a regional, multi-state program designed to hold DUI checkpoints every week.

Tips for Hosting a Responsible Party
•Before the party starts, assign a responsible, sober designated driver and give the car keys to that person.
•Immediately stop serving alcohol to any guest who is displaying obvious signs of intoxication.
•Serve high protein, high carbohydrate foods. These help absorb alcohol at a higher rate than sugary foods.
•Make sure there are plenty of non-alcoholic beverages available.
•Make sure drinks are not made with high amounts of alcohol.
•Stop serving alcohol several hours before the party is scheduled to end.

More Facts About Drinking and Driving
•Blood alcohol content (BAC) is the amount of alcohol in a person's body as measured by the weight of the alcohol in a certain volume of blood. Alcohol is absorbed directly through the walls of the stomach and the small intestine. It goes into the bloodstream, and travels throughout the body and to the brain. Alcohol is quickly absorbed and can be measured within 30 to 70 minutes after a person has had a drink.
•A BAC as low as .03 percent adversely affects driving ability. As little as one drink on an empty stomach can impair your ability to drive safely.
•A driver with a BAC of 0.15 is over 300 times more likely to be involved in a fatal crash.

Virginia State Law - DUI/DWI Laws

Drink and Drive and you'll end up like this...

edit by Cary: Added "[WARNING: Gore]" to the subject line and moved thread to Off-Topic with a move notification.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/12/2013 04:54PM by Cary.

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Re: Don't Drink or Drive
Posted by: ????? ()
Date: September 11, 2013 08:26PM


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Re: Don't Drink or Drive
Posted by: Commuterist ()
Date: September 11, 2013 08:27PM

Damn that's some intense shit. I wonder what it's like to see it in person :S

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Re: Don't Drink or Drive
Posted by: Mr. Insensitive ()
Date: September 11, 2013 08:29PM

Looks like he almost "Lost his head".

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Re: Don't Drink or Drive
Posted by: Bombero ()
Date: September 11, 2013 08:34PM

"Drink and Drive and you'll end up like this."

only if I drive in Mexico

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Re: Don't Drink or Drive
Posted by: Grim Reaper ()
Date: September 11, 2013 08:35PM

Do you know what will solve the problem of teen drunk-driving? Beyond forced judgment-transplants, me neither. But I can pretty well guess that a new bill introduced by the Liberal government in the Ontario legislature isn’t really going to make a scrap of difference. Then again, my son didn’t die in a drunk-driving accident, thus giving me the moral authority to blame everyone but my son and promote legislation that will have little to no impact on the actual cause of my son’s death — teenage stupidity.

Confused? That’s because I’m a terrible writer using awkwardly vague examples. Let’s see if the Globe and Mail can do any better:

Psychology has identified five stages of grief: Denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. But Tim Mulcahy knows a sixth: Action.

The father of four became a father of three one July morning last summer, after the Audi S3 driven by his 20-year-old son, Tyler, plunged into Lake Joseph.

Speed and alcohol are believed to have contributed to the accident.

Like many family members of the victims of tragedy, Mr. Mulcahy soon sought to lend meaning to his son’s death. He started a petition and published a letter to Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty seeking to tighten the laws that regulate young drivers.

Mr. Mulcahy is unusual in that his efforts were successful. Yesterday, Ontario’s Transport Minister, Jim Bradley, introduced a bill that places tougher restrictions on them.

Flanked by the family of a young friend of Tyler’s who was also killed in the accident, Mr. Mulcahy sat stiffly in the legislature gallery, wringing his hands with anticipation, while Mr. Bradley took the floor.

The new measures would affect drivers 21 and younger, enforcing tougher demerit point penalties, requiring a zero blood alcohol concentration, and limiting the number of young passengers they can carry.

“I’m really happy, hopeful” Mr. Mulcahy said in an interview from his Hogg’s Hollow home shortly before heading over to Queen’s Park. Seated on a stiff grey couch in a sparsely decorated corner of his sprawling home, the entrepreneur and CEO of two companies said a confluence of factors, including timing, connections and a widely circulated petition with more than 7,000 signatures came together to bring the revisions to the legislature.

Wow, thanks, Mr. Mulcahy. However, I think you missed something in your pet legislation. If only it included something that would make driving while intoxicated illegal. Oh, wait, hold on. What’s this “Criminal Code” thing that’s lying around?:

253(1) Every one commits an offence who operates a motor vehicle or vessel or operates or assists in the operation of an aircraft or of railway equipment or has the care or control of a motor vehicle, vessel, aircraft or railway equipment, whether it is in motion or not,

(a) while the person’s ability to operate the vehicle, vessel, aircraft or railway equipment is impaired by alcohol or a drug; or

(b) having consumed alcohol in such a quantity that the concentration in the person’s blood exceeds eighty milligrams of alcohol in one hundred millilitres of blood.

That legislation worked like a charm, didn’t it?:

On July 3, Tyler Mulcahy, 20, his girlfriend Nastasia Inez Elzinga, 19, and friends Kourosh Totonchian, 19, and Cory Mintz, 20, spent the afternoon drinking 31 drinks over a three-hour period at a restaurant in Port Carling.

They left that evening in Mulcahy’s Audi, but they never made it home.

Tyler Mulcahy was driving when he crashed the car into the Joseph River.

Only Elzinga escaped the sinking car with her life.

Huh. Maybe if there was legislation that made speeding illegal, that would help. To be clear, the four of them drove to a bar, drank approximately eight drinks each over a three-hour period, and then drove home on rural roads at a high rate of speed. Tyler Mulcahy knowingly broke the law and put his own life and the life of his friends at risk. If he had been caught by the police before he crashed, he would have faced severe legal repercussions for his DUI and traffic violations. Yet somehow this is about everyone and everything else except for Tyler Mulcahy, his flauting of the law, and his incredibly poor judgment. I’m sure that Mr. Mulcahy would have made completely opposite decisions on July 3, 2008 if faced with increased demerit points and a possible license suspension. Although the threats of jail and the loss of his own life and the lives of his friends didn’t work, maybe this time it would have stuck.

Christ almighty. I look forward to further strokes of redundancy from our nanny-state overlords. Now, can someone help me off this soapbox?

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Re: Don't Drink or Drive
Posted by: Grim Reaper ()
Date: September 11, 2013 08:44PM

Not a happy ending is it?

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Re: Don't Drink or Drive
Posted by: Other than drunk ()
Date: September 11, 2013 08:58PM

Drunk drivers cause a very small percentage of accidents..
Let's say 30 percent. So, what's the excuse for the other 70 percent?

What about the other drivers who fuck up texting, talking on the phone, or just can't drive for shit, May I mind you, that is just about 90 percent in this area.
Hell, yesterday a woman drove into a pond in PG county because of texting.

I'll take my chance with the drunk, VS a person texting, talking on the phone, a chink behind the wheel of an SUV, Soccer mom, A sandy from the middle east, or an illegal spic anyday of the week.

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Re: Don't Drink or Drive
Posted by: Smashed Behind The Wheel ()
Date: September 11, 2013 09:05PM

I've been driving drunk for 15+ years and the one time I've ever been involved in an accident is when I was sober. I've been followed by cops and navigated some windy roads in terrible weather, but I still can keep myself together. Some people simply can't drink and drive, and those people make the rest of us look bad.

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Re: Don't Drink or Drive
Posted by: Truckster ()
Date: September 11, 2013 09:26PM

Some people can't drive sober!

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Re: Don't Drink or Drive
Posted by: Have a drink, and drive ()
Date: September 11, 2013 09:36PM

Truckster Wrote:
> Some people can't drive sober!

That is a fact, the number of sober driver accidents out number drunk drivers by a huge percent.
Anyone remember the leader of "MADD" getting nailed for drunk driving a few years ago?
Oh the humanity!!!

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Re: Don't Drink or Drive
Posted by: MADD_is_mad ()
Date: September 12, 2013 01:14AM

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Re: Don't Drink or Drive
Posted by: More info ()
Date: September 12, 2013 04:50AM

Former MADD president arrested for DUI

Debra Oberlin, a former president of a defunct chapter of Mothers Against Drunk Driving, was arrested recently by the Gainesville, Fla. police - for drunk driving, according to the Gainesville Sun.

Maybe that's why she's a "former" president?

Oberlin, who's 48, was arrested after she had difficulty on a field sobriety test, according to the Sun. She registered a .234 and .239 on breath alcohol tests, nearly three times Florida's legal limit for driving.

On Feb. 18 at 1:10 a.m., an officer spotted Oberlin driving erratically, swerving and crossing lanes, an arrest report states. She was pulled over, and the officer reported that Oberlin smelled of alcohol and had watery, bloodshot and dilated eyes. The report also states that Oberlin told the officer she had four beers, according to the newspaper.

The Sun says Gainesville's chapter of Mothers Against Drunk Driving existed for several years in the 1990s before closing in 1996 because of a lack of financial support. Oberlin was the chapter president for three years.

Maybe that's why it's defunct?

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Re: Don't Drink or Drive
Posted by: Dead Drunk Driver ()
Date: September 12, 2013 05:05AM


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Re: Don't Drink or Drive
Posted by: XXX ()
Date: September 12, 2013 05:47AM

I see dead people.

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Re: Don't Drink or Drive
Posted by: Ralph Pootawn ()
Date: September 12, 2013 11:47AM

Dead Drunk Driver Wrote:
> ....

Is she gonna be okay?

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Re: Don't Drink or Drive
Posted by: not me ()
Date: September 12, 2013 12:18PM

Anyone harmed by a repeat drunk driver has grounds to file a law suit against Virginia for giving the person their license back. 29% OF ALL victims of drunk drivers, were murdered by a repeat offender.

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Re: Don't Drink or Drive
Posted by: not me ()
Date: September 12, 2013 12:18PM

Anyone harmed by a repeat drunk driver has grounds to file a law suit against Virginia for giving the person their license back. 29% OF ALL victims of drunk drivers, were murdered by a repeat offender.

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Re: Don't Drink or Drive
Posted by: Crunch ()
Date: September 12, 2013 12:26PM

Ralph Pootawn Wrote:
> Dead Drunk Driver Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > ....
> Is she gonna be okay?


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Re: Don't Drink or Drive
Posted by: Calling all Lawyers! ()
Date: September 12, 2013 12:27PM

not me Wrote:
> Anyone harmed by a repeat drunk driver has grounds
> to file a law suit against Virginia for giving the
> person their license back. 29% OF ALL victims of
> drunk drivers, were murdered by a repeat offender.

This is an interesting concept. Has anyone ever tried to sue the county for giving a repeat drunk driver back their license?

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Re: Don't Drink or Drive
Posted by: Hokies Against Guns ()
Date: September 12, 2013 12:32PM

not me Wrote:
> Anyone harmed by a repeat drunk driver has grounds
> to file a law suit against Virginia for giving the
> person their license back. 29% OF ALL victims of
> drunk drivers, were murdered by a repeat offender.

What the hell are you talking about?

Anybody who is injured by another driver can sue for damages in a civil court. It doesn't have to be a drunk driver.

I've seen cases where some stupid shit sober lady hit a guy and killed him. The family sued her for $2 million and won.

You are responsible for your driving no matter what. SOBER DRIVING IS NOT an excuse!

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Re: Don't Drink or Drive
Posted by: Calling all Lawyers! ()
Date: September 12, 2013 12:34PM

Hokies Against Guns Wrote:
> not me Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Anyone harmed by a repeat drunk driver has
> grounds
> > to file a law suit against Virginia for giving
> the
> > person their license back. 29% OF ALL victims
> of
> > drunk drivers, were murdered by a repeat
> offender.
> What the hell are you talking about?
> Anybody who is injured by another driver can sue
> for damages in a civil court. It doesn't have to
> be a drunk driver.
> I've seen cases where some stupid shit sober lady
> hit a guy and killed him. The family sued her for
> $2 million and won.
> You are responsible for your driving no matter
> what. SOBER DRIVING IS NOT an excuse!

He or she is referring to the drunk driver who has been convicted before and got their license back injuring someone. Obviously we can sue the driver, but can we sue the county for giving back his license and allowing him to drive?

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Re: Don't Drink or Drive
Posted by: So Sad... ()
Date: September 12, 2013 12:37PM

Happened to a friend of a friend, drunk driver hit her and left her for dead. She's still alive but a fair bit of damage has been done.

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Re: Don't Drink or Drive
Posted by: Houzbin Pharteen ()
Date: September 12, 2013 12:40PM

Looks like a fair amount of damage had already been done before the accident with those crappy tattoos and metal stapled to her face. That is clearly the face of someone who isn't down with the whole "employability" thing, doesn't look like a great loss.

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Re: Don't Drink or Drive
Posted by: Eddie The Cruiser ()
Date: September 12, 2013 12:44PM

Calling all Lawyers! Wrote:
> Hokies Against Guns Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > not me Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Anyone harmed by a repeat drunk driver has
> > grounds
> > > to file a law suit against Virginia for
> giving
> > the
> > > person their license back. 29% OF ALL victims
> > of
> > > drunk drivers, were murdered by a repeat
> > offender.
> >
> > What the hell are you talking about?
> >
> > Anybody who is injured by another driver can
> sue
> > for damages in a civil court. It doesn't have
> to
> > be a drunk driver.
> >
> > I've seen cases where some stupid shit sober
> lady
> > hit a guy and killed him. The family sued her
> for
> > $2 million and won.
> >
> > You are responsible for your driving no matter
> > what. SOBER DRIVING IS NOT an excuse!
> He or she is referring to the drunk driver who has
> been convicted before and got their license back
> injuring someone. Obviously we can sue the driver,
> but can we sue the county for giving back his
> license and allowing him to drive?

Fat chance on that. LMAO!

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Re: Don't Drink or Drive
Posted by: ???? ()
Date: September 12, 2013 03:24PM

So can we sue the county or not??

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Re: Don't Drink or Drive
Posted by: not me ()
Date: September 12, 2013 04:13PM

Just need to say the state was negligent by giving the license back to someone that has been shown to be a threat to public safety.

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Re: Don't Drink or Drive
Posted by: not me ()
Date: September 12, 2013 04:20PM

I also think if someones kid gets busted with drugs that they bought from a convicted drug dealer the parents can claim entrapment on the Grounds the state knew this person was a threat but failed to warn the public so that parents could of kept their kid away from them. yes that could be a hard one to convince a judge but you never know till you try.

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Re: Don't Drink or Drive
Posted by: Calling all Lawyers! ()
Date: September 12, 2013 05:05PM

not me Wrote:
> I also think if someones kid gets busted with
> drugs that they bought from a convicted drug
> dealer the parents can claim entrapment on the
> Grounds the state knew this person was a threat
> but failed to warn the public so that parents
> could of kept their kid away from them. yes that
> could be a hard one to convince a judge but you
> never know till you try.

That's another interesting argument. I know that I've heard of cases where murderers were released from jail, killed again, and the relatives sued the county/state (not Fairfax but other states).

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Re: Don't Drink or Drive
Posted by: how about ()
Date: September 12, 2013 05:10PM

not me Wrote:
> Anyone harmed by a repeat drunk driver has grounds
> to file a law suit against Virginia for giving the
> person their license back. 29% OF ALL victims of
> drunk drivers, were murdered by a repeat offender.

ok FUCK FACE, Tell me about the 71% of the victims? So they were victims from sober drivers, I'll take the drunks, the odds are better.

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Re: Don't Drink or Drive [WARNING: Gore]
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: September 12, 2013 05:18PM

I got news for you, this kind of shit wont faze a teenager. You might get a "Oh there like dead and stuff".....but that's about it.

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Re: Don't Drink or Drive [WARNING: Gore]
Posted by: Did She ()
Date: September 12, 2013 05:20PM

Did she died?

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Re: Don't Drink or Drive [WARNING: Gore]
Posted by: Hahhahahahahha! ()
Date: September 12, 2013 05:26PM

Drunken Driver Calls Cops on Herself .

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Re: Don't Drink or Drive [WARNING: Gore]
Posted by: ????? ()
Date: September 12, 2013 05:26PM

Did She Wrote:
> Did she died?

Yes, horribly.

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Re: Don't Drink or Drive [WARNING: Gore]
Posted by: Grim Reaper ()
Date: September 12, 2013 05:32PM

Another Drunk Driver who died at the scene. Toxicology report on the autopsy revealed a 0.21 BAC.

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Re: Don't Drink or Drive [WARNING: Gore]
Posted by: Sorry, I was texting... ()
Date: September 12, 2013 05:33PM

I'll take a drunk on the road over some fucktard texting any time...

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Re: Don't Drink or Drive [WARNING: Gore]
Posted by: Grim Reaper ()
Date: September 12, 2013 05:42PM

Sorry, I was texting... Wrote:
> I'll take a drunk on the road over some fucktard
> texting any time...

To be fair, here's a guy that was texting and driving. He went off the road and the vehicle rolled over several times. Significant MOI's from kinetics of trauma suggest a multitude of injuries. Head injuries, intracranial bleeding, massive organ failure from crushing, etc. The aorta often tears loose from the ligament that holds it in place; you can lose all of your blood volume in your abdominal cavity quickly. Clear fluid in the nose and ear indicates CSF.

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Re: Don't Drink or Drive [WARNING: Gore]
Posted by: Ouch ()
Date: September 12, 2013 06:04PM

You can't see it in the picture, but she has a bad headache due to drinking a wine cooler.

The horror!!


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Re: Don't Drink or Drive [WARNING: Gore]
Posted by: das be donya! ()
Date: September 12, 2013 06:24PM

Drunk driving is Russia is dangerous as hell. Imagine the series of events that take place that end with your dead body in a billboard. Nasty. Seat belts apparently haven't been invented yet over there. But I get it....Vodka.

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Re: Don't Drink or Drive [WARNING: Gore]
Posted by: Hungry Boy ()
Date: September 12, 2013 06:41PM

Just don't get caught and you'll be a-okay

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Re: Don't Drink or Drive [WARNING: Gore]
Posted by: Hank the angry drunken dwarf ()
Date: September 12, 2013 06:56PM

Hungry Boy Wrote:
> Just don't get caught and you'll be a-okay

Agree....In the morning I always check for fresh dents, then call it good. Drinking takes the edge off.

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Re: Don't Drink or Drive [WARNING: Gore]
Posted by: Happy Friday the 13th ()
Date: September 13, 2013 04:47AM


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Re: Don't Drink or Drive [WARNING: Gore]
Posted by: Drinkers ()
Date: September 13, 2013 06:38AM

Kids born from an alcoholic are pure sober when they have a drink or two because the body acts like it is finally getting something it was missing.

The body depends on it. I feel like the worlds smartest man after 1 drink.

I feel stable and confident. I stop shaking. I write better all after just 1 beer.

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Re: Don't Drink or Drive [WARNING: Gore]
Posted by: Food for Thought ()
Date: September 13, 2013 07:15AM

Talking to Your Children Can Save Their Lives

Many area parents might not have known about “Molly,” better known as a pure form of Ecstasy, until a top University of Virginia student apparently died from its use. But as one PTA mom reflected this week, her 13-year-old daughter said most of the kids on her Fairfax County school bus knew all about Molly through popular music lyrics glamorizing its use.

What’s a parent to do? In addition to the growing infiltration of synthetic and illegal drugs into the social scene of high school and/or college youth and young adults, we see the federal government’s decision to not contest various states’ legalization of marijuana and the marketing of alcohol to our young people fueled by the pervasive intoxication of social media.

As parents, we need to make time to have the important conversations with our children about drugs and alcohol. We are our children’s most important educator. Our children look to us for guidance and support. They need to hear from us our expectations for them and consequences when it comes to using drugs and alcohol. These are conversations that could save their lives.

Other illegal drugs such as marijuana, synthetic marijuana and heroin continue to destroy young lives. Underage and binge drinking also pose many problems for families in Fairfax County. And prescription drug abuse is the fastest-growing drug problem among youth and young adults – an epidemic, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

However, parents should know that the majority of our youth and young adults report that they do not choose to use drugs or alcohol. So the old adage of “…everyone is doing it,” is just not the truth.

Mixed messages abound, and as parents, we need to consider our own behavior, our family values and keeping the lines of communication open with our children. The conversation should be had as early as 5th grade and should be repeated often when teachable moments present themselves, and especially as children transition from elementary to middle school, middle school to high school, and high school to college.

There is no panacea, no one thing, no magic words to keep your kids safe and drug free. Some of us are drawn to addictive behaviors or have other issues that leave us susceptible to negative influences. There is no easy answer, nor one answer that fits us all.

As parents, educate yourselves on current trends concerning youth, talk to your children, and be open to discussing or listening to the issues important to them. Try to set a good example, recognizing that our children watch what we do, not just what we say. Help your children find healthy and fun ways to alleviate the stresses that make up daily life (particularly in Northern Virginia!). Encourage them to be productive and useful to others.

The Unified Prevention Coalition of Fairfax County is a great resource for helpful information and resources, and the nonprofit group is looking for parents and others to join and get involved in promoting a healthy and drug free community in Fairfax County for youth and young adults. Visit the website www.unifiedpreventioncoalition.org and “like” the group on Facebook at www.facebook.com/unifiedpreventioncoalition.

Lisa Adler is the president of the Unified Prevention Coalition of Fairfax County and has been involved in prevention and substance abuse work for nearly 20 years.

The Unified Prevention Coalition of Fairfax County is a nonprofit organization with more than 50 community partners working together to keep youth and young adults safe and drug-free. Visit www.unifiedpreventioncoalition.org.

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Re: Don't Drink or Drive [WARNING: Gore]
Posted by: Enrico Palazzo ()
Date: September 13, 2013 11:11AM

Are he died?

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Re: Don't Drink or Drive [WARNING: Gore]
Posted by: asdfdasfasdasfd ()
Date: September 13, 2013 01:46PM

Sorry, I was texting... Wrote:
> I'll take a drunk on the road over some fucktard
> texting any time...

Yes, that's another big problem.

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Re: Don't Drink or Drive [WARNING: Gore]
Posted by: factoid ()
Date: September 13, 2013 06:01PM

das be donya! Wrote:
> Drunk driving is Russia is dangerous as hell.
> Imagine the series of events that take place that
> end with your dead body in a billboard. Nasty.
> Seat belts apparently haven't been invented yet
> over there. But I get it....Vodka.

Dude, it's an anti-DUI billboard. There was no accident.

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Re: Don't Drink or Drive [WARNING: Gore]
Posted by: das be donya! ()
Date: September 13, 2013 06:05PM

factoid Wrote:
> das be donya! Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Drunk driving is Russia is dangerous as hell.
> > Imagine the series of events that take place
> that
> > end with your dead body in a billboard. Nasty.
> > Seat belts apparently haven't been invented yet
> > over there. But I get it....Vodka.
> Dude, it's an anti-DUI billboard. There was no
> accident.

It was a joke like your life. Get used to it!

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Re: Don't Drink or Drive [WARNING: Gore]
Posted by: Bike Accident ()
Date: September 13, 2013 06:07PM

Bits and pieces post bike-accident

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Re: Don't Drink or Drive [WARNING: Gore]
Posted by: Uh ()
Date: September 13, 2013 08:07PM

That biker just went to pieces.

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Re: Don't Drink or Drive [WARNING: Gore]
Posted by: yupyup ()
Date: September 13, 2013 09:39PM

chinks are the worst drivers in this area by far!

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Re: Don't Drink or Drive [WARNING: Gore]
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: September 13, 2013 10:33PM

I found all the pieces but his head?

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Re: Don't Drink or Drive [WARNING: Gore]
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: September 14, 2013 12:46AM

Was she supposed to be a gang member?


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Re: Don't Drink or Drive [WARNING: Gore]
Posted by: Skateboarder ()
Date: September 14, 2013 12:34PM


Honestly, far worse shit than that can happen to me if I ever fall off of my skateboard while going down a hill too fast.

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Re: Don't Drink or Drive [WARNING: Gore]
Posted by: Vexxxed ()
Date: September 14, 2013 01:34PM

Skateboarder Wrote:
> Honestly, far worse shit than that can happen to
> me if I ever fall off of my skateboard while going
> down a hill too fast.

Really? Wow!

My attitude towards skateboard idiots has now turned 180 degrees.

Please explain one thing though, what is worse than dismemberment and death?

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Re: Don't Drink or Drive [WARNING: Gore]
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: September 14, 2013 01:50PM

Ive never seen a skateboarder get decapitated. I do know of one fucktard skater who was being pulled by a pick up truck and fell under the rear tire and got his head squashed.

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Re: Don't Drink or Drive [WARNING: Gore]
Posted by: Skateboarder ()
Date: September 14, 2013 02:41PM




You fuckers have never heard of the big air ramp before?
Its just you and your skateboard flying high up in the air.
Trust me, pictures dont do it justice.

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Re: Don't Drink or Drive [WARNING: Gore]
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: September 14, 2013 02:55PM

That's cool, but it still doesnt compare to crashing into a tree and putting your head (and sometimes your whole body) thru the windshield.

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Re: Don't Drink or Drive [WARNING: Gore]
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: September 14, 2013 02:58PM

Are skateboarders expecting sympathy? It's an inherent risk of something you actively chose to do. It's like a skydiver with a parachute that fails to open, you knew the risks.

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