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Why does fairfax underground attract so many of the mentally ill?
Posted by: Dr. Doom ()
Date: August 31, 2013 03:58PM





Im sure there are many more...

What is it about this place that they like so much?

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Re: Why does fairfax underground attract so many of the mentally ill?
Posted by: and many more ()
Date: August 31, 2013 04:04PM

you forgot,





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Re: Why does fairfax underground attract so many of the mentally ill?
Posted by: Tough One ()
Date: August 31, 2013 04:05PM

Bleh is mentally ill?

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Re: Why does fairfax underground attract so many of the mentally ill?
Posted by: Mr. Misery made this thread ()
Date: August 31, 2013 04:22PM

You conveniently forgot one HUGE ONE: MR. MISERY?!?!?!?

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Re: Why does fairfax underground attract so many of the mentally ill?
Posted by: Wackadoodle doo ()
Date: August 31, 2013 04:26PM

WHo's the guy who is always posting pictures about planting trees in some stupid ass little garden? He's a wackadoodle.

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Re: Why does fairfax underground attract so many of the mentally ill?
Posted by: nah ()
Date: August 31, 2013 04:30PM

Tough One Wrote:
> Bleh is mentally ill?

No, I don't think so. He's just crazy.

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Re: Why does fairfax underground attract so many of the mentally ill?
Posted by: GO FUCK YOURSELF ()
Date: August 31, 2013 04:36PM

GO & FUCK YOURSELF MOTHERFUCKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Why does fairfax underground attract so many of the mentally ill?
Posted by: svennestle. ()
Date: August 31, 2013 04:37PM

As a Fairfax resident, I clearly see the guiding light and path of truth where being gay in the military is something that is frowned upon in most, actually virtually all developed societies and online discussion locations, including forums, chat boards, and my local library. You should not experiment with homosexual adultery because it can get you banned in public stores and restaurants unless it is a place that encourages homosexual behavior. As a very conservative American and proud resident of the Commonwealth of Virginia, I highly doubt any place does support something so irritating and annoying, anything can exist, but not really because unless you are in heaven then that can happen. But no one actually knows that was just a hypothesis, a lame one that is. Actually not really lame. You can create a homosexual supporting site, but you would be hated if you do that, so do not. But you can if you like, but I discourage that. Now on to the actual information of homosexuality. The gay culture was invented when the Internet was invented, but actually it was slow at that time. So whenever it became fast. But there would need to be some free or not free community for people, and that community would be able to have gay sex. But that community probably wouldn't have actually invented the homosexual. So basically, no one except God and Al Gore knows when or where or how the gays existed/was invented. Noobs probably invented, but probably not. Who knows. Gay people are usually filled with a lot of useless information and junk. Information and junk can be the same, but only if the information is junk or the junk is information. But who cares. The information/junk inside a gay website are usually related to wherever the homosexual is located, but the best Homosexuals, which are actually the most irritating, most eye-bleeding ones, are completely random. Homosexuals usually make the reader asplode or have their eyes bleed and fall out of their sockets. A number of people can stand it, but not read them. Actually some people can stand and read them. Those people do not have short attention spans. These are boring and patient people who have no life or have all the time in their hands, which are the same, but not really. The punishment of what making Homosexuals varies of the strictness of the community. But it doesn't really matter. Nobody cares. Homosexuals should be free of links, different font colors, strange characters, which are those other symbols used in society, and capital letters because it ruins the whole purpose of the infamy of Homosexuals. It makes them look fucking dumb and weird. Homosexuals are obviously free of huge spaces and outstanding things like capital letters. Of course, paragraphs should never be in a homosexual. Homosexuals are known to create nausea, confusion, head explosion, and others. The others being something I can not think of either because I am lazy or if I do not feel like it or I can not actually think of anything. Like what the fuck? That was a rhetorical question right there. What the fuck? You are actually not requesting a satisfactory answer, you just say that because you try to be funny or you feel like it or if you are pissed off. You must get a proper bitch-slapping to stop making Homosexuals, but if you are weird then that doesn't apply to you. Homosexuals are defeated by deleting them or splitting them into paragraphs. Or some other things that would work but will take hours to think of. People are considered a nuisance if they create Homosexuals. This might be the end. If you hope this is the end, I am not sure. But if I was not sure then I wouldn't be talking. I should know. Or should I? The best way to make a better and good homosexual is to copy and paste what you previously typed or write. Hey, that reminds me. Homosexuals aren't always on the internet! They could be anywhere that is able to produce symbols. D'oh. A homosexual is something that is frowned upon in most, actually virtually all Internet societies, including forums, chat boards, and Uncyclopedia. You should not make Homosexuals because it can get you banned anywhere unless it is a place that encourages Homosexuals. I highly doubt any place does support something so irritating and annoying, but anything can exist, but not really because unless you are in heaven then that can happen. But no one actually knows that was just a hypothesis, a lame one that is. Actually not really lame. You can created a homosexual supporting site, but you would be hated if you do that, so do not. But you can if you like, but I discourage that. Now on to the actual information of Homosexuals. The homosexual was invented when the Internet was invented, but actually it was slow at that time. So whenever it became fast. But there would need to be some free or not free community for people, and that community would be able to have Homosexuals. But that community probably wouldn't have actually invented the homosexual. So basically, no one except God and Al Gore knows when or where or how the homosexual existed/was invented. Noobs probably invented, but probably not. Who knows. Homosexuals are usually filled with a lot of useless information and junk. Information and junk can be the same, but only if the information is junk or the junk is information. But who cares. The information/junk inside a homosexual are usually related to wherever the homosexual is located, but the best Homosexuals, which are actually the most irritating, most eye-bleeding ones, are completely random. Homosexuals usually make the reader explode or have their eyes bleed and fall out of their sockets. A number of people can stand it, but not read them. Actually some people can stand and read them. Those people do not have short attention spans. These are boring and patient people who have no life or have all the time in their hands, which are the same, but not really. The punishment of what making Homosexuals varies of the strictness of the community. But it doesn't really matter. Nobody cares. Homosexuals should be free of links, different font colors, strange characters, which are those other symbols used in society, and capital letters because it ruins the whole purpose of the infamy of Homosexuals. It makes them look fucking dumb and weird and dumb. Homosexuals are obviously free of huge spaces and outstanding things like capital letters. Of course, paragraphs should never be in a homosexual. Homosexuals are known to create nausea, confusion, head explosion, and others. The others being something I can not think of either because I am lazy or if I do not feel like it or I can not actually think of anything. Like what the fuck? That was a rhetorical question right there. What the fuck? You are actually not requesting a satisfactory answer, you just say that because you try to be funny or you feel like it or if you are pissed off. Now I just copied and pasted part of this huge homosexual, which is actually not. Wait what? Nice right? Ba boom a rhetorical question right there. Is this the end for the sanity of your eyes? What the fuck did you actually read up to here? Or did you skip to near the end and read this? Either way, you fail in life. Just kidding. Or was I? Oh well. Congratulations, or not, actually not. Get a life right now. I found a cheap life on eBay, but cheap lives are rare. Well, good luck in finding one. Not! Okay go kill yourself, but I wasn't meaning that. So go sit in the corner in your house. I do not care which, just stay there and rot. If you are not in a place with a corner, then lucky you. Find one if you can. There is no other option because I said so. Now if you pity yourself for reading this like most do, then do something productive and useful to the environment. My goodness. OK this is me here. I am starting a new section of this article. I didn't read anything in this article above here, but nevermind, because I have something important to say, and you really have to read this. So just skip everything above and just come to this part and start reading and agreeing. The homosexual was invented by engineers using typewriters. Everything was in typewriter font (because it was made on typewriters - remember when I explained that in the previous sentence?) and the point was to use all of the paper, because paper was very expensive back then, it had just been invented I think. So anyway, the point was, no margins at the top or bottom or sides. If you left a quarter inch on the sides of the paper, that was very bad. And the guiding principle was "This was hard to write, so it should be hard to read". Because they were software engineers, not writing engineers. Is there even such a thing a writing engineers? Probably. But anyway, please go back to the top of this article and read it over again. You'll get the point after you read it for approx. 10 to 15 times. OK have you done that now? Good. Now let's be honest - you're not reading down this far. Are you? Nobody would read down this far, unless they were a crazy person. Are you a crazy person? You might be. Now I'm afraid - it's just me alone with a crazy person. No one else has read down this far, just you, so it's just the two of us alone together here. Are you going to do something crazy? Maybe you will. Please don't hurt me. If you promise not to hurt me, I'll give a coupon good for a free Grand Slam Breakfast at Denny's. OK? Now just do this one thing for me, read the article over again, just one more time, and if you really truly don't agree with everything in it, then fine, I'll retire from my job with the railroad and we'll call the whole thing off and just go dancing, just the two of use, me (the writer) and you (a completely random crazy person who has actually read down this far), and boy won't we turn heads when we show up at Rockefeller Center with the entire Donner Party in tow! We'll dance all night to strains of the Lemon Pipers while the Italian 12th Armored Division prevents the Allies from thrusting into our rear! Ah, what memories we'll make, I'll never forget you, my completely insane random person. By the way this is magnificent example of homosexual. You have to be proud you read it all. Now please read article again, and this time pay attention.

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Re: Why does fairfax underground attract so many of the mentally ill?
Posted by: Mark Mac ()
Date: August 31, 2013 04:39PM

You make a list and leave out gerrymanderer the biggest corky of them all. gerry has a suite in the no va training center.

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Re: Why does fairfax underground attract so many of the mentally ill?
Posted by: gerry is odd ()
Date: August 31, 2013 04:42PM

Mark Mac Wrote:
> You make a list and leave out gerrymanderer the
> biggest corky of them all. gerry has a suite in
> the no va training center.

OMG, yes, he's weird, if not mentally ill.

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Re: Why does fairfax underground attract so many of the mentally ill?
Posted by: freaks ()
Date: August 31, 2013 04:43PM

Notice how all the liberals posting on this forum are mentally ill?

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Re: Why does fairfax underground attract so many of the mentally ill?
Posted by: fixed it for ya ()
Date: August 31, 2013 04:57PM

freaks Wrote:
> Notice how all the liberals are mentally ill?

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Re: Why does fairfax underground attract so many of the mentally ill?
Posted by: _Eyedea_ ()
Date: August 31, 2013 05:04PM

Dr. Doom Wrote:
> Spunky
> Bleh
> 2Concerned
> svennestle
> Im sure there are many more...
> What is it about this place that they like so
> much?

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Re: Why does fairfax underground attract so many of the mentally ill?
Posted by: James Cook ()
Date: August 31, 2013 05:07PM

Hiyaaa folks it's big gut NASCAR , Tabacco chewing, whisky drinkin fool James Cook

I have a question ?

Is Brett Davenport mentally ill?

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Re: Why does fairfax underground attract so many of the mentally ill?
Posted by: Bubba ()
Date: August 31, 2013 05:19PM

Looks just like Bubba from Forrest Gump. Then again, all black people look the same to me.

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Re: Why does fairfax underground attract so many of the mentally ill?
Posted by: BEH ()
Date: August 31, 2013 07:23PM

This is where we are accepted and understood by one another.

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Re: Why does fairfax underground attract so many of the mentally ill?
Posted by: Because of ()
Date: August 31, 2013 07:56PM

Because they are Jewish.

Many Jews have mental issues.

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Re: Why does fairfax underground attract so many of the mentally ill?
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: August 31, 2013 09:08PM

I feel sorry for svennestle, I wish I could bring him home and take him under my wing.

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Re: Why does fairfax underground attract so many of the mentally ill?
Posted by: under my wing ()
Date: August 31, 2013 09:21PM

eesh Wrote:
> I feel sorry for svennestle, I wish I could bring
> him home and take him under my wing.


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Re: Why does fairfax underground attract so many of the mentally ill?
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: August 31, 2013 09:32PM

It's free

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Re: Why does fairfax underground attract so many of the mentally ill?
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: August 31, 2013 09:43PM

I would let svennestle live in the basement and together we could work on getting rid of his demons.

eesh basement.jpg

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Re: Why does fairfax underground attract so many of the mentally ill?
Posted by: Ralph Pootawn ()
Date: August 31, 2013 09:46PM

under my wing Wrote:
> eesh Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I feel sorry for svennestle, I wish I could
> bring
> > him home and take him under my wing.
> src=http://www.boingboing.net/filesroot/102802muha
> mmadjohnmalvojohn.jpg>

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Re: Why does fairfax underground attract so many of the mentally ill?
Posted by: Numbers ()
Date: August 31, 2013 09:47PM

Isn't that the basement Alias filmed her doll scenes in?

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Re: Why does fairfax underground attract so many of the mentally ill?
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: September 01, 2013 01:50AM

Dr. Doom Wrote:
> Spunky
> Bleh
> 2Concerned
> svennestle
> Im sure there are many more...
> What is it about this place that they like so
> much?

Perhaps I'll explain my attraction, but you'll have to go first.

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Re: Why does fairfax underground attract so many of the mentally ill?
Posted by: JMU Good Squad ()
Date: September 01, 2013 01:59AM

The best of the best at JMU

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Re: Why does fairfax underground attract so many of the mentally ill?
Posted by: Alias ()
Date: September 01, 2013 02:21AM

Numbers Wrote:
> Isn't that the basement Alias filmed her doll
> scenes in?

Yes, but I'm not listed as mentally ill ..... and you are.

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Re: Why does fairfax underground attract so many of the mentally ill?
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: September 01, 2013 02:33AM

Alias Wrote:

> Yes, but I'm not listed as mentally ill ..... and
> you are.

That's because you made most of the posts in this thread.

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Re: Why does fairfax underground attract so many of the mentally ill?
Posted by: Alias ()
Date: September 01, 2013 02:49AM

eesh Wrote:
> Alias Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> > Yes, but I'm not listed as mentally ill .....
> and
> > you are.
> That's because you made most of the posts in this
> thread.

eesh, that doesn't make sense.

Is Numbers there?

Wake him up....... you shouldn't be wandering about.

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Re: Why does fairfax underground attract so many of the mentally ill?
Posted by: Is Kollizion mentally illy ()
Date: September 01, 2013 04:25AM

Is he mentally ill like the cruel and evil James Cook?

James cook is
Tabacco chewing racist redneck fool
Whisky drinking
NASCAR couch laying
Harley riding
Scared individual
5 foot tall redneck racist fool

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Re: Why does fairfax underground attract so many of the mentally ill?
Posted by: Alias ()
Date: September 01, 2013 04:49AM

refer to my post above.

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