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Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
to All Murderer's and Homicidal Maniacs.
You are all most cordially invited to The Lamb Center. We will give you extra special time and attention with you especially. Any and all available help is always reserved with extra special loving care for all murderer's & homicidal maniacs. Just ask James Ware. He is living proof of this!
The Truth has caught up with you! It ran right over your dumb ass! And is now in the far lead! You better hurry up! Looks like to us you will lose the race!
> It is here. It is real. It lives at The Lamb
> Center.
"It" aka Billy doesn't. The only guest, that's right, the only in all these years, to be banned from the property. You've got to be a complete ungrateful loser to end up with that result LOL
Just ignore that useless t.o., Billy.
You ARE our Hero Perfect!
We all know about Tough One's admitted confessions about how she is a homosexual, a chronic masturbator. A substance abuser with a shriveled up pickled brain.
No one pay's any attention to Tough One's or the other's like her posts!
We love you Billy!
Do not be discouraged by these freak show girls like T.O.!
Who has beened banned from there t.o.?
Not me! Not Billy.
So that makes you ALL ASS. So you are ENDED now as anyone to pay any attention to.
You are nothing but a self admitted, confessed homosexual chronic masturbator. A substance abusing alcoholic with a shriveled up pickled piece of shit for a brain.
And you were obviously an idiot moron before you even got started destroying what little brains you had to start with.
Now it is quite obvious you are close to being clinically declared brain dead. Totally.
Now. Don't go away mad. Just go away. No one is in the slightest interested in your brainless postings. By you or the others like you.
Try quitting all that substance abuse. The chronic masturbating. The freak show homo pervert act. Straighten up and fly right for a few years. Try to walk in the path of Jesus instead of the path of Satan himself like you are doing now for a change. Then come back and let us know how you are doing.
Faggot Tough One.
At the Lamb Center! Come one, come all! Near the dumpster! In the parking garage! Billy sucks dicks there! Billy is gay! Billy loves the cock! The cock! At the Lamb Center! Bring your dicks! Billy will suck them! At the Lamb Center!
ASSumption. ALLegation. inuEND Wrote:
> Who has beened banned from there t.o.?
> Not me! Not Billy.
> So that makes you ALL ASS. So you are ENDED now
> as anyone to pay any attention to.
> You are nothing but a self admitted, confessed
> homosexual chronic masturbator. A substance
> abusing alcoholic with a shriveled up pickled
> piece of shit for a brain.
> And you were obviously an idiot moron before you
> even got started destroying what little brains you
> had to start with.
> Now it is quite obvious you are close to being
> clinically declared brain dead. Totally.
> Now. Don't go away mad. Just go away. No one is
> in the slightest interested in your brainless
> postings. By you or the others like you.
> Try quitting all that substance abuse. The
> chronic masturbating. The freak show homo pervert
> act. Straighten up and fly right for a few years.
> Try to walk in the path of Jesus instead of the
> path of Satan himself like you are doing now for a
> change. Then come back and let us know how you
> are doing.
> Faggot Tough One.
I hope your typing skills are decent, with all of your wasted posts. Wouldn't want to hold you up from doing real work or being productive. :)
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/15/2014 05:18AM by Tough One.
a revived invitation to Wrote:
> All murderer's and homicidal maniacs. You are all
> most extra cordially invited to The Lamb Center!
> Where you will get extra special help and
> attention in the utmost!
> At The Lamb Center we love you!
Word on the street is you've gotten a lot of attention from Bill Abel Bill. Perhaps you should stop sucking him off for crack, as both are bad, disgusting habits.
Tough One Wrote:
> a revived invitation to Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > All murderer's and homicidal maniacs. You are
> all
> > most extra cordially invited to The Lamb
> Center!
> > Where you will get extra special help and
> > attention in the utmost!
> > At The Lamb Center we love you!
> Word on the street is you've gotten a lot of
> attention from Bill Abel Bill. Perhaps you should
> stop sucking him off for crack, as both are bad,
> disgusting habits.
Bill Abel is your friend you chill with him. And now you talking shit about him, fucking his name and practically calling him a crackhead!!
Open Your Mind! Wrote:
> Open Your Mind! T.O.!
> Every day is a learning process in life!
> Yet you, t.o., and others like you just simply
> refuse to accept the fact that you do not know it
> all! You refuse to take in added info and
> knowledge to refine your limited intelligence.
> So. Today. Just think. Your intellect will never
> increase from what it is today!
> And the tortoise will relish in his daily increase
> of it over you.
> So Run Rabbit Run! Keep running from it faster!
> And make it snappy!
Have I ever claimed to know everything? Nope, but I got a stable job of 12 plus years, and quite a happy family. Good luck on your journey Billy.
Tough One Wrote:
> Have I ever claimed to know everything? Nope, but
> I got a stable job of 12 plus years, and quite a
> happy family. Good luck on your journey Billy.
Showing off that you have a job and family to a crackhead on Ffx U... You must be one of those good christians we keep hearing about
Tough one! The Lamb! Wrote:
> Tough One Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> >
> > Have I ever claimed to know everything? Nope,
> but
> > I got a stable job of 12 plus years, and quite
> a
> > happy family. Good luck on your journey Billy.
> Showing off that you have a job and family to a
> crackhead on Ffx U... You must be one of those
> good christians we keep hearing about
Billy its spelled Christian. You should know that, since you claim to be religious all of the time. I'm far from perfect, but I don't rant at someone for four years with baseless accusations.
It was interesting at the TLC today, as I mentioned your name, no one cared. That is a shame, but they've forgotten about you.
Brainwashed Idiots! Wrote:
Brain damaged probably after laughing at all of your nonsensical posts, that have zero credibility. I'm warming up to you Billy, and applaud you for being the biggest loser I've ever heard of. Its your choice of course, so feel free to keep making all of us laugh. If you got a job, got clean, I'd be proud of you, but you chose to go the wrong direction in your life. Your fault.
THE lamb center thread Wrote:
> And all of its affiliated threads have a huge
> amount of creditability, t.o.. Much more than
> you, for sure.
> It is you that is the confessed substance abusing
> alcoholic wino drunk that is brain damaged if
> anyone here is!
That's the pot calling the kettle black, don't you think Billy?
What you are T.O..
And you are a self confessed, REPETATIVELY now, substance abusing alcoholic wino chronicly masturbating homosexual.
Now Run Rabbit. Run!
And like his manly truth saying, t.o..
You are a self confessed substance abusing alcoholic chronic masturbating homosexual. We have been reading your posts and see your multiple confessions of this.
You, t.o., are going to rot in your own hell in this life. And thereafter. For your lies and deceit.
Go away t.o.. No one likes you anywhere on this website.
> And like his manly truth saying, t.o..
> You are a self confessed substance abusing
> alcoholic chronic masturbating homosexual. We
> have been reading your posts and see your multiple
> confessions of this.
> You, t.o., are going to rot in your own hell in
> this life. And thereafter. For your lies and
> deceit.
> Go away t.o.. No one likes you anywhere on this
> website.
Its okay Billy, I've got enough friends. Your voices would eventually tire me out. But much to your chagrin I'll be hanging out here, because you are flat out too funny. "We" have been reading your posts, man those voices must be working overtime, albeit without any income.
Hey guy, I just wanna know, WTF is a chronic masturbator? What qualifies one as a chronic masturbator. Are there any specific quanities of masturbation sessions that should not be crossed? Is masturbation a bad thing? A sin? Have I been unknowingly violating a divine spirit all this time?
A chronic masturbater is one who is simply forever masturbating every chance he or she gets. Every spare moment of her or his day and night.
Got it? Get it? Good.
Now. RockHound. STFU!
Rockhound Wrote:
> Hey guy, I just wanna know, WTF is a chronic
> masturbator? What qualifies one as a chronic
> masturbator. Are there any specific quanities of
> masturbation sessions that should not be crossed?
> Is masturbation a bad thing? A sin? Have I been
> unknowingly violating a divine spirit all this
> time?
LOL, wondering why this morning I've got a great left arm like Popeye, and might right one looks like an Ethiopian's.
Tough One's above post is typical of many she has posted.
This is precisely an added confession of the fact that she is no tough one at all.
It is further proof. An added admittance to the fact that she IS the chronic masturbator that she is!
Thank you so very much.
And please take note of this as this thread, along with other's on this website this so called tough one frequents, where these true confessions accumulate. Adding more and more conviction that this so called tough one is nothing less than a very sick minded walking disease of mankind spreading across this nation!
once in a while is normal Wrote:
> A chronic masturbater is one who is simply forever
> masturbating every chance he or she gets. Every
> spare moment of her or his day and night.
Oh crap, I better start keeping my masturbating tendencies hush hush
> Got it?
I got it, thanks.
> Get it?
I told you, I got it.
> Good.
> Now. RockHound.
Hey! You can't silence me! I am seeking the truth!
The Lamb Center! Rabbits! Yeehaw!
Please Note, Everyone! Wrote:
> Tough One's above post is typical of many she has
> posted.
> This is precisely an added confession of the fact
> that she is no tough one at all.
> It is further proof. An added admittance to the
> fact that she IS the chronic masturbator that she
> is!
> Thank you so very much.
> And please take note of this as this thread, along
> with other's on this website this so called tough
> one frequents, where these true confessions
> accumulate. Adding more and more conviction that
> this so called tough one is nothing less than a
> very sick minded walking disease of mankind
> spreading across this nation!
Imaginary Hallucinations Wrote:
> We just wanted to say hello baby girl tough one!
> We know you are so lonely.
> Hehehehe heheh!
I'm happy all of your voices are working Billy
depiction of anger? Wrote:
> Is that a depiction of anger we see in your pix
> post t.o.?
> Frustration?
> Yes, t.o.. We all understand how dealing with the
> truth can be so extremely frustrating with someone
> like you!
LOL! At least I didn't get kicked out of the Lamb Center, and am welcome just like everyone else except you. Hilarious.
Hi! it is me again, Tough One! Wrote:
> Oh! Billy! You know how much I for real love you
> more than anything else in this whole wide world
> and universe!
> And I JUST want to suck your huge manly cock to
> orgasmic ecstasy! And sallow that Big Billy Load!
> Hmmmmmm!
Billy per "Don't Ask Don't Tell Regulations", I'd prefer that you not discuss what you and Bill Able engage in.
> )
> In which explains her schizoid postings. Her
> obsession with this imaginary hallucination
> fixated on a non existent 'Billy'. Etc. Etc. -
Another Billy # 13 Wrote:
> That's just t.o.'s personal abbreviations to her
> own personal language. And no one has a clue what
> t.o.'s "LMAO" abbreviation means. t.o. is living
> in her own little world thinking we are all in
> violation of being anywhere near her planet
> UrAnus. T.O. owns her planet UrAnus. Is the
> center of her planet Uranus. In the center of her
> Universe is her planet Uranus. And you and the
> rest of us are a distant dweeb of a barely
> noticeable dimly lit satellite on the other side
> of the Andromeda Galaxy that t.o. never even
> notices. It's all about t.o.'s Anus. And then
> t.o. try's to convince us all she is not that way.
> ( Anul )
Tough One The Gone Anul Wrote:
Sorry you are having a rough week Billy. I will try to remember you tonight, when out on the town, and realize how lucky I am to have a positive attitude.
Feel about you being 'out on the town' neglecting your paternal duty's? Do you have your children's college education accounts all paid up with inflation in mind?
Oh! We Billy's forgot! You have no mind!
Hahaha hayahaha!
How does your husband and kids Wrote:
> Feel about you being 'out on the town' neglecting
> your paternal duty's? Do you have your children's
> college education accounts all paid up with
> inflation in mind?
> Oh! We Billy's forgot! You have no mind!
> Hahaha hayahaha!
Why such anger Billy? You are right its Gods fault, my fault, and Dave Larabee's fault. We are plotting against you each and every day, every moment and second, day and night.
So what! Wrote:
> STFU T.O.!
Kick back and relax Billy, such hostility. If it makes you feel better, I just had a great night out in D.C. A shame I didn't have you picked up and brought down to the FBI headquarters, so you could turn me in for all of the bullshit you type :)
hey everybody! Wrote:
> You gotta see T.O.'s new, fresh confession on the
> Child Molester thread! It's just totally insane!
Yes. I was fudge packing Wrote:
> T.O. silly and when I pulled out my penis was
> covered in diarea that smelt so bad I barfed!
So eloquent Billy. Can you post a longer one?